What are the library quiz questions for schoolchildren. Quiz "What should you know about the library?"


What was the name of the famous library ancient world, which became one of the seven wonders of the world?
(Alexandria Library.)

Which library was headed by the ancient Greek poet Callimachus (310-238 BC)?
(The famous Library of Alexandria. He did a titanic job, compiling a catalog of its books, which took up as many as 120 volumes.)

It is known that the largest libraries of antiquity, such as Alexandria and Pergamon, were destroyed by fire. The library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal also caught fire during the siege of the city of Nineveh by Median nomads, but was preserved. Why?
(It consisted of clay tablets.)

After the advent of Christianity, the Bible was used for bibliomancy; before it, Virgil’s Aeneid, and even earlier, the books of Homer. What is "bibliomancy"?
(Fortune telling from a book.)

What was the name of the ancient Russian “encyclopedia”, in which you could read about everything except the names of its authors?
(Azbukovnik - Russian handwritten explanatory dictionary or reference book 13-18 centuries. with words and terms arranged in alphabetical order.)

With emphasis on the first syllable - this is an Old Russian collection short lives, teachings and edifying stories, arranged in order of annual holidays, according to the days of worship. With stress on the second syllable, this is the introductory part of a literary work. What is this?
(Pr O log - prol O G.)

All his life, Peter I collected books - he was a bibliophile. What book collection was the basis of his library?
(His library became the basis of the book collection of the Academy of Sciences.)

The decree establishing this position for its book collection was the first of Russian monarchs signed by Catherine the Great. Which one exactly?

By the highest order of which royal person, a public library was founded in St. Petersburg on May 16, 1795?
(Catherine II. A special building was built for the library, where it is still located today.)

Fonvizin’s prototype for Mitrofanushka in “Nedorosl” was the President of the Academy of Arts and Director of the Public Library of St. Petersburg A.N. Olenin. How can we explain that the prototype of such a slacker, Fonvizin, was the most educated man of his time?
(Olenin was Mitrofanushka in his youth. But, having recognized himself on stage, 18-year-old Olenin sat down to study. Here is a vivid example of the magical power of art.)

What was the former name of the largest Russian State Library in Russia, located in Moscow?
(The Lenin Library, and even earlier - the Rumyantsevskaya Library. Count N.P. Rumyantsev, whom Napoleon spoke of as the most educated diplomat in history, created the library at his own expense, and then donated it to his people.)

Pushkin the lyceum student wrote: “The singers are solemn, the prose writers are playful and in order here.” What did he write about?
(ABOUT bookshelves libraries.)

Tell me, isn't it a shame that in Holy Rus'
Thanks to you, we haven’t seen books before?
Which profession did A.S. contact? Pushkin in these lines?
(To the censor.)

Where in St. Petersburg can you read Pushkin’s lines in a stone book?
(On Vasilyevsky Island, on the Neva embankment near the university, opposite the entrance to the ancient building of the Faculty of Philology. A huge open book made of granite measuring 365 by 240 cm, a symbol of enlightenment and knowledge, teaching and apprenticeship. On its spread are Pushkin’s lines, starting with the confession: “ I love you, Peter’s creation...” and ending with a solemn wish-incantation: “Beautify yourself, city of Petrov, and stand unshakable, like Russia!” The monument is called “Message through the Ages”, its author is St. Petersburg sculptor and graphic artist Evelina Solovyova. Grand opening and consecration of the monument at Universitetskaya embankment took place in 2002.)

This Soviet geographical publication weighs more than 7 kg and contains 280 thousand names. According to experts, the masterpiece has no equal in the whole world. What kind of book is this?
(Large atlas of the world.)

Academician Dmitry Likhachev believed that civilization could be revived, even if all museums, archives, universities and schools perished, but they would survive... What?

Who is the first reader of the new book?
(Editors, proofreaders, typesetters, layout designers.)

What is the “trace” of censorship in the text of a work called: a bill or a banknote?

Who is better to be: a bibliophile or a bibliomaniac?
(A bibliomaniac’s love for collecting books is simply pathological; he already forgets about the cultural value of collected objects. It’s better to be a bibliophile.)

This little book was first published in 1682, and it was intended for sellers and buyers. And now its contents are often placed on the covers of school notebooks and every current student knows it by heart. What do we call this book?
(Multiplication table.)

What do you call a thin book?

What book should every store have?

What do you jokingly call a voluminous, heavy book?

Finish the famous aphorism: “Readers read, but admirers...”

Whose birthday, April 2, is celebrated annually as International Children's Book Day?
A. Charles Perrault.
B. Hans Christian Andersen.
V. Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.
G. Astrid Lindgren.

What is the first component difficult words corresponds in meaning to the word “book”?
A. Bio... B. Biblio...
B. Grafo... G. Krio...

The name of which of these spiritual works of printing is translated into Russian as “book”?
A. Gospel. B. Catechism.
B. Bible. G. Talmud.

Which of these people does not like books at all (and fears and hates them)?
A. Bibliophile. V. Librarian.
B. Bibliophobe. G. Bibliographer

The owner of a home library who does not allow others to use his books is jokingly called a bibliographer. “Biblio” in Greek is a book, but what does “taf” mean in Greek?
A. Greedy. B. Chest.
B. Grave. G. Castle.

How to Latin does the word "book" sound?
A. Code. B. Constitution.
B. Dogma. D. Document.

