Sberbank training portal for employees. Sberbank virtual school sberbank school ru – login to your personal account for consultants

The largest state-owned bank in Russia uses its extensive operational experience to create unique technical and software offerings that influence customer services and further quality of service. Virtual school Sberbank, the system of which is logged in through the company’s official website, is a unique development for remote training and advanced training of bank employees. This program has been developing for 5 years and has received a number of major updates since its inception. In this material we will look at the current opportunities, purpose and changes of Sberbank school for 2019.

Remote training allows you to effectively improve the skills of employees without interrupting them from the work process. The Sberbank Analytical Center has been monitoring client requests and development trends of foreign and Russian competitors for a long time, which contributed to the updating of information and the development of the Sberbank School virtual school.

Currently the service offers:

  • opportunity distance learning employees anywhere in the world, whether you are in Russia or another country. You will need stable Internet access and a user account in the system;
  • the software structure is capable of automatically selecting an individual training program for each user, based on his knowledge and skills;
  • the presence of more than 300 various professional courses, recordings of webinars and lectures, the study of which is mandatory for the subsequent passing of intermediate and control testing;
  • Frequent webinars and online lectures, about which you will be notified in advance by email;
  • flexible setup of a personal account thanks to a well-thought-out and intuitive interface of the Sberbank virtual school;
  • the entire work process is controlled by a testing system thought out by professionals, which will allow monitoring of the acquired knowledge. The learning result will be documented on a special document, available in paper and electronic versions.

Training can be completed not only in a special area, but also independently.

Completing the virtual school will have a positive impact not only on your knowledge and skills, but also on your career advancement at Sberbank. Any difficulties in the learning process can be promptly discussed with professional teachers and other banking industry specialists. A database of frequently asked questions is being actively developed and used to develop new courses and refine old ones. Frequent updates help keep the training up to date, where you will only learn about the latest methods of conducting professional activities. A special department is responsible for technical problems, which can be contacted via a toll-free hotline.

This program is provided for all positions except managers.

A specialized training campus was built for managers, which has no analogues in Russia. This business school is among the TOP 4 of similar solutions around the world. The Sberbank Corporate University includes not only many specialized educational buildings and an impressive library, but also entertainment areas - a gym, swimming pool and tennis courts. Spending time at a corporate university will not only improve your skill level, but also physically develop your body. The university is located in Anosino, a village in the Moscow region.

Registration in Sberbank virtual school

To register in a virtual school of distance learning, you need to go to the bank’s official website and find there the contact information for a special section where you need to conclude an agreement for the provision of educational services. The copy of the contract will contain personal information to log into the user panel, enter necessary information in the “Login” and “Password” fields. After successful login, you will be taken to home page project where you can:

  1. begin the learning process, starting with preliminary testing and choosing a further program. Suitable theoretical material will be selected automatically;
  2. take advantage of a unique thematic library containing not only theoretical material, but also visual webinars and recordings of video conferences. The system offers to enter the required information into the “Favorites” tab in order to be able to access it at any time;
  3. pass intermediate and final testing, which is compiled by professors and highly qualified specialists. An expanded test base eliminates the leakage of test answers, which makes it necessary self-training for each of the tests. Such a system guarantees good results and high-quality specialized training, which will help in future activities;
  4. contact online with a teacher or other specialist. You can ask a question and discuss it completely free of charge. Do not hesitate to take advantage of this offer, exchange of experience is the key policy of the Sberbank virtual school;
  5. gain access to online webinars and lectures, which are located in the “Courses” section. The ability to add a personal email address in the profile settings section will allow you to receive notifications about starting lectures and other system changes. An electronic certificate of completion of training is also sent by email.

The Sberbank Virtual School, whose personal account is constantly being improved, is the best solution for quickly improving your qualifications and gaining additional knowledge and skills at work. Completing the training course will allow you to quickly advance in career ladder and receive a salary supplement. Sberbank is actively promoting this solution among its employees, and the virtual school itself has no analogues.

Our own Corporate University was founded in 2012, and currently the entire staff of managers - more than 36,000 people - is connected to the Sberbank virtual school.

The innovative project, created 4 years ago on the basis of one of the world's best multifunctional platforms Saba, was initially conceived as a virtual school for advanced training of Sberbank executive specialists, but two years later the project developed into one of the largest training business centers with a gigantic base of training materials.

Login to your personal account -

Each registered user will have in their personal account: a workbook, presentations, educational cases and more.

Today, the concept of corporate training in Russia can hardly be called innovative, since all successful companies strive, one way or another, to improve the skills of their employees. But in this regard, the founders of the Sberbank virtual school went even further, creating a truly corporate atmosphere among employees from all over the country. Veda Corporate University today is:

●24/7 access to 300 units of virtual school educational content, which includes all materials from video lectures to multimedia courses.

●Multi-platform, since access to materials is possible from any device on all popular platforms - Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android, WindowsPhone.

● Uninterrupted access to the university archives, regardless of the student’s location - the main condition is the availability of the Internet.

●Own integrated system that supports all formats of distance learning - text sources, multimedia materials, video lectures and webinars.

● Combination of distance learning with face-to-face events within the created offline campus.

Individual approach to each student.

Despite the main idea of ​​​​developing a corporate spirit in the learning process, each student is approached individually. For this purpose, a structure of workbooks, presentations and cases developed within the framework of individual program training.

Live communication of leaders from all over the country.

As part of the Sberbank Corporate University project, a campus for employees was created in the Istra district of the Moscow region, where all conditions are provided not only for motivating productive work, but also for active recreation - gyms with swimming pools, open-air tennis courts, a library with the works of world experts in business and banking sector. The campus has an emergency power supply system and a helipad in case of emergency.

As part of live communication, training seminars and meetings are held among campus visitors, after which employees have the opportunity to get to know each other better. This concept was conceived for educational purposes leadership qualities with younger managers through close communication in a relaxed atmosphere with experienced bank specialists.

Advanced training is carried out through regular testing and assessment of managers and employees with mandatory confirmation of the level of training.

Sberbank Virtual School is a special portal designed for training bank management. Currently unites 35,000 Sberbank employees holding senior positions.

The portal is recognized as innovative, because it conveniently combines the following features:

  • The ability to study remotely from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access
  • More than 300 educational materials
  • Possibility of conducting corporate webinars and conferences
  • Testing and internship for Sberbank managers and staff members

Sberbank virtual school programs

Sberbank virtual school programs can be divided into three types:

  • for managers
  • for executive authorities
  • for partner companies

The program for managers is called Sberbank 500 and involves specially prepared practice for middle managers. The program in this area was created starting in 2011 and included all the best in the field of theory and practice in management.

The program for executive authorities implies a program aimed at studying the implementation of information processes in management, project management and the investment attractiveness of regions.

Programs for partner companies are specially designed courses that include all of the above plus other programs developed by the world's leading business schools.

Thus, the Sberbank Virtual School is not only an advanced training system for managers and executives at various levels, but also an opportunity to learn from existing top managers of Sberbank.

Sberbank Virtual School - system distance education corporate university, it was created to improve the qualifications of all Sberbank managers. Study programs aimed at developing management skills and leadership qualities. They were compiled taking into account the best management concepts and business models of leading companies.

Features of Sberbank Virtual School:

  • Study from anywhere in the world via the Internet
  • Individual approach based on the corporate competency matrix
  • More than 300 courses, video lectures and other educational content on current topics
  • Webinars and online conferences
  • Involving top managers of Sberbank in teaching as part of an initiative called “leaders teach leaders”
  • Testing and assessment of bank employees/managers

Sberbank Virtual School: login

Each registered listener has a Personal Account with all educational materials (workbook, presentations, educational cases, etc.).

To log in to the system, go to this address Enter your username and password, and then click the “Login” button.

To recover your password, click the appropriate link and follow the system prompts.

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