Flight school in GTA: San Andreas. Walkthrough of the GTA San Andreas flight school Summer school in GTA San Andreas

These are required to achieve a 100% completion rating. To graduate from each school, you must successfully pass a series of tests. The training location is indicated on the map with the letter .

After completing each challenge, the game calculates your rating. 100% - gold medal, 85-99% - silver, 70-84% - bronze. The course is considered completed if you manage to win any medal, and no one bothers you to repeat attempts, improving your results.

Before you start practicing, carefully watch the demo videos before each course and read the instructions.

Upon completion of the Deconstruction mission, you will be informed about the opening of a driving school in San Fierro (Doherty). After receiving the bronze medal in the overall standings, a Super GT will appear in the parking lot near the school. For silver, in addition to Super GT, you will be given a Bullet, and owners of “gold” will also get Hotknife.

To get the “gold”, follow these conditions: do not knock down the cones, park exactly at the end of the task, do not damage the car. In addition, you must meet the allotted time.

1 360

Vehicle: Infernus
Requirements for "gold": complete in 10 seconds

There are cones placed around your car. All you have to do is hold down the gas and brake at the same time, turning left or right. Thus, the wheel trail will follow the car, and it itself will describe a large circle. Try to stop the car in the same place where you started.

2 180

Vehicle: Blista Compact
Requirements for "gold": complete in 10 seconds

Accelerate and drive straight ahead. When you reach the cones, turn around them while holding the handbrake and the turn button. Once you pass the turn, immediately begin to accelerate. Stop the car smoothly and carefully between the cones.

3 Whip and Terminate

Vehicle: Banshee
Requirements for "gold": complete in 5 seconds

Accelerate, hold the handbrake when turning, and park.

4 Pop and Control

Vehicle: Police Car
Requirements for "gold": complete in 5 seconds

Accelerate, release the acceleration button halfway and drive over the spikes. Your tires will burst, after which you can accelerate again. Drive along the indicated course and stop.

5 Burn and Lap

Vehicle: Banshee
Requirements for "gold": complete in 35 seconds

Here they test your ability to perform 180 degree turns. You must drive along a straight line of cones, turn 180 around the last one, drive on the other side of the line, turn 180, and so on 5 more times.

If you want to get a gold medal, never let go of the acceleration button, even during the turns themselves. Accelerate and apply the handbrake before you pass the last cone. The car will start sliding, control it with the left and right buttons. You must fit into the turn, describing an arc of as small a radius as possible. To do this, you must almost touch the last cone in the line. To qualify, you must complete all the laps in 40 seconds.

6 Cone Coil

Vehicle: Banshee
Requirements for "gold": complete in 10 seconds

When starting, accelerate well and drive through the first series of cones. Before the second series, turn so as not to knock them down. Let off the gas before the third series and get ready to do a 180. Hold the handbrake, turn, then quickly head to the finish line. Try to stop more accurately at the parking point.

7 90

Vehicle: Banshee
Requirements for "gold": complete in 10 seconds without damaging any of the cars

Your goal is to park between two cars, turning 90 degrees. When your car is close to the other two, turn slightly in their direction, release the acceleration, and when you enter the gap, press the hand and normal brakes at the same time. This will prevent the car from swerving from side to side, and you will receive a gold medal for perfect parking. While braking, adjust the position of your Banshee by gradually turning left and right.

8 Wheelie Weave

Vehicle: Banshee
Requirements for "gold": 0% damage

In front of your car there is a small ramp, which you must drive onto with your left pair of wheels. Balancing on two wheels, drive to the red marker and stop there, turning the car over on four wheels.