Finish catchphrase Maxim Gorky: “Love the book - the source...”:
A. Dictations and presentations. V. Fees.
B. Knowledge. G. Film scripts.

What is the name of one of the oldest forms of books?
A. Scroll. V. Roll.
B. Tangle. G. Accordion.

Why were there buckets in ancient libraries?
A. For garbage.
B. For water in case of fire.
B. For scrolls.
G. For sitting on them (upside down).

Who were the first creators of handwritten books in Rus'?
A. Princes. B. Monks.
B. Merchants. G. Foresters.

What were the names of Russian comics in the old days?
A. Beresta. V. Lyko.
B. Lubok. G. Dranka.

What was the name of the first Russian dated printed book? Released in 1564 in Moscow by Ivan Fedorov.
A. "ABC". V. "Apostle."
B. "Book of Hours." G. "Psalter".

Which evangelist's image adorned the first printed Russian book?
A. Mark. V. John.
B. Luke. G. Matthew.

Which Russian ruler, delighted with Ivan Fedorov's first printed book, ordered the opening of a printing house?
A. Yaroslav the Wise. V. Alexander Nevsky.
B. Ivan IV the Terrible. G. Peter I the Great.

Which book was first printed in 1708 in the new civil font introduced by Peter the Great?
A. "ABC". V. "Apostle."
B. "Geometry". G. "Book of Hours."

What knife was previously needed to read books?
A. Dining room. V. Hunter.
B. Split. G. Bayonet.
(After all before the book sold with uncut sheets.)

What do you call a constantly needed or frequently re-read book?
A. Tabletop. V. Table.
B. Bedside. B. Handy.

What do you call the sheets of a book that are arranged in order, sewn or glued, and prepared for insertion into a binding lid or cover?
A. Fet. V. Blok.
B. Green. G. Reid.

On which buildings in Ancient Greece there was an inscription: “Here the dead live and the dumb speak”?
A. At mausoleums. B. At gymnasiums.
B. At libraries. G. At stadiums.

That in the 1st century B.C. destroyed part of the famous Library of Alexandria?
A. Flood. B. Earthquake.
B. Fire. D. Invasion of readers.

What was the name of the librarian (of the patriarchal library in Constantinople), who, together with his brother Methodius, invented Slavic alphabet?
A. Callimachus. V. Kirill.
B. Sergius. G. Nestor.

What was the name of the library in Rus'?
A. Bookworm. V. Book.
B. Bookman. G. Book lover.

Who founded the first library in Rus'?
A. Yaroslav the Wise. V. Ivan IV the Terrible.
B. Peter I the Great. G. Catherine II the Great.

Which Russian prince not only highly valued books and read a lot, but also wrote the book “Instructions for Children”?
A. Yaroslav the Wise. V. Vladimir Svyatoslavich.
B. Vladimir Monomakh. G. Vsevolod Big nest.

The mysterious library of which Russian monarch is still being sought in the mysterious Kremlin dungeons?
A. Ivan the Terrible. V. Boris Godunov.
B. Peter I. G. Paul I.

Which Russian writer (and fabulist) worked as a librarian for almost 30 years? He served in the Public Library, and for compiling a catalog of Russian books he received the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree.
A. Ivan Andreevich Krylov.
B. Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov.
V. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
G. Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

Which famous Russian scientist was the director of the Kazan University library for 12 years? He replenished it with the latest scientific books on different languages, introduced strict rules for the preservation of the fund, and opened a library for outside readers.
A. Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev.
B. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov.
V. Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky.
G. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov.

In which city is the largest library in our country located - the Russian State Library, which now has more than 40 million books in 247 languages?
A. Moscow. V. St. Petersburg.
B. Ekaterinburg. G. Novosibirsk.

What was the name of the cultural and educational center in the Russian village until the early 70s? last century?
A. Book Chamber. B. Reading hut.
B. Bibliokhata. G. Reading yard.

What page of a library book usually has a stamp on it?
A. On the 3rd. B. On the 13th.
B. On the 17th. G. On 77th.

What are the names of the conventional registration marks on a book that determine its place on library shelves (“address” of the book)?
A. Barcode. V. Cipher.
B. Bookplate. G. Wenzel.

What is the name of the library account card that is issued for each visitor?
A. Reader's diary. B. Reader's passport.
B. Reader's rights. D. Reader's form.

Which part of the work is not written by the author of the book?
A. Title. V. Epigraph.
B. Introduction. D. Conclusion.

What is the name of the handwritten text written by the author of the book, as well as the author’s handwritten signature?
A. Autograph. V. Autonym.
B. Monograph. G. Facsimile.

What is it called summary content of the book, helping the reader or buyer better navigate the ocean of modern printed publications?
A. Proclamation. B. Abstract.
B. Presentation. G. Prologue.
(Usually on the back of the book's title page.)

What do you call a book that has been in use and goes on sale again?
A. Library. B. Second-hand books.
B. Bucolic. G. Antique.

What is the name of a collection of selected works by various literary authors?
A. Almanac. B. Anthology.
B. Digest. G. Anthropology.

What is the city phone book?
A. A dictionary. B. Encyclopedia.
B. Directory. G. Reader.

What are the best-selling books published in large editions called?
A. Fiction. B. Bestseller.
B. Large circulation. G. Booklet.

What is the abbreviation for the name of the series of scientific and artistic biographies – ZhZL?
A. “Life of famous personalities.”
B. “The Life of Remarkable People.”
V. “The Life of Literary Stars.”
G. “The Life of Forgotten Writers.”

