Quotes, aphorisms and sayings about friendship. Quotes about friends with meaning Aphorisms about friendship and friends

This section publishes selected quotes, aphorisms and sayings, as well as proverbs and sayings about friendship.


· « A true friend loves at all times, he is a brother born in times of trouble.» (Proverbs 17:17)

· « There are friends who are ready to tear each other apart, but there is a friend who is more attached than a brother» (Proverbs 18:24)

· « Oil and incense delight the heart - so pleasant is a friend who gives advice from the heart» (Proverbs 27:9)

· « Do not forsake your friend and your father’s friend, and do not enter your brother’s house on the day you are in trouble. Better a neighbor close than a brother far away» (Proverbs 27:10)

Commentary: “This biblical parable highlights the importance of having a true friend and being a true friend, especially in times of trouble. The first part talks about how you can be such a friend. On the day of disaster or misfortune, you should not leave or abandon those who were your friends or family friends. You can't be a "friend until the first trouble" who disappears when you really need him. Also pay attention to the opposite aspect. In times of trouble, it is better to have a friend nearby who is not only able but willing to help you, than to be forced to travel far to your brother’s house to ask if he can help.” (The Watchtower, 1/1/81, p. 7)

· « A man who flatters a friend spreads a net before his feet» (Proverbs 29:5)

Commentary: “Being selective about your friends shows wisdom. False friends who want to gain confidence with some ulterior motive are often recognized by their flattering words.” (The Watchtower, 2/15/88, p. 4)

Bible quotations are from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.


· « A friendship that ended never really began» (Publius)

· « He who is so deaf that he does not even want to hear the truth from a friend is hopeless» (Cicero)

· « Friendship is not such a pathetic flame that it can go out in separation.» (Johann Schiller)

· « Time will reveal a friend like gold - fire» (Menander)

· « If it is commendable to do good to friends, then there is no shame in accepting help from friends» (Plutarch)

· « Friendship penetrates into the lives of all people, but to maintain it, sometimes you have to endure insults» (Cicero)

· « I don’t need a friend who, agreeing with me on everything, changes views with me, nodding his head, because a shadow does the same thing better» (Plutarch)

· « There is only one case where we have nothing to be afraid of offending a friend - this is when it comes to telling him the truth and thus proving our loyalty to him» (Cicero)

· « When extending your hand to friends, do not clench your fingers into a fist.» (Diogenes)

· « A friend is someone who knows about it every time you need him.» (J. Guenan)

· « Without true friendship, life is nothing» (Cicero)

· « He who is deprived of sincere friends is truly lonely» (Francis Bacon)

· « Friendship can only unite worthy people» (Cicero)

· « Don't rush to make friends; but if you become friends, be constant and firm in your friendship» (Socrates)

· « Hating your enemies is easier and more fun than loving your friends» (Bertrand Russell)

· « It's easier to forgive an enemy than a friend» (William Blake)

· « Reproach your friend in private, but praise in public» (Solon)

· « An enemy who speaks the truth is better than a hypocritical friend» (Sophocles)

· « Friendship is equality» (Pythagoras)

· « Some of your friends blame you, and some praise you: draw close to those who blame and move away from those who praise» (Talmud)


· « A bad friend is like a shadow: you can’t get rid of it on a sunny day, but you won’t find it on a stormy day» (Russian proverb)

· « Not that friendly hand that only strokes, but also the one that pulls by the cowlick» (Russian proverb)

· « Not the friend who walks at a feast, but the one who helps in trouble» (Russian proverb)

· « It is better to listen to the reproaches of friends than to lose the last ones» (Arabic proverb)

· « Don't recognize a friend in three days, recognize a friend in three years» (Russian proverb)

· « An old friend is better than two new ones» (Russian proverb)

· « Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.» (Russian proverb)

· « A friend in need is a friend indeed» (Russian proverb)

· « Drinking water from a friend is sweeter than the enemy's honey» (Russian proverb)

· « The one who points out your shortcomings is not always your enemy; the one who talks about your merits is not always your friend» (Chinese proverb)

· « Mutual trust is the basis of friendship» (Chinese proverb)

· « Three things are tested in only three cases: fortitude in danger, wisdom in anger, and friendship in need.» (French proverb)

· « Do not rudely break the thread of friendship, because if you have to tie it again, a knot will remain» (Indian proverb)


· « A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother»

· « When people part with friends, they remain friends forever - regardless of whether contact is maintained or not»

· « Wealth is not a friend, but a friend is wealth»

· « True friendship knows no envy»

· « Finding a good friend is only half the battle: you also need to be one yourself»

· « Vanity is the main enemy of friendship»

· « An adversary who reveals your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who hides them.»

