Skaryna University. Skorina University (Gomel): faculties, training

  • Region: Gomel region
  • Locality::Gomel
  • Ultrasound type: University
  • Type of ultrasound: Education
  • Address:

    246019, Gomel, st. Sovetskaya, 104.

  • Phones:

    60-73-71 (admissions), 57-69-17, 60-73-38 (admissions committee).

  • URL:

History of Gomel State University named after. F. Skorina begins in 1929, when by resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the BSSR it was decided to open an agro-pedagogical institute in Gomel.
Until 1933, the institute trained teachers for two-year schools. In 1933, it was transformed into a pedagogical institute with a three-year training period. A year later, the institute was reorganized into a university with a four-year training program
In 1939, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the BSSR, the institute was named after the famous pilot V.P. Chkalova.
Over the years of its existence, the institute has trained about 13,000 highly qualified specialists for various areas of the national economy, and significant successes have been achieved in the field of science.
On March 14, 1969, the Gomel Pedagogical Institute was transformed into Gomel State University - the second university of such a high rank in Belarus.
For great achievements in the study and scientific research of the cultural heritage of the Belarusian people, on November 29, 1988, the university was named after the greatest humanist of the Renaissance, the East Slavic and Belarusian pioneer printer Francis Skorina.
Today Gomel State University named after. F. Skaryna is the largest research and training center, rightfully recognized by the domestic and world scientific community. The oldest university in the region has become a real intellectual and cultural core of Belarusian Polesie.
The reserve of scientific and teaching personnel is postgraduate studies (56 specialties) and doctoral studies (5 specialties). A master's degree has been opened since 2004. The university has 4 councils for the defense of dissertations in 6 specialties, including one doctoral one.
The main forms of scientific activity of GSU are: implementation of fundamental, applied and commercial contractual research work; organization and holding of scientific conferences and seminars; training of personnel of the highest scientific qualifications; organization and management of student science; exhibition and information activities to promote scientific achievements through the media; invention and innovation; publishing house of scientific literature.
In 2011, the university was accredited by the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus as a scientific organization.
The university includes two research institutes, 20 research laboratories engaged in scientific research in various fields of knowledge, a Collective Use Center (CCC) for environmental monitoring and research of the composition and properties of matter has been created, which is equipped with unique scientific equipment, as well as highly qualified specialists for its maintenance and research.
Currently, 270 citizens of near and far abroad are studying at the university.
There are 32 student creative units operating successfully at the university, 9 of which were created in 2011. Their main task is to improve the training of highly qualified specialists who have knowledge of the latest achievements of science and technology, a set of skills and methods for conducting scientific research.

Faculty of Mathematics

In 1969, after the transformation of the Gomel Pedagogical Institute into the Gomel State University, the faculties of physics and mechanics and mathematics were formed on the basis of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.
In September 1977, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics was renamed the Faculty of Mathematics.
Currently the faculty includes the following departments:
Department of Algebra and Geometry
Department of Higher Mathematics
Department of Computational Mathematics and Programming
Department of Differential Equations
Department of Mathematical Problems of Control
Department of Mathematical Analysis
Department of Economic Cybernetics and Probability Theory.
Also at the faculty there is a research student laboratory “AGSS”
After graduating from the faculty, graduates can continue their studies in master's and postgraduate studies.

Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy

The faculty was created in 1997 on the basis of the preparatory department that had been operating at the university since 1969 and was originally called the Faculty of Psychology and Pre-University Training.
Since 1997, students have been recruited for the specialty “Psychology” (full-time department).
On February 1, 2010, the faculty was reorganized and renamed into the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy.
Currently, more than 450 students study at the faculty annually.
Faculty departments:
Department of Psychology.
Department of Social and Educational Psychology.
Department of Pedagogy.
The Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy trains specialists in the following specialties:
1-23 01 04 “Psychology” with specializations: 1-23 01 03 02 “Social psychology”; 1-23 01 04 04 “Educational psychology”; 1-23 01 04 13 “Sports psychology”.
1-03 04 02-02 “Social pedagogy. Practical psychology".
Graduates of the faculty continue their studies in master's and postgraduate studies (full-time and part-time), and successfully work in universities, schools, socio-psychological centers, in institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other government and commercial institutions.
Master's specialties:
1-08 80 06 – general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education;
1-23 80 03 – psychology;
Postgraduate specialties:
13.00.01 – general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education;
19.00.01 – general psychology, history of psychology, personality psychology;
19.00.05 – social psychology;
19.00.07 – educational psychology.

Faculty of Physics

The history of the Faculty of Physics began in 1929, when the Physics and Mathematics Department was formed on the basis of the Gomel Agropedological Institute.
Currently, the Faculty of Physics includes 5 departments:
general physics;
theoretical physics;
radiophysics and electronics;
automated information processing systems.
More than 800 students study at the faculty, of which about 300 are contract students, including foreign students.
The faculty provides training to students in 4 specialties:
"Physics" (scientific and pedagogical activities and production activities). Specializations: "Computer modeling of physical processes", "New materials and technologies", "Laser physics and spectroscopy", "Physical metrology and experiment automation",
"Physics. Technical creativity",
"Physical Electronics"
"Automated information processing systems."

