The main characters of the work are Doctor Aibolit. The main characters of the story Aibolit

"Doctor Aibolit" is a wonderful good story about how important it is to be merciful and sensitive towards everyone who is in trouble. The fairy tale teaches mutual assistance, empathy, and perseverance in achieving goals.

Brief summary of “Doctor Aibolit” for the reader’s diary

Name: "Doctor Aibolit"

Number of pages: 9. K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit.” Publishing house "Enas-book". 2016

Genre: Fairy tale in verse

Year of writing: 1929

Main characters

Doctor Aibolit is a kind, caring doctor who is ready to undergo any tests for the sake of the recovery of sick animals.

A hippopotamus is an African resident who sent a telegram to the doctor asking him to save the animals.

Wolves, whales, eagles - animals and birds that helped the doctor get to Limpopo.

Karakula is a shark whose young have become ill.

Hippos, baby ostriches, baby sharks, grasshopper– sick animals in need of Aibolit’s help.


Doctor Aibolit was famous for his kindness and love for animals. Sick animals came to him, and he always helped them improve their health. He even sewed new legs on a little bunny that was run over by a tram.

One day the doctor received an urgent telegram from Hippopotamus, in which he begged Aibolit to quickly come to Africa and cure the sick animals. Without hesitating for a minute, the doctor hurried on the road. On his way he encountered bad weather, an endless blue sea, and inaccessible mountains. But with the help of responsive animals, Aibolit safely reached Limpopo. He immediately began treating sick children, and for ten days in a row he did not leave his little patients.

When the animals recovered, all the inhabitants of Africa began to sing and dance, praising the kind and sympathetic doctor.

Retelling plan

  1. Reception of sick animals.
  2. The bunny has new legs.
  3. Urgent telegram from Africa.
  4. Aibolit rushes to the rescue.
  5. A tired doctor is being carried away by wolves.
  6. The whale helps the doctor swim across the sea.
  7. Eagles help overcome high mountains.
  8. Aibolit ends up in Limpopo.
  9. Treatment of sick animals.
  10. The long-awaited recovery of the children.
  11. Praise of Aibolit.

Main idea

A doctor should always provide assistance to patients, no matter where they are.

What does it teach

Kindness is one of the most valuable qualities that helps make the world a better place. It is important to help each other and not leave those who need help in trouble.


The story is very kind and instructive. A sensitive and responsive doctor set an example of how to treat others. He did not think about himself, but sought to help the sick as quickly as possible. This is exactly what you need to do - do good deeds as often as possible.


  • Those who have never been sick do not value health.
  • The patient is looking for a doctor.
  • He who helped quickly helped twice.
  • Road help on time.
  • No matter how many children there are, we still feel sorry for them all.

What I liked

What I liked about the fairy tale was that everything ended very well. The doctor got to the sick animals in time and cured them.

Reader's diary rating

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 8.

AIBOLIT is the hero of the fairy tale in verse “Aibolit” (1929) and the prose work “Doctor Aibolit (according to Hugh Lofting)” by K.I. Chukovsky. The patient’s alarmed cry “Ay! Hurts!" turned into the most affectionate name in the world. A. is a fabulous doctor, very kind, because he treats with chocolate and eggnog. He rushes to the rescue through snow and hail, overcomes steep mountains and stormy seas, saying only one thing: “Oh, if I don’t get there,

//If I get lost on the way,

//What will happen to them, to the sick,

//With my forest animals?

Doctor A. from the prose fairy tale is the very embodiment of kindness and sweet adventurism: he selflessly fights the bloodthirsty Barmaley, frees the boy Penta and his fisherman father from pirate captivity, and is not afraid to protect the poor and sick monkey Chichi from the terrible organ grinder. For this, A. is loved by all animals, fish and birds, boys and girls. Chukovsky teaches little readers justice and respect for people and animals, talking about the good deeds of Doctor A. and his faithful friends.

The plot about Doctor A. was embodied in children's matinees, cartoons, as well as in the film by R.A. Bykov “Aibolit-66”, which combined a parody and a parable.

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"AYBOLIT" in books

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Year of writing: 1929

Genre: fairy tale about animals

Main characters: Doctor Aibolit, sick animals (patients)


What could be better than good fairy tales who teach our children goodness? One of the obvious representatives of such fairy tales is Aibolit. The author shows and encourages you to be kind. It is important to help everyone and then you will receive only good things in return.

The basis of the fairy tale is based on revealing a person’s love for animals, sincere help, and also shows the profession of a doctor and how important it is.

