Crosswords dedicated to Cosmonautics Day: “Space crosswords. Creative project “Collection of crossword puzzles on the history of astronautics and aircraft construction Crossword puzzle about astronauts and their flights

Crossword puzzle on the theme “Space” Having solved all the words, in the highlighted cells you will read the first and last name of the first female cosmonaut

Questions for the crossword puzzle “Space” 1. A state of lightness that occurs when flying in a rocket or at cosmic speed (weightlessness). 2. Natural satellite of the Earth (Moon). 3.The star closest to us (Sun). 4. These are small bodies of the Solar System, the names of which can be translated as “shaggy stars” (comets). 5. A huge and cold ball cannot glow on its own and is visible only because it is illuminated by a star (planet). 6. Instrument for astronomical observations (telescope). 7. This is the name of the space “road” of ships, satellites, planets (orbit). 8. Star country, where there are countless star cities-galaxies (Universe). 9. Space clothing for astronauts, which is sometimes called a “soft cabin” (space suit). 10. The largest planet (Jupiter). 11. The only planet in the solar system on which there is both land and water (Earth). 12. “Star Dog” (Strelka). 13. The planet closest to the Sun (Mercury). 14. “Red” planet (Mars). 15. A huge, fiery ball that emits light in all directions (star). 16. This is the name of the spacecraft on which the Americans fly (“Shuttle”). 17. A flying ensemble that can move in water, air, space (rocket). 18. The place from where spaceships depart on long journeys (cosmodrome). 19. This is the name of the specialty of people who fly on spaceships (cosmonaut). 20. Star “city” in which stars and planets live (Galaxy). Valentina Tereshkova is the first and last name of the first female cosmonaut.

Creative project



13 years old

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This creative project is a collection of crossword puzzles on the history of aviation and astronautics. The collection contains ten crossword puzzles, each of which is dedicated to a specific topic: “Space”, “Stars and planets”, “They were the first”, “Exploration of the Moon”, “Aviation”, “Planets of the Solar System”, “First cosmonaut of the planet”, “ Space Commonwealth”, “For the little ones in mysteries”, “Universe”. Crosswords have different levels of difficulty. Some of them will force you to work your brain a fair amount, require patience and perseverance, and reading additional literature. In order to attract interest in the content of the crossword, some of them have a certain shape: question mark, rocket, plane, snake, etc. Crosswords can be used either individually or in a collection. They can help while away leisure time for adults. School teachers can use them in astronomy and physics lessons while checking homework, for holding thematic Olympiads and competitions, and for extracurricular activities. Schoolchildren, by solving crossword puzzles, will be able to learn a lot of interesting and useful information, and astronauts on board the ISS can test their professional knowledge

Crossword "SPACE"

Astronaut" href="/text/category/astronavt/" rel="bookmark">an astronaut who made his first flight in 1989 as a specialist on the space shuttle Columbia.


Asteroid" href="/text/category/asteroid/" rel="bookmark">asteroid, which got its name in honor of the Italian city of Teramo. 11. One of two horizontal system coordinates: the angular distance of a celestial object above the observer's horizon. 13 . A series of spacecraft for the exploration of Mars. 17. The constellation whose brightest star is Vega. 19 . The point on the celestial sphere (in the constellation Hercules) towards which the Sun moves relative to the stars. 20. The condition experienced by an astronaut on the ISS. 21. A series of Soviet spaceships.


1. American astronaut Neil Armstrong said about him, “He called us all into space.” 2. This asteroid is named after the Roman god of love. 3. The brightest star in the constellation Eagle. 4. The world's first second-generation cosmonaut. 7. Cosmonaut No. 2. 8. American astronaut who first walked on the surface of the Moon. 12 . A navigational measuring instrument used to measure the height of a star above the horizon. 14. A satellite of Saturn, discovered by the Voyager 2 spacecraft. 15. The minor planet was discovered in 1936 and named after the Phoenician god of fertility. 16. The name of this satellite of Mars translated from Greek means “horror.” 18. An aircraft propelled by reactive force.