· « A friend is a person who wants to be with you when you are having a hard time and wants you to be with him when he is having a good time.»

· « Shout - anyone will hear, whisper - the closest one will hear, but only a true friend will hear you when you are silent»

· « Friendship doubles joys and halves sorrows»

· « A true friend is one who is never fake»

You can also read:
· Friendship statuses for social networks
· Humor, jokes and jokes about friendship

Both in friendship and in enmity, certain boundaries must always be observed: gullibility - it should not be too great, since it immediately becomes dangerous, and hostility, which should not develop into an irreconcilable form.

Ancient human wisdom says that one should obtain money and other worldly goods solely for the purpose of helping friends in need in the future. – Karl Marx

Friends are always known not in trouble, but in happiness. Only a true friend can be happy for you when you yourself are feeling bad. – Nicholas Roerich

A reliable basis for friendship is similarity in character and common interests, and not personal sympathy towards a person. – Georg Hegel

Under no circumstances tell your friends about their mistakes in an indelicate manner. Otherwise, they will correct them, but they will not forget about it. – Logan Smith

Friends should not be constantly burdened with their problems, and help can only be sought in the most as a last resort. – Georg Hegel

It's good that there are no perfect people. People without flaws are doomed to loneliness. – William Gaslitt

Read more quotes about friends on the following pages:

At the height of greatness, do not forget that a friend is in need - Johann Schiller

He who is a good friend himself has good friends - Niccolo Machiavelli

We need new friends. Some of us are cannibals, devouring old friends; others must renew their audience to resume showing the ideal version of their lives - George Santayana

Two unfortunate people who are in friendship are like two weak trees, which, leaning on one another, can more easily resist storms and all sorts of violent winds - Kozma Prutkov

For a lover there are no friends - Stendhal

Friendship warms the soul, a dress warms the body, and the sun and stove warm the air - Kozma Prutkov

In nothing do I find such happiness as in a soul that preserves the memory of my good friends - William Shakespeare

Without difficulty you can make a friend whoever you want, you just have to say something good about him when he is not present in the conversation about which there are many who want to tell him. The beginning of friendship is promoted by praise, the beginning of enmity is promoted by censure - Basil the Macedonian

You can complain to a stranger about what you can’t complain to a friend, and to a friend about what you can’t complain to your wife – Jean Rostand

He is a low soul who is ashamed of his friendship with people whose shortcomings have become known to everyone - Luc Vauvenargues

Get me out of trouble first, my friend, and then you will read the moral lesson - Jean La Fontaine

Leave three times more for your friends than for yourself. For yourself, preserve at least a grain of pristine purity of heart - Hong Zichen

A friend in power is a lost friend - Henry Adams

He who always thinks only of enemies will gain them, but will destroy friends - Milorad Pavic

It is not so difficult to die for a friend as to find a friend worth dying for - Edward Bulwer-Lytton

True friends are those who have “one soul in two bodies” - Michel Montaigne

There is an old toast, remarkable in its beauty: when you climb to the top of success, may you not meet your friend - Mark Twain

Self-love is poison for friendship - Honore Balzac

I would never have become his friend if I had known him. It is very dangerous to know your own friends well - Oscar Wilde

Who will tell me the truth about me, if not a friend - Vissarion Belinsky

Friendship is one of life's greatest joys; One of the greatest joys of friendship is having someone you can trust with a secret - Alessandro Manzoni

I wish you well, that’s why I scold you - this is how true friends are always recognized! – Hans Andersen

In friendship there are neither debtors nor benefactors - Romain Rolland

The basis of friendship is the benefits that friends expect to receive from each other. Deprive them of these benefits and friendship will cease to exist - Paul Holbach

To find a friend, you need to close one eye. To keep it, you need to close both - Norman Douglas

If we want to make friends, let's do something that requires our time, energy, unselfish feelings and consideration for others - Dale Carnegie

To have many friends is to have none - Erasmus of Rotterdam

If you cannot directly, frankly, even harshly tell a friend everything that you think about him, about his actions, or hear from him the same truth about yourself, then you do not truly believe each other, do not understand and do not respect each other – Ivan Goncharov

Only he makes true friends who is his own friend - Leonid Andreev

Friend: a person who notices everything and forgives us everything - even our virtues - Adrien Decourcel

If spouses have loved each other for many years, then love imperceptibly turns into a sweet habit and ardent passion is replaced by tender friendship - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence I can think out loud - Ralph Emerson

It is easier and more fun to hate your enemies than to love your friends - Bertrand Russell

There are people to whom we forgive, and there are people to whom we do not forgive. Those to whom we do not forgive are our friends - Henri Monterlant

