The similarity of the universe and brain cells. Brain and universe


Researchers of paranormal phenomena have no doubt that the mysterious sudden disappearances of people, cars, planes, ships, as well as the appearance of UFOs, are associated with the transition from our world to another, parallel (or parallel Universe). The secret of a large number of "paranormal" mysteries is connected with this transition.

Official science tends to ignore such an explanation, since the existing physical models of the Earth and the Universe do not fit the parallel existence of several independent worlds. But research on the human brain has suddenly yielded stunning results.

For centuries it was believed that the human brain functions as a single whole, which loses its abilities in the event of any violations of its structure. Later it turned out that, if necessary, some fragments of the brain take over the functions of damaged areas. But this did not cause any revolutionary changes in views on the functioning of our central nervous system However, it was a great surprise to discover that in some cases a person can live, even in the case of atrophy or removal of the pineal gland (pineal gland), it turns out that part of our brain is a kind of “brain in the brain”.

But the real shock came when it was experimentally proved that breaking the connections between the left and right hemispheres of the brain has practically no effect on the mental and functional abilities of a person, and on occasion this method can even cure epilepsy. No one has yet been able to find an intelligible explanation for this phenomenon.

Neuroscientists Roger Sperry and Michael Gazzaniga studied the reactions of people who had ever artificially disrupted the connection between the hemispheres of the brain for the treatment of epilepsy. These studies led them to the idea to separately study the reactions of each hemisphere to the perception of visual images. They used the fact that the nerve fibers that carry signals from the eyes to the brain are arranged in such a way that the signal from the right eye goes to the left hemisphere, and from the left eye to the right hemisphere of the brain.

The people with whom the experiment was conducted were shown images on the screen: first from the left side, then from the right. At some point, instead of a frame with an image, a picture appeared with an inscription: “Who are you?” The right half reacted: "Peter Samson." The left one, when the inscription was shown on the right side, confirmed this. The next question “sounded” like this: “Who would you like to be?” The right hemisphere formulated the answer: "racing driver." And the left one answered: "draftsman"!

The scientists were stunned. Further research showed that, beyond any doubt, each of the hemispheres represents a separate personality. This person has his own dreams, memories, knowledge and emotions. And it turns out that the holistic functioning of the human brain consists of two separate equal "worlds" - that is, as it probably happens in the Universe ...

This discovery by two neurophysiologists accidentally confirmed a hypothesis that had long been expressed by some physicists, mathematicians and astronomers who built their own models of the Universe, and for researchers of the paranormal, this idea has long been fundamental. In short, it became clear that there are at least two parallel worlds in the brain.

Neurophysiologist Paul McLean argues in his works that the human brain consists of three independent areas, "nested" on top of each other, like a nesting doll, and each of them lives according to its own "clock". Their role is played by a group of nerve cells located in the depths of the brain, which are called the "crossing nucleus". The electrical impulses in this place show amazing regularity. Neuroscientist Colin Blackmore says they remind him of the ticking of a clock. But how do these clocks function without interfering with each other and “ticking” at their own rhythm? Alas, Blackmore embarrassedly admits that he cannot say anything definite. But no one will be surprised if one fine day it is scientifically established that each of these independent "brains" controls an independent body ... parallel to those existing in our body! And it does not matter - the physical, corporal body, or mental, incorporeal. And in this case, the possibility of independent travel - for example, in a dream - of one of these bodies to other worlds will become a scientific fact ...

Another mystery of the human brain is related to the possibility outside of rational knowledge - the so-called intuition. “Intuition told me that it was necessary to do this and that, but something held me back.” Almost every one of us has heard such words: once again a person did not listen to intuition, trusted the crafty voice of reason, and once again got into a mess...

What is intuition? This mysterious inner voice constantly interferes with our actions. The voice prompts: do so, it will be the best option. The voice whispers: trust this man. Or vice versa, the voice warns: be careful!

Intuitive knowledge has nothing to do with the laws of logic. Logical thinking is based on collecting information, analyzing facts, establishing a causal relationship between them and formulating conclusions. Intuition, on the other hand, suggests a ready-made answer, appearing as if "it is not known where."

"The first thought is the most correct." This position has long become an indisputable folk wisdom that has become part of sayings and proverbs. This “best first thought” is actually a glimmer of intuition pointing in the right direction.