Faculty of Biology

In 1930, the Faculty of Natural Sciences was opened at the Gomel Agropedagogical Institute. Later it received the name of the Faculty of Biology.
Over the years of its work, the faculty has trained more than 6,500 highly qualified specialists.
Today, the teaching staff of the faculty includes 2 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 4 doctors of science, 30 candidates of science, 3 senior teachers, 19 assistants, 21 laboratory assistants.
Training of specialists is carried out in the following specialties:
1 31 03 01 02 “Biology” (direction - scientific and pedagogical activity). Specializations: Botany; Geobotany; Zoology; Physiology of humans and animals; Biochemistry.
1 – 75 01 01 Forestry. Specialization: Forestry and forestry. Qualification: Forestry engineer.
The base for summer field practice for students of the faculty is the “Chenki” biological station.
The educational process is organized in five departments of the faculty:
botany and plant physiology;
zoology and nature conservation;
physiology of humans and animals;
forestry disciplines;
The departments operate postgraduate courses in the following specialties:
- Botany,
- Zoology,
- Genetics,
- Physiology of humans and animals,
- Radiobiology,
- Analytical chemistry.

Faculty of Philology

The Faculty of Philology is one of the oldest at the university. It was created in 1929 at the Gomel Pedagogical Institute.
The faculty trains highly qualified specialists in the field of linguistics and literary criticism, literary workers, and specialists in the field of computer philology. Graduates of the faculty join the ranks of scientists, writers, local historians, work in research centers, universities, museums, archives, departments, the media, government and management bodies, and public associations.
The faculty includes 5 departments:
Department of Belarusian Language
Department of Belarusian Literature
Department of Belarusian Culture and Folklore Studies
Department of Russian, General and Slavic Linguistics
Department of Russian and World Literature.
All departments are staffed with highly qualified teachers, including 8 doctors of science, 38 candidates of philological sciences, 7 professors.
The Faculty of Philology became the basis for the creation of other independent faculties - history and the faculty of foreign languages.
Today, the faculty provides training in the following specialties and specializations:
Belarusian philology;
Belarusian philology with specialization in English;
Belarusian philology with specialization in literary work in newspapers and magazines;
Russian philology;
Russian philology with a specialization in Belarusian language and literature;
Russian philology with a specialization in computer linguistics;
Belarusian philology;
Russian philology (in the areas of "Literary and editorial activities" and "Computer support").
Training of scientific personnel is carried out through postgraduate studies in the Belarusian and Russian languages; Belarusian and Russian literature.
Since 2001, doctoral studies have been opened in the specialty “Belarusian language”.
Since the 2010-2011 academic year, the Faculty of Philology has been running a master's program in the specialties "Linguistics" and "Literary Studies".

Faculty of Foreign Languages

The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​was opened in 1998 as part of the transformation of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​at the Faculty of Philology.
The faculty was created to improve the level of teaching foreign languages. Achieving this goal required solving a number of scientific, pedagogical and social problems.
The faculty includes four departments:
department of English language,
Department of Theory and Practice of English Language,
department of German language,
Department of French.
The educational process is carried out by 98 teachers, including 9 candidates of science.
In the 2011-2012 academic year, 579 students study full-time and part-time at the faculty. The faculty trains teachers of foreign languages. Training is provided in the following specialties:
1 - 02 03 06 - 01 English language. German.
1 - 02 03 06 - 02 German language. English language.
1 - 02 03 06 - 03 English language. French.
1- 02 03 07- 02 Foreign language (English). Informatics.
After receiving higher education, graduates of the faculty can continue their studies in the master's program in specialty 1 - 21 80 03 - “Germanic languages ​​(English; German).”
In 2001, the faculty opened a postgraduate course in the specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (English language, levels of preschool and school education).
The form of study in postgraduate and master's programs is full-time and part-time.

Faculty of Physical Education

The Faculty of Physical Education was founded in 1949 at the Gomel State Pedagogical Institute.
For more than 60 years of work, the faculty has trained over 5,000 specialists, including government officials and prominent scientists, honored workers in the field of physical culture and sports, many famous athletes, champions and medalists of the Olympic Games, winners of the World and European Championships, Honored Trainers of the Republic of Belarus and the USSR
Today, the structure of the faculty includes 5 departments and a number of research laboratories: physical education and sports, Olympic sports and a student scientific laboratory, as well as a museum-laboratory of sports glory of the Gomel region and a sports club.
The departments employ 79 teachers, of whom 1 Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, 12 Candidates of Science, 10 Associate Professors, 1 Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Belarus.
Currently, the faculty trains specialists in the specialty “Physical Education” with the qualification “Teacher of Physical Education”.
In addition, students of the faculty study in 6 more specializations:
"Coaching a sport"
"Preschool physical education"
"Organization of physical culture and health work and tourism",
"Physical education and special training",
"Physical rehabilitation"
"Therapeutic physical culture".
Since 1993, the faculty has been working on a postgraduate course in the specialty 13.00.04 “Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture”
Faculty departments:
Department of Sports Disciplines
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture
Department of Athletics and Skiing
Department of Health and Medical Physical Education
Department of Physical Education and Sports.