No matter how rare true love is, true friendship is even rarer - Francois La Rochefoucauld

Friendship sees everything and pays no attention to anything. Love pays attention to everything and sees nothing - Don Aminado

Must keep the secrets of your friends. He who does not keep a secret dishonors his conscience and disgraces his trust - John of Damascus

Language is the best mediator for establishing friendship and harmony - Erasmus of Rotterdam

Much is said about how fickle women are in love, but not enough about how constant they are in friendship - Gaston Levis

If a person has a devoted friend, he has, as it were, two lives to fulfill his desires - Francis Bacon

They punish enemies with the sword, but captivate friends with their souls - Denis Davydov

There are few who are fit to be good friends, and even fewer for those who do not know how to take away - Baltasar Gracian y Morales

The hearts of our friends are often more impenetrable than the hearts of our enemies - Paul Valéry

People usually call friendship spending time together, mutual assistance in business, exchange of services, in a word, such relationships where selfishness hopes to gain something - Francois La Rochefoucauld

It is more profitable to have someone among your enemies than among your friends - Fyodor Dostoevsky

The only way to find a friend is to be one - Ralph Emerson

No matter how demanding people are in love, they still forgive more offenses to those they love than to those with whom they are friends - Jean La Bruyère

Friendly frankness is especially dangerous: if you told your secrets to another - you became his slave... So, don’t listen to secrets and don’t tell them yourself - Baltasar Gracian y Morales

The greatest pleasure an honest man can feel is to please his friends - Voltaire

Sometimes, in order to lose a friend, an unpaid service is enough: unable to repay the debt, he moves away - the debtor has become an enemy - Baltasar Gracian y Morales

The one who forgets a friend in wealth is mad - Gregory the Theologian

Never boast about your friends' judgment. True is the testimony that is pronounced by a hostile voice - Jerome of Stridon

If you can't love, stay friends! – Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Egoists are our only friends with whom we are friends disinterestedly - Henri Monterlant

All I need is a room to put my hat and a few friends - Dorothy Parker

Time strengthens friendship, but weakens love - Jean La Bruyère

Cheating on a friend is much more painful than cheating on a loved one, because you expect it less from him - Etienne Rey

You don’t have to be a dog to be a friend - Mikhail Zadornov

Friends love you for who you are; your wife loves you and wants to make you a different person - Gilbert Chesterton

He who has never sought friendship or love is a thousand times poorer than he who has lost them both - Jean Paul

There is little friendship in the world - and least among equals - Francis Bacon

Friends are not always friends - Mikhail Lermontov

Having borrowed five pounds from a friend and not being able to pay, I thereby sell him for five pounds, and this is unprofitable - George Shaw

A truly kind and amiable person can have as many friends as he wants, but not always the ones he wants - Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

It is easy to call a man wise, but it is much more difficult to convince his friends of this - Mark Twain

Never make friends with a person you cannot respect - Charles Darwin

Everyone wants to have a friend, but no one wants to be a friend - Jean Carr

You have found yourself a devoted friend if, having risen, he has not become acquainted with you - Jean La Bruyère

Love can be unrequited. Friendship - never. Love is filled with pride, selfishness, greed, and ingratitude. She does not recognize merit and does not hand out diplomas. Moreover, friendship is extremely rarely the end of love - Janusz Wisniewski

My fame enraged my enemies and annoyed my friends - Sarah Bernhardt

When there are no friends, a birthday is celebrated in a nightclub - Frederic Beigbeder

A true friend is with you when you are wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you - Mark Twain

Friendship is the haven to which a person strives, it brings joy and peace of mind, it is relaxation in this life and the beginning of heavenly life - Torquato Tasso

It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend - William Blake

Old acquaintances and old friendships appear only in youth - Vladislav Grzegorczyk

Do not entrust your secret to someone who treats you before you know his loyalty and friendship - John of Damascus

Success makes few friends - Luc Vauvenargues

Nature teaches animals to know their friends - William Shakespeare

Discussing the foibles and quirks of our mutual friends is a great pleasure and the cement of friendship - William Gaslitt

We consider the one who allowed his friend Denis Diderot to be insulted in his presence as a coward.