The following method for performing this gold test was suggested by our forum user SeRgEyG:

  1. Having reached the ramp, you need to turn right so that the car moves off it at the last moment, and immediately (!) press “left” to turn it on its side.
  2. Under no circumstances should you let go “forward” when the car is on its side. Since after the overturn the wheelbarrow did not stand in the direction of the marker, you need to turn it around. To do this (again, without releasing the “forward” button), you need to press the “left” key (namely “left”).
  3. While turning the car, you need to briefly glance at the door on its side, and if it is damaged, there is no point in continuing the exam.
  4. Turn the car towards the marker, drive a little on its side (there will be sheaves of sparks, but don’t pay attention to them, because if during stage 3 the door was intact, then everything is fine).
  5. Stop the car in the marker so that its side is about right edges of the marker, and release “forward” so that the wheelbarrow lies right in the middle of the marker.

9 Spin and Go

Vehicle: Taxi
Requirements for "gold": complete in 5 seconds

Drive straight back (hold down arrow), turn the car in the right direction at the turn and head to the finish line.

10 P.I.T. Maneuver

Vehicle: Police Car
Requirements for "gold": 0% damage

You must stop the police car that is driving in front of you by performing a special maneuver. Catch up with the car and push it near the rear left or right wheel at an angle of 45 degrees. Thus, the other police car will begin to turn 90 degrees first (the cars will drive in a T), after which you should be side by side, standing parallel, but facing in opposite directions.

11 Alley Oop

Vehicle: Banshee
Requirements for "gold": complete in 5 seconds

You need to get to the springboard and drive onto it with your left or right pair of wheels, while the other pair should remain on the ground. During the jump, the car must flip around its longitudinal axis (in aviation this maneuver is called a “barrel”), fly over two cars and land on all four wheels.

12 City Slicking

Vehicle: Super GT
Requirements for "gold": complete in 1 minute 40 seconds

As befits a final exam, this test is difficult. You have to drive through the streets of San Fierro to one marker and return back in a short period of time. You must not leave a single scratch on your beautiful Super GT car. Try to stay on the median (or tram tracks) and brake only to avoid an accident. And be careful at intersections!

Surely many of you still don’t know why schools exist in the latest part of the popular game. So, they were given to us for a reason. Schools are an integral part of the entire game. If you want to go through everything you can, then schools are a must for you to attend. Thanks to them, you will develop your status, get the opportunity to complete additional missions, and discover new means of transportation. Now let's look at each school separately.

Driving school

Unfortunately, you cannot attend schools in the first city, since there are none there at all. This opportunity will only open in San Fierro. So the first school available to you will be a driving school in the Doherty area in San Fierro. This school is optional, but if you want to develop your driving experience, this is the one you need. The training consists of 12 tasks, which include driving around hoods, jumping on a trampoline, and even a test drive, which is the final test, and of course parking (with a U-turn between two cars!). I can immediately say that the tests are not easy, but they can be overcome. After completing this school, additional missions will open up for you. They are not very difficult, but after completing these missions you will open an additional garage for tuning. In it you can only tune special cars designed for street racing, such as Sultan, Jester, Elegy and a few more cars. You can also transport cars to the docks and get a secret one for every 5 cars, like in Vice City. Only now the total number of required cars has become 30. Cars brought and received can be purchased there on the day specified for the car. Therefore, it is the driving school that I suggest going through first of all.

Boat School

It is located at Bayside Marina. It's easy to get there by crossing the Gant Bridge, which leads from San Fierro to Tierra Robada. In fact, boat school is the simplest. It does not cause any difficulties and only adds to the experience in driving watercraft. Therefore, you can move on to the next school.

Flight school

Located in Verdant Meadow Aircraft Graveyard. Unlike other schools, it is compulsory to pass. After completing the various stages of the school, you will be able to visit airports and hijack planes and helicopters from there, since before this the landing field is closed to entry. After the first 3 stages you receive a license, but in order to move further in the story you must go through all 12 stages. Personally, in my opinion, the most interesting thing is learning to jump from a parachute. After completing the school you get the next set of story missions.

Biker school

It’s also not the most difficult school, although it is more difficult than the boat school. Located in Blackfield in Las Venturas. The tasks consist of rearing, riding on the front wheel and jumping from a springboard. After passing, it increases the experience of owning a motorcycle.