What the people have long ago learned empirically and adopted, as they say, into service, has recently begun to be confirmed by scientific experiments. It has been established that people with developed intuition are able to quickly navigate in the most difficult situations and instantly make error-free decisions. In some experiments, groups of subjects were asked to perform a variety of tasks - with numbers, words, pictures - each of which contained some kind of gap in information. The subjects had to "restore" this gap. The results showed that those who followed the "logical" path invariably failed. Some tried to solve the task by "poke method", at random. And only a few came to the correct result with the help of intuition!

Scientists associate intuitive thinking with the work of the right hemisphere of the brain. This should indicate that left-handed people (the right hemisphere of the brain "manages" the left side of the body, and vice versa) should have better developed intuition. And indeed! In numerous tests of intuition, left-handers always perform better than the “right-handed” majority. Until recently, "left-handedness" was considered a defect that they tried to correct with the help of medicine, and children - young left-handers - were seriously "educated" in "right-handed" traditions: parents were worried that they were growing "defective" children. Meanwhile, the great Leonardo da Vinci was left-handed, and this did not stop him from writing La Gioconda.

We, however, live in a “right-handed” civilization. All the objects around us are adapted to the right hand. The system of education and upbringing is designed from childhood to develop the left half of the brain in us - that is, logic, rational thinking. “Only without speculation, please rely on data” - this dry phrase, a kind of slogan of a “right-handed” civilization, sounds like a refrain throughout life. And intuitive thinking is relegated to the back of consciousness ...

Why did it happen? After all, human nature contains both rational and spiritual principles. And the method of spiritual knowledge, which all religions of the world call for development, is called intuition. And rational thinking is pure materialism, a way of existing in "this world." Nobody denies its necessity. But still, “My kingdom is not of this world…” Do you remember whose words these are?

Therefore, intuition, as a method of spiritual knowledge, is immeasurably higher than logic, higher than rational thinking. But, alas, the centuries-old work to expel the spiritual principle from the life of mankind has led to the fact that rationalism has prevailed in the public consciousness and has become the only official method of cognition. Since that time, human civilization has reached the dead end in which it remains to this day. The problems of rationalistic civilization are so blatant, and the discord in the minds caused by them so great, that many seriously believe that the only way out of this impasse will be the notorious "end of the world." These fears are easily explained: it is clear that one-sided, "right-sided" development is not harmonious and in the end leads to distortion in everything - in minds, in souls, in hearts, in mass behavior, in worldview.

The third millennium, obviously, will greatly complicate the tasks facing humanity, and will require the involvement of new forces to solve them. It is clear that these tasks cannot be solved with rationalism elevated to a cult. Fortunately, the fact that the further development of mankind is impossible without the harmonious development of all the creative possibilities inherent in man has recently begun to be recognized. Judge for yourself: after all, a person is a surprisingly symmetrical creature. Is it normal when only its right half actually participates in active creation?

By the way, some cultures of the ancient and Middle Ages, in particular, the early Slavic, were "double-handed" - people could equally use their right and left hands, and both hemispheres of the brain played an equally important role. Both intuition and reason - each in its own field equally served people in the knowledge of an infinitely complex world. God was given to God, and to Caesar - Caesar's

Let's remember how many times we have heard calls to study, discover, realize the hidden possibilities of a person. And where do they lurk, these opportunities? Yes, in the right half of the brain, which is responsible for the left side of the body. Here is the source of intuition, as well as clairvoyance, clairvoyance and all those phenomena that in our "right-sided" civilization are called "paranormal".

So, no matter how much they frighten us with the end of the world, humanity's reserves are still huge. And they lie in the area of ​​intuition - the area that leads to spiritual knowledge. To the knowledge of God...

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Historical site of Bagheera - secrets of history, mysteries of the universe. Secrets of great empires and ancient civilizations, the fate of lost treasures and biographies of people who changed the world, the secrets of special services. Chronicle of the war, description of battles and battles, reconnaissance operations of the past and present. World traditions, modern life in Russia, the unknown USSR, the main directions of culture and other related topics - all that official science is silent about.

Learn the secrets of history - it's interesting ...

Reading now

At all times, under the threat of enemy invasions, people trust their savings to the earth. But due to certain circumstances - most often tragic - the owner may never return for them. And then they become a treasure, which for the time being is kept by an invisible guard - His Majesty the case. A common idea of ​​a treasure is this: a chest full of coins. But there are treasures similar to Ali Baba's fabulous cave, which amaze the imagination with their size. One of these in our time is considered the "gold of Yamashita".