Without friendship, no relationship between people has value - Socrates

The friend I love best is for his shortcomings, which can be discussed - William Gaslitt

It is a misfortune to have no friend, but he who has no friend makes no enemy - George Halifax

In order to live long, buy yourself old wine and an old friend - Pythagoras

We willingly forgive our friends for shortcomings that do not affect us - Francois La Rochefoucauld

If your friends start complimenting you on how young you look, you can be sure they think you're getting old - Washington Irving

Friend: a person who knows everything about us and yet loves us - Elbert Hubbard

How sweet are criticisms coming from friendly lips; you believe in them, they make you sad, because there is no doubt that they are correct, but they do not cause pain - Honoré Balzac

In relations with friends, advise them to do only what they are capable of doing, and lead them to goodness without violating decency, but do not try to act where there is no hope of success. Don't put yourself in a humiliating position - Confucius

Friendship usually serves as a transition from simple acquaintance to enmity - Vasily Klyuchevsky

There are no friends in politics or in cards - Finley Dunn

Those with whom we shared joys are remembered with pleasure; those with whom we have endured hardships with tenderness - Samuel Johnson

In your social relations, avoid making enemies out of friends; try, on the contrary, to turn your enemies into friends - Pythagoras

Perhaps, in order to fully appreciate friendship, you must first experience love - Nicola Chamfort

To die for a friend under some exceptional circumstances is less sublime than to daily and secretly sacrifice oneself for him - Stendhal

To write about your friend is to quarrel with him forever - Jules Renard

Acquaintance: a person whom we know well enough to borrow money from, but not well enough to lend to him - Ambrose Bierce

When your friends start complimenting you on how great you look, it's a sure sign that you're getting old - Mark Twain

We prefer an open enemy to a false friend - Friedrich Engels

True friendship knows no envy, and true love knows no coquetry - Francois La Rochefoucauld

Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality - Pythagoras

Friendship, which is given for money, and not acquired by the greatness and nobility of the soul, can be bought, but cannot be kept - Niccolo Machiavelli

By not allowing our friends to look into the very depths of our hearts, we do this not so much out of mistrust of them, but out of mistrust of ourselves - Francois La Rochefoucauld

In friendship there are no calculations or considerations other than itself - Michel Montaigne

Good done by an enemy is just as difficult to forget as it is difficult to remember good done by a friend. For good we pay good only to the enemy; We take revenge for evil on both the enemy and the friend - Vasily Klyuchevsky

I have three kinds of friends: friends who love me, friends who don't care about me at all, and friends who can't stand me - Nicola Chamfort

Many of our misfortunes would be easier to bear than the consolations of our friends - Charles Colton

If a person is on his own life path does not make new acquaintances, he soon finds himself alone - Samuel Johnson

Service and friendship are two parallel lines: they do not converge - Alexander Suvorov

Beware of a woman who has many friends, because they will constantly seek to destroy your marriage, your “we”. However, one friend is even worse: in the future she may become your wife - Cyril Connolly

There are very few sincere friends, and there is little demand for them - Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

Choose your enemies carefully. But also friends, because they will become enemies - Henri Monterlant

All the troubles that your worst enemy can say to your face are nothing compared to what your best friends say about you behind your back - Alfred Musset

You can't go far in friendship if friends are not willing to excuse each other's minor shortcomings - Jean La Bruyère

The friendship of vicious people is unreliable; it lasts only as long as it serves mutual benefit - Oliver Goldsmith

Selfless love is more common in life than true friendship - Jean La Bruyère

Friendship is not such a pitiful flame that it can be extinguished by separation - Johann Schiller

We are not impressed by our high-ranking friends, but we hope that our other friends are impressed by them - Jean Rostand

In old age the number of friends does not increase: all losses are then irrevocable - Luc Vauvenargues

To be left without friends is the worst misfortune, next to poverty - Daniel Defoe

Friendship has changed so much that it allows for betrayal, does not require meetings, correspondence, heated conversations, and even allows for the presence of one friend - Mikhail Zhvanetsky

The greatest feat of friendship is not to show a friend our shortcomings, but to open his eyes to his own - Francois La Rochefoucauld

Friendship is not built on gifts, but on promises - Georges-Armand Masson

A generous man must have a few faults so as not to upset his friends - Benjamin Franklin

There is nothing more precious than friends; so don't lose the chance to buy them whenever you can - Francesco Guicciardini

In friendship, as in love, happiness is often brought about by what we do not know rather than by what we know - François La Rochefoucauld

Before you love your enemies, try to treat your friends a little better - Edgar Howe

The two most terrible phrases in the world are: “I need to talk to you” and “I hope we can remain friends.” The funny thing is, they always lead to the opposite result, breaking both conversation and friendship - Frederic Beigbeder

The brave are tested in times of trouble, but true friends are in trouble - John of Damascus

The deepest friendship gives rise to the bitterest enmity - Michel Montaigne

Friendship should be a strong thing, capable of surviving all changes in temperature and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which efficient and decent people make their life journey - Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer - Francois La Rochefoucauld