Bicycle school

There is no such school in the state, so if you want to develop your cycling skill, then just ride more. You will be able to jump higher and ride fast for a longer time.

Now go ahead and try to complete all the tasks for a gold medal, then a pleasant surprise will await you.

The flight school is available after the mission "Verdant Meadows". And the mission was to get there and buy just this airfield for $80,000. To pass the school, you need to complete 10 tasks, which will be available in the TV room. Each task is passed if it is completed with a score of 70%. There are medals at school. Medals are given for each completed task.

Types and requirements of medals:

Advantages of the awards: Points in %
Gold 100%
Silver 85% - 99%
Bronze 70% - 84%
Failed 0% - 69%
Comparison: time and percentages
Takeoff 70% = 45 sec. 85% = 37.5 sec. 100% = less than 30 seconds.
Land Plane 70% = 40 sec. 85% = 32.5 sec. 100% = less than 25 seconds.
Circle Airstrip 70% = 75 sec. 85% = 67.5 sec. 100% = less than 60 sec.
Circle Airstrip and Land 70% = 95 sec. 85% = 87.5 sec. 100% = less than 80 sec.
Helicopter Takeoff 70% = 60 sec. 85% = 52.5 sec. 100% = less than 45 seconds.
Land Helicopter 70% = 45 sec. 85% = 37.5 sec. 100% = less than 30 seconds.
Destroy Targets 70% = 105 sec. 85% = 92.5 sec. 100% = less than 80 sec.
Loop the Loop 70% = 27 sec. 85% = 24 sec. 100% = less than 21 seconds.
Barrel Roll 70% = 23 sec. 85% = 20.5 sec. 100% = less than 18 sec.
Parachute onto Target 70% = 70 sec. 85% = 62.5 sec. 100% = less than 55 seconds.


Mission goal: Take off and check in at the checkpoint.

Walkthrough: Press W (Gas), smoothly press the down arrow to get off the ground. We remove the landing gear using the "+" button. You will make a big mistake if you fuss. Calm down and everything will work out for you. You need to fly through 3 checkpoints. Is it difficult? You become a pilot, you are given a license to fly airplanes and helicopters, and most importantly, you are given a pass to all airfields throughout the state. I congratulate you.

Land Plane

Mission goal: Land the plane at the specified point.

Walkthrough: We descend to the red checkpoint, lower the landing gear ("+") and slowly glide towards the red circle. In order to reduce excessive speed, you need to release the gas (W) and slow down with the engine (S). As soon as the landing gear touches the ground, we smoothly taxi the tail ailerons (Q-left) and (E-right). Roll into the red circle and hold (S). You all sat down.

Circle Airstrip

Mission goal: Take off and fly around in a circle.

Walkthrough: You will first be asked to fly a circle clockwise or counterclockwise. You choose according to your taste. Here you will have to sweat. Not every one of you will pass this test the first time. Take off first (W)+ Down arrow. And now the most important thing, do not press the gas too much, release it from time to time. Maneuver, I don’t know about you, but I prefer to work with the tail ailerons (Q-left) and (E-right). It's all a matter of taste, but also skill. Since I spend most of my time in the air, all these exercises do not cause any particular difficulties. Fly past all checkpoints and the mission will be completed.

Circle Airstrip and Land

Mission goal: Fly around and land the plane.

Walkthrough: We do everything as in the previous description, but after you finish flying the circle, you will direct the plane to the runway (Runway). Release the landing gear ("+") and slowly begin to descend, then everything is as in the mission "Land Plane". Mission completed.

Helicopter Takeoff

Mission goal: Take off on the Hunter and fly through several checkpoints.

Walkthrough: If you think that this is a piece of cake, you will be mistaken. The mission is quite ordinary for the average person, but the controls have changed, and the flight physics on the Hunter have now been changed. Take off (W) + Up Arrow (Forward Flight). Practice and move forward. The mission is completed.

Land Helicopter

Mission goal: Land the Helicopter.

Walkthrough: You see a red circle. This is where you need to land. We pick up speed (For professionals, do not repeat it for the rest), the rest simply fly peacefully, and smoothly descend to the landing point by pressing (S) + Down Arrow. For those who were flying at high speed, I advise you to sharply hold (S) + Down Arrow + Shift. Slow down immediately! Mission Complete!

Destroy Targets

Mission goal: Destroy several targets using a helicopter.

Walkthrough: Place the helicopter in attack position: (S)+ Up Arrow, hold down LCtrl and destroy 3 parked trucks that are located perpendicular to the GDP. Next, we make a sharp turn: (W) + (Q - aileron to the left) or (E - aileron to the right) + (A - turn to the left) or (D - turn to the right) + Up or down arrow, depending on where you need to fly. We fly towards two moving cars. We shoot them. The mission is over!

Loop the Loop

Mission goal: Perform a Dead Loop.

Walkthrough: Hold down the gas (W), fly past the checkpoint and sharply hold down the Down Arrow. The plane will make a long Dead Loop. Did you do it? YES! Mission Complete.

Barrel Roll

Mission goal: Perform a Barrel Roll.

Walkthrough: We fly and pass the first checkpoint, hold down the Left Arrow or (A). If you need to adjust the height, click the down arrow. You must maneuver until the second checkpoint. Finished. Everything is over.

Parachute onto Target

Mission goal: Land with a parachute at the specified point.

Walkthrough: You are parachuted. In order not to fly for a long time, and this is a VERY long time, speed up the fall, without opening the parachute, with the (W) button. When you are approximately halfway off the ground, as indicated by the altitude indicator, release the acceleration and continue to free fall. Sharply open the parachute and fly to a point on the ground. If you feel like you're flying fast, press (S) to slow down. As soon as you approach a point you think you'll miss, start circling with the (S) button pressed. You are 100% guaranteed to land. Mission completed. And meanwhile there is a flight school.

School is over.
If you finished it at:

Bronze Rustler.

Silver, then there will always be: Stuntplane.

Gold, then there will always be: Hunter.

The pilot school was housed in a small building behind an abandoned runway in Verdant Meadows. It is necessary to complete the storyline. To get gold in any exercise, your plane must not receive any damage. In addition, you must complete the trick within the allotted time to receive a medal. After receiving the bronze medal, Rustler will appear on the field nearby. For silver you will receive Rustler and Stunt Plane. And for gold - two previous planes and a Hunter helicopter. So there is an incentive to fight!

1 Takeoff

Vehicle: Rustler
Time for gold: 0:30

You need to get into the air and fly through three red markers. First, accelerate and fly the Rustler straight down the runway. When the tail of the plane starts to lift up, press “Lean Up” (6 on the numeric keypad). At first, do not fly high above the ground, because this will slow down your flight and risk falling. Using the button to enable additional missions, remove the landing gear, gradually gain altitude and select the first checkpoint. Then quickly lower yourself and fly through the second, and then the third.

2 Land Plane

Vehicle: Rustler
Time for gold: 0:25

To get gold, you must land and stop perfectly in the area of ​​the red marker. Head to the first marker, which is located at a low altitude above the runway. Having flown through it, do not forget to lower the landing gear, and then brake the plane. Try to fly low and parallel to the ground before landing. If the last marker is still far away, continue along the lane until you reach it.

3 Circle Airstrip

Vehicle: Rustler
Time for gold: 1:00

This test will be easier to pass if you learn how to take off well and quickly. Luckily, you won't have to sit down at the end of the mission. You need to circle the runway either clockwise or counterclockwise.

Once in the air, do not rush to gain altitude, but wait until the plane accelerates. About halfway to the first red marker, quickly go up and hit the edge of the marker with your plane. Immediately turn in the chosen direction and fly through the chain of markers located in a circle. When you pick up everything, the mission will be completed.

Ace's recommendation: To complete this challenge with a gold medal, you need to try to fly fast, so don't let off the gas while flying. When approaching each of the rings, try to keep the plane in an inclined position.

4 Circle Airstrip and Land

Vehicle: Rustler
Time for gold: 1:20

To pass this test, you must perform the same actions as in the previous task (take off, retract the landing gear, fly through all the markers), and then also land the plane. If you have successfully completed the previous exercises, then you will be able to complete this one. It should be noted that this is the most difficult exam in the entire school.

Ace's recommendation: Go through all the checkpoints, as in the previous case - on full speed. Before entering the last ring, lower the landing gear and release the gas; the plane will begin to lose speed. Immediately after passing the checkpoint, direct the Rustler to the runway, fly low and land twenty meters from the marker. If the plane bounces a little upward when landing, try to level it out. While on the ground, aim the plane directly at the marker using the "Q" and "E" keys (default). It is important that the plane is in the same direction as the runway. Even if you don't stop at the center of the marker, the gold medal will be yours.

5 Helicopter Takeoff

Vehicle: Hunter
Time for gold: 0:50

For veterans Vice City there will be no problem with this exam. While holding the boost button, launch the helicopter into the air, turn 180 degrees and fly through the marker at the opposite end of the field.

6 Land Helicopter

Vehicle: Hunter
Time for gold: 0:30

Fly up to the red marker on the ground, slow down in front of it and try to land your helicopter exactly in the designated area.

7 Destroy Targets

Vehicle: Hunter
Time for gold: 1:20

Your skills in using your combat arsenal will come in handy in this task. You can both shoot from a machine gun and launch rockets. Fly up to the three parked trucks, destroy them, then make a 180 degree turn and shoot the two moving cars. Now land on the runway. It is not necessary to land accurately, the main thing is not to damage the helicopter.

8 Loop-the-Loop

Vehicle: Stunt Plane
Time for gold: 0:21

The plane you fly in the eighth and ninth tests is very sensitive. Practice and get used to it. In Loop-the-Loop you have to perform a loop. Fly through the first marker. Immediately after this, press the “Lean Up” button and hold it until the plane leaves the loop. Quickly line it up and fly through the remaining marker.

9 Barrel Roll

Vehicle: Stunt Plane
Time for gold: 0:19

As in the previous test, fly through the marker. Then immediately perform a “barrel roll” (the plane makes a 360-degree turn along its longitudinal axis). Fly over the last marker.

10 Parachute onto Target

Vehicle: Parachute
Time for gold: 0:55

To pass the final exam at pilot school, you have to jump with a parachute and land exactly in the center of the place indicated by the marker. When the test begins, you will find yourself in the air with an unopened parachute. Open it when the timer reaches 23 seconds.

Ace's recommendation: To get a gold medal in this exercise, you can follow the recommendations, but you can also choose your own technique. Immediately after the start of the test, press and hold the “Forward” key - this will speed up the pace of your fall, and will also gradually bring you closer to the runway. At about the twentieth second, you should open the parachute, but you shouldn’t immediately raise your legs, as they say on the screen. Let Carl lower himself for five seconds, then hold the Back (legs up) key for three seconds. By that time the timer will show 29-30 seconds, and you just need to monitor the position of the landing point. After 40 seconds, you may need to adjust your landing speed by pressing the Back key several times. Thus, you will find yourself exactly at the landing point one or two seconds earlier than the required 55. When passing this test you should make sure that the game produces more than twenty frames per second during the flight, otherwise the exercise will become very difficult.