The world has become poorer. More recently, on November 19, 2012, Boris Natanovich Strugatsky passed away. He outlived his older brother, Arkady Natanovich, by 21 years. “The connecting thread of the days has broken”, - exactly so, according to Shakespeare. The path of amazing writers, winners of the impossible, who meant so much not only in literature, but also in the entire spiritual life of our country, has been completed.

We know about this daring rebel, the leader of the rebellious cauldrons, not only from the school history course, but also thanks to the famous song “Beyond the island on the rod”, the text of which was written by folklorist and poet Dmitry Sadovnikov in 1872. It turns out that in 1670-1671, power in most of the Volga fortress cities did not belong to the royal governors at all, but to elected chieftains, associates of Stepan Razin.

On October 26, 1440, in the central square of the city of Nantes, with a large gathering of people, Gilles de Laval, Baron de Rais, was executed. Even the terrible list of crimes read out by the representative of the church court (among them were the murders of children, and alchemy, and - the most terrible! - connection with the prince of darkness), could not serve as an excuse for the method of execution: Gilles de Rais was hanged over a burning fire, and then his charred body was thrown into a simple coffin and carried in disgrace through the streets of the city. True, the criminal belonged to one of the noblest families of France, so they buried him in the Nantes monastery with all due honors.

Among the unofficial symbols of Russia, the palm, of course, belongs to the matryoshka. She is a constant participant in any festivities or fairs, a favorite souvenir for foreigners - a true personification of the "Russian spirit". Her compatriots also love her: it is difficult to find a house in which this painted wooden doll would not be. True, most often the matryoshka simply gathers dust on the shelf, or even lies somewhere on the mezzanine or among old toys. And it's a pity, because, standing idle in this way, the matryoshka is deprived of the opportunity to perform the function assigned to it from the very beginning: to serve as a family amulet.

Throughout the existence of mankind, various artists have shown us the ideal of eternal beauty and eternal femininity. Raphael's Sistine Madonna, Botticelli's Venus, Leonardo da Vinci's Lady with an Ermine - each of us can add to the list with our favorite images. In this row there is also a sculptural portrait of the goddess Aphrodite, in the 4th century BC. created by the sculptor Praxiteles.

The Bible is called the Book of Books for a reason. For believers, it is sacred. For creative people, it serves as an inexhaustible source of inspiration and a storehouse of stories. Some of the art historians even claim that all world literature and painting (as well as cinema, theater, visual arts) are based solely on biblical stories, and writers and artists have not come up with anything else that surpasses them. Historians can find many interesting things in the Bible. There are also technical mysteries. But biblical animals are no less curious. Let's try to figure out what kind of mysterious hippopotamus with a leviathan will be served at the banquet table of the righteous after the Last Judgment? Did the serpent of Eden have legs? In the belly of which fish could the prophet Jonah be hiding?

Probably, you have heard the opinion more than once that a person uses only 3-10 percent of the resources of the brain? So today we will separate myths from reality.
Let's start with a little theory.
The main task of a neuron (nerve cell) is to generate an electrical signal called an action potential, or peak potential, which it successfully does if other neurons excite it sufficiently. The action potential of a single neuron, like lightning, is able to stimulate other neurons. Having come into an excited state, the neurons produce their own signals that "run" and stimulate the next neurons connected to them, thus creating a network of neurons that perform a specific brain function. There is an opinion that we use our brain only by ten percent, but in fact this idea is very simplified. We may not use all the neurons in our brain at the same time, but nonetheless, each of them is extremely important. Throughout a person's life, the brain never turns off or even rests. By the way, he is very active at night, especially when a person dreams. It is impossible to remove even five percent of the brain and still be yourself. The brain is always capable of working at an increased capacity, and don't believe anyone who tells you that ninety percent of the brain is offline.

Brain development is a truly exciting story of creation as genes and environment work together to make us who we are. During pregnancy, at some point, the fetal brain (the embryo from the ninth week of development until birth) creates 250,000 new nerve cells per minute. Babies are born with 100 billion neurons, but only a relatively small number are covered with myelin (connecting channels). In the first ten days of life, an infant's brain forms trillions of connections. Approximately three-quarters of the brain develops outside the womb, in response to the environment and impressions. Nature and nurture always work together.