A powerless enemy is our best friend; an envious friend is the worst of our enemies - Petr Chaadaev

All the honors in this world are not worth one good friend - Voltaire

Human friendship in most cases sprouts with many prickly “ifs” and “buts” and eventually turns into ordinary friendly relationships that last only thanks to omissions - Nicola Chamfort

You recognize friends in trouble. You recognize yourself in the troubles of your friends - Alexander Kumor

A friend must take upon himself part of his friend’s sorrows - Erasmus of Rotterdam

For friendship, any burden is light. The universe is eternal, meetings with friends are brief - Nikolai Lobachevsky

Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits it to himself - Mikhail Lermontov

Choose a friend for yourself; you cannot be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two - Pythagoras

How few friends would remain friends if they could fully know each other's thoughts - Georg Lichtenberg

Friendship, like love, is a rose with a luxurious color, an intoxicating aroma, but also with prickly thorns - Vissarion Belinsky

Friendship is a calm and quiet affection, directed and strengthened by habit, arising from long intercourse and mutual obligations - David Hume

In the world we have three kinds of friends: some love us, others hate us, others simply don’t remember - Nicola Chamfort

A true friend is the greatest of goods and at the same time the good that one least thinks about acquiring - Francois La Rochefoucauld

The meaning of true friendship is that it doubles joy and halves pain - Joseph Addison

Imperfection is what we like in our friends - Philip Chesterfield

If you make new friends, don’t forget the old ones - Erasmus of Rotterdam

Friendship can do without love; love without friendship is no - Vasily Klyuchevsky

Friendship needs neither a slave nor a master. Friendship loves equality - Ivan Goncharov

Friendship is not a service, no one is grateful for it - Gavriil Derzhavin

Lend money to an enemy and you will gain a friend; lend money to a friend and you will lose him - Benjamin Franklin

We need two types of acquaintances: those to whom we can complain about life, and those to whom we can brag - Logan Smith

Love and friendship are a mutual echo: they give as much as they take - Alexander Herzen

Don't give it to everyone right hand yours; don't hug everyone; Don’t press anyone to your heart! What will remain for the most worthy and most amiable, and who will trust the signs of your friendship; who will give them the proper value if you squander them indiscriminately - Adolf Knigge

Friends help us live and prevent us from working - Tadeusz Kotarbiński

The cradle of personal success in life is maintaining the friendship, trust and respect of your next-door neighbor - Booker Washington

A true friend is known by the trouble to which he has brought us - Wieslaw Brudzinski

Friendship between women is just a non-aggression pact - Henri Monterlant

When friendship begins to weaken and cool, it always resorts to increased politeness - William Shakespeare

Friendship should be a strong thing, capable of surviving all changes in temperature and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which efficient and decent people make their life journey - Alexander Herzen

For high friendship there is one condition necessary - the ability to do without it - Ralph Emerson

There are few vices in the world that prevent a person from making many friends more than too many virtues - Nicola Chamfort

The collapse of all a person's hopes is pleasant to both his friends and foes - Francois La Rochefoucauld

Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends - Lion Feuchtwanger

Friendship is based on mutual benefit, on community of interests; but as soon as interests collide, friendship is dissolved: look for it in the clouds - Arthur Schopenhauer

The flame of love sometimes leaves the ashes of friendship - Henri Renier

What, in essence, is wrong with the fact that my friend loves himself more than me? – Francis Bacon

Important friends are for important things... Therefore, having important friends and being able to save them is more important than having money - Baltasar Gracian y Morales

It is better to be in darkness than without a friend - John Chrysostom

In both friendship and love, sooner or later the time comes to settle scores - George Shaw

Friendship often ends in love, but love rarely ends in friendship - Charles Colton

For the wounds of love, friendly sympathy is a true balm - Thomas Reid

There are no words in the world that can express the difference between loneliness and friendship - Gilbert Chesterton

Women give to friendship only what they borrow from love - Nicola Chamfort

Friends are thieves of time - Francis Bacon

Equality of status binds hearts. But there cannot be long-term friendship between the rich and the poor due to the inequality between wealth and poverty - Miguel Saavedra

It is even more difficult to recognize talent in your friends than to recognize it in your enemies - Edmond Goncourt

You can't have too many friends - Alexandre Dumas (Father)

A dispute even between friends has in itself something rude, hostile and contrary to friendly relations - Francesco Petrarca

Help yourself and your friends will love you more - Jonathan Swift

If a man wants to be considered smarter than he really is, and a woman wants to be considered more beautiful, this delusion is beneficial for both of them and harmless for others. And I would rather make them my friends by indulging them, than my enemies by trying, and in vain, to bring them out of this error - Philip Chesterfield

