When is the starfall of the year in August? The Perseid meteor shower is the most beautiful meteor shower in August

Meteor shower The Perseids are an incredibly beautiful astrological phenomenon. Simply put, people call it a starfall. Experts have already talked about when the peak of this event will be - at what time and on what date.

The Perseids are a meteor shower that passes very close to the Earth, leaving behind a very beautiful “star trail” that surpasses many other stars in brightness.

Residents of the entire Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, including Russia, will be able to observe this romantic phenomenon and admire the most popular and brightest “star shower” of the year. Shooting stars will be best seen after midnight and before sunrise.

In August 2017, the most beautiful starfall is the Perseid Meteor Shower. You can already observe it now, but so far these are not such frequent combustions. But on the night of August 12-13, the sky will be simply beautiful - one meteorite will burn up per minute, experts said. Not everything, of course, will be seen by people, but still “stars will fall” very often.

The thing is that the night from August 12 to 13 is the maximum peak of activity of the Perseid meteor shower. It is because of him that there will be a “fairy tale” in the sky. It will be most visible in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, in particular in Russia. Forecasts of the International Meteor Organization say that they expect about 100 meteors per hour.

In order to see it as it gets dark, on August 12 you can go outside, preferably away from the city, to the shore of the lake, and look towards the constellation Perseus. This way you can watch the whole night - the sky will be simply magical.

The brightness of the meteor shower comes from Comet Swift-Tuttle. The comet's tail loses particles of cosmic rocks, which, falling, burn up in the atmosphere. At the same time, people can admire the beautiful lines of fire and flashes. Meteor shower The Perseids are one of the brightest celestial phenomena.

The best way to watch starfalls is away from the city lights. Those who observe this unusual and fascinating phenomenon, as a rule, make wishes.

In order for your wish to come true, you need to be alone with yourself, and you should also count as many shooting stars as the sum of the numbers of your date of birth. For example, if you were born on 03/05/1980, then you need to sum up all the numbers. That is, 5 3 1 9 8 0=26. This means there are 26 shooting stars to count.

The Perseids are one of the oldest meteor showers. The first mentions of them are contained in ancient Chinese chronicles dating back to 36 AD. It is also one of the big three largest star falls.

In medieval Europe, the Perseids were also well known - around the eighth century, this meteor shower was called the “tears of the immaculate Lawrence.” This is due to the fact that in Italy the festival of the Immaculate Lawrence falls precisely during the most active period of this meteor shower.

The Perseids are formed as a result of the Earth passing through a plume of dust particles released by Comet Swift-Tuttle. The smallest particles, the size of a grain of sand, burn in the earth's atmosphere, forming star rain. Comet Swift-Tuttle has an orbital period of about 133 years and is currently moving toward the outer reaches of the Solar System.

At first it “spills” with the greatest force, then gradually weakens. The Perseids are white meteors that streak across the sky. The glow of some particularly bright meteors lasts up to several seconds.

The last time Comet Swift-Tuttle passed by the Sun was in December 1992, and will return to it again only in July 2126. Therefore, for several years around 1992, the Perseids were very active. For example, in August 1993, observers central Europe recorded from 200 to 500 meteors per hour.

Almost immediately after the New Year holidays, we will be able to observe the Quadrantids meteor shower. It will reach its peak on the night of January 3-4 in the second half of the night. And it can only be observed in the northern part of the Earth’s hemisphere; as for Russia, here the Quadrantids will be seen on Far East and the East of the country. This meteor shower can be called one of the most famous and is one of the “big three” along with the Perseids and Gemenids. At different times, the Quadrantids produced different numbers of meteors (the lowest being 60 and the highest being 200). This year, according to all forecasts, there should be approximately 150 meteors.

Finding it in the sky is not so difficult. The meteor shower should be between the constellations Bootes and Draco, slightly to the left of the star Arcturus. Unfortunately, it often happens that cloudy weather prevents the observation of this phenomenon, well, we hope that this will not happen this year. The Quadrantids are often called “ star shower”, and indeed, when weather conditions are conducive to this, this phenomenon can only be compared with rain.

This meteor shower itself received its name from the failed constellation Wall Quadrant. However, after the list of 88 officially defined constellations was released, the Wall Quadrant was not included there, but the name of the starfall remained the same.