The main character is the good doctor Aibolit, he is polite and kind, always ready to help. He sits under a tree and waits for the animals to receive him. The tale is written in simple language, which is understandable even to the smallest, in fact, this was inherent in all of Chukovsky’s works, he always wanted to convey emotions and educational meaning. The plot is based on the doctor’s help to animals with various diseases.

At the beginning, the author seems to encourage everyone to go to Aibolit, because he will help everyone: the cow, the wolf, the beetle, and even the worm. It all starts with the arrival of a fox, who was bitten by a wasp, then the watchdog comes, his chicken pecked on his nose. Then Aibolit promises to help the poor hare, because her son injured his paws under the tram.

Afterwards, the happy mother-bunny and bunny dance and thank the doctor. Then we see that a jackal riding a mare unexpectedly galloped up to the reception and gave a telegram saying that we urgently need to go to save the baby hippopotamuses. The doctor hurries to Limpopo, wind, snow and hail await him along the way, exhausted Aibolit falls into the snow and cannot go further, but wolves come to his aid.

The next test is the sea, the doctor is in despair, does not know what to do, worries about his animals, but then a whale swims up to Aibolit, who intends to help him. And so the happy doctor, riding on a whale, rushes further to the mountain, constantly repeating the word “Limpopo”. Eagles help him pass through the high mountains, promising to take him quickly. All this time, going through trials, Aibolit thinks about the animals waiting for him, not sparing himself and his strength. And finally he arrived in Africa, where all the animals were already waiting and looking out for him.

For ten nights Aibolit did not sleep or eat, but treated the poor animals. And of course a happy ending, where everyone is healthy and cheerful, jumping and praising our doctor Aibolit.

Picture or drawing Aibolit

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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Good Doctor Aibolit!

He is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,

And the bug and the worm,

And a bear!

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone

Good Doctor Aibolit!

part 2

And the fox came to Aibolit:

“Oh, I was bitten by a wasp!”

And the watchdog came to Aibolit:

“A chicken pecked me on the nose!”

And the hare came running

And she screamed: “Ay, ah!

My bunny got hit by a tram!

My bunny, my boy

Got hit by a tram!

He was running along the path

And his legs were cut,

And now he's sick and lame,

My little bunny!”

And Aibolit said: “It doesn’t matter!

Give it here!

I'll sew him new legs,

He will run along the track again.”

And they brought a bunny to him,

So sick, lame,

And the doctor sewed his legs.

And the bunny jumps again.

And with him the mother hare

I also went dancing.

And she laughs and shouts:

“Well, thank you, Aibolit!”

Part 3

Suddenly a jackal came from somewhere

He rode on a mare:

"Here's a telegram for you.

From Hippopotamus!

"Come, doctor,

To Africa soon

And save me, doctor,

Our babies!

"What's happened? Really

Are your children sick?

“Yes, yes, yes! They have a sore throat

Scarlet fever, cholera,

Diphtheria, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis!

Come quickly

Good Doctor Aibolit!”

"Okay, okay, I'll run,

I will help your children.

But where do you live?

On the mountain or in the swamp?

"We live in Zanzibar,

In the Kalahari and Sahara,

On Mount Fernando Po,

Where does Hippo walk?

Along the wide Limpopo.

Part 4

And Aibolit stood up and Aibolit ran.

He runs through fields, through forests, through meadows.

And Aibolit repeats only one word:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in his face the wind, and snow, and hail:

“Hey, Aibolit, come back!”

And Aibolit fell and lies in the snow:

And now to him from behind the tree

Shaggy wolves run out:

“Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,

We’ll get you there quickly!”

And Aibolit galloped forward

And only one word repeats:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

Part 5

But here in front of them is the sea -

It rages and makes noise in the open space.

And there is a high wave in the sea,

Now she will swallow Aibolit.

"Oh, if I drown,

If I go down.

With my forest animals?

But then a whale swims out:

“Sit on me, Aibolit,

And, like a big ship,

I’ll take you ahead!”

And sat on the whale Aibolit

And only one word repeats:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

Part 6

And the mountains stand in front of him on the way,

And he begins to crawl through the mountains,

And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper,

And the mountains go under the very clouds!

"Oh, if I don't get there,

If I get lost on the way,

What will happen to them, to the sick,

With my forest animals?

And now from a high cliff

Eagles flew to Aibolit:

“Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,

We’ll get you there quickly!”

And Aibolit sat on the eagle

And only one word repeats:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

Part 7

And in Africa,

And in Africa,

On black

Sits and cries

Sad Hippopo.

He's in Africa, he's in Africa

Sits under a palm tree

And by sea from Africa

He looks without rest:

Isn't he going on a boat?

Doctor Aibolit?