A man is judged by his friends - Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Restraint in love or friendship would be a stupid whim and, moreover, an act of selfishness, killing all feeling, first in ourselves, and then in the person we love - George Sand

Of two friends, only one is a friend of the other - Jean Carr

If you want to know what someone you know thinks about you, make him angry - Oliver Holmes

Friendship and community are born among people when there is a common enemy - Percy Shelley

There cannot be long friendship, subordination, comradeship where one does not adapt to the other - Francesco Guicciardini

Listen, friend: to entertain you, I’ll tell you about my latest trouble - Karol Izhikowski

A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart– Gabriel Marquez

Some friends are good at a distance, others close; those who are not very suitable for conversation can be excellent at correspondence. Distance smooths out flaws that are unbearable in close communication. – Baltasar Gracian y Morales

He who turns out to be a true friend is a real person, and he does not remain in debt to society - Anthony Shaftesbury

Better an enemy for nothing than a friend for money - Karol Bunsch

He who is afraid of making enemies will never make true friends - William Gaslitt

The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third - Jean Carr

There are three useful friends and three harmful ones. Helpful friends are a straightforward friend, a sincere friend and a friend who has heard a lot. Harmful friends are a hypocritical friend, an insincere friend and a talkative friend - Confucius

Love requires infinitely less than friendship - George Nathan

Friends cannot be impartial and are often even unfair in trying to maintain impartiality - Friedrich Goebbel

Everyone sympathizes with the misfortunes of their friends, and few rejoice in their successes - Oscar Wilde

True happiness does not consist in many friends, but in dignity and freedom of choice - Ben Johnson

A woman cannot be a good wife who is not and is not capable of being a friend to her husband - Thomas Paine

First love is so fragrant because it forgets the difference between the sexes, because it is passionate friendship - Alexander Herzen

A true friend is someone whom I would trust in everything concerning me more than myself - Michel Montaigne

What people usually call friendship is, in essence, only an alliance, the purpose of which is the mutual preservation of benefits and the exchange of good services, the most disinterested friendship is nothing more than a deal in which our pride always expects to win something - Francois La Rochefoucauld

How few friendships would survive if everyone suddenly found out what friends say behind his back, although just then they are sincere and impartial - Blaise Pascal

It is better to have a weak man as an enemy than as a friend - Henry Shaw

I enter into friendship with only very few, but I value it - Karl Marx

A friend should be like blood flowing immediately to a wound, without waiting to be attracted - Antonio Perez

When friendship suddenly arises between a dog and a cat, it is nothing other than an alliance against the cook - Stefan Zweig

The value of a fortune is learned when it is acquired, and the value of a friend is learned when it is lost - Jean San

The most beautiful girl cannot give more than what he has; and the most devoted friend can only keep silent about what he does not know - Alfred Musset

He who wants more than one friend does not deserve one - Friedrich Goebbel

Alone a person is a weak being, in unity with others he is strong. The deep gaze of a friend, penetrating into the heart, the word of his advice, his consolation move apart and lift what is sitting low above him - Johann Herder

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother - Benjamin Franklin

People on earth should be friends... I don’t think it’s possible to make all people love each other, but I would like to destroy hatred between people - Isaac Asimov

In conversations with each other, women imitate the spirit of comradely solidarity and that confidential frankness that they do not allow themselves with men. But behind this appearance of friendship there is so much vigilant distrust, and how, admittedly, it is justified! – Andre Maurois

A friend is a person who will not sell you for nothing - Gabriel Laub

False people are more dangerous to have as friends than as enemies - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

An adversary who reveals your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who hides them - Leonardo da Vinci

A friend who is useless to his friend becomes a stranger to him - Paul Holbach

There is nothing more tender than the correspondence of friends who do not want to meet again - Marcel Proust

We are not particularly pleased with our friends if they value our good qualities, allow ourselves to also notice our shortcomings - Luc Vauvenargues

The unfortunate have no friends - John Dryden

When friendship becomes love, they merge like two rivers, the larger of which swallows the smaller - Madeleine Scuderi

What is friendship? A word, an illusion that enchants us, a shadow that follows happiness and disappears in hours of unhappiness! – Oliver Goldsmith

Friendship achieves the same result as courage, but only in a more pleasant way - Francis Bacon

If a friend refuses to lend you $50, he probably knows you especially well - Lawrence Peter

There is nothing more dangerous than an ignorant friend - Jean Lafontaine

The only reward for virtue is virtue itself; the only way to have a friend is to be a friend - Ralph Emerson