Lyrids starfall in 2017 - from April 16 to 22

You will have to wait a long time for the next starfall, namely until April. The Lyrid meteor shower will not be as large as the previous one, with approximately 20 meteors per hour visible. The starfall will begin to gain strength on April 16, but will reach its peak only on the 21st or 22nd. You can find it near the Lyra starfall, which formed the basis for the name of the meteor shower. And it will be possible to see it again only in the Northern Hemisphere; in other parts of the globe this phenomenon will not be so clear and noticeable.

But astrologers say that the Lyrid starfall will not pass without a trace. First of all, the meteor shower will affect creativity. Creative people inspiration will come, you will want to create and create something new and interesting. Don’t miss this opportunity and give it your all, because you can do it, you just need to make an effort. Your performance will also increase; if you try, you can achieve unprecedented success during this period. Intuition and premonition should not be ignored, because they are the ones who can help you solve complex issues.

Aquarids starfall in 2017 - from July 28 to 30

This meteor shower will be approximately the same in size as the previous one. It begins on July 12, and its peak activity occurs around the 28th - 30th. To see it, you need to look at the southern part of the sky, near the constellation Aquarius. This meteor shower can produce about 20 meteors per hour. It will be seen in the southern part of the hemisphere.

The constellation Aquarius is a symbol of water, which gave birth to all life on Earth. Therefore, this time it is necessary to make a wish in a special way. If you are at home, then you need to say it over a glass of water, but if you are in nature, then in this case it is better to put your hands in the water.

Arietids starfall in 2017 - from May 22 to July 2

The Arietids meteor shower is called one of the largest daytime (radio) meteor showers. Its activity lasts more than a month (from May 22 to July 2), and will reach its peak on June 7. The Arietids are also unusual in that they are most intense just after sunrise. This year the maximum number of meteors should not exceed 60 per hour. This meteor shower can be clearly seen in the southern part of the hemisphere, but it is difficult to see the meteor shower with the naked eye, only an hour before sunrise and it is better to arm yourself with binoculars. A meteor shower will be located near the constellation Aries.

During this period, we will have to face problems with the people around us, moreover, the way you look at these troubles will reflect yourself. What you see in people is an exact description of yourself. Therefore, it is worth reorienting your thoughts to more positive ones. This time also promises dramatic changes in relationships. This could be a quarrel, or vice versa, you and your significant other can move to the next level.

Perseids starfall in 2017 - from August 9 to 13

It is also one of the big three largest star falls. It can be called one of the most beautiful meteor showers. It usually begins around July 17, and reaches its peak on August 9-13. In 2017, the Perseids reached their apogee on the night of August 12-13. The maximum number of combustible particles can reach more than 200 per hour. To see it you need to look towards the constellation Perseus. It can only be observed in the northern hemisphere.

The Perseids are one of the oldest meteor showers. Mentions of it can be found as early as 36 AD. Around the eighth century, the Perseid received the name “tears of St. Lawrence.” And all because in Europe the St. Lawrence Festival occurs during the most active period of this meteor shower.

In order to see the Perseid starfall, it is enough to find a place where there is a good view of the sky and it is advisable to be away from all light sources at this time. And don’t forget to make a wish, because according to legend, it is during this period that everything you think comes true. However, you need to remember one important detail - you need to be alone at this time. To achieve greater success, you need to count as many shooting stars as the sum of your birth date. Only after this make a wish and remember - no negative thoughts.

Draconid starfall in 2017 - from October 8 to October 10

This meteor shower begins in early October and reaches its peak on the 8th-10th. The maximum number of meteors per hour usually does not exceed 15. The Draconids differ from many meteor showers in that they most often have a yellowish or reddish color. You can see it near the constellation Draco in the Northern Hemisphere.

We get the name of this constellation thanks to the legend of the golden rejuvenating apples, which were kept by the dragon Ladon in the garden of Hepersides. According to myth, his parents were sea monsters who were brother and sister. Ladon's parents were Forix and Keto. He looked terrifying - his tail touched the underworld itself, and his body was deep in the ground. He also had a hundred heads that spoke different languages.