Faculty of History

In 1944, a history department was created at the Gomel Pedagogical Institute. However, since 1956, the work of the faculty was suspended.
In 1969, after the transformation of the Pedagogical Institute into Gomel State University, a historical department was created within the framework of the Faculty of History and Philology, which began to operate as an independent faculty in 1988.
Since 1992, in connection with the opening of the legal department, the faculty was renamed historical-legal, and since 1998 it was divided into two independent faculties - history and law.
Currently, the faculty has four departments:
Department of History of Belarus,
Department of General History,
Department of History of the Slavs and Special Historical Disciplines,
Department of Philosophy.
The faculty employs 38 teachers, including 2 doctors and 25 candidates of science, and 423 students study.
Training at the faculty is conducted in two specialties: “National and General History” and “History. English Language”.
Since 2002, the training of bachelors of humanities and bachelors of pedagogical sciences began.
During the existence of the faculty, about 3,000 specialists have been trained in full-time and part-time forms of study who work in the field of education, in museums, archives, universities, research institutes, public organizations and government bodies of the city, region, republic, and business structures.
After graduating from the faculty, graduates can continue their education at the Master's level in the specialties "National History" and "General History".

Faculty of Law

The history of the faculty began in 1991, when the specialty “Jurisprudence” was opened within the framework of the Faculty of History and Law.
In 1998, by decision of the Ministry of Education, the Faculty of Law was established, where about 600 students were already studying.
Today, more than 60 teachers work at the Faculty of Law, of which 3 doctors of science, 25 candidates of science, 12 associate professors.
The faculty has established and operates four departments:
Department of Theory and History of State and Law;
Department of Civil Law Disciplines;
Department of Criminal Law and Procedure;
Department of Political Sociology.
Since 2005, the faculty has been training specialists in five specializations:
“Organization and activities of government bodies”,
"Forensic, prosecutorial and investigative activities"
"Legal support for business"
"Advocacy and notary"
"Tax and banking law."
The faculty has three rooms:
regulatory information,
methodology of state and law.
To train highly qualified personnel, the university has opened postgraduate courses in 7 legal specialties.
Faculty students understand the importance of their profession, taking an active life position. They work as public assistants to investigators in the prosecutor's office and other law enforcement agencies, assist the KGB and the OBOP in operational investigative activities. The faculty has repeatedly received gratitude from law enforcement agencies for assisting students in apprehending criminals and hooligans.

Faculty of Geology and Geography

In 1969, the Faculty of Geology was established at Gomel State University. At that time, it trained geological engineers with a specialty in “Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology,” and since 1985, with a specialty in “Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration.”
In the 70s, the faculty had three departments: general geology; hydrogeology and engineering geology; mineralogy, perography and geochemistry.
In 1984, the Department of Geophysics was opened and a new specialty appeared - “Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration.”
In 1989, the specialty “Geography” was opened, and a little later the department of geography. In this regard, the geological faculty was transformed into a geological-geographical faculty, and was supposed to provide training for geography teachers for schools in the Gomel region, therefore, in the early 90s, a pedagogical specialty “Geography and foreign languages” (German, English) was opened at the faculty.
During its existence, the faculty has trained thousands of specialists in the field of geophysics, engineering geology, hydrogeology, geography, and ecology.
Currently, the faculty includes three departments where students receive education in the following specialties:
"Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration", "Hydrogeology and engineering geology", "Geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields", "Geoecology" (specializations: "General Geoecology"; "Environmental Monitoring"), "Geography" (specializations : "Geography of tourism and excursion management", "Rational environmental management and conservation"; "Geography of tourism and excursion management").
Faculty structure:
Department of Ecology
Department of Geology and Mineral Exploration
Department of Geography.

Faculty of Economics

The Faculty of Economics is one of the oldest faculties in the Republic of Belarus, training highly qualified economic specialists.
The faculty was created in 1969, when the specialty “Labor Economics” was opened at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
During its existence, more than 7 thousand highly qualified economic specialists have graduated, who play a significant role in the development of the economy of the region and the Republic of Belarus.
Today, the Faculty of Economics is the largest department of the university, with more than 1,000 students, including more than 40 foreign students.
Training of specialists is carried out in 6 specialties and 11 specializations of the first stage of higher education, 4 specialties of the second stage (master's degree).
Those wishing to improve their scientific qualifications can continue their postgraduate studies in specialties
08.00.01 – economic theory,
08.00.05 – economics and management of the national economy, 08.00.12 – accounting, statistics,
08.00.10 – finance, money circulation and credit.
Currently, the training of economic specialists is carried out by five departments of the Faculty of Economics, which employ over 60 experienced teachers, more than half of whom have academic degrees and titles.
Specialties and specializations of the faculty:
1-26 01 01 – Public administration;
1-25 01 03 – World economy (specializations: 1-25 01 03 01 – Economics and management of foreign economic activity
1-25 01 03 03 – Foreign trade and commercial activities);
1-25 01 04 – Finance and credit (specializations: 1-25 01 04 01 – Finance, 1-25 01 04 02 – Banking);
1-25 01 07 – Economics and enterprise management (specializations: 1-25 01 07 01 – Labor Economics, 1-25 01 07 21 – Economics and legal support of economic activities);
1-25 01 08 – Accounting, analysis and audit in the following areas: 1-25 01 08 01 – Accounting, analysis and audit in banks, 1-25 01 08 03 – Accounting, analysis and audit in commercial and non-profit organizations ( specialization – 1-25 01 08 03 12 Accounting, analysis and audit in foreign economic activity);
1-25 01 10 – Commercial activity (specialization 1-25 01 10 04 – Commercial activity in the foreign market
1-25 01 10 24 – Information support for business.
Faculty departments:
Department of Finance and Credit
Department of Economic Theory and World Economy
Department of Accounting, Control and Analysis of Economic Activities
Department of Economics and Management
Department of Commercial Activities and Information Technologies in Economics.