And they prowl along the road

Elephants and rhinoceroses

And they say angrily:

“Why is there no Aibolit?”

And there are hippos nearby

Grabbing their tummies:

They, the hippos,

Stomachs hurt.

And then the ostrich chicks

They squeal like piglets.

Oh, it's a pity, a pity, a pity

Poor ostriches!

They have measles and diphtheria,

They have smallpox and bronchitis,

And their head hurts

And my throat hurts.

They lie and rave:

“Well, why isn’t he going?

Well, why isn’t he going?

Doctor Aibolit?

And she took a nap next to her

toothy shark,

toothy shark

Lying in the sun.

Oh, her little ones,

Poor baby sharks

It's been twelve days already

My teeth hurt!

And a dislocated shoulder

The poor grasshopper's;

He doesn't jump, he doesn't jump,

And he cries bitterly

And the doctor calls:

“Oh, where is the good doctor?

When will he come?

Part 8

But look, some kind of bird

It rushes closer and closer through the air.

Look, Aibolit is sitting on a bird

And he waves his hat and shouts loudly:

"Long live sweet Africa!"

And all the kids are happy and happy:

“I’ve arrived, I’ve arrived! Hooray! Hooray!"

And the bird is circling above them,

And the bird lands on the ground.

And Aibolit runs to the hippos,

And pats them on the tummies,

And everyone in order

Gives me chocolate

And sets and sets thermometers for them!

And to the striped ones

He runs to the tiger cubs

And to the poor hunchbacks

Sick camels

And every Gogol,

Mogul everyone,



Serves him with Gogol-Mogol.

Ten nights Aibolit

Doesn't eat or drink or sleep

Ten nights in a row

He heals unfortunate animals

And he sets and sets thermometers for them.

Part 9

So he cured them,

Limpopo! So he cured the sick,

Limpopo! And they went to laugh

Limpopo! And dance and play around,

And the shark Karakula

Winked with her right eye

And he laughs, and he laughs,

As if someone was tickling her.

And baby hippos

Grabbed their tummies

And they laugh and burst into tears -

So the mountains shake.

Here comes Hippo, here comes Popo,

Hippo-popo, Hippo-popo!

Here comes the Hippopotamus.

It comes from Zanzibar,

He goes to Kilimanjaro -

And he shouts and he sings:

“Glory, glory to Aibolit!

Glory to the good doctors!

The main character of the fairy tale “Aibolit” is a good doctor with the remarkable name Aibolit. This doctor takes on the treatment of any animals that turn to him for help. For example, when an inconsolable hare came to him, whose son’s legs had been run over by a tram, Aibolit cured the baby - he sewed on new legs and now the little hare can jump vigorously again.

But one day the jackal delivered an alarming telegram to the doctor. Animals living in Africa reported that their children fell ill with various serious diseases. The animals really asked Aibolit to come to Africa and cure their children.

The doctor immediately set off. He ran through fields and forests, knowing no rest. But at some point the doctor fell, realizing that he could not move on. Wolves came to his aid. They came out of the forest and carried Aibolit on their backs. The wolves took the doctor to the sea, and he anxiously looked into the vast blue distance, wondering how he could swim such a long distance. long distance. Then a whale appeared, which sat Aibolit on its huge back and ferried him across the sea.

Beyond the sea there were high mountains that prevented the doctor from moving further. But the eagles saved the situation. They carried Aibolit high above the mountains, heading straight to Africa.

Meanwhile, in Africa, near the Limpopo River, the animals were eagerly awaiting the doctor's arrival. A hippopotamus sat under a palm tree. He continuously looked at the sea, assuming that the doctor would arrive by ship. And rhinoceroses and elephants roamed the roads. They were annoyed that the doctor had been gone for a very long time.

But then someone noticed a bird flying high in the sky. It was the eagle that delivered Doctor Aibolit. The good doctor immediately began treating the animals. He took their temperature and gave them eggnog and chocolate. For ten days the doctor treated the sick, without sleep or rest. And finally, the treatment bore fruit, all the patients recovered. And then the holiday began in Africa. Everyone sang and danced, glorifying the good doctor. That's how it is summary fairy tales

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “Aibolit” is that kindness and mercy are valuable things without which it is impossible to live in the world. Doctor Aibolit did not refuse treatment to anyone, he tried to help everyone. The fairy tale teaches us to be kind and sympathetic, to help everyone who is sick, weak or helpless.

I liked it in the fairy tale main character, Aibolit. The good doctor is a shining example of an unselfish, selfless person who tries to help everyone, sparing no effort, regardless of time.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale “Aibolit”?

A good deed does not drown in water.
He who helped in time helped twice.

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