The brain develops especially rapidly during the first year of life. Brain scans show that by the first year of life, an infant's brain is similar to that of a healthy young adult (ages 18 to 21). By the age of three, trillions of connections have already formed in a child’s brain, and in areas of the brain that develop early (for example, the visual one), myelination (envelopment of myelin) occurs, which helps them become more efficient. The period between three and ten years is a time of rapid social, intellectual, emotional and physical development. Brain activity in this age group is twice that of adults, and although new connections continue to form, the brain will never again be able to master new skills and abilities with the same ease. By the age of ten, the brain begins to quickly reduce unnecessary connections, leaving more specific and efficient circuits. The brain is one of the best examples of the "use it or get rid of it" principle. Connections that are frequently used in the first years of life become permanent, and those that are not used cease to exist.

Throughout late adolescence and up to about age 25, a third of the brain—the prefrontal cortex, or executive brain—continues to develop. Even if we think of eighteen-year-olds as adults, their brain development is far from complete. Myelin continues to be deposited in the prefrontal cortex until the age of 25-26, forcing the executive part of the brain to work at a higher and more efficient level. It is important to understand that smoking, drug addiction, and alcoholism during adolescence and early adulthood can interrupt brain development, in some cases forever.

When it comes to the brain, as they say, “size matters”. You probably know that dinosaur brains were the size of a walnut. The adult human brain weighs between 1,300 and 1,400 grams, while a cat's brain weighs only about 30 grams on average. That's why human curiosity has made it possible to invent ways to fly into space and learn how to treat cancer. But to work properly, the brain needs fuel, oxygen, and stimulation. Just like any other living being, it needs fuel to grow, work and recover. The engine, powered by brain cells, runs on glucose and oxygen. Unlike other cells in the body, brain cells can process only one fuel - glucose, which means that everything that prevents the supply of glucose to brain cells is life-threatening. The brain also needs oxygen to generate energy; without it, the “powerhouse of neurons,” called mitochondria, will not be able to produce enough energy to keep the brain active and prevent it from dying. But since blood delivers glucose and oxygen to the brain, nothing should interfere with normal blood flow to maintain brain health. If the blood stops flowing to the brain, within ten seconds the person will lose consciousness. In addition to blood flow, the human brain needs proper stimulation in order to grow and develop properly during childhood and maintain normal functioning well into old age. If you properly stimulate neurons, you make them more efficient: they perform their function better, and you are more likely to have an “active and learning” brain all your life.

And now, in order to finally plunge you into the abyss of the need for further reflection on this topic, I will attach an interesting illustration to you. On the left - an enlarged image of a brain cell, on the right - modern ideas of astronomers about how our Universe looks like.

That's it, my dear readers. There is something to think about, isn't it?


Researchers of paranormal phenomena have no doubt that the mysterious sudden disappearances of people, cars, planes, ships, as well as the appearance of UFOs, are associated with the transition from our world to another, parallel (or parallel Universe). The secret of a large number of "paranormal" mysteries is connected with this transition.
Official science tends to ignore such an explanation, since the existing physical models of the Earth and the Universe do not fit the parallel existence of several independent worlds. But on the other hand, studies of the human brain suddenly gave stunning results ...

For centuries, it was believed that the human brain functions as a single entity, which loses its abilities in the event of any violations of its structure. Later it turned out that, if necessary, some fragments of the brain take over the functions of the damaged areas. But this did not cause any revolutionary changes in the views on the functioning of our central nervous system. However, the great surprise was the discovery that in some cases a person can live, even in the case of atrophy or removal of the pineal gland (pineal gland): it turns out that part of our brain is a kind of "brain in the brain."

But the real shock came when it was experimentally proved that breaking the connections between the left and right hemispheres of the brain has practically no effect on the mental and functional abilities of a person, and on occasion this method can even cure epilepsy. No one has yet been able to find an intelligible explanation for this phenomenon.

Neuroscientists Roger Sperry and Michael Gazzaniga studied the reactions of people who had ever artificially disrupted the connection between the hemispheres of the brain for the treatment of epilepsy. These studies led them to the idea to separately study the reactions of each hemisphere to the perception of visual images. They used the fact that the nerve fibers that carry signals from the eyes to the brain are arranged in such a way that the signal from the right eye goes to the left hemisphere, and from the left eye to the right hemisphere of the brain.

