Summary of the story of a fat thunderstorm in the forest. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy as a boy talked about how a thunderstorm caught him in the forest

Integrated test work for 2nd grade (end of year): text

How a thunderstorm caught me in the forest.

When I was little, I was sent to the forest for

mushrooms. I reached the forest, picked mushrooms

basket and wanted to go home.

Suddenly it became dark, it began to rain and there was thunder.

I got scared and sat down under a large oak tree. Lightning flashed

so bright that it hurt my eyes,

and I closed my eyes. Over my head

something crackled and rattled; Then

something hit me in the head. I fell and lay there

until the rain stopped.

When I woke up, water was dripping all over the forest.

trees, birds sang, the sun played. Big

The oak tree broke and smoke came out of the stump. Around

There were oak shards lying around me. Dress

Everything on me was wet and sticking to my body; on

There was a bump in my head and it hurt a little. I

found his hat, took a basket of mushrooms and

ran home.

There was no one at home, I took it from the table

bread and climbed onto the stove. When I woke up I

I saw from the stove that my mushrooms were fried,

They put it on the table and are already hungry.

I shouted:

- What are you eating without me?

They say:

- Why are you sleeping? Go quickly and eat.

L.N. Tolstoy

Task 2. How many paragraphs are there in this text? Write it down as a number.
Answer: ______

Task 3. Find the second paragraph. What does it say? Add one word to the sentence.
Answer: This paragraph talks about _______________.

Task 4. The text talks about the following animals:
Read the proverbs.
If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.
All's well that ends well.
Think about which of these proverbs could be the title of the story you read. Emphasize it.

Task 5. Answer each question in one sentence.

Question 1. What hit the boy?

Question 2. Why did the oak tree break?
Answer: ________________________________________

Task 6. How do you understand the word “scraps”? What other word can replace this word? Write.
Scraps –

The world around us

Task 1. Using words from the second and third paragraphs of the text, fill out the table:
Objects of the living world
Objects of the inanimate world

Task 2. Write down in the left column the objects of the man-made world that are found in the third and fourth paragraphs of the text.
In the right column, write down what natural materials they can be made from.
Objects of the man-made world
Natural materials

Task 3.
1. In front of you are pictures with mushrooms. Show with arrows which ones you will put in the basket.

2. Which mushrooms didn’t make it into the basket? Write it down in one word.
These mushrooms
Russian language

Task 1.
1. Write the first paragraph of the text. Check it out. Correct it if necessary.

2. In the highlighted words, underline the unstressed vowel that is verified by stress.
Task 2.
Write the highlighted words in the table. Determine the part of speech of each word. Write it down.
Part of speech

Task 3.
1. Write down how many sounds and letters are in the word “lightning”
letters sounds.

2. Divide the word into syllables.
3. Divide the word "lightning" for transfer.

Task 1.
Severe thunderstorms usually produce a lot of lightning. During one thunderstorm, an observer counted 100 lightning strikes in 15 minutes. Count how many lightning flashes occurred in an hour?
Task 2.
The oak tree can live 500 years and grow 50 meters high.
What can you find out if 500:50?
What can you find out if it's 50:500?

Task 3.
Misha and Kolya went into the forest,
We found a lot of mushrooms there.
They brought seven boletus
And thirty-five again.
How many mushrooms are there in total?
Do you have the answer ready?

When I was little, I was sent to the forest to pick mushrooms. I reached the forest, picked mushrooms and wanted to go home. Suddenly it became dark, it began to rain and there was thunder. I got scared and sat down under a large oak tree. Lightning flashed, so bright that it hurt my eyes, and I closed my eyes. Something crackled and rattled above my head; then something hit me in the head. I fell and lay there until the rain stopped. When I woke up, trees were dripping all over the forest, birds were singing and the sun was playing. A large oak tree broke and smoke came out of the stump. There were oak scraps lying around me. The dress I was wearing was all wet and sticking to my body; there was a bump on my head and it hurt a little. I found my hat, took the mushrooms and ran home.

There was no one at home, I took out some bread from the table and climbed onto the stove. When I woke up, I saw from the stove that my mushrooms had been fried, put on the table and were already ready to eat. I shouted:

What are you eating without me?

They say:

Why are you sleeping? Go quickly and eat.

The main character of Tolstoy's story “How a Boy Told About How a Thunderstorm Caught Him in the Forest” is a village boy who was sent into the forest to pick mushrooms. The boy picked mushrooms in the forest and was about to go home when the forest suddenly got dark and it began to rain heavily. A thunderstorm has begun.

When the boy hid from the rain under a large oak tree, lightning flashed and a loud crash was heard. The boy lost consciousness from a blow to the head. When he woke up, the storm had already ended and the sun was shining. The boy saw that the oak tree was broken - lightning had struck it. The boy's clothes were wet from the rain.

Having collected the scattered mushrooms, the boy ran home. There he climbed onto the stove and fell asleep. When the boy woke up, the mushrooms he had collected had already been fried, and the family gathered at the table. The boy was afraid that they would eat the mushrooms without him, and hurried to the table.

That's how it is summary story.

The main idea of ​​the story “How a boy talked about how a thunderstorm caught him in the forest” is that during a thunderstorm you should never hide under tall trees, they can be hit by lightning.

The story teaches you not to get lost in critical situations and act confidently. The boy, struck by lightning and soaked in the rain, collected the scattered mushrooms and quickly returned home, where he climbed onto the warm stove to dry his clothes and not get sick.

What proverbs fit the story “How the boy talked about how a thunderstorm caught him in the forest”?

A thunderstorm hits a tall tree.
A thunderstorm is not as scary as lightning.
Whoever had time, ate it.

When I was little, I was sent to the forest to pick mushrooms. I reached the forest, picked mushrooms and wanted to go home. Suddenly it became dark, it began to rain and there was thunder. I got scared and sat down under a large oak tree. Lightning flashed, so bright that it hurt my eyes, and I closed my eyes. Something crackled and rattled above my head; then something hit me in the head. I fell and lay there until the rain stopped.

When I woke up, trees were dripping all over the forest, birds were singing, and the sun was playing. A large oak tree broke and smoke came out of the stump. There were oak shards all around me. The dress I was wearing was all wet and sticking to my body; there was a bump on my head and it hurt a little.

I found my hat, took the mushrooms and ran home.

There was no one at home, I took out some bread from the table and climbed onto the stove. When I woke up, I saw from the stove that my mushrooms had been fried, put on the table and were already ready to eat. I shouted:
- What are you eating without me?

They say:
- Why are you sleeping? Go quickly and eat.

* Shards - chips, fragments
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