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses - William Shakespeare

Friendship doubles joys and halves sorrows - Francis Bacon

I do not need a friend who repeats my every gesture: my shadow does this much better - Plutarch

Close communication is where the tenderest friendship and the strongest hatred originate - Antoine Rivarol

Trust is the first condition of friendship; it can be said to serve as the threshold of the temple, while the willingness to make sacrifices is the temple itself - Jean La Bruyère

The friends of this world are so afraid to part with the embrace of the world that nothing is more difficult for them than not to work - Aurelius Augustine

Only those people who know how to forgive each other's minor shortcomings can be connected by true friendship - Jean La Bruyère

The least noisy, most modest friendship is often the most useful. Therefore I would always prefer a discreet friend to an overzealous one - Joseph Addison

It is pleasant to be in the company of people when we are prompted to do so only by friendly inclination and respect; It’s painful to look for a meeting with them when you expect services from them: this means seeking friendship - Jean La Bruyère

The eyes of friendship are rarely wrong - Voltaire

If we want to destroy a state, we must begin to be friends with this state. They somehow survived the arms race with us, but no one can endure friendship - Mikhail Zadornov

The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend - Henry Thoreau

Friendship is the wine of existence, love is a good glass of vodka - Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Friendship is love without wings - George Byron

He who boasts that he has made many friends has never had one - Samuel Coleridge

One of the common basenesses is to blame absent friends in order to please others - Pierre Boist

Friendship is the art of distance, while love is the art of intimacy - Sigmund Graff

What is most beneficial for people to do is that which promotes friendship - Benedict Spinoza

Gentleman: a man who is friendly to those who have no friends - Elbert Hubbard

A person has friends and conscience until they are needed - Gabriel Laub

In friends we notice those shortcomings that can harm them, but in loved ones those from which we ourselves suffer - Jean La Bruyère

He who does good to a friend does good to himself - Erasmus of Rotterdam

Hiding anything from friends is dangerous; but it’s even more dangerous not to hide anything from them - Jean La Fontaine

Sincerity in relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship - Alexander Suvorov

My friend is the one to whom I can tell everything - Vissarion Belinsky

Unfaithful friends are swallows that you meet only in the summer; it is a sundial, useful only as long as the sun shines - Theodor Hippel

“A friend in need is a friend in need” - many know this saying, but you can only believe it by checking it from your own experience. A person communicates with people who are close to him in character, hobbies, tastes, interests, but not all of these acquaintances can be called friends; a friend is something more.

In a person’s immediate environment there are many people with whom it is interesting to spend time, go for walks, go to the movies, play various games, and do homework together. But you shouldn’t rush to call them friends, and share your most secret things. After all, there is such a thing as benefit. Perhaps some of them are just using you to pass their time, or so that you can help them with their homework, or you have a cool computer game, which they don’t have, and so on. Therefore, you need to know who is such an acquaintance and who is a true friend.

Friendship is a high feeling. By entering into a friendly relationship with a person, we learn to keep other people's secrets, become less selfish, and begin to rejoice and worry about their successes and failures as if they were our own. Friendship should not contain betrayal, meanness, selfishness and selfishness.

A true friend, in addition to spending your leisure time together, will always come to the rescue, will always support you, give you the necessary advice, and will always be with you in difficult times. Also, such a person should sincerely share your joy, without black envy and anger. If a person has all these qualities, then he can already be called your friend. The main thing is not to forget about reciprocity, because good friends are those people who know how to be good friends themselves.

If, after going through various difficult situations and troubles, a friend stayed with you and did not look for excuses to help you, then you can be congratulated, you have a true friend! Appreciate him and don't betray him.

Option 2

They often talk about a friend in need, but friends are even better. It’s immediately pleasant that there are a lot of them, although the main thing is that they turn out to be real.

A friend is not someone you communicate with during your studies, even if it’s good. Not the one you bump into in the yard, play with... Not even the one with whom you go to the same section or circle. This is someone who can really help out in trouble.

Unfortunately, we often think that we have a friend in front of us, but in a critical situation he abandons us. He may think to himself that he is our friend, but in such a situation it immediately becomes clear that he is not exactly a friend to us, but to himself.

Sometimes they offer to check on friends. Of course, time is testing. They talk about a pound of salt... But times can also be calm. Relax together and you will never know who your real friend is. But the trouble, of course, will show the face of the “friend”.

They also test friends with tests. As they say - pull him to the mountains. But, in my opinion, tests are also not a very good option - they are so special and far-fetched. After all, a person can be offended, offended. To check me?! So you don't really trust me?

I wouldn't be very pleased if they checked me on purpose. Am I worthy of being someone's friend? Then there should be a reverse check. By the way, it is important to understand for yourself what kind of friend you are. At least imagine, answer the questions honestly... Could you risk your life for this person? What are you ready for?