The people with whom the experiment was conducted were shown images on the screen: first from the left side, then from the right. At some point, instead of a frame with an image, a picture appeared with an inscription: "Who are you?" The right half reacted: "Peter Samson." The left one, when the inscription was shown on the right side, confirmed this. The next question "sounded" like this: "Who would you like to be?" The right hemisphere formulated the answer: "racing driver." And the left one answered: ... a draftsman!

The scientists were stunned. Further research showed that, beyond any doubt, each of the hemispheres represents a separate personality. This person has his own dreams, memories, knowledge and emotions. And it turns out that the integral functioning of the human brain consists of two separate equal "worlds" - that is, as it probably happens in the Universe...

This discovery by two neurophysiologists accidentally confirmed a hypothesis that had long been expressed by some physicists, mathematicians and astronomers who built their own models of the Universe, and for researchers of the paranormal, this idea has long been fundamental. In short, it became clear that there are at least two parallel worlds in the brain.

Neurophysiologist Paul McLean argues in his works that the human brain consists of three independent areas, "nested" on top of each other, like a nesting doll, and each of them lives according to its own "clock". Their role is played by a group of nerve cells located in the depths of the brain, which are called the "crossing nucleus". The electrical impulses in this place show amazing regularity. Neuroscientist Colin Blackmore says they remind him of the ticking of a clock. But how do these clocks function without interfering with each other and "ticking" at their own rhythm? Alas, Blackmore embarrassedly admits that he cannot say anything definite. But no one will be surprised if one fine day it will be scientifically established that each of these independent "brains" directs an independent body ... parallel to those existing in our body! And it does not matter - the physical, corporal body, or mental, incorporeal. And in this case, the possibility of independent travel - for example, in a dream - of one of these bodies to other worlds will become a scientific fact ...

Another mystery of the human brain is connected with the possibility of non-rational cognition - the so-called intuition. "Intuition told me that it was necessary to do so-and-so, but something held me back." Almost every one of us has heard such words: once again a person did not obey his intuition, trusted the sly voice of reason, and once again got into a mess...

What is intuition? This mysterious inner voice constantly interferes with our actions. The voice prompts: do so, it will be the best option. The voice whispers: trust this man. Or vice versa, the voice warns: be careful!

Intuitive knowledge has nothing to do with the laws of logic. Logical thinking is based on collecting information, analyzing facts, establishing a causal relationship between them and formulating conclusions. Intuition, on the other hand, suggests a ready-made answer, appearing as if "it is not known where."

"The first thought is the most correct." This position has long become an indisputable folk wisdom that has become part of sayings and proverbs. This "best first thought" is actually a glimmer of intuition pointing in the right direction.

What the people have long ago learned empirically and adopted, as they say, into service, has recently begun to be confirmed by scientific experiments. It has been established that people with developed intuition are able to quickly navigate in the most difficult situations and instantly make error-free decisions. In some experiments, groups of subjects were asked to perform a variety of tasks - with numbers, words, pictures - each of which contained some kind of gap in information. The subjects had to "restore" this gap. The results showed that those who followed the "logical" path invariably failed. Some tried to solve the task "at random", at random. And only a few came to the correct result with the help of intuition!

Scientists associate intuitive thinking with the work of the right hemisphere of the brain. This should indicate that left-handed people (the right hemisphere of the brain "manages" the left side of the body, and vice versa) should have a better developed intuition. And indeed! In numerous tests of intuition, left-handers always perform better than the "right-handed" majority. Until recently, "left-handedness" was considered a defect that they tried to correct with the help of medicine, and children - young left-handers - were seriously "educated" in "right-handed" traditions: parents were worried that they were growing "defective" children. Meanwhile, the great Leonardo da Vinci was left-handed, and this did not stop him from writing "Mona Lisa".

We, however, live in a "right-handed" civilization. All the objects around us are adapted to the right hand. The system of education and upbringing is designed from childhood to develop the left half of the brain in us - that is, logic, rational thinking. "Only without speculation, please rely on data" - this dry phrase, a kind of slogan of a "right-sided" civilization, sounds like a refrain throughout life. And intuitive thinking is relegated to the backyard of consciousness...