Correspondence faculty

The correspondence faculty as an independent structure within the university began to function in July 1974.
For 1975-2011 More than 18 thousand specialists with higher education have been trained through correspondence courses. Many of those who received a university education through correspondence courses work not only in Belarus, but also abroad.
Currently, more than 5 thousand students study at the faculty in 20 specialties and more than 25 specializations.
Training of specialists via correspondence courses is carried out in accordance with curricula developed on the basis of educational standards and standard curricula.
Faculty specialties:
1-53 01 02_Automated information processing systems.
1-21 05 01_Belarusian philology (literary and editorial activities)
1-21 05 01_Belarusian philology for graduates of Rechitsa Pedagogical College
1-31 01 01-02_Biology
1-25 01 08 Accounting, analysis and audit (in areas)
1-31 02 01_Geography
1-26 01 01_Public administration
1-02 03 08_Foreign languages ​​(indicating the language)
1-02 03 08_Foreign language (German) for graduates of Rechitsa Pedagogical College
1-21 03 01_History (domestic and universal)
1-25 01 10_Commercial activity_ 1 course
1-75 01 01_Forestry
1-31 03 01-02_Mathematics
1-24 01 02_Jurisprudence
1-40 01 01_Information technology software
1-23 01 04_Psychology (with special. Pedagogical psychology)
1-21 05 02_Russian philology
1-03 04 02_Social pedagogy. Practical psychology
1-03 02 01_Physical education
1-25 01 04_Finance and credit
1-25 01 07_Economics and enterprise management
When organizing admission to the correspondence faculty, great importance is attached to the professional guidance of applicants working in their specialty, with secondary specialized and higher education. The faculty trains specialists to obtain a second higher education. There are currently about 100 such students.

Faculty of Pre-University Training and Education of Foreign Students

The Faculty of Pre-University Preparation and Education of Foreign Students was founded in December 2009.
The main goal of the faculty is to promote the professional determination of applicants, organize and conduct their high-quality preparation for centralized testing and training at a classical university.
The main tasks of the faculty:
systematic and purposeful formation of the student population of GSU named after. Skorina;
high-quality preparation of applicants for centralized testing and training at the university;
organizing and conducting various forms of additional education for gifted students of lyceums, gymnasiums and secondary schools in the Gomel region;
effective preparation of foreign students for studying at universities of the Republic of Belarus.
The main links of pre-university training are preparatory courses and the preparatory department, operating on the basis of the faculty.
Work to identify and develop the most capable students, their preparation for entering a university is also carried out through specialized classes that operate on the basis of lyceums, gymnasiums and basic schools in the Gomel region. Education in these schools and classes is conducted according to in-depth curricula and programs approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, and the study of special disciplines that make up the university component is provided.
One of the main directions of preparing applicants is the systematic conduct of rehearsal testing and centralized testing in nine specialized subjects. This work is carried out by the Testing Center, which is a structural unit of the faculty.
The central direction of the faculty is organizing and conducting classes with foreign students from near and far abroad, preparing them for studying at Belarusian universities.
Faculty structure:
Department of Pre-University Training and Career Guidance
Preparatory courses
Testing center
The faculty also includes the Franco-Belarusian Institute of Management, the main goal of which is to train specialist managers for joint ventures and for those Belarusian enterprises that are actively entering the European market. The education provided by the institute fully complies with European standards. It allows its graduates to speak the same language with their partners in European countries, ensuring cooperation and career growth of a specialist that is beneficial for Belarusian enterprises.

Gomel State University named after. Francysk Skaryna (GSU)

In 1933, it was transformed into a pedagogical institute with a three-year training period. A year later, the institute was reorganized into a university with a four-year training program that provided for the training of teachers of mathematics, physics, chemistry and natural history. On March 5, 1939, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR, the institute was named after the famous pilot V.P. Chkalova.

Over the years of its existence, the institute has trained about 13,000 highly qualified specialists for various areas of the national economy, and significant successes have been achieved in the field of science. The work of the institute’s staff was highly appreciated by the Decree of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of the BSSR dated March 14, 1969 No. 93 on the transformation of the Gomel Pedagogical Institute into the Gomel State University - the second university of such a high rank in Belarus.

For great achievements in the study and scientific research of the cultural heritage of the Belarusian people, the cultural and educational activities of the greatest humanist of the Renaissance, the East Slavic and Belarusian pioneer printer Francis Skorina, by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR of November 29, 1988, the university was named after him. Rector of the university: Rogachev Alexander Vladimirovich.

Today Gomel State University named after. F. Skaryna is the largest research and training center, rightfully recognized by the domestic and world scientific community. The oldest university in the region has become a real intellectual and cultural core of Belarusian Polesie.

