Worksheet for the schedule of lessons. Lesson schedule template for filling in a Word

On our website you can download, fill out and print a school schedule template ( schedule of lessons to fill). For your convenience, we have prepared several options, such as page and landscape options, in Word and Exel files (Word and Excel).

Schedule calls for 45 minutes lessons.

If your school is different for the duration of the break, you can always edit the downloaded file.

The schedule changes throughout the year, so it is very convenient to fill in our templates with your data and print on a regular A4 sheet. We advise you to add our site to your favorites.

Schedule Word Template # 1 (minimalistic, paged)

Text file of the lesson schedule in the table, in Word format, Monday to Friday, 7 lessons. A4 page sheet, black and white.

Schedule template Word №2 (indicating the time of lessons and breaks). Page.

Text file of the lesson schedule in the table, in Word format, Monday to Friday, 7 lessons. With the indication of the time of lessons and changes. A4 page sheet, black and white.

Schedule template Word №3 (indicating the time of lessons and breaks). Album.

Text file of the lesson schedule in the table, in Word format, Monday to Friday, 7 lessons. With the indication of the time of lessons and changes. A4 album sheet, black and white.

Lesson Schedule Excel Template # 1. Page.

File of the schedule of lessons in the table, in Exel format, from Monday to Friday, 7 lessons. With the indication of the time of lessons and changes. A4 page sheet, black and white.

No matter how convenient a school diary is, it is always more comfortable to have a lesson schedule in front of your eyes. It can be hung over the table so that the child looks up in case of questions and reads all the necessary information.

The easiest way to buy or download ready-made timetable. Template for filling in the "Word" it will also help you create your own original schedule, which can be edited or updated every year.

What should the lesson schedule include?

The lesson schedule is a plate that indicates the days of the week and the corresponding academic subjects. Optionally, you can add a call schedule and the last name, first name and patronymic of the teacher, and even a daily routine or extracurricular activities. Any student is capable of making a school schedule on his own.

The lesson schedule can be easily compiled by yourself in the "Word", and then printed and attached at the desktop. However, not everyone has a color printer, and constantly seeing in front of you a black and white table with the names of lessons for a child is one torment. What elements can be added to the school schedule, and what opportunities does Word offer?

Timetable Tips

  • If there is a color print, then you can change the color of the text, for example, mark literature lessons in one color, mathematics in another, etc.
  • The heading "Schedule of lessons" can be highlighted in large and beautiful font. To do this, when working with the "Word", click the "Insert" tab, go to the "WordArt" section and select the template you like.
  • Using the same "Insert" tab, you can go to the "Shapes" section and select any element you like from there. The emoticons, stars, hearts, etc., offered by the developers of the program, will make the schedule of lessons more lively and vivid.

If you do not want to draw up a school schedule yourself, then we suggest you download ready-made templates for filling. Bright, beautiful, with interesting illustrations - they can be downloaded, filled in and printed. This could be a cartoon timetable for younger students, or a simpler design template for older children or students.

The sizes are 1772 by 1182 pixels, the resolution is 150 dpi from the Cloud to PSD. The size of the zip archive is 2.85 Mb.

First you need to find the background on which we will create timetable for the student. For this, any other school-themed backgrounds or children's backgrounds can be suitable.

1. Open the found background photoshop,

2. Create a new layer, take the Rectangular Marquee Tool and select a rectangle or square with the dimensions of the future sheet, on which the schedule for a particular day of the week will be written. I created a selection of 400 by 400 pixels. Fill it with white.

3. Now grab the Oval Marquee Tool (Feather Radius 1) and create a circular selection on the white sheet you just created. Approximate dimensions are 20 pixels by 20 pixels. This will be the hole in the piece of paper:

4. Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool again and, holding down the Shift key, drag the selection upward, slightly going beyond the borders of the sheet:

5. Click Delete:

6. Press Shift and click the button to the right several times. Thus, you will stretch the selection slightly to the right without moving vertically. Click Delete again. Repeat this step several times until you have a torn edge:

7. Double click on the layer with the sheet of paper (top layer), and you will be taken to the blending options. Activate the Shadow and set the following settings for it:

8. Draw a sheet. Create a new layer. Click between the top layer and the previous one with the Alt key pressed, in the layers palette we get:

8. Take the Rectangular Tool, which is slightly larger than the width of our white sheet, with a vertical size of about 30 pixels:

9. Create a selection on a white sheet. Apply the commands Edit -\u003e Stroke. Set the stroke width to 1 px, color # 97c7df

10. Move the selection down such a distance so that the top edge of the selection coincides with the bottom edge of the stroke, and then stroke the selection again with the same parameters. Continue this way until you have drawn the entire sheet:

11. Now grab the tool that selects a single pixel vertical line

and create a selection where the fields will be. Apply the Stroke command again. Width - 3 pixels, color - # d63d5e:

12. With the top layer active, press CTRL + E. This will merge the top layer with the previous one. Press Ctrl + J 5 times - duplicate the sheet of paper 5 times. In total, we get 6 layers with a sheet of paper. Spread them evenly over the entire background with the Move Tool, making each one active in turn. For the outer sheets, apply the command editing -\u003e Transform -\u003e Rotation (optional, it all depends on your idea).