Which hero of Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” said: “... If evil is to be stopped: / Collect all the books and burn them”?
A. Famusov. V. Chatsky.
B. Molchalin. G. Sophia.

What do you call a book louse that eats books?
A. Bookworm. V. Bukvoed.
B. Book lover. G. Graphomaniac.

What is the bird's name? publishing house(Moscow), specializing in the production of educational literature?
A. "Stork". V. "Pelican".
B. "Bustard." G. "Heron".

According to Dumas the son, the books that people read have the present. And what books, in his opinion, have a future?
A. Those who don't read.
B. Those who reread.
B. Those that are digitized.
G. Audiobooks.

Which book was used to choose the name of a newborn in Rus'?
A. Gospel. B. Catechism.
B. Saints. G. Bible.

What do you call a book with reproductions?
A. Booklet. B. Brochure.
B. Album. G. Reader.

What books are published for children?
A. Hammock books. B. Folding books.
B. Crib books. G. Books-carriages.

What are three called? literary works one author, connected by unity of concept?
A. Triad. V. Triptych.
B. Trilogy. G. Thriller.

Which of these book publishing workers does a job that resembles a teacher checking a dictation?
A. Layout designer. V. Proofreader.
B. Typesetter. G. Bookbinder.

What do they call the good book doctor, about whom there are such children's poems: “This book got sick, / His little brother tore it up. / I’ll feel sorry for the sick woman, / I’ll take her and glue her together”?
A. Pediatrician. V. Animator.
B. Reanimator. G. Bookbinder.

What do you jokingly call a person who has extensive knowledge and can answer any question?
A. Wandering dictionary. B. Walking directory.
B. Walking encyclopedia. G. Walking solver.

What is the name of our Russian "Guinness Book of Records"?
A. "Miracle." V. “Wonder.”
B. "Magic." G. "Enchantment."

What is the name of a book with recipes for preparing delicious and healthy food?
A. Ready room. V. Mass.
B. Cookbook. G. Collection of fried facts.

What is a summary of the contents of a book being prepared or published called?
A. Boulevard. B. Sidewalk.
B. Prospect. G. Highway.

Until the 16th century, book covers were... What?
A. Stone. B. Iron.
B. Wooden. G. Cardboard.

What can you find in each book?
A. Nagan. B. A rifle.
B. Cut-off. G. Automatic.
(This is the cut edge, the edge.)

What is the name of the binding part of a book?
A. Friend. B. Spine.
B. Bro. G. Korefan.

How to read something you really like interesting book?
A. From A to Z. B. From case to case.
B. From call to call. G. From cover to cover.

What do you call the colorful paper cover on top of the binding of a book?
A. Ultra cover. B. Extra cover.
B. Dust jacket. G. Grand cover.

Which world famous statue is holding a book in its hand?
A. Venus de Milo. V. Thinker.
B. Statue of Liberty. G. Bronze Horseman.

The Russian writer Vladimir Alekseevich Gilyarovsky, who wrote about the morals and customs of Moscow, often suffered from the fact that books from his library were not returned to him. Then he came up with a kind of bookplate, which he placed on each book. What was written on the bookplate?
A. Whoever takes it without asking will be left without a nose.
B. Don't forget to return it after ten days.
V. This book by the famous V.A. Gilyarovsky.
D. This book was stolen from V.A.’s library. Gilyarovsky.

After the release of the series “The Idiot” based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky (with Yevgeny Mironov in the title role) queues formed... Where?
A. In cinemas. B. In libraries.
B. At video disc rental stores. D. In hospitals.

Who used to sell street books?
A. Book lovers. V. Booksellers.
B. Bookworms. G. Bookmakers.

What is the name of Ivan Dmitrievich - largest book publisher pre-revolutionary Russia, whose autobiography is called “Life for the Book.”
A. Eliseev. V. Filippov.
B. Demidov. G. Sytin.

What new type of book appeared in the twentieth century?
A. Electronic. B. Plasma.
B. Atomic. G. Neutron.
(These are books on CD.)

For Children's Book Week, you can use this quiz about books:

(Fortune telling from a book.)

(Prologue - prologue.)


(To the censor.)

(Large atlas of the world.)



(Multiplication table.)