KHAKHOMOV Sergey Anatolievich,
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs:
SEMCHENKO Igor Valentinovich,
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs:
KRUK Andrey Viktorovich,
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
Vice-rector for scientific work:
DEMIDENKO Oleg Mikhailovich,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

University structure (faculties and departments):

Faculty of Biology

Department of Botany and Plant Physiology
Department of Zoology, Physiology and Genetics
Department of Chemistry
Department of Forestry Disciplines

Faculty of Geology and Geography

Department of Ecology
Department of Geology and Geography

Faculty of History

Department of History of Belarus
Department of General History
Department of History of the Slavs and Special Historical Disciplines
Department of Philosophy

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Department of English
Department of Theory and Practice of English Language
Department of Romance-Germanic Philology

Faculty of Mathematics and Programming Technologies

Department of Algebra and Geometry
Department of Higher Mathematics
Department of Computational Mathematics and Programming
Department of Differential Equations and Function Theory
Department of Mathematical Problems of Control and Informatics
Department of Mathematical Analysis
Department of Economic Cybernetics and Probability Theory

Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy

Department of Psychology
Department of Social and Educational Psychology
Department of Pedagogy

Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies

Department of Optics
Department of Theoretical Physics
Department of General Physics
Department of Radiophysics
Department of Automated Information Processing Systems

Faculty of Physical Education

Department of Sports Disciplines
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture
Department of Health and Medical Physical Education
Department of Physical Education and Sports

Faculty of Philology

Department of Belarusian Language
Department of Belarusian Literature
Department of Belarusian Culture and Folklore Studies
Department of Russian and World Literature
Department of Russian, General and Slavic Linguistics

Faculty of Economics

Department of Finance and Credit
Department of Economic Theory and World Economy
Department of Accounting, Control and Analysis of Economic Activities
Department of Economics and Management
Department of Commercial Activities and Information Technologies in Economics

Faculty of Law

Department of Criminal Law and Procedure
Department of Theory and History of State and Law
Department of Civil Law Disciplines
Department of Political Science and Sociology

Correspondence faculty

Faculty of Pre-University Training and Education of Foreign Students

Department of Pre-University Training and Career Guidance

Admissions Committee:

Address: st. Sovetskaya, 102, building 5, room. 1-2, Gomol, Republic of Belarus
Directions: from the railway station trol. No. 1, 15, 15-a to the “University” stop

375 232 57 69 17 - admissions committee (Sovetskaya str., 102, building No. 5, room 1-2)
+375 232 60 73 38 - admissions office (from May 2 to August 6), st. Sovetskaya, 102, bldg. No.5 room 1-0

University named after F. Skorina (Gomel) is traditionally considered one of the most prestigious and respected higher educational institutions in Belarus. This is not only the main educational institution in the territory of Belarusian Polesie, but also a large scientific center that has received recognition from many foreign universities. What should you know about this university? When was it discovered and what types of sciences is its name associated with?

Pedagogical Institute in Gomel - the beginning of higher education

The university in Gomel appeared in 1929, when the Soviet authorities decided to take up the construction of educational infrastructure in Belarusian Polesie. Then the Agropedagogical Institute arose, providing three areas of training for secondary school specialists: physico-technical, socio-historical, literary and linguistic.

The first graduates of this institution studied only two courses, but subsequently the study time increased to three years, and then to four. The Institute trained teaching staff for local schools with a secondary level of education in such disciplines as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and natural history. Since 1939, the university bore the name of the famous pilot V.P. Chkalov.

From institute to university

Thirty years of painstaking work went into training teachers of various specialties. The institute performed well before it was awarded the title of State University in 1969. In fact, it was only the second institution of this rank in the country after Minsk BSU. Raising the status of the university was of great importance for a city like Gomel. Skorina University, whose faculties allow you to choose both technical and humanities, provides a wide range of specializations of a classical higher education institution. Even then he was very popular among students.

With the advent of perestroika times and the revision of opinions and views about the Belarusian people and their culture, the university was renamed in 1988, giving it the name of the famous enlightener-humanist of Eastern Europe of the 16th century, Francis Skorina. Since that time, Skaryna University in Gomel has existed unchanged to this day.

Gomel University today

Skorina University (Gomel) has a serious teaching staff. Today, about 650 scientists teach at this university, among whom 39 have the title of Doctor of Science, 34 - professors. Corresponding members of the NAS also work here. Every year, admission to master's and postgraduate courses at the university is also carried out. Five specialties can defend their candidate's theses at this institution, and one can defend their doctoral thesis. This is due to the presence of special scientific commissions. The university hosts various conferences, seminars, and publishes scientific monographs and collections of articles.

Research centers of the University. Francysk Skaryna

Skaryna University (Gomel) has two large research centers. The physical and chemical center was opened in 2016, and the center for the history and culture of East Slavic peoples has been operating since 2002. The latter has become one of the largest research schools in the field of Slavic studies, constantly attracting the attention of many domestic and foreign scientists.

Another institution that operates under the leadership of the university is the Isomer Shared Use Center (collective use center). The main task is environmental monitoring and testing the properties of various substances. The institution has at its disposal four large laboratories and fourteen more smaller ones, including the Chinese-Belarusian Scientific Laboratory, specializing in vacuum plasma technologies.

Scientific life within the walls of GSU

It is worth noting the high indicators shown by Skaryna University. Every year Gomel welcomes new guests who come to the city to participate in conferences. Last year alone, about 27 full-fledged monographs, 51 collections of articles on various sciences and conference materials, several hundred articles by authors from the University. Francysk Skaryna was published in leading foreign scientific publications. Special periodicals publish student and postgraduate works in various fields. Such journals are published as “Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Technology”, “Izvestia of the State University named after. F. Skorina."

