Test: are you attentive? Test: “Are you an attentive person? Test are you paying attention?

There are people who are always on the alert - nothing can surprise them, stun them, or baffle them. They are the opposite - people are absent-minded and inattentive, getting lost in the simplest situations.

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following questions:

1. Do you often lose due to inattention?

2 Do your friends and acquaintances play pranks on you?

3. Do you know how to do something and at the same time listen to what is being said around you?

4. Have you ever found money or keys on the street?

5. Do you look carefully both ways when crossing the street?

6. Are they able to remember in detail a film that they watched two days ago?

7. Does it annoy you when someone interrupts you from reading a book, newspaper, watching TV or some other activity?

8. Do you check your change in a store right at the cash register?

9. Do you quickly find the right thing in the apartment?

10. Do you flinch if someone suddenly calls out to you on the street?

11. Does it happen that you mistake one person for another?

12. Being carried away by a conversation, can you miss the stop you need?

13. Can you tell the dates of birth of your loved ones without hesitation?

14. Do you wake up easily from sleep?

15. Will you find in big city without outside help, that place (museum, cinema, store, institution) where you visited once last year?

11 points or more. You are amazingly attentive and insightful. One can only envy such memory and such attentiveness - this is not given to everyone.

From 5 to 10 points. You are attentive enough to not forget anything important. However, as they say, even an old woman can have a problem - you may forget something, sometimes you show absent-mindedness, which turns into annoying misunderstandings. And yet you are able to concentrate at a crucial moment and prevent any mistakes.

4 points or less. You are very absent-minded, and this is the cause of many troubles in your life. When you are reproached for this, you sometimes answer with a smile that you are just a dreamer and do not attach importance to all sorts of “trifles.” Is it a trifle? After all, because of your carelessness, those around you also suffer troubles - what does it mean, for example, to forget to turn off the water tap or to lose a rare book taken from someone? It happens that people even flaunt their absent-mindedness, although, if you look at it, this quality is negative. Of course, often - say, for older people - it is not under our control. But in mature years, and especially in young ones, everyone is able to overcome their inattention, cultivate composure and constantly train their memory.

Test: “Are you an attentive person?”

There are people who are always on the alert - almost nothing can surprise them, stun them, or baffle them. Their complete opposite is absent-minded and inattentive people who get lost in the simplest situations. The proposed test is more of a game than a reason for serious conclusions, but still, maybe it will make you think about something.

1. Do you often lose due to inattention?

a) Yes - 0

b) No - 1

2. Do your friends and acquaintances play pranks on you?

a) Yes - 1

b) No - 0

3. Do you know how to do something and at the same time listen to what is being said around you?

a) Yes - 1

b) No - 0

4. Have you ever found keys or money on the street?

a) Yes - 1

b) No - 0

5. Do you look carefully when crossing the street?

a) Yes - 1

b) No - 0

6. Are they able to remember in detail a film that they watched two days ago?

a) Yes - 1

b) No - 0

7. Does it annoy you when someone interrupts you from reading a book, newspaper, magazine, watching TV, or any other activity?

a) Yes - 0

b) No - 1

8. Do you check your change in a store right at the cash register?

a) Yes - 1

b) No - 0

9. Do you quickly find the right thing in the apartment?

a) Yes - 1

b) No - 0

10. Do you flinch if someone suddenly calls you on the street?

a) Yes - 0

b) No - 1

11. Does it happen that you mistake one person for another?

a) Yes - 0

b) No - 1

12. If you get carried away by a conversation, can you miss the stop you need?

a) Yes - 0

b) No - 1

13. Can you, without hesitation, name the dates of birth of your loved ones?

a) Yes - 1

b) No - 0

14. Do you wake up easily from sleep?

a) Yes - 1

b) No - 0

15. Can you find in a big city without outside help the place (museum, cinema, institution) that you visited once last year?

a) Yes - 1

b) No - 0

Calculation of results:

11 points or more. You are amazingly attentive and insightful. One can only envy such memory and such attentiveness.

From 5 to 10 points. You are quite attentive and do not forget anything important. However, as they say, even an old woman can have a problem - you may forget something, sometimes you show absent-mindedness, which turns into annoying misunderstandings. And yet you are able to concentrate at a crucial moment and prevent any mistakes.

4 points or less. You are very absent-minded and this is the cause of many troubles in your life. When you are reproached for this, you sometimes answer with a smile that you are just a dreamer and do not attach importance to all sorts of “trifles.” Is it a trifle? After all, because of your carelessness, those around you suffer troubles - which means, for example, forgetting to turn off the water tap or losing a rare book taken from someone. It happens that people even flaunt their absent-mindedness, although, if you look at it, this quality is negative. Of course, often - say, for older people - it is within our control. But in the middle years and especially in the young, everyone is able to overcome their inattention, cultivate composure and constantly train their memory.

Test taken from the encyclopedia psychological tests Kasyanova S.A.

The attention test proposed below does not pretend to be absolute and categorical in its conclusions, although it can make someone look at themselves, at their psychological characteristics more critically, and maybe even think about something.

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following questions:

1. Do you often lose due to inattention?

2. Do you know how to do something and at the same time listen to what is being said around you?

3. Are friends and acquaintances playing tricks on you (“buying”) you?

4. Do you look carefully both ways when crossing the street?

5. Have you ever found money or keys on the street?

6. Are you able to remember in detail a movie that you watched two days ago?

7. Does it annoy you when someone interrupts you from reading a newspaper, a book, watching a TV show, or some other activity?

8. Do you quickly find the right thing at home?

9. Do you check your change in a store right at the cash register?

10. Do you flinch if someone suddenly calls out to you on the street?

11. Does it happen that you mistake one person for another?

12. Being carried away by a conversation, can you miss the stop you need?

13. Can you find in a big city without outside help that place (museum, cinema, institution, store) where you visited only once last year?

14. Do you wake up easily from sleep?

15. Can you tell the dates of birth of your loved ones without hesitation?

Answers “yes” to questions: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15 and answers “no” to questions: 1, 7, 10, 11, 12 are scored by one point.

Now add up the points you received and find out the degree of your attention.

  • 11 points or more: you are amazingly attentive, you are simply insightful! One can only envy such memory and such attentiveness - this is not given by nature to everyone. However, perhaps you achieved such a brilliant result through hard training?
  • From 5 to 10 points: You are attentive enough, you don’t forget anything important. However, as they say, even an old woman can have a problem - you can forget something, sometimes you show absent-mindedness, which turns into annoying misunderstandings. And yet, at a crucial moment, you are able to concentrate, concentrate and prevent any serious mistakes.
  • 4 points or less: It seems that you are a very absent-minded person and this is the cause of many troubles in your life. When you are reproached for this, you sometimes answer with a smile, saying that you are simply dreamy or thoughtful and do not attach importance to “all sorts of trifles.” But is this just nonsense? After all, because of your carelessness, various troubles befall those around you (what does it mean, for example, to forget to turn off the water tap or to lose a rare book borrowed from someone, or even to completely forget about debts?!).

It happens that people flaunt their absent-mindedness, although, if you look at it, this quality is negative. Of course, often (not only in the cases described above, but also in older people) it is not under the control of people. But for a middle-aged man, and even more so young man It is quite possible to overcome your inattentiveness, develop composure, if you are not lazy to train your attention and memory.

If you are still really worried about your attention (and you are not able to do anything yourself), try seeking advice from a psychologist, and maybe even go to a consultation with a psychotherapist.

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