* What was the name of the famous library of the ancient world, which became one of the seven wonders of the world?
(Alexandria Library.)
* Which library was headed by the ancient Greek poet Callimachus (310-238 BC)?
(The famous Library of Alexandria. He did a titanic job, compiling a catalog of its books, which took up as many as 120 volumes.)
* It is known that the largest libraries of antiquity, such as Alexandria and Pergamon, were destroyed by fire. The library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal also caught fire during the siege of the city of Nineveh by Median nomads, but was preserved. Why?
(It consisted of clay tablets.)
* After the advent of Christianity, the Bible was used for bibliomancy; before it, Virgil’s Aeneid, and even earlier, the books of Homer. What is "bibliomancy"?
(Fortune telling from a book.)
* What was the name of the ancient Russian “encyclopedia”, in which you could read about everything except the names of its authors?
(Azbukovnik is a Russian handwritten explanatory dictionary or reference book of the 13th-18th centuries with words and terms arranged in alphabetical order.)
* With the emphasis on the first syllable - this is an ancient Russian collection of short lives, teachings and edifying stories, arranged in the order of annual holidays, according to the days of worship. With stress on the second syllable, this is the introductory part of a literary work. What is this?
(Prologue - prologue.)
* All his life Peter I collected books - he was a bibliophile. What book collection was the basis of his library?
(His library became the basis of the book collection of the Academy of Sciences.)
* Catherine the Great was the first Russian monarch to sign the decree establishing this position for her book collection. Which one exactly?
* By the highest order of which royal person, a public library was founded in St. Petersburg on May 16, 1795?
(Catherine II. A special building was built for the library, where it is still located today.)
* Fonvizin’s prototype for Mitrofanushka in “Nedorosl” was the President of the Academy of Arts and Director of the Public Library of St. Petersburg A.N. Olenin. How can we explain that the prototype of such a slacker, Fonvizin, was the most educated man of his time?
(Olenin was Mitrofanushka in his youth. But, having recognized himself on stage, 18-year-old Olenin sat down to study. Here is a vivid example of the magical power of art.)
* What was the former name of the largest Russian State Library in Russia, located in Moscow?
(The Lenin Library, and even earlier - the Rumyantsevskaya Library. Count N.P. Rumyantsev, whom Napoleon spoke of as the most educated diplomat in history, created the library at his own expense, and then donated it to his people.)
* Pushkin the lyceum student wrote: “The singers are solemn, the prose writers are playful and in order here.” What did he write about?
(About the library bookshelves.)
*Tell me, isn’t it a shame that in Holy Rus'
Thanks to you, we haven’t seen books before?
Which profession did A.S. contact? Pushkin in these lines?
(To the censor.)
* Where in St. Petersburg can you read Pushkin’s lines in a stone book?
(On Vasilyevsky Island, on the Neva embankment near the university, opposite the entrance to the ancient building of the Faculty of Philology. A huge open book made of granite measuring 365 by 240 cm, a symbol of enlightenment and knowledge, teaching and apprenticeship. On its spread are Pushkin’s lines, starting with the confession: “ I love you, Peter’s creation...” and ending with a solemn wish-incantation: “Beautify yourself, city of Petrov, and stand unshakable, like Russia!” The monument is called “Message through the Ages”, its author is St. Petersburg sculptor and graphic artist Evelina Solovyova. The grand opening and consecration of the monument on the University Embankment took place in 2002.)
* This Soviet geographical publication weighs more than 7 kg and contains 280 thousand names. According to experts, the masterpiece has no equal in the whole world. What kind of book is this?
(Large atlas of the world.)
* Academician Dmitry Likhachev believed that civilization could be revived even if all museums, archives, universities and schools perished, but they would survive... What?
* Who is the first reader of the new book?
(Editors, proofreaders, typesetters, layout designers.)
* What is the “trace” of censorship in the text of a work called: a bill or a banknote?
* Who is better to be: a bibliophile or a bibliomaniac?
(A bibliomaniac’s love for collecting books is simply pathological; he already forgets about the cultural value of collected objects. It’s better to be a bibliophile.)
* This little book was first published in 1682, and it was intended for sellers and buyers. And now its contents are often placed on the covers of school notebooks and every current student knows it by heart. What do we call this book?
(Multiplication table.)
* What do they call a thin book?
* What book should every store have?
* What do you jokingly call a voluminous, heavy book?
* Finish the famous aphorism: “Readers read, and admirers...”


https://pandia.ru/text/78/013/images/image002_122.gif" alt="QUIZ" width="632" height="52 src=">!}



development and consolidation of skills and abilities

working with various sources of knowledge;

students in grades 5-11 during the week

must answer questions

and submit your answers to the library;

At the end of the week the results are summed up.


1. Determining the event format and audience.

2. Design of the stand “LIBRARY: from the Ancient World”

to this day."

3. Compiling questions for the quiz.

4. Selection of literature.

5. Analysis of answers.

6. Summing up and rewarding.


1.What does it mean when translated from Greek language the word "library"?

2.What do you know about the very first libraries?

3.What did people write on before the invention of paper?

4.Which workshop was called the scriptorium?

How were the books written?

5.Who were the first creators of handwritten books?

6.Where did the name “red line” come from?

7.What is typography?

8.When and where did the first printed books appear?

9.Name the main elements of the book, starting

from the binding.

10. Connect the beginning and ending of the proverbs:

1.The book is our friend 1.Don’t bother

2.Live with a book 2.Met a friend

3. The book will help in your work 3. Without it it’s like being without hands

4. Read a new book 4. If you just grab the tops

5. A book decorates happiness 5. Like a bird without wings

7. You are without a book 7. And in misfortune - it consoles


Literature for finding answers is available in the school library.

Hand in your answers to the school library.


https://pandia.ru/text/78/013/images/image004_91.gif" alt="FROM THE ANCIENT WORLD" width="559 height=169" height="169">!}

https://pandia.ru/text/78/013/images/image007_63.gif" width="96" height="60 src=">

IN THE ANCIENT WORLD scientific works were especially valued,

artistic, spiritual and moral content, regardless of the language of writing and location. Books were brought from all countries of the world. If it was not possible to purchase the original, then a copy was made from it and translated from foreign languages ​​to make the information as accessible as possible.

In ancient libraries, along with books on history, literature, politics, geography, mathematics, astrology, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy, various kinds of archival materials were stored. These are chronicles, chronicles, documents of economic and business significance, as well as works of art and museum exhibits.