I think it's important to start with yourself. And don’t invent any troubles!

And if they do happen, then, really, friends are tested. They put everything off and run to the hospital to see you. They forget about themselves, even step over themselves. Sometimes it turns out strange that those whom you didn’t expect come. But those who were waiting - no. Anything can happen.

There are times when money is suddenly a problem - a friend borrows money and denies himself. Sometimes you have to go against everyone for the sake of a friend. It happens too.

We really want everyone we consider to be friends to turn out to be one. And if you were deceived, then you should not be upset, you need to draw conclusions. They trusted the wrong people. And it’s better to find out about it now than to spend your whole life in ignorance.

And it’s also important that friendship also develops. You cannot become a “true friend” overnight. A year ago I was not ready to support you in trouble, but now I am ready. Or vice versa...

We make small choices every hour. If it is for the benefit of a friend, then our friendship grows with us.

Reasoning on the topic

Friends are found in adversity - a common phrase. Only when trouble happens do you begin to understand the value and meaning of these words. Friend! Another me. He must understand me, share my interests, help me, save me. People say: trouble will come, it will be shared with friends, joy will come, and with friends it will multiply. How many friends should you have? To be faithful, 1-2 is enough. I have such a friend Alexey.

On summer holidays I broke my leg. The doctors said that I would be able to walk only in six months. I didn't want to miss school. Classmates assured that they would help and bring home assignments. In the first month of training, the number of people willing to help dropped by half. By the new year there was only one left - Alexey.

He came every day: in frost and snowstorm. He and I did homework and prepared for testing. He mastered a simple massage method and helped me restore my leg. I saw: it is not difficult for him, it is a joy to be useful to me. Some will say that he didn't do anything special. I don't agree. He came to the rescue when needed, not for a minute, but to the end.

He and I passed the exams well and entered the same institute. I feel good with my friend - calm and reliable. I want to be as faithful to him.
Why do friends meet in trouble? Maybe because it is when trouble comes that you need to make the right decision. Sometimes there is simply no time for this and a person acts spontaneously, unconsciously: he jumps to save a drowning man, goes into a burning house, shields him from a knife. In difficult emergency situations, all human qualities are exposed.

A faithful friend will show reliability and sacrifice. A seeming friend will expose cowardice and callousness. All these qualities are clearly revealed during military operations. If there were no true friends, how many people would die without the shoulder of a friend.

Let many years pass, I want Alexey and I to remain true friends and set an example for our children.

Essay on the proverb Friends are in trouble, grade 7

My father always told me that my friend is not the one who plays ball in the yard. And not the one with whom I go hiking or to the movies. He liked to repeat that friends are known in trouble, because only a truly close and supportive person will share the hardships that befell me. I admit, I did not attach any importance to his words deep meaning until the summer of last year came, when our whole class went to camp...

I will remember those holidays for the rest of my life. The whole class, accompanied by our class teacher and physical teacher, went to a new mountain camp. We were incredibly happy about our outing and, naturally, ignored the warning: - the instructor forbade leaving the camp and going beyond the fence (there was a mesh fence around the perimeter). However, after waiting for the right moment, my bosom “friends” and I and a few other guys ran away to explore the surroundings.

Without thinking twice, we headed to the nearest rocks. At first it was very easy to climb up. We joked and played, but soon fatigue showed itself. But no one wanted to admit their weakness and turn back. We climbed, determined to at least get to the ledge. At some point I slipped, stones fell one after another, and, unable to hold on, I fell. Falling down, I hit my head and lost consciousness.

I woke up in the first aid station, it turned out that my leg was deeply cut and I couldn’t walk normally. I didn’t see my “friends” anymore. Together with all the guys, they played football, climbed the mountains three times, went to the river, but they didn’t find time to come see me. But instead of them, a boy from a parallel class came to me. It turned out that my comrades had returned without me, and that, noticing this, it was Zhenya who was the first to raise the alarm.

Since I fell into a crevice and was not visible, they searched for me for several hours. During this time I lost a lot of blood and became very weak. I couldn’t play as before and probably would have died of boredom if it weren’t for a new friend who visited me every day, sacrificing his entertainment and time. The boy brought from somewhere several books and an old instruction on how to carve a boat. We spent all the time remaining before returning together. During these days I realized that friends are known in trouble. An unpleasant experience, but now I know who my true friend and comrade are.

In every village there are houses in which people live modestly, and there are richer houses. However, if there is a jack of all trades in the village, then there will definitely be a house that will differ from all other houses in its beauty

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