13. We sign the schedule of lessons. We make the inscription in red ~ 48 px, color # d21c1c, I chose TagirCCT font.

14. We sign each sheet with the same font and color (from Monday to Saturday), font size ~ 18 pixels. When signing the outer sheets, set the style of rise, bend - horizontally and move the slider on the upper setting scale.

Good day! In this article, you will learn how to correctly create a computer-filled lesson schedule template.

For a start, I would like to point out the advantages of the school (university) timetable. It helps to organize the activities of people (not only schoolchildren, but also older groups of people), to visualize and structure all objects in a convenient, understandable, and most importantly simple form.

This document has been widely used in the educational field: the sheets of the schedule, located in a prominent place, come to the rescue so as not to forget anything, to be more responsible and organized. It is still relevant for many years to solve problems with lack of proper concentration, lack of time, forgetfulness.

The right schedule keeps you from messing around! And the satisfaction of the number of things you do in a day is an incomparable feeling.

You can download free lesson schedule templates by clicking the button below.

If a person is just starting to follow a schedule, it is important to encourage him, not to be too strict when something goes wrong. The organizational moment is the most difficult in the life of any person, be it a new job or the first classes at school / institute.

Let's move on to the essence of the article, consider the criteria that are taken into account when drawing up a layout. Mandatory components of this stencil:

  1. Clear structuring by day of the week.
  2. Enough lines and space to fill.
  3. Clear not small print (for ease of use by primary school students).

Desirable nuances:

  1. Nice design.
  2. Availability of a call schedule (end - beginning of the lesson).
  3. The column "For notes" or a place for stickers on which you can write notes (meaning the schedule, which is subsequently printed by a person personally).
  4. Jewelry to choose from.
  5. Make a small pocket for small things (of course, if you plan to place the schedule on the wall, hang it, etc.).

Choose the criteria you need and get to work!

If the layout of the student's schedule is prepared individually (for your child or made to order), then first discuss the desired design, or better choose a specific picture together with the person concerned.

Thus, you can avoid unnecessary claims to your address.

Also go over the points from the "Desirable nuances".

The template can be made in various graphic editors, the most popular of them are: Adobe Photoshop, Movavi Photo Editor and others. There are many articles on the Internet about tools for this kind of operations. Choose which one you like, because the taste and color ...

Important points

Before getting started, don't forget a few key points:

  • Do not work on one layer in any case, create enough of them.
  • Pay attention to the position of the text so that it can be seen (this makes it easier to understand, eliminates a lot of effort to read).
  • It is better to pay attention to the contrast of the background and the text: it is better not to use combinations of green and yellow.
  • Choose the gamma in pastel light colors, without being distracted from the essence of the layout.
  • Save intermediate steps periodically - no one is safe from accidental power outages and program freezes, and starting all over again is not a pleasant thing.
  • Avoid too many distracting details.
  • Try highlighting the names of the days of the week and formatting the text to make it more visible.
  • When working in a graphics editor, take breaks for 10-15 minutes, deviating from the schedule, and then look at it again. You will probably see some flaws that were not noticed before.

Before starting work on the layout, I advise you to look through the color palettes - write the names of the colors in the search box and evaluate them in your opinion - this will speed up the process of design and layout of the schedule. Go over the selected image with the eyedropper, grabbing the color for the text.

For inspiration and new ideas, head online as needed. Additionally, if you wish, download your favorite fonts, which bring some zest and charm, which is approved by the majority of customers.

In conclusion, I want to say that time is a limited and irreplaceable resource, and therefore, first of all, take care and do not overload the children with a large number of electives and additional activities, no matter how lovely they seem. A normalized schedule, a measured, feasible load on a child is the key to success.

Instill in time management skills from childhood, and in adulthood it will be much easier for him. Competently calculate the amount of time spent on each item in the to-do list or schedule, because we often underestimate this or that task, and as a result we do not have time to complete the planned for the day.

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