Sore throat" href="/text/category/angina/" rel="bookmark">angina. This medicine makes a person’s mind strong and ennobles his soul. In the library they wrote religious texts, books on medicine and astronomy, and even practiced embalming. Egyptian librarians and archivists tried to preserve the literary monuments of their people.

Books-papyri were stored in boxes, clay jars or special cases, and later - in niches in the walls. They were used by pharaohs, priests, high officials and scribes. They were completely inaccessible to the common population.

When in 525 BC. e. The Persians conquered Egypt, they were amazed at the huge number of papyri found of various ages, starting from 2000 BC.

LIBRARY OF THE KING OF ASSYRIA ASSHURBANIPAL– a true pearl ancient era. This king in the 5th century BC. e. gathered in the capital of his state, Nineveh large library“HOUSE OF INSTRUCTIONS AND ADVICE”. He sent his representatives, experienced scribes, to different cities of Mesopotamia, who searched for ancient books and made copies of them. Many tablets had a postscript that confirmed the accuracy of the copy. The library itself was located in the Lion Hall of the luxurious palace. The library in Nineveh was maintained in exemplary order, and the book storage system helped to restore and read scattered works. Each book had a “library stamp”: “The palace of Ashurbanipal, king of kings, king of the country of Ashur, to whom the god Nabu and the goddess Gaslista bestowed sensitive ears and keen eyes to search for the works of the writers of my kingdom.”

The library had a catalog, which consisted of tiles indicating the title of the work (by its first line), as well as the rooms and shelves where it was stored. A label, the size of a little finger, was attached to the shelf with the name of the branch of knowledge. The library contained a wide variety of literature in several languages. The Sumerians left works on mathematics, history, agriculture, literary works, and ancient maps. But when Nineveh fell under the onslaught of the troops of Babylonia and Media, the city suffered complete destruction. The fire partially damaged the book collection - the tablets fell into the basement and lay there for 25 centuries.

The surviving texts are currently in the British Museum.

FIRST GREEK LIBRARY was founded in the 5th century BC. e. in Athens. Book collecting among the Greeks took on especially large proportions during the time of Pericles in the 5th century BC. e. Efidem, a passionate lover of books, had in his library the works of Homer and other poets. The tragedian Euripides had an equally large collection of books. The most remarkable collection of books, numbering 40 thousand scrolls, was that of the greatest scientist of antiquity - Aristotle. His student Alexander the Great took part in the creation of this library. The value of the library was so great that kings of neighboring states tried to steal it more than once.

ALEXANDRIAN- the largest and most famous library of antiquity was founded in the 8th century BC. e. King Ptolemy I, who made Alexandria the capital of Egypt after the death of Macedon, conceived the idea of ​​creating a grandiose library. The Ptolemies spent countless amounts of money acquiring literary treasures. All ships landing at the Alexandrian harbor were required to carry manuscripts with them. Ptolemy I bought Aristotle's library for enormous money.

The Library of Alexandria was created in the image and likeness of the Greek ones. It was part of the Museyon - the Temple of the Muses. The Museyon was an architectural ensemble with a university, observatory, botanical garden and library. All this was surrounded by parks and gardens.

The library was housed in several large rooms. The scrolls were stored in cedar wood cabinets with horizontal shelves that were closed with double doors. Each scroll was placed in a special case, to which were attached small plaques with the title of the work. The halls where the bookcases stood were decorated with statues of great writers and scientists. Adjoining the halls were rooms for assistants to the chief librarian. Some of them kept records of all new acquisitions. Others sorted out the manuscripts, while others preserved the manuscripts from moths, worms, and dampness. The position of chief librarian was occupied by outstanding scientists and poets.

At its peak, the library, which existed for 6 centuries, had 700 thousand books. The library contained everything that Greek civilization had created: works of poets, historians, orators, doctors, mathematicians. There were books by Roman, Egyptian, Syrian, Indian, and Jewish authors. Books varied in form: scrolls, palm leaves, codices. The manuscripts were heterogeneous in their degree of antiquity and in their rarity. The whiteness, thinness and density of papyrus, and its polishing were valued.

The library was not just a warehouse of written papyrus. Writers and scientists from all over the world came to Alexandria to engage in scientific and literary activities.

ANCIENT Rus' in the 6th century it was famous high level economic development, education, culture. It ranked second after Byzantium, ahead of England, Italy, France and Germany.

In Ancient Rus', books have long been known, loved, created and very carefully kept, believing that “Daylight is a book word”. Ancient Rus' She left many handwritten works that tell us how our distant ancestors lived, what they thought, what they knew how to do, what level their science, art, literature and the book itself reached.

The heights of your power Kiev State reached during the reign of Prince Vladimir and his son Yaroslav the Wise. Then the first ones appeared RUSSIAN LIBRARIES. The chronicle says that in 1037, Prince Yaroslav the Wise gathered many scribes in Kyiv, who “copied many books.” The prince “placed some of these books in the Church of St. Sophia”, founding the first library. The word itself "library" in Ancient Rus' it was almost never used. It is first found in the famous Gennady Bible, translated and written in Novgorod at the end of the 15th century. In the margin near a word unfamiliar to the reader "library" the translator made an explanation - "book house". Before this, book rooms were called differently in different cities: “book depository”, “storage treasury”, “book cage”, “book chamber”.