The flight school is available after the mission "Verdant Meadows". And the mission was to get there and buy just this airfield for $80,000. To pass the school, you need to complete 10 tasks, which will be available in the TV room. Each task is passed if it is completed with a score of 70%. There are medals at school. Medals are given for each completed task. Takeoff
Mission Goal: Take off and check in at the checkpoint.
Walkthrough:(All controls are default): Press W (Gas), smoothly press the down arrow to get off the ground. We remove the landing gear using the "+" button. You will make a big mistake if you fuss. Calm down and everything will work out for you. You need to fly through 3 checkpoints. Is it difficult? You become a pilot, you are given a license to fly airplanes and helicopters, and most importantly, you are given a pass to all airfields throughout the state. I congratulate you. Land Plane
Mission Goal: Land the plane at the specified point.
Walkthrough: We descend to the red checkpoint, lower the landing gear (“+”) and slowly glide towards the red circle. In order to reduce excessive speed, you need to release the gas (W) and slow down with the engine (S). As soon as the landing gear touches the ground, we smoothly taxi the tail ailerons (Q-left) and (E-right). Roll into the red circle and hold (S). You all sat down. Circle Airstrip
Mission Goal: Take off and fly around.
Walkthrough: First, you will be asked to fly a circle clockwise or counterclockwise. You choose according to your taste. Here you will have to sweat. Not every one of you will pass this test the first time. Take off first (W)+ Down arrow. And now the most important thing, do not press the gas too much, release it from time to time. Maneuver, I don’t know about you, but I prefer to work with the tail ailerons (Q-left) and (E-right). It's all a matter of taste, but also skill. Since I spend most of my time in the air, all these exercises do not cause any particular difficulties. Fly past all checkpoints and the mission will be completed. Circle Aistrip and Land
Mission Goal: Fly around and land the plane.
Walkthrough: We do everything as in the previous description, but after you finish flying the circle, you will direct the plane to the runway (Runway). Release the landing gear ("+") and slowly begin to descend, then everything is as in the mission "Land Plane". Mission completed. Helicopter Takeoff
Mission Goal: Take off on the Hunter and fly through several checkpoints.
Walkthrough: If you think that this is a piece of cake, you will be mistaken. The mission is quite ordinary for the average person, but the controls have changed, and the flight physics on the Hunter have now been changed. Take off (W) + Up Arrow (Forward Flight). Practice and move forward. The mission is completed. Land Helciopter
Mission Goal: Land the Helicopter.
Walkthrough: You see a red circle. This is where you need to land. We pick up speed (For professionals, do not repeat it for the rest), the rest simply fly peacefully, and smoothly descend to the landing point by pressing (S) + Down Arrow. For those who were flying at high speed, I advise you to sharply hold (S) + Down Arrow + Shift. Slow down immediately! Mission Complete! Destroy Targets
Mission Goal: Destroy several targets using a helicopter.
Walkthrough: We put the helicopter in the attack position: (S) + Up Arrow, hold down LCtrl and destroy 3 parked trucks, which are located perpendicular to the GDP. Next, we make a sharp turn: (W) + (Q - aileron to the left) or (E - aileron to the right) + (A - turn to the left) or (D - turn to the right) + Up or down arrow, depending on where you need to fly. We fly towards two moving cars. We shoot them. The mission is over! Loop the Loop
Mission Goal: Perform a Dead Loop.
Walkthrough: We hold down the gas (W), fly past the checkpoint and sharply hold down the Down Arrow. The plane will make a long Dead Loop. Did you do it? YES! Mission Complete. Barrel Roll
Mission Goal: Perform a "Barrel"
Walkthrough: We fly and pass the first checkpoint, hold down the Left Arrow or (A). If you need to adjust the height, click the down arrow. You must maneuver until the second checkpoint. Finished. Everything is over. Parachute onto Target
Mission Goal: Land with a parachute at the specified point.
Walkthrough: You are dropped with a parachute. In order not to fly for a long time, and this is a VERY long time, speed up the fall, without opening the parachute, with the (W) button. When you are approximately halfway off the ground, as indicated by the altitude indicator, release the acceleration and continue to free fall. Sharply open the parachute and fly to a point on the ground. If you feel like you're flying fast, press (S) to slow down. As soon as you approach a point you think you'll miss, start circling with the (S) button pressed. You are 100% guaranteed to land. Mission completed. And meanwhile there is a flight school. School Is Over
Depending on your medal, the garage will contain:
Bronze- Rustler.
Silver- Stuntplane.
Gold- Hunter.

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