In Chinese mythology, the dragon is a symbol of energy, longevity, and the element of soil. Therefore, during the period of starfall, each of us will feel unprecedented energy and demonstrate good performance. But at the same time, irritability, excessive emotionality and intolerance may come. Therefore, at this time, try to restrain yourself and not get upset over trifles. It's better to focus on what you would like to achieve.

Orionids starfall in 2017 - from October 2 to November 7

The Orionids are a medium-sized meteor shower, producing about 15 meteors per hour. The starfall reaches its peak around October 20-21, and its period of activity lasts from October 2 to November 7. The starfall will occur near the constellation Orion. This meteor shower will be visible in both the southern and northern hemispheres.

Many astrologers advise trying to restrain your emotions during this period, although this will be difficult to do. In any situation, try to show your restraint. Know that you can solve all the problems that you will encounter along the way, do not doubt yourself. If you don’t get confused, then very soon you will be able to move to a new stage in life.

Leonids meteor shower in 2017 - from November 14 to 21

The activity of the Leonids meteor shower begins on November 14 and ends on the 21st. The meteor shower will reach its peak around the 16th. The Leonids produce approximately 10-15 meteors per hour. In the Northern Hemisphere it will be visible somewhat better than in the Southern Hemisphere. In order to see it, you do not need special devices, since it will be visible to the naked eye. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that every 33 years this meteor shower turns into a real stellar storm. However, unfortunately, such a spectacle is not expected this year; we will see such a storm only in 2034.

The starfall will occur in the constellation Leo, this suggests that the true artist in each of us can awaken. Of course, it is not necessary that you start drawing pictures. You may want to write poetry or novels, implement new projects at work, in general, your creativity on top, don't miss this moment. Just don’t forget about your colleagues at work; if you achieve your goals, thinking only about yourself, then there will be no success. But you shouldn’t forget about your interests; find a middle ground.

Geminids starfall in 2017 - from December 4 to 17

The Geminids meteor shower is the last meteor shower of the year and is one of the “big three” meteor showers. The period of its activity begins around December 4 and ends on December 17, reaching its apogee around December 13-14. This is one of the richest starfalls and produces more than 200 meteors per hour. It will only be visible in the Northern Hemisphere. According to astronomers, the age of this meteor shower is more than 1000 years.

The radiant of the meteor shower is in the constellation Gemini. This means that during this period, success awaits you in many areas, but for this you need to try. Don't sit still, but act - take the first step, implement new projects, fantasize, make important decisions. Rest assured that all this will only be beneficial. And if you make wishes, don’t forget about your career. It is believed that it is during this period that desires regarding work will definitely come true.

The Perseid meteor shower is an incredibly beautiful astrological phenomenon. Simply put, people call it a starfall. Experts have already talked about when the peak of this event will be - at what time and on what date. Read about where and when you can watch the beautiful fall of many stars in August 2017 in the material novayagazeta-ug.ru.

Starfall in August 2017: time, what date - when will it happen

Every year, the inhabitants of the planet admire a wonderful phenomenon - a starfall: traces of light formed as a result of the combustion of small particles of cosmic meteoroids in the dense atmosphere of our planet. This “fairy tale” is simply mesmerizing, which is why millions of people always come out to see it. By the way, from mid to late August, stargazing is a frequent occurrence.
In August 2017, the most beautiful starfall is the Perseid Meteor Shower. You can already observe it now, but so far these are not such frequent combustions. But on the night of August 12-13, the sky will be simply beautiful - one meteorite will burn up per minute, experts said. Not everything, of course, will be seen by people, but still “stars will fall” very often.

The thing is that the night from August 12 to 13 is the maximum peak of activity of the Perseid meteor shower. It is because of him that there will be a “fairy tale” in the sky. It will be most visible in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, in particular in Russia. Forecasts of the International Meteor Organization say that they expect about 100 meteors per hour.

In order to see it as it gets dark, on August 12 you can go outside, preferably away from the city, to the shore of the lake, and look towards the constellation Perseus. This way you can watch the whole night - the sky will be simply magical.

The most promising star shower of the summer season will take place from August 9 to 13, 2017. On this night, be sure to make your deepest wish, there is a high probability that it will come true. The time is coming to fulfill all your secret dreams.

Make a wish under the starfall 2017

An incredibly spectacular astronomical event of the year will give people the famous Perseid meteor shower. Shooting stars will be able to be “collected” throughout the Northern Hemisphere of the night sky.