Kyiv scribes brought many books from Bulgaria and Greece. These were chronicles, historical stories, collections of sayings, natural science works, philosophical and scientific treatises. It was here that the foundations of the collection of laws were developed Old Russian state- “Russian Truth”, “Church Charter”, teachings and “Words”. It was in the St. Sophia Cathedral, on behalf of Yaroslav the Wise, that the chronicle began to be written. At various times, attempts were made to at least approximately determine the fund of this book collection.

It was very difficult to preserve the library at that time. It was believed that the St. Sophia Cathedral consisted of a number of libraries: some perished, and new ones arose in their place. In 1169, for example, Mstislav, the son of Andrei Bogolyubsky, plundered the cathedral for three days and took away all the books. In 1203, Sofia was plundered by the Polovtsians and Russian princes, and again the book stock suffered. The further fate of the library is unknown.

The second largest cultural center in ANCIENT Rus' was Novgorod the Great. Over the centuries, this city has accumulated and preserved ancient monuments Russian writing. They were located in the St. Sophia Cathedral. And here books perished from numerous fires, but the city escaped the Tatar-Mongol invasion, therefore, of the total number of books of the ΧΙΙ - ΧΙV centuries, more than half belong to Novgorod. It was here that the first dated handwritten book, the “Ostromir Gospel,” created by Deacon Gregory, was preserved.

The library itself was under the supervision of the Novgorod ruler. Monks from remote Russian monasteries came to the library and copied books here. The book fund consisted of about a thousand handwritten books bound in leather.

What did this library look like? It's amazing that it can be viewed today. Now it is open in the same place where it was located before - in a long suite of halls in the choir of the cathedral. The furnishings in the library recreate the atmosphere of antiquity. Here you can even light candles, and your imagination will easily take you to times long past, when chroniclers wrote that “Great is the benefit of bookish teaching”.

The significance of ancient Russian libraries, which were educational institutions, book workshops, and “book guardians,” is enormous: they saved and preserved for us the most valuable monuments of antiquity.

Currently, there are a huge number of libraries.

Considered to be the largest in the world LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, founded in 1980 and housed in the majestic Thomas Jefferson Building on Capitol Hill across from Congress. Its holdings include about 900 million items, from papyri to microfilms. There are more than 20 million books and brochures in 60 languages, 36 million manuscripts. There are also unique things, for example, collections of cartographic materials - about 4 million maps and atlases; musical collection - 7 million units, including 5 Stradivarius violins. As well as more than 10 million engravings, photographs, products folk art; 500 thousand sound recordings, 400 thousand reels of film, millions of microfilms. They were placed on shelves with a total length of 860 km.

Next largest – NATIONAL LIBRARY OF FRANCE. This is an ancient library - already in 1377, its catalog contained 910 manuscripts. Over the years, the library's book treasures increased, but it still belonged to the French kings. Only in 1795, during the Great French Revolution, the library was declared national. By decree of the Convention, it was decided to build a special building for the library. Now the collections of the National Library of France number 30 million items.

Next on the list - RUSSIAN NATIONAL LIBRARY. By the highest order of Catherine II dated January 1, 2001, the Public Library was founded in St. Petersburg. A special building was built for it, where the library is located today. The first director, Alexey Nikolaevich Olenin, created the library almost from scratch - there were only 4 Russian books in its collection. The library opened for readers in January 1814. The famous librarians of Publicchka collected books so actively that today it is famous for its largest collection of Russian books, including those published abroad. In 1992 it received its new name. Its fund is 32 million books.

Today, on the site of what burned in ancient times ALEXANDRIA LIBRARY A modern library is being built, equipped with the latest technology for storing and accessing literature in digital format. Architects from many countries presented 1,400 of their projects, from which the commission chose the Norwegian one. In 1988, the first stone of the new Library of Alexandria was laid. At the site where it was laid, traces of previous archaeological excavations were visible: three statues, a water supply system and a mosaic-lined area were found.

The new library is a building with a diameter of 60 meters with a section facing the sea. It represents the disk of the sun, a deity that has always been worshiped in Egypt.


About the library

1. What is the name of the recording? historical events ancient time by year?

A. Manuscript B. Chronicle C. Almanac

Answer: B. Chronicle

2. Which of these people does not like books at all (but fears and hates them)?

A. Bibliophile B. Bibliophobe C. Bibliographer

Answer: Bibliophobe

3. What do you call a constantly needed or frequently re-read book?

A. Tabletop B. Handy C. Tabletop

Answer: Tabletop

4. On which page of a library book is there usually a stamp?

A. On the 3rd B. On the 17th C. On the 13th

Answer: On the 17th

5. What are the best-selling books published in large editions called?

A. Fiction B. Large circulation C. Bestseller

Answer: Best-seller

6. What do you jokingly call a person who has extensive knowledge and can answer any question?

A. Walking dictionary B. Walking encyclopedia C. Walking reference book

Answer: Walking encyclopedia

7. What is the name of our Russian “Guinness Book of Records”?

A. “Miracle” B. “Magic” C. “Wonder”

Answer : "Wonder"

8. What is the name of a large-format book?

A. Bookplate

B. Folio

V. Facsimile

Answer: Folio

9. What is the name of the first page of the book, which contains information about the author, the title of the book, and imprint?

A. Title

B. Format

B. Index

Answer : Title

10. The name of this person has been part of our lives since childhood. And his aphorisms and catchphrases accompany us all our lives. He is known as a playwright, prose writer and lyricist. But few people know that he worked for almost 30 years at the M.E. Public Library. Saltykov-Shchedrin as a librarian. Who is this man?

A.I.A. Krylov

B.N.V. Gogol

YOU. Pushkin

Answer: I.A. Krylov

11. One of the most famous Russian experts in library science, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Rubakin, said: “Selecting books for your own and others’ reading is not only a science, but also an art, and there is no limit to its development.” What kind of science is this?

A. Printing

B. Bibliomania

B. Bibliography

Answer: Bibliography

12. How does the word “book” sound in Latin?

A. Code

B. Dogma

B. Constitution

Answer: Code

13. Finish the catchphrase of Maxim Gorky: “Do you love a book - a source...”?

A. Dictations and presentations

B. Knowledge

B. Skills

Answer: Knowledge

14. What do you call the sheets of a book that are arranged in order, stitched or glued and prepared for insertion into a binding lid or cover?

A. Fet

B. Green

V. Blok

Answer: Block

15. In which city is the largest library in our country located - the Russian State Library, which now has more than 40 million books in 247 languages?

A. Moscow

B. Novosibirsk

V. St. Petersburg

Answer: Moscow

16. What are the names of the conventional registration marks on a book that determine its place on library shelves (“address” of the book)?

A. Barcode

B. Wenzel

V. Code

Answer: Cipher

17. What is the name of the library card that is issued for each visitor?

A. Reader's diary

B. Reader's form

B. Reader's passport

Answer: Reader's form

18. What is the name of the handwritten text written by the author of the book, as well as the author’s handwritten signature?

A. Autograph

B. Facsimile

V. Autonym

Answer: Autograph

19. What is the name of a summary of the contents of a book that helps the reader or buyer better navigate the ocean of modern printed publications?

A. Proclamation

B. Presentation

B. Abstract

Answer: Annotation

20. What do you call a book that has been in use and has gone on sale again?

A. Library

B. Bucolic

V. Second-hand books

G. Antique

Answer: Second-hand books

21. What is the name of a collection of selected works by various literary authors?

A. Almanac

B. Digest

B. Anthology

Answer: Anthology

22. What is the city telephone book?

A. Dictionary

B. Directory

B. Encyclopedia

Answer: Directory

23. What is the abbreviation for the name of the series of scientific and artistic biographies – ZhZL?

A. “Life of famous personalities”

B. “The Life of Remarkable People”

V. “The Life of Literary Stars”

Answer: "The Life of Remarkable People"

24. What bird name does the Moscow publishing house, specializing in the production of educational literature, have?

A. "Stork"

B. Bustard

V. "Pelican"

Answer: "Bustard"

25. What do you call a book with reproductions?

A. Booklet

B. Album

B. Brochure

Answer: Album

26. What books are published for children?

A. Hammock books

B. Book-beds

B. Folding books

Answer: Folding books

27. What are three literary works of one author that are connected by a unity of concept called?

A. Triad

B. Trilogy

V. Triptych

Answer: Trilogy

28. What is the name of a book with recipes for preparing delicious and healthy food?

A. Cooking room

B. Cookbook

B. Collection of fried facts

Answer: Cookbook

29. How do they read an interesting book they really liked?

A. From cover to cover

B. From A to Z

B. From case to case

Answer: From cover to cover

30. What do you call the colorful paper cover on top of the binding of a book?

A. Ultra cover

B. Dust jacket

B. Extra cover

Answer: Dust jacket

31. What new type of book appeared in the twentieth century?

A. Electronic

B. Atomic

V. Plasma

G. Neutron

Answer: Electronic

32. Bookworm is...

A. Librarian

B. Reader

B. Bookseller

Answer: Reading enthusiast

33. Papyrus is...

A. Fabric

B. Tree

B. Herbaceous plant

Answer: herbaceous plant

34. Front page- This…

A. The opening page of the book

B. Middle of the book

B. Last page of the book

Answer: Book start page

35. An antiquarian book is...

A. New book

B. An old book

Answer: Antique book

36. Information (data) about a book written on an index card is called...

A. Bibliographic description

B. Bibliographical guide

Answer: Bibliographic description

37. Parchment is...

A. Birch bark

B. Leather

V. Clay

Answer: Leather

38. What is the first component of compound words that corresponds in meaning to the word “book”?

A. Bio...

B. Grafo...

V. Biblio

G. Krio...

Answer: Biblio

39. What was the name of the first Russian dated printed book, published in 1564 in Moscow by Ivan Fedorov.

A. "ABC"

B. "Book of Hours"

V. "Apostle"

G. "Psalter"

Answer: "Apostle"

40. Who founded the first library in Rus'?

A. Yaroslav the Wise

B. Peter I the Great

V. Ivan IV the Terrible

G. Catherine II the Great

Answer: Yaroslav the Wise

41. What was the name of the cultural and educational center in the Russian village until the early 70s? last century?

A. Book Chamber

B. Bibliokhata

V. Reading hut

G. Reading yard

Answer: Reading hut

42. In which country did the word “Library” first appear?

A. Greece

B. Egypt

V. Ancient Rus'

Answer: Greece

43. What is the name of one of the oldest forms of books?

A. Scroll

B. Tangle

V. Roll

G. Accordion

Answer: Scroll

44. Which Russian writer (and fabulist) worked as a librarian for almost 30 years? He served in the Public Library, and for compiling a catalog of Russian books he received the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree.