Among the most famous scientific conferences that are held annually within the walls of this university, it is worth noting the “Student Science Days”. All departments and faculties of the university, without exception, took part in the organization; based on the results of the presentations, a collection was published in two parts. In total, more than 25 conferences were organized last year, half of which were student conferences.

International connections and projects

Skaryna University (Gomel) can confidently be called one of the most successful in the international arena. Thus, in addition to connections with foreign higher educational institutions, a Chinese studies department has been operating at the GSU since 2006, where scientists from China teach. The Faculty of Philology is distinguished in this area by the presence of a scientific and methodological Center for Russian Studies. Moreover, he is famous in scientific circles.

The university in every possible way develops the sphere of international cooperation through participation in international level programs. The most famous among them is TEMPUS. The coordinators of educational programs aimed at improving the qualifications of higher education teaching in the fields of ecology and inclusive education are France and Slovakia.

To provide ongoing support and development of the educational institution in the international arena, a special department operates. Thanks to him, GSU ​​named after. Francysk Skaryna is constantly in the spotlight of major projects and programs that foreign universities can offer.

Gomel Dzyarzhany Universitet name Francis Skaryna International name Reorganized

to the university

Year of reorganization Type



S. A. Khakhomov

Students International students Postgraduate studies

51 specialties

Doctoral studies

5 specialties

Doctors Professors Teachers Location Legal address Website Coordinates: 52°26′35″ n. w. 31°00′04″ E. d. /  52.4430° N. w. 31.0010° E. d. / 52.4430; 31.0010 (G) (I) K:Educational institutions founded in 1930

Gomel State University named after Francis Skaryna (white Gomel Dzyarzhayny ўnіvetsіtet name Francysk Skaryna) is one of the universities of the Republic of Belarus. Located in the city of Gomel. Opened in the year.

General information

The structure of the GSU named after. F. Skaryna includes: 13 faculties; Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel; 2 research institutes; 18 research laboratories; 42 student research units; 48 departments; university-wide museum-laboratory of Francis Skorina, 7 museum exhibitions of faculties, graduate school, doctoral studies.

Higher education at GSU is carried out in 35 specialties of the first stage of education and 22 specialties of the second, 69 specializations. Training of highly qualified personnel is carried out in postgraduate studies in 51 specialties, in doctoral studies in 5 specialties. To enter GSU, you must successfully pass centralized testing. There are 9,949 students studying at the university, of which 5,508 are full-time and 4,441 are part-time, 90 graduate students, 1 doctoral student (April 2016). The GSU complex employs 1,422 employees, including 657 teaching staff (excluding part-time workers). Among the teaching staff and scientific workers there are 4 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 39 doctors of science, 34 professors, 248 candidates of science, 206 associate professors.

The university is part of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.


In 1958, the Faculty of Primary School was opened at the Pedagogical Institute, and in 1959, the Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy, the name of which was later changed three times (industrial-pedagogical, general technical disciplines and labor, general technical disciplines and physics). In the last two years of activity, the Gomel State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.P. Chkalova trained teachers for secondary schools at 5 faculties (physics and mathematics, philology, chemical biology, general technical disciplines and physics, physical education). In the fall of 1961, graduate school was opened at the Gomel Pedagogical Institute. Since 1968, the development of economic contract topics began (the first economic agreement on the topic “Research of the characteristics and properties of polymer coatings by optical and spectral methods”). During its work, Gomel State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.P. Chkalov trained 12.5 thousand specialists.

At the end of 1968, it was decided to open Gomel State University on the basis of the Pedagogical Institute. The order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education No. 130 dated March 31, 1969 stated: “2. To open Gomel State University from May 1 on the basis of the Gomel State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.P. Chkalova. The university should have the following faculties: historical-philological, mechanical-mathematical, physical, biological-soil, geological, economic and physical education.” The famous scientist V. A. Bely was appointed the first rector. In the 1969/1970 academic year, 4,429 students studied at the university, incl. 2,349 for full-time and 2,080 for correspondence. The first university graduation numbered 913 people.

Since August 1973, scientist, academician, and participant in the Great Patriotic War B.V. was appointed rector of GSU. Bokut. Over the years of work at the university as academician B.V. Bokutem created a scientific school in optics, which became famous far beyond the borders of the republic. The high professional level and work experience of the university teaching staff was used in many countries of the world (Algeria, Vietnam, Cuba, Kenya, Mongolia, Sudan and others), to which the Soviet Union provided assistance in training personnel in various fields of knowledge. In the 1980s, work intensified to improve the educational process at the university. For a number of years, there have been close ties between faculties and industrial enterprises and research institutes. In the late 1970s - the first half of the 1980s, for the first time in the republic, Gomel State University began to create branches of departments at enterprises and research institutes.

In the 1990s, 10 new specialties were opened. On the initiative of the rector L.A. Shemetkov, councils for the defense of dissertations and doctoral studies were opened for the first time at GSU. Since October, the magazine “News of the Gomel State University named after F. Skaryna” began to be published. International cooperation has expanded significantly. In 1994, the university won a TEMPUS program grant in the amount of $1 million and, together with the universities of Clermont-Ferrand (France), Birmingham (England), and Kiel (Germany), developed the project “Improving University Management” in 1994-1998. At the beginning of the 21st century, the university was headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor M.V. Selkin.