Starfall in the constellation Perseus has been delighting people with its beauty for almost two thousand years. Approximately five hundred years ago, this oldest meteor shower was given the additional name "Tears of St. Lawrence."

The apogee of the Perseid starfall falls on the night of August 12-13, 2017. It is at this time that you need to raise your eyes to the starry sky, catch a falling star with your gaze and make a wish. Let's reveal a secret: if you add up all the numbers on your birthday and count exactly the same number of shooting stars, then even the most fantastic idea can come true! Find out what and when the last day of the outgoing summer in 2017 is, for each day, it will give a forecast and the right advice.

Magic rituals on the day of starfall

In August 2017, the Perseid meteor shower falls during the waning moon period after the waning moon. lunar eclipse August 7, 2017. Therefore, this is an excellent time to get rid of outdated relationships and begin a new stage of life.

It is important to know in advance when the starfall is in August 2017, since this is a symbol of upcoming changes in your life and an opportunity to ask Heaven for support. Looking at the stars, be sure to say the following words: “Heavenly light, illuminate me and lead me to the path of glory!” After this, close your eyes and imagine how the light of the stars cleanses your body and soul of old, outdated information, filling all the cells of the body with new energy.

You can also tell fortunes by shooting stars. For example, make a wish and carefully monitor the changes in the starry sky: if you saw the trail of a falling star, it means that your dream will certainly come true. Listen to the prompts of Fate and observe a rare natural phenomenon for your benefit.

How to make a wish on a falling star

Simple tips will help you make your cherished dreams come true, enjoying the magic of the night sky on the day, When is the starfall in August 2017. For maximum effect, you need to make a wish in complete solitude. Consider the main principles of success:

  • There should be one desire or at most two;
  • State your goals clearly;
  • Set an exact deadline for your dream to come true.

When you see a shooting star, quickly make a wish and ask sincerely Higher Powers about protection and assistance. Men can enlist the support of trees that are energetically close to them, and this is oak or poplar. But young girls and women can hug a birch, apple or viburnum tree with their hands at this moment. You can whisper the following conspiracy: “A star fell, I made a wish. All my plans will come true, and the best guy will fall in love with me!”

After a night walk, return home and be sure to take a bath with aromatic oils and salt. After cleaning your body, do not dry yourself with a towel, but simply throw a new, clean nightgown over your naked body. After this, you can go to bed on a new sheet. The next day, be sure to turn your nightgown inside out and hide it until the next ritual is performed so that no one except you can pick it up. Do not under any circumstances wash this “starry” nightie until your wish comes true!

In contrast to the vagaries of the outgoing summer with its gusts of daring winds and torrential rains, the traditional meteor shower from the constellation Perseus - the Perseids, which will decorate the starry sky on the night of August 12-13, will add optimism from romantic observations to residents of the Northern Hemisphere, including the Union State. The International Meteor Organization forecasts up to 100 meteors per hour that night.

Sergey Malgavko/TASS

Every year, on a moonless August night, the patient observer is greeted with a magnificent spectacle of shooting stars. And although astronomers record the expectation of the stellar stream from July 17 to August 26, it will be on the night of next Tuesday that it will peak, the press service of the Moscow Planetarium reports.

Astronomers explain that the Perseids, which get their name from the constellation of the same name, are white, bright meteors that sharply streak the sky. Their glow can last up to several seconds, which experts advise observing away from city noise and bright lights. Then astronomical instruments will not be required, and if the weather is cloudless, anyone can enjoy the night star spectacle.

The meteor shower is best observed from 23:00 to midnight, the planetarium clarified, warning, however, that only cloudy weather and the waxing Moon can interfere with lovers of the star symphony.

And a few more lines from the chronicle of this stellar phenomenon. People got used to observing the Perseids about two thousand years ago. The first mention of a starfall occurs in the year 36 in the chronicles of Chinese scientists. The meteor shower was described by Japanese and Korean astronomers eight centuries later. By the way, the time of the starfall also coincides with the anniversary of the death of the Orthodox martyr Lawrence, executed by decree of the Roman emperor. The starry rain in the sky personified the “tears of the holy deacon” for Christian believers. A person who remembered his suