Education web 2.0 Primorye electronic. Primorye Electronic School

Electronic diary Primorye greatly makes life easier for teachers, students and their parents. One can note the great significance of this project in modern society. The system allows you to exchange experiences between teachers, as well as teaching methods.

Primorye Electronic School - Education web 2.0

It lets parents know the progress and exercises their children need to complete. This system allows you to upload videos with lessons; for example, a math teacher films his lesson on video and then uploads it to his profile. Imagine, you took a lesson in algebra, for example, on the topic “Fractions” and your child did not understand this topic, you don’t want to use third-party sites that allow you to find ready-made answers to assignments, but you want your child to really understand this topic, you go On the website “Electronic Diary of Primorye”, find a teacher in the system and download his lesson, and your child has another chance to understand this topic.

Not bad, right? And so we can talk not only about algebra or geometry; these actions can be done by any teacher, regardless of his direction. An electronic diary will soon become an indispensable thing that more than one parent and teacher will not be able to refuse.

Some teachers and parents reacted negatively to this system, but most of those who used this system speak only on the positive side, and this is true. The project is irreplaceable, a project that was needed in the Digital Society. The electronic diary deserves respect, any parent who uses this system will agree with this. In the system, not only the school and everything connected with it, in the system you can get information about preschool education, find tutors, a nanny for your children. If you are a parent or teacher who immediately reacted negatively to this system, then try to understand the system again, because the first impression is always deceptive.

A web 2.0 electronic journal is also available.

From December 19, 2015, entrance to personal account electronic diaries are carried out only through the Unified Self-identification System. ESIA - Unified System of Identification and Authentication. An account that is used to log into your personal account on the government services portal ( - EPGU.

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Here you can

This option will be available to you after logging into the system in the section Education of the region Preschool education

Please provide correct information (full name) when filling out the registration form (the Latin alphabet is not allowed). Otherwise, your application cannot be confirmed.

As a result of the implementation of the project in the Primorsky Territory, a platform was created to unite the basic levels of education in the region. The LANIT DV company organized training for teachers and specialists in using the portal. In addition, in the process of developing the portal, LANIT DV will add modules such as “University” and “Additional education”.

About the Council of Chief Designers of Informatization of Regions of the Russian Federation

The Council of Chief Designers of Informatization of the Regions of the Russian Federation has been working since 1995 on the basis of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Problems of Computer Technology and Informatization” (VNIIPVTI). The Council is a collegial expert and advisory working body under the Council for Regional Informatization. The Council performs the main task of organizing and conducting events that provide organizational, technical, scientific and methodological support for the activities of the Council on Regional Informatization. It also monitors regional and municipal information systems in order to assess their condition and scientific and technical level, analyzes and disseminates best practices in the creation and use of information systems and information technologies, and organizes a comprehensive examination and analysis of the use of effective information systems and solutions. The Council, as a rule, includes heads of government entities authorized in the field of informatization Russian Federation, representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

About the LANIT group of companies

LANIT - “Laboratory of New Information Technologies” is a leading diversified group of IT companies in Russia and the CIS. The group's companies provide a full range of IT services, the number of which is steadily increasing due to the development of advanced and most popular technologies and solutions.

Today LANIT is the largest Russian system integrator and a leading partner of more than 200 major global manufacturers of equipment and software solutions in the field of high technologies. LANIT enterprises employ a stable and highly professional team of more than 5,000 people. Many employees have academic degrees. More than 1,000 specialists are certified by the world's leading vendors of high-tech equipment and software.

About the company LANIT DV

LANIT DV - "Laboratory of New Information Technologies of the Far East" - operates in the market of computer, network, telecommunications and information technology since 1996. The company is a leading system integrator, implementing comprehensive IT solutions. The company's project experience is used in the region's largest organizations in the fields of government, education, medicine, banking and finance, manufacturing, and trade.

A software distributor from Novell (USA) with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles was hired to change the program to Education 2.0

School education in Russia is a fairly “closed” structure. But if the leading media discuss problems in universities, then in schools it is usually not customary to “wash dirty linen in public.” The result of this “policy of silence” sometimes becomes pop-up: it is possible that in educational institutions they violate laws and do not respect the rights of children and parents, the Primorsky Reporter writes on its pages.

In Vladivostok schools, personal data of parents is being collected for no particular reason, and there is also evidence of excessive management in schools. According to one of the materials, the Office of Roskomnadzor for the Primorsky Territory even began an inspection of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 23 in Vladivostok.

Now a resident of Vladivostok has contacted the editor Ulyana Velikanova, whose son is studying at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 33 in Vladivostok. She told how the system of electronic diaries had changed: from convenient and working well to inconvenient and working poorly. And the problems are not related to ordinary teachers - now it is this system, introduced at the initiative of the regional education department, that requires personal data.

Ulyana Velikanova :

- When I saw that complaints began to be received about the service of the electronic diary in Primorye, it became easier because I was not the only one who was very worried about this, - writes Ulyana . - Until 2013, we had an electronic diary based on the software “”, it was developed in Perm. This is a free and very interesting portal with all-Russian competitions. The portal is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and other departments. All you needed was an internet connection and that was it, no complicated registration required. The most important thing is that the child and I liked him, we even participated in various online competitions.

In 2014, the school decided to work with a new system. We were given passwords for Education 2.0, and we began to use this portal. It is much worse in various areas, boring and uninteresting. But that’s not so bad, because then a message appeared on the portal: "Before 12/15/2015, all users of the portal must create/link an ESIA ( account! If the account linking does not occur within the prescribed period (12/15/2015), access to the electronic diary will be limited! "

I have questions about how the school diary can be linked to the State Services portal. After all, passport data, information about services provided, etc. are stored there. Until now, I and many other parents are wondering why Primorye schools switched from the portal to the Education 2.0 electronic diary. At the same time, “Diary” is an all-Russian program, but “Education” is limited only to Primorye; it is not used anywhere else. It turns out that the child is cut off from news from schools across the country.

Don't blame the teachers for this. The point is that teachers do what they are told “from above.” They were given instructions using the electronic diary, but they were not provided with any methodological recommendations, and they had no opportunity to explain to their parents. As I understand it, if something new is introduced in the work, a “manual” should be sent from the education department, and the lack of information is a management flaw.

A Vladivostok private company is responsible for the new software, and it is in its interests to train teachers. But when replacing the electronic platform “” with “Education 2.0” no such explanatory work was carried out. The directors were told “from above”, and that’s it! As I found out, in other regions there is no such problem. This company did not start working with school education on its own; a competition was held, in which the company won. But, it seems to me, someone had a financial interest in replacing ""on "Education 2.0". And why was there a need for a competition at all when there was already one""? I'm also very interested in how much it cost the region to replace it with " Education 2.0"? After all, instead of such “replacements” the money could have been used to buy textbooks for schools, at least for low-income ones. I called technical support""I was told that the school has the right to choose the platform. But in our region all the schools were “transferred” from above, no one was given a choice. All this raises a number of questions:

The transition to another electronic platform was not discussed among children and parents. Isn’t the Federal Law “On Education” violated in that I have the right to participate in resolving certain issues regarding “additional services” for my child?

Does blocking an electronic diary violate my child’s constitutional right to access to education? Regarding what I believe was an illegal blocking of the electronic diary, I wrote a statement to the police on December 16th.

Is the right to protection of personal data violated? I asked the programmers if, knowing my SNILS, it was possible to go to the government services website and do something on my behalf. They told me it was possible.

And one more thing...

Teachers collect SNILS because electronic diaries are blocked. But they are blocked by whoever provides the software platform. That is, a private operating company from Vladivostok already dictates the operating conditions of its website. Parents put pressure on teachers, management puts pressure on teachers, and they are forced to do it. And the management will have the opportunity to fire a director or teacher who does not agree with this position. I am a parent, but I have been dealing with these issues for two months now. Maybe in school No. 23, where the parent complained, the child will not have problems, but in our school No. 33, where my child studies, things are generally bad. Teachers cannot resist management, but on the other hand, mothers ask questions. The child then feels the attitude towards himself at school, as they say, is not so hot.

When I calmly began to ask the class teacher and the principal about this at school, they accused me of sabotage, but that’s okay. It’s just that on the websites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Primorye there are rules posted everywhere that explain that you don’t need to enter your data on the websites to prevent fraud, but at school these rules are not followed. How to teach a child information security if he sees that teachers say: " And so everyone knows everything"In the age of information technology, the rules of information security should be instilled in school.

I found out that the private company operating the new system of school electronic diaries has a staff of 10 people and an authorized capital of 10 thousand (all this information is in open access). Then I found many contracts online for school services by this company. In some contracts, this company is indicated as a provider with a speed of at least 124kb/s, 256kb (I did not find the cost of this traffic from schools). And teachers may answer that the diaries are not filled out, because... speed "slow". I would like to see the price for this service at least in my school, but it is unlikely that the director will show me this contract. I also found information that this private company is a distributor of the American company "Novell" software. And I don’t want anyone to have the right to know whether I and my child are registered with State Services.

But, no matter how funny it is, because of this I am starting to think about moving to another region. Because of such little things! But they make up my child’s school years. After all, teachers are not obliged (as they said in elementary school) to ensure that the child fills out a traditional diary, but the provider blocks the electronic one. But this was introduced to improve communication between the school and parents, to “improve the quality of education,” but what was the result?

And another point that is very important for me. Via electronic"The child participated in All-Russian competitions, didn’t win, but participated.. now there’s no way. I corresponded with someone on topics that interested him based on that program, and looked at how it was in other schools in the country. Now we are cut off and limited to Primorye. For what?

State information system of Primorsky Krai "Electronic school of Primorye" includes modules “Electronic Diary”, "Additional education", "Preschool education", "Correctional education" ( ).

The “Electronic Diaries and Journals System” began to be used by educational institutions in 2012 for grading, informing parents about changes in the schedule, homework, and communication between teachers, parents and children. You can view your child’s progress using a computer, phone or tablet through the application. In addition, it is possible to connect to the SMS information service.

From December 19, 2015, access to the personal account of electronic diaries is carried out only through ESIA *

*Unified System of Identification and Authentication (USIA) is an information system in the Russian Federation that provides authorized access for participants in information interaction (citizen applicants and officials of executive authorities) to information contained in state information systems and other information systems.

Conventionally, the ESIA can be called an “electronic passport” of a citizen of the Russian Federation. With its help, authorization occurs on sites such as State Services and the Russian Public Initiative. To obtain an ESIA account, you must verify your identity using your passport data, INN and SNILS.

Management News

Regional information resource "Navigator" additional education» (Navigator) - is an electronic catalog of additional education programs containing the most complete and reliable information about clubs, sections, associations and organizations of additional education for children, including sports, that implement these programs.

“The effect will be to improve the quality of education through updating content and infrastructure. But most importantly, we understand that without a spiritual guide, who is a teacher, we will not succeed.”

The Primorye electronic diary is an important component of the Primorye Electronic School, which has become widespread in general secondary education institutions in the region.

The electronic diary largely replicates the usual paper document, allowing you to get acquainted with the class schedule, student grades, and homework. At the same time, it is in many ways more reliable and efficient than a corresponding paper diary. The first is ensured by the need to enter a login and password to use it, the second by the availability of access from any device with Internet access. In addition, if necessary, you can use the SMS information service, which will allow you to quickly receive all information about the progress of the educational process of each student.

In addition to standard information, the electronic diary also allows you to create personal pages and communities, write blogs, visit forums and more.

To gain access to all the information contained in the Primorye school diary, you must log in to the system, which is only available through Unified system identification and authentication (USIA).

ESIA - State services

When visiting the ESIA - State Services website, you will need to enter your mobile phone number (SNILS or email address) and password, then click “Login”. However, this method of logging into the electronic diary is possible only after linking the ESIA account for the electronic diary.

If such a link has not been made before, but you have a login and password for both the electronic diary and State Services, enter your mobile phone number (SNILS or email address) and password on the State Services page, click “Login”. After this, you will be notified that there is no binding, click “Ok”. Then you will find yourself on the new user registration page, where you need to check “Find an existing user”, then enter the login and password for the diary and click “Attach”.

If you are not registered with State Services, but have a login and password for the electronic diary (which can be obtained at your educational institution in Primorye), complete the registration procedure by indicating your last name, first name, email address (to which you will receive a letter to confirm registration), create a password , then link the electronic diary using the method described above.

The instructions available on the website of the Electronic School of Primorye will help you figure out how to log into the electronic diary.

The Primorye electronic diary is part of the Primorye electronic school - a portal that opens up the possibility of using advanced technologies in the educational process.

Today there are over 600 registered in the system educational institutions, and the total number of users of the Primorye electronic school includes about 670 thousand.

An electronic diary is an opportunity at any convenient time and place (if you have access to the Internet) to stay informed about the class schedule, homework, the progress of a particular student and his behavior. For even greater convenience, you can use the SMS notification service, which will make access to up-to-date information even faster.

In addition to information directly related to learning, the electronic diary also allows you to acquire personal pages, join communities, write blogs, visit a forum, and communicate with other students.

Access to all information that the electronic diary includes is protected, which was made possible by registration by invitation and the availability of privacy settings.

Login to the electronic diary of Primorye is carried out only through the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA). Therefore, before you get into your personal account of the electronic diary, you will need to go to the State Services page. After which you will need to provide your email address, mobile phone number or SNILS and password.


If the ESIA account is not linked to the electronic diary, register a new user by checking the “Find an existing user” checkbox and entering the existing login and password for the diary.

If you have a login and password for the electronic diary, but are not registered on the State Services portal, go through this procedure by filling out your personal data and creating your own password. After this, you will be able to access the electronic diary.

If your school is not connected to the system, use the “Connect” tab located in the upper right corner of the site. Here are all the ways to connect educational institutions in Primorye, from which you just need to choose the most suitable one.

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