4. An orbiting space station that sank in 2001 in the Pacific Ocean.


1. Earth's first cosmonaut. 2 . General, since 1960, assistant to the Air Force Commander-in-Chief for space, actively participating in the training of the first cosmonauts. From 1966 to 1971, head of the cosmonaut corps. 3. An aircraft designer under the leadership who launched the world's first artificial Earth satellite and a spacecraft with the first cosmonaut. 4. Cosmonaut No. 2, who spent a 24-hour flight in low-Earth orbit, was the first to film and control the spacecraft. 5. The name of one of the cosmonauts who made the first group flight on the Vostok-3 and Vostok-4 spacecraft. 6. Soviet fighter pilot, a member of the first cosmonaut corps, who did not complete training for space flight for medical reasons. 7. The commander of the Voskhod-2 spacecraft during the flight, whose co-pilot performed the world's first spacewalk. 8. The cosmonaut who was the first to go into outer space. 9. The first woman astronaut. 10 . Cosmonaut, whose homeland is Bryansk. 11. The scientist, the first in the world in 1881, developed a design for an aircraft driven by a powder engine. Executed for attempting to assassinate the Tsar. 12. Academician, general designer of rocket and space systems, developer of the first liquid rocket engines, the world's first electrothermal rocket engine. 13 . A successor of ideas, author of the book “The Problem of Flight Using Jet Vehicles”, who built the first liquid-propellant rocket engines OR-1,2. 14. The first dog to go into space. 15. . 16. Abbreviation for Cosmonaut Training Center. 17. Mission control center.

Crossword puzzle “EXPLORATION OF THE MOON”


1 . American astronaut, the second person to walk on the surface of the Moon. 2. American astronaut who died on the first flight of the Apollo spacecraft. A crater on the far side of the Moon is named after him. 3. The ocean in which the spacecraft that launched from the Moon in 1969 splashed down. 4. A group for the study of jet propulsion in the 30s, which was led by the name of one of the first Soviet rockets. 5. The first American astronaut in outer space. Died in a fire during testing of the Apollo 1 spacecraft. 6. Unidentified flying object. 7. Lunar plains filled with frozen basaltic lava. 8. Geological formations on the Moon, light areas with uneven relief, occupying about 83% of its surface. 9. What did the Greeks call the Moon? 10. The name of the world's first automatic interplanetary station, launched in the USSR on January 2, 1959. 11. According to ancient Greek myth, this master made wings for himself and his son from bird feathers. 12. An American spacecraft for lunar exploration, equipped with photo and television systems to transmit images of the lunar surface to Earth. 13. The Italian scientist was the first to point the lens of a simple telescope at the Moon in 1610 14. The first aircraft to bring a man to the surface of the Moon. 15. A mobile device for exploring the surface of the Moon. 16. Lunar soil.

Horizontal: 17. Scientists studying the Moon

Crossword puzzle "AVIATION"

If you solve the crossword words horizontally, then vertically at number 13 you will get the name of an ace pilot during the Great Patriotic War, three times Hero of the Soviet Union, whose first air battle ended in failure and almost became his last. His La-5 was damaged in battle. Upon returning, the plane was fired upon by Soviet anti-aircraft guns. He was hit by two shells, but despite this, the pilot managed to land the plane. Subsequently, during the entire war he was never shot down.


1. OKB Mikoyan and Gurevich. 2. The name of the air show, which takes place in Zhukovsky, Moscow region. 3. The second name of the U-2 aircraft, which it received in 1944 in honor of the name of its creator. During the Great Patriotic War, Wehrmacht soldiers called this aircraft “Russish Plywood”, “Kafemülle”. 4. An airplane with two wings located one above the other. 5. Experimental design bureau. 6. Ukrainian-Russian transport aircraft, the largest serial transport aircraft in the world AN - 124. 7. The city where the world's first multi-engine aircraft "Russian Knight" was built. 8. Hero of the Soviet Union, test pilot of serial fighters I-16, LaGG-3, LA-15, etc. 9. Airplane garage. 10. The body of an aircraft that carries the wings, tail and landing gear. 11. A non-motorized aircraft that is heavier than air. 12. International airport Moscow. 14. A type of aircraft whose design is characterized by the presence of three wings. 15. The name of the airport in Hampshire in the UK, where the international aerospace show is held every 2 years. 16. Soviet aircraft designer, developer of the Maxim Gorky and Tu aircraft. The Kazan Aviation Institute bears his name. 17. An airplane with one load-bearing surface (one wing). 18. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after. 19. Soviet scientist, thinker, founder of helio- and cosmobiology, the theory and practice of aeroionification. 20. The main bearing surface of the aircraft. 21. A flight instrument for measuring the rate of change in flight altitude (ascent and descent of an aircraft). 22. Movable surfaces at the rear of an airplane's wings. 23. Controllable balloon. 24. Soviet test pilot who made the first non-stop flight over the North Pole from Moscow to Vancouver. 25. A military aircraft designed to destroy ground or surface targets using bombs or missiles. 26. A part of an aircraft used for its movement around the airfield during takeoff and landing. 27. The Russian chemist is one of the initiators of the creation of the Aeronautics department at the Imperial Russian Technical Society. 28. A geodetic instrument for measuring horizontal angles between the magnetic meridian and the direction of some object. 29. Multi-seat comfortable passenger aircraft operating on regular flights. 30. Soviet aircraft designer, who in aviation circles was called the King of the Fighter. 31. Soviet reusable transport spacecraft, an analogue of the American Space Shuttle. 32. The second name for a small aircraft with a piston engine An-14, which requires a runway of only 35 meters for landing. 33. Severe vibration of the aircraft, fraught with its complete destruction. 34. The part of the balloon in which the control cabin, compartments for passengers, fuel and equipment are located. 35. Soviet scientist () in the field of hydroaerodynamics and thermal engineering, founder of the theory of air-jet engines. 36. An unmanned spacecraft launched into orbit around the Earth and designed to solve scientific and applied problems. 37. Soviet scientist under the leadership of whom the Proton launch vehicle, artificial earth satellites Polet, Proton, Kosmos 1267, and orbital stations Salyut 3.5 were developed. 38. The first fighter is a biplane with retractable landing gear I-153. 39. Part of the tail of an aircraft. 40. Moscow Aviation Institute.


1. Red planet. 2. The only star in the solar system around which planets and their satellites orbit. 3. One of the four largest moons of Jupiter. 4. A branch of astronomy that studies the physical structure and development of celestial bodies. 5. A satellite of Saturn, discovered in 1980 by American scientists. 6. One of Saturn's moons, whose atmosphere is somewhat similar to Earth's. It is rich in nitrogen and contains methane. 7. The eighth planet in order from the Sun in the Solar System. 8. A point on the celestial sphere located below the horizon at which it is intersected by a plumb line passing through the observation point. The opposite of zenith. 9. An astronomical instrument for studying celestial bodies using radio astronomy and radar methods. 10. Unit of distance in stellar astronomy. 11 . A cup-shaped depression on the surface of planets or their satellites. 12. Lunar soil. 13. An astronomical instrument for observing celestial bodies. 14. The most distant planet from the Sun. 15. One of Pluto's three moons, discovered in 2005. 16. American astronaut who first walked on the surface of the Moon. 17. In Greek mythology, the god of the Sun. 18. The sixth planet from the Sun in the Solar System. Roman symbol.



1. Special astronaut equipment designed for the external environment. 4. His hometown, which now bears his name. 5. Satellite launch site 9. Profession of Yuri Gagarin's father. 11. A celestial or artificial body orbiting an object. 13. One revolution of a spaceship around the earth. 14. Yuri Gagarin's spaceship. 18. The path of a celestial body in space. 21. The brand of the camera that Yu. Gagarin purchased from a friend at a vocational school, with which he took the first photographs of his relatives. 22. How many classes did Yuri Gagarin complete? 23. The profession that Yu. Gagarin studied at a vocational school in Lyubertsy.


2. A person who tests and operates equipment in space flight. 3. An aircraft propelled by reactive force. 6. The city where Yuri Gagarin studied at the industrial technical school. 7. Part of an aircraft, spaceship. 8. The name of Yu. Gagarin’s mother, who became the author of a book about him, “A Tale of a Son.” 10. The village where Yuri Gagarin was born. 12. The science of safe navigation of ships, airplanes, and spacecraft. 15. How many times did Gagarin circle the Earth on April 12, 1961? 16. This word translated from Greek means “world”, “universe”. 17. A specialist from Korolev’s design bureau, who conducted classes with Yu. Gagarin and G. Titov on the eve of the April 11 flight, and later became a cosmonaut himself. 19. The science of the movement of bodies thrown in space, based on physics and mathematics. 20. What the first cosmonaut said before launching the spacecraft.


In a circle:

17. The name of the international flight program for Soviet cosmonauts and cosmonauts from other countries. 18. One of the spacecraft on which joint flights of international crews were carried out.

From the center:

Czechoslovakian cosmonaut, member of the first international crew launched on March 2, 1978. 2. A celestial or artificial body revolving around some more massive celestial body. 3. First West German astronaut. The first non-American to fly on the American space shuttle Columbia. 4 . What animals did the Americans launch into space instead of dogs? 4. American astronaut of Hawaiian-Japanese origin, a member of the crew of the Challenger shuttle that exploded during launch in 1986. 5. Special equipment designed to isolate a person from the external environment.
5. Individual short-lived columns of luminous plasma rising from the chromosphere into the solar corona. 6. An astronaut working under China's program. 7. The fifth and seventh major planets of the solar system. 8. American female astronaut and biochemist who completed 5 space flights. 9. The Japanese journalist gained worldwide fame for his space flight on the Soyuz TM - 11 spacecraft on December 2, 1990. 10. Orbital………. modulated type “World” (fill in the missing word) 11. French astronaut who first flew in 1992 under the Russian-French Antares program. Since 2005, head of the European Astronaut Center. 12. The name of the mountains in India, which were photographed from space by the crew of Yu. Malyshev, G. Strekalov, and R. Sharma. 13. French astronaut who flew as part of the international crew V. Dzhanibekov, A. Ivanchenkov. 14. An American spacecraft that docked with the Soviet Soyuz 19 in 1975. 15. The name of a multivitamin pill that was present in the daily diet of astronauts of international crews in preparation for returning to Earth. 16. One of the components necessary for the operation of rocket engines in outer space." alt="NCA8BAFD616C2" width="399 height=443" height="443"> !}


4. He flies around the planet, overtaking airplanes. 5. He has been studying the life of planets with a telescope for hundreds of years. 8. She changes clothes four times a year. 9. The fast “bird” will rush to the stars.


1. Alone in the sky at night

There is a sickly gentleman

Two weeks have flown by

Our gentleman has become plumper.

2. She wanders across the sky

We call her….

3. In English "astronaut"

And in Russian...

6. A yellow circle is shining in the sky,

Gives children joy in the summer,

The white snow underneath will melt,

It warms the earth.

7. Unidentified object

Arrives from other planets.

Crossword "UNIVERSE"


3. An interstellar cloud consisting of dust, gas and plasma. 5 .The path of the celestial body. 7. A phenomenon that occurs when fragments of comets or asteroids burn in the Earth's atmosphere. 8. Giant star planet. 10. The gaseous shell surrounding planet Earth. 11 . The entire world around us, the totality of everything that physically exists. 16. The closest planet to the Sun in the Solar System. 17. The third planet from the Sun in the Solar System.


1. The science of the movement, structure and development of celestial bodies and their systems. 2. A celestial body that orbits the Sun. 4. One of the layers of the atmosphere. 6. Gravitational interaction. 9. Zodiac constellation of the Northern Hemisphere sky. 12. The only star in the solar system around which planets orbit. 13. The only natural satellite of the Earth. 14. Same as a minor planet. Translated from Greek. "like a star" 15. A minor planet in the solar system, the name of which was first proposed by an 11-year-old schoolgirl from Oxford, Venetia Burney.


Crossword No. 1 “Space”

Horizontal: 2. Woomera 5. light 6. equator 9 . crown 11 . star 12 . Popovich 13 . Adamson.

Vertical: 1. regolith 2. Aquarius 3. aerolite 4. Sagittarius 7 . crew 8. Saturn 10. Avdeev 11. snake

Crossword No. 2 “Stars and planets”

Horizontal: 1. Galaxy 5. Lunokhod 6. astronaut 9. nozzle 10. Interamnia 11. height 13. Viking 17. Lyra 19. Apex 20 . weightlessness 21. Firework.

Vertical: 1. Gagarin 2. Amur 3. Altair 4. Volkov 7. Titov 8. Armstrong 12. sextant 14. Calypso 15. Adonis 16. Deimos 18. rocket.

Crossword No. 3 “They were the first”

Horizontal: 4 . World.

Vertical: 1. Gagarin 2. Kamanin 3 . Korolev 4. Titov 5. Nikolaev 6. Kartashov 7. Belyaev 8. Leonov 9. Tereshkova 10. Afanasiev 11. Kibalchich 12. Glushko 13. Zander 14. Squirrel 15. "Gull" 16. CPC 17. MCC.

Crossword No. 4 “Exploration of the Moon”

Horizontal: 17. selenologists.

Vertical: 1. Aldrin 2. Chaffee 3. Quiet 4 . GIRD 5 . White 6 . UFO 7 . seas 8 . continents 9. Selena 10. Moon 11. Daedalus 12. Ranger 13. Galileo 14. Apollo 15. Lunokhod 16. regolith.

Crossword No. 5 “Aviation”

Horizontal: 1. MOMENT 2. MAX 3. By . 4. biplane 5. OKB 6. Ruslan 7. Riga 8. Fedorov 9. hangar 10. fuselage 11. glider 12. Vnukovo 14. triplane 15. Farnborough 16. Tupolev 17. monoplane 18. TsAGI 19. Chizhevsky 20. wing 21. variometer 22. ailerons 23. airship 24. Chkalov 25. bomber 26. chassis 27. Mendeleev 28. compass 29. liner 30. Polikarpov 31. Buran 32. "Bee" 33. flutter 34. gondola 35. Stechkin 36. satellite 37. Chelomey 38. Gull 39. keel 40. MAI.

Vertical: Kozhedub

Crossword No. 6 “Planets of the Solar System”

1. Mars 2. Sun 3. Europe 4. astrophysics 5. Atlant 6. Titanium 7. Neptune 8. nadir 9. radio telescope 10. parsec 11. crater 12. regolith 13. telescope 14. Pluto 15. Nikta 16. Armstrong 17. Helios 18. Saturn.

Crossword No. 7 “First cosmonaut of the planet”

Horizontal: 1. spacesuit 4. Gzhatsk 5. cosmodrome 9. carpenter 11. satellite 13. turn 14. East 18. orbit 21. "Amateur" 22. six 23. caster.

Vertical: 2. astronaut 3. rocket 6. Saratov 7. compartment 8. Anna 10. Klushino 12. navigation 15. one 16. space 17. Feoktistov 19. ballistics 20. "Let's go!"

Crossword No. 8 “Space Commonwealth”

Around the top: 17. Interkosmos

Around the bottom: 18. Firework" width="29" height="19"> 5. spacesuit 5. spicules. 6. taikonaut 7. Jupiter 8. Lucid 9. Akiyama 10. complex 11. Tognigny 12. Himalayas 13. Chrétien 14. Apollo 15. "Aerovit" 16. fuel.

Crossword No. 9 “For the little ones”

Horizontal: 4. satellite 5. astronomer 8. Earth 9. rocket

Vertical: 1. month 2. Moon 3. astronaut 6. Sun 7. UFO.

Crossword No. 10 “Universe”

Horizontal: 3. nebula 5. orbit 7. meteor 8. Galaxy 10. atmosphere 11. Universe 15. Mercury 17. Earth

Vertical: 1. astronomy 2. planet 4. stratosphere 6. gravity 9. lion 12. Sun 13. Moon 14. Asteroid 16. Pluto


1. and others. Space Commonwealth, M:. Mechanical engineering, 1987

2. In outer space, M:. Mechanical engineering, 1984

3. Vetrov S.P. in aviation. Ideas. Projects. Constructions, M.: Nauka, 1988.

4. Gagarin about her son, M.: Young Guard, 1983.

5. From an airplane to an orbital complex, M.: Prosveshchenie, 1992.

6., designers, M.: Publishing House of Political Literature, 1989.

7. Sobolev airplane. First projects and designs, M.: Mashinostroenie, 1988.

8. Cosmonautics today and tomorrow, M.: Education, 1986.

Sherstyannikova I.I. MAOU "Secondary School No. 129", Perm

Chinaward "Solar System"














This is the red planet

Next door to us.

It is in winter and even in summer

Freezing above the ice.

It's strange, no matter what you say -

The ice is not on top, but inside.(Mars)


Overtaking night and day,

A deer runs around the ground.

Touching the stars with your horn,

He chose a path in the sky.

You can hear the sound of his hooves,

He is the pathfinder of the Universe.(Satellite)


This interstellar
Eternal wanderer
In the night sky
Just introduce myself
And flies away
For a long time afterwards,
Farewell to us
Twinkling tail. (Comet)


Telescope for hundreds of years
Study the life of planets.
He will tell us everything
Smart uncle...(astronomer)


I fall and fade away quickly.

I light it up in the middle of the night

There's a shower of stars in the sky,

Like this little light

Painted by an artist.(Meteorite)


What we cannot see with our eyes,

What can't be seen from Earth?

That device will immediately show

You just need to look. (Telescope)


Running around the light
Six sons and two daughters,
Years and days will flash by,
But they will not meet.(Planet)


Uneven, hard, like a stone,
He travels for centuries
In the company of my friends -
Wonderful “stones” like him.

And as if we had agreed to be together,
They created the belt themselves.
And you are looking for that belt
Beyond Mars, to Jupiter. (Asteroid)


The comet flew around,
I looked at everything in the sky.
He sees a hole in space -
This is black...(hole)


He's in a spacesuit, with insurance

Entered orbit.

He corrected the ship deftly

The cable is broken.(Astronaut)


A wonderful satellite of Saturn,
It's hard to see what's there,
This case is unprecedented -
A satellite with a dense atmosphere!(Titanium)


On the planet blue-blue
The wind is blowing very strong.
The year on it is very long -
Winter lasts 40 years.(Neptune)







































































Crossword puzzle with answers "Space Conquerors" for elementary school

Author Lyapina Victoria Olegovna student of the socio-pedagogical college of the Samara city district
Description This work is intended for primary and secondary school teachers to conduct extracurricular activities dedicated to Cosmonautics Day in primary school.
Target Generalization of students' knowledge about space explorers.
- Expand your understanding of space.
- Consolidate knowledge about the history of space exploration.
- Develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities and memory in younger schoolchildren.
- Develop skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, and independence.

On April 12, Russia celebrates Cosmonautics Day. This year we celebrate 55 years since the first manned space flight.

His flight marked the beginning of a new space era - the era of manned astronautics. The Soviet Union became a leader in space exploration.
The desire to pave the way to the stars is a cherished, secret dream of humanity, rooted in the distant past.
A Russian guy took off in a rocket,
I saw the whole earth from above.
Gagarin was the first in space...
What score will you be?

The path to conquering cosmic heights was difficult and thorny. All the more great was the joy of victories won over the powerful forces of gravity. And having solved the crossword puzzle, you will remember the names of those who were among the conquerors of outer space.

1. The name of the first cosmonaut on Earth.
2. The first female cosmonaut of the Soviet Union.
3. The dog who became the second space explorer.
4. The first astronaut dog.
5. The youngest astronaut in the Guinness Book of Records.
6. Student of K.E. Tsiolkovsky.
1. The scientist who substantiated the conclusion about the need to use “rocket trains”.
2. The third cosmonaut is a dog.
3. Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
4. The astronaut who was the first to go into space.
5. Call sign Yu. Gagarin.
6. The spaceship on which Yuri Gagarin made his flight.

Who flew to the planets first?
What holiday is there once a year in April?
Legends are made about space,
Heroes - astronauts in plain sight!
They don’t live peacefully on earth,
For some reason they are always drawn to heights,
The stars submit to them, surrender,
Their shoulder straps were lit with gold.
Every boy knows perfectly well from childhood,
Gagarin Yuri - space hero,
After all, an astronaut is not born just one day,
He can be next to you or next to me.
And again into unknown distances
The spaceship will take off...
Let what you dreamed about come true,
Fly, children, into the sky, the way is open!
(Tatiana Larina)

Presentation on the topic: Crossword puzzle with answers “Space Conquerors”





  1. Take a quick look through the telescope

He walks in orbit.

There he is the boss over everyone,

More than all other planets.

In our solar system

There's no one bigger. (Jupiter)

  1. There is a big house in the desert

There's a rocket inside it

Every screw in it is automatic

Tested many times

So that an astronaut in flight

I was confident in technology(Cosmodrome)

  1. Among the stars in the sky

Bears roam at night

(Ursa Major)

  1. No rain on it, no storm

Mercury will greet you with silence(Mercury)

  1. UFO flies to neighbor
    From the constellation Andromeda,
    It howls like a wolf out of boredom
    Evil green...

6. That’s it, I said firmly at home,
I'll just astronomer!
The Universe is around the Earth!

7. Starship - steel bird,
He runs faster than light.
Learns in practice

8. He is an example for all the guys

They call him a hero

Proudly worn by an astronaut

This is the title.

9. She has no sail,

Even though it's a ship...


Everyone calls it a rocket.

10. Look at him flying

Visit us (Meteorite)

11 On the planet blue-blue
The wind is blowing very strong.
The year on it is very long -
Winter lasts 40 years. (Neptune)


1.We looked into the telescope

Saturn is there - I imagine

Surprisingly loves everyone

He puts on jewelry.

2. The comet flew around everything,
I looked at everything in the sky.
He sees a hole in space - It’s black...(Hole)

3.On the most beautiful planet

We live with you friends

Adults and children know

That her name is Earth.

4.In the dark sky, like a firebird

To visit us - The Comet is rushing.

5. An astronaut sits in a rocket,
Remembering everything in the world -

In orbit as luck would have it
Appeared... (UFO)

6.This is the red planet

Next door to us.

It is in winter and even in summer

Freezing above the ice.

It's strange, no matter what you say

Ice is not on top, but inside. (Mars)

7. Not a star or a planet

Guess who it is?

There's no need to think long here

In front of us is an Asteroid.

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