  • philological
  • foreign languages
  • historical
  • legal
  • economic
  • physical
  • geological-geographical
  • biological
  • psychology and pedagogy
  • physical culture
  • pre-university preparation and training of foreign students
  • correspondence

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An excerpt characterizing Gomel State University named after Francis Skorina

The major put his hand to the visor with a smile.
- Whom do you want, mamzel? He said, narrowing his eyes and smiling.
Natasha calmly repeated her question, and her face and whole manner, despite the fact that she continued to hold her handkerchief by the ends, were so serious that the major stopped smiling and, at first thinking, as if asking himself to what extent this was possible, answered her in the affirmative.
“Oh, yes, why, it’s possible,” he said.
Natasha slightly bowed her head and quickly walked back to Mavra Kuzminishna, who was standing over the officer and talking to him with pitiful sympathy.
- It’s possible, he said, it’s possible! – Natasha said in a whisper.
An officer in a wagon turned into the Rostovs' courtyard, and dozens of carts with the wounded began, at the invitation of city residents, to turn into the courtyards and drive up to the entrances of the houses on Povarskaya Street. Natasha apparently benefited from these relationships with new people, outside the usual conditions of life. She, together with Mavra Kuzminishna, tried to bring as many wounded as possible into her yard.
“We still need to report to dad,” said Mavra Kuzminishna.
- Nothing, nothing, doesn’t it matter! For one day we will move to the living room. We can give them all our half.
- Well, you, young lady, will come up with it! Yes, even to the outbuilding, to the bachelor, to the nanny, and then you need to ask.
- Well, I'll ask.
Natasha ran into the house and tiptoed through the half-open door of the sofa, from which there was a smell of vinegar and Hoffmann's drops.
-Are you sleeping, mom?
- Oh, what a dream! - said the countess, who had just dozed off, waking up.
“Mom, darling,” said Natasha, kneeling in front of her mother and putting her face close to hers. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I never will, I woke you up.” Mavra Kuzminishna sent me, they brought the wounded here, officers, if you please? And they have nowhere to go; I know that you will allow... - she said quickly, without taking a breath.
- Which officers? Who did they bring? “I don’t understand anything,” said the countess.
Natasha laughed, the Countess also smiled faintly.
– I knew that you would allow... so I’ll say so. - And Natasha, kissing her mother, got up and went to the door.
In the hall she met her father, who had returned home with bad news.
- We've finished it! – the count said with involuntary annoyance. – And the club is closed, and the police come out.
- Dad, is it okay that I invited the wounded into the house? – Natasha told him.
“Of course, nothing,” the count said absently. “That’s not the point, but now I ask you not to worry about trifles, but to help pack and go, go, go tomorrow...” And the count conveyed the same order to the butler and the people. During dinner, Petya returned and told him his news.
He said that today the people were dismantling weapons in the Kremlin, that although Rostopchin’s poster said that he would shout the cry in two days, but that an order had probably been made that tomorrow all the people would go to the Three Mountains with weapons, and what was there there will be a big battle.
The countess looked with timid horror at the cheerful, heated face of her son while he said this. She knew that if she said the word that she was asking Petya not to go to this battle (she knew that he was rejoicing at this upcoming battle), then he would say something about men, about honor, about the fatherland - something like that senseless, masculine, stubborn, which cannot be objected to, and the matter will be ruined, and therefore, hoping to arrange it so that she could leave before that and take Petya with her as a protector and patron, she did not say anything to Petya, and after dinner she called the count and with tears she begged him to take her away as soon as possible, that same night, if possible. With a feminine, involuntary cunning of love, she, who had hitherto shown complete fearlessness, said that she would die of fear if they did not leave that night. She, without pretending, was now afraid of everything.