A. Ivan Andreevich Krylov

B. Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov

V. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

G. Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak

Answer: I.A. Krylov

45. Who were the first creators of handwritten books in Rus'?

A. Princes

B. Merchants

V. Monks

G. Foresters

Answer: Monks

46. ​​What was the name of the famous library of the ancient world, which became one of the seven wonders of the world?

Answer: Alexandria

47 . The outer covering of a book that protects the book from contamination.

Answer: Cover

48. A list of printed works available in the library, compiled according to a certain principle.

Answer: Catalog

49. Public display of specially selected and organized books.

Answer: Book exhibition

50. Name the first public library in Russia.

Answer: The Imperial Public Library in St. Petersburg, founded in 1795 by order of Catherine II. Nowadays the National Library of Russia

51. All his life, Peter I collected books - he was a bibliophile. Which academy's library was based on its library?

Answer: Academy of Sciences

52. Catherine the Great was the first Russian monarch to sign the decree establishing this position for her book collection. Which one exactly?

Answer: Librarian positions

53. What was the former name of the largest Russian State Library in Russia, located in Moscow?

Answer: Library named after Lenin, and even earlier - Rumyantsevskaya. Library Count N.P. Rumyantsev created it at his own expense and then donated it to his people.

54. This Soviet geographical publication weighs more than 7 kg and contains 280 thousand names. According to experts, the masterpiece has no equal in the whole world. What kind of book is this?

Answer: Great Atlas of the World

55. This little book was first published in 1682, and it was intended for sellers and buyers. And now its contents are often placed on the covers of school notebooks and every current schoolchild knows it by heart. What do we call this book?

Answer: Multiplication table

56. What is called a “compass” in the book world?

Answer: Bibliography

57. Major bibliographer-local historian, public figure of Yakutia at the beginning of the twentieth century, author of the index "Bibliography of Yakutia"

Answer: Nikolai Nikolaevich Gribanovsky

58. Name the main library of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Answer: National Library of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

59. In what year was the first library founded in Thatta?

Answer: In 1938

60. Well-known bibliographer-local historian, compiler of bibliographic manuals "Writers of Yakutia", "Writers of the Olonkho Land", "Yakut heroic epic Olonkho"

Answer: Valentina Nikolaevna Pavlova

Book quiz about the history of books, libraries and Russian famous writers

  1. What was the name of the famous library of the ancient world, which became one of the seven wonders of the world? (Alexandria Library)
  2. What do you call a thin book? (Brochure)
  3. What do you jokingly call a voluminous, heavy book? (Talmud)
  4. Which library was headed by the ancient Greek poet Callimachus? (The famous Library of Alexandria)
  5. Whose birthday on April 2 is celebrated annually as International Children's Book Day? (Hans Christian Andersen)
  6. The name of which spiritual work of print is translated into Russian as a book? (Bible)
  7. What do you call people who don't like books at all? (Bibliophobe)
  8. How does the word “book” sound in Latin? (Code)
  9. Complete the catchphrase of Maxim Gorky: “Love the source book...”: (knowledge)
  10. What is it called oldest form books? (Scroll)
  11. Why were there buckets in ancient libraries? (For scrolls)
  12. Who were the first creators of handwritten books in Rus'? (Monks)
  13. What were the names of Russian comics in the old days? (Splint)
  14. What was the name of the first Russian dated printed book? Released in 1564 in Moscow by Ivan Fedorov. ("Apostle")
  15. What a Russian ruler, delighted with the first printed book by Ivan Fedorov. Did he order to open a printing house? (Ivan the Terrible)
  16. Which book was first printed in 1708 in the new civil font introduced by Peter the Great? ("Geometry")
  17. What knife was previously needed to read books? (split)
  18. What do you call a constantly needed or frequently re-read book? (Tabletop)
  19. What do you call the sheets of a book that are arranged in order, sewn or glued, and prepared for insertion into a binding lid or cover? (Block)
  20. What buildings in Ancient Greece had the inscription on them: “Here the dead live and the dumb speak”? (On libraries)
  21. That in the 1st century B.C. destroyed part of the famous Library of Alexandria? (Fire)
  22. What was the name of the librarian who, together with his brother Methodius, invented the Slavic alphabet? (Kirill)
  23. What was the name of the library in Rus'? (Bookman)
  24. Who founded the first library in Rus'? (Yaroslav the Wise)
  25. The mysterious library of which Russian monarch is still being sought in the mysterious Kremlin dungeons? (Ivan the Terrible)
  26. Which Russian writer (and fabulist) worked as a librarian for almost 30 years? He served in the Public Library, and for compiling a catalog of Russian books he received the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree. (Ivan Andreevich Krylov)
  27. Which famous Russian scientist was the director of the Kazan University library for 12 years? He replenished it with the latest scientific books in different languages, introduced strict rules for the preservation of the fund, and opened the library for outside readers. (Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky)
  28. In which city is the largest library in our country located - the Russian State Library, which now has more than 40 million books in 247 languages? (Moscow)
  29. What was it called culturally? - educational center in a Russian village until the early 70s. last century? (Izba-reading room)
  30. What page of a library book usually has a stamp on it? (On the 17th)
  31. What are the names of the conventional registration marks on a book that determine its place on library shelves (“address” of the book)? (Cipher)
  32. What is the name of the library account card that is issued for each visitor? (Reader form)
  33. What is the name of a collection of selected works by various literary authors? (Anthology)
  34. What do you call a book with reproductions? (Album)
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