Why did it happen? After all, human nature contains both rational and spiritual principles. And the method of spiritual knowledge, which all religions of the world call for development, is called intuition. And rational thinking is pure materialism, a way of existence in "this world". Nobody denies its necessity. But still, "My kingdom is not of this world..." Do you remember whose words these are?

Therefore, intuition, as a method of spiritual knowledge, is immeasurably higher than logic, higher than rational thinking. But, alas, the centuries-old work to expel the spiritual principle from the life of mankind has led to the fact that rationalism has prevailed in the public consciousness and has become the only official method of cognition. Since that time, human civilization has reached the dead end in which it remains to this day. The problems of rationalistic civilization are so blatant, and the discord in the minds caused by them, is so great that many seriously believe that the only way out of this impasse will be the notorious "end of the world." These fears are easily explained: it is clear that one-sided, "right-sided" development is not harmonious and in the end leads to distortion in everything - in minds, in souls, in hearts, in mass behavior, in worldview.

The third millennium, obviously, will greatly complicate the tasks facing humanity, and will require the involvement of new forces to solve them. It is clear that with rationalism elevated to a cult, these tasks cannot be solved. Fortunately, the fact that the further development of mankind is impossible without the harmonious development of all the creative possibilities inherent in man has recently begun to be recognized. Judge for yourself: after all, a person is a surprisingly symmetrical creature. Is it normal when only its right half actually participates in active creation?

By the way, some cultures of the ancient and Middle Ages, in particular, the early Slavic, were "double-handed" - people could equally use their right and left hands, and both hemispheres of the brain played an equally important role, Both intuition and reason - each in its own field equally served people in the knowledge of an infinitely complex world. God's was given to God, and Caesar's was given to Caesar.

Let's remember how many times we have heard calls to study, discover, realize the hidden possibilities of a person. And where do they lurk, these opportunities? Yes, in the right half of the brain, which is responsible for the left side of the body! Here is the source of intuition, as well as clairvoyance, clairvoyance and all those phenomena that are commonly called "paranormal" in our "right-handed" civilization.

So, no matter how much they frighten us with the end of the world, humanity's reserves are still huge. And they lie in the area of ​​intuition - the area that leads to spiritual knowledge. To the knowledge of God...

In the Eastern traditional teaching of Taoism, the human body is seen as a small universe, as a microcosm. In the course of large-scale studies of the human brain, which were carried out in Europe and the USA, it turned out that the organization of the neurons of the human brain is very similar to the organization of the galaxies of the universe.

This similarity can be seen in the next two pictures. The first image shows a network of neurons in the brain, the bottom image shows the distribution of dark matter in the universe, which was modeled by the Millennium Simulation group.

Modeling a system of neurons in the brain. Photo:

Galaxy system modeled by the Millennium Simulation team. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

In the pictures, one can notice the similarity of the connections between the elements of these systems (the brain and the universe) and the distribution of matter in them. The first illustration depicts microscopic objects, while the second is macroscopic, extremely large.

Scientific works

The similarity of the structure of the brain and the universe has been noted in several scientific papers.

Last year, a group of scientists led by Dmitry Kryukov of the University of California created a computer simulation of the development of the universe, in which this universe was broken into its component parts. Over time, it developed and grew, and new units were added to it. The interaction of matter in different galaxies was similar to the interactions in the neural network in the human brain, according to Live Science.

The discovery shows that there is a fundamental law governing these interactions, said University of Houston physicist Kevin Bassler, who was not involved in Kryukov's study, Live Science reports.

Even earlier, in May 2011, studies on the similarity of the universe and the human brain were published by Iranian scientists led by Seyyed Hadi Anamruz from the University of Medical Sciences in Kerman. Their work has been published in the international journal Physical Sciences.

In it, they argue that a black hole resembles the nucleus of a cell. The event horizon that exists around black holes - a kind of point of no return at which gravitational attraction sucks objects into a black hole - resembles a nuclear membrane.

The event horizon is two-layered, like the nuclear membrane. Just like the event horizon, which prevents anything that has entered the hole from leaving it, the nuclear membrane protects the cell and regulates the exchange of materials between the nucleus and its surroundings. Another common feature is that both black holes and body cells create electromagnetic radiation.

The researchers wrote: “Almost everything that exists in the macrocosm is reflected in the biological cell as in the microcosm. Simply put, the universe can be depicted as a cell."

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