M me Schoss, who went to see her daughter, further increased the countess’s fear with stories of what she saw on Myasnitskaya Street in the drinking establishment. Returning along the street, she could not get home from the drunken crowd of people raging near the office. She took a cab and drove around the lane home; and the driver told her that people were breaking barrels in the drinking establishment, which was so ordered.
After dinner, everyone in the Rostov family set about packing their things and preparing for departure with enthusiastic haste. The old count, suddenly getting down to business, continued to walk from the yard to the house and back after dinner, stupidly shouting at the hurrying people and hurrying them even more. Petya gave orders in the yard. Sonya did not know what to do under the influence of the count’s contradictory orders, and was completely at a loss. People ran around the rooms and courtyard, shouting, arguing and making noise. Natasha, with her characteristic passion in everything, suddenly also got down to business. At first, her intervention in the bedtime business was met with disbelief. Everyone expected a joke from her and did not want to listen to her; but she persistently and passionately demanded obedience, became angry, almost cried that they did not listen to her, and finally achieved that they believed in her. Her first feat, which cost her enormous effort and gave her power, was laying carpets. The count had expensive gobelins and Persian carpets in his house. When Natasha got down to business, there were two open drawers in the hall: one almost filled to the top with porcelain, the other with carpets. There was still a lot of porcelain laid out on the tables and everything was still being brought from the pantry. It was necessary to start a new, third box, and people followed it.
“Sonya, wait, we’ll arrange everything like this,” Natasha said.
“You can’t, young lady, we already tried,” said the barmaid.
- No, wait, please. – And Natasha began to take out dishes and plates wrapped in paper from the drawer.
“The dishes should be here, in the carpets,” she said.
“And God forbid, let’s put the carpets into three boxes,” said the barman.
- Yes, wait, please. – And Natasha quickly, deftly began to take it apart. “It’s not necessary,” she said about Kyiv plates, “yes, it’s for carpets,” she said about Saxon dishes.
- Leave it alone, Natasha; “Okay, that’s enough, we’ll put him to bed,” Sonya said reproachfully.
- Eh, young lady! - said the butler. But Natasha didn’t give up, threw out all the things and quickly started packing again, deciding that there was no need to take the bad home carpets and extra dishes at all. When everything was taken out, they began to put it away again. And indeed, having thrown out almost everything cheap, what was not worth taking with us, everything valuable was put into two boxes. Only the lid of the carpet box did not close. It was possible to take out a few things, but Natasha wanted to insist on her own. She stacked, rearranged, pressed, forced the barman and Petya, whom she carried along with her into the work of packing, to press the lid and made desperate efforts herself.
“Come on, Natasha,” Sonya told her. “I see you’re right, but take out the top one.”
“I don’t want to,” Natasha shouted, holding her loose hair over her sweaty face with one hand and pressing the carpets with the other. - Yes, press, Petka, press! Vasilich, press! - she shouted. The carpets pressed and the lid closed. Natasha, clapping her hands, squealed with joy, and tears flowed from her eyes. But it only lasted for a second. She immediately set to work on another matter, and they completely believed her, and the count was not angry when they told him that Natalya Ilyinishna had canceled his order, and the servants came to Natasha to ask: should the cart be tied up or not and is it sufficiently imposed? The matter progressed thanks to Natasha’s orders: unnecessary things were left behind and the most expensive ones were packed in the closest possible way.
But no matter how hard all the people worked, by late night not everything could be packed. The Countess fell asleep, and the Count, postponing his departure until the morning, went to bed.
Sonya and Natasha slept without undressing in the sofa room. That night, another wounded man was transported through Povarskaya, and Mavra Kuzminishna, who was standing at the gate, turned him towards the Rostovs. This wounded man, according to Mavra Kuzminishna, was a very significant person. He was carried in a carriage, completely covered with an apron and with the top down. An old man, a venerable valet, sat on the box with the cab driver. A doctor and two soldiers were riding in the cart behind.
- Come to us, please. The gentlemen are leaving, the whole house is empty,” said the old woman, turning to the old servant.
“Well,” answered the valet, sighing, “and we can’t get you there with tea!” We have our own house in Moscow, but it’s far away, and no one lives.
“You are welcome to us, our gentlemen have a lot of everything, please,” said Mavra Kuzminishna. - Are you very unwell? – she added.
The valet waved his hand.
- Don’t bring tea! You need to ask the doctor. - And the valet got off the box and approached the cart.
“Okay,” said the doctor.
The valet went up to the carriage again, looked into it, shook his head, ordered the coachman to turn into the yard and stopped next to Mavra Kuzminishna.
- Lord Jesus Christ! - she said.
Mavra Kuzminishna offered to carry the wounded man into the house.
“The gentlemen won’t say anything...” she said. But it was necessary to avoid climbing the stairs, and therefore the wounded man was carried into the outbuilding and laid in the former room of m me Schoss. The wounded man was Prince Andrei Bolkonsky.

The last day of Moscow has arrived. It was clear, cheerful autumn weather. It was Sunday. As on ordinary Sundays, mass was announced in all churches. No one, it seemed, could yet understand what awaited Moscow.
Only two indicators of the state of society expressed the situation in which Moscow was: the mob, that is, the class of poor people, and the prices of objects. Factory workers, courtyard workers and peasants in a huge crowd, which included officials, seminarians, and nobles, went out to the Three Mountains early in the morning. Having stood there and not waiting for Rostopchin and making sure that Moscow would be surrendered, this crowd scattered throughout Moscow, into drinking houses and taverns. Prices that day also indicated the state of affairs. The prices for weapons, for gold, for carts and horses kept rising, and the prices for pieces of paper and for city things kept going down, so that in the middle of the day there were cases when the cabbies took out expensive goods, like cloth, for nothing, and for a peasant's horse paid five hundred rubles; furniture, mirrors, bronzes were given away for free.
In the sedate and old Rostov house, the disintegration of previous living conditions was expressed very weakly. The only thing about people was that three people from a huge courtyard disappeared that night; but nothing was stolen; and in relation to the prices of things, it turned out that the thirty carts that came from the villages were enormous wealth, which many envied and for which the Rostovs were offered huge amounts of money. Not only were they offering huge amounts of money for these carts, but from the evening and early morning of September 1st, orderlies and servants sent from the wounded officers came to the Rostovs’ yard, and the wounded themselves, who were placed with the Rostovs and in neighboring houses, were dragged along, and begged the Rostovs’ people to take care of that they be given carts to leave Moscow. The butler, to whom such requests were addressed, although he felt sorry for the wounded, resolutely refused, saying that he would not even dare to report this to the count. No matter how pitiful the remaining wounded were, it was obvious that if they gave up one cart, there was no reason not to give up the other, and give up everything and their crews. Thirty carts could not save all the wounded, and in the general disaster it was impossible not to think about yourself and your family. This is what the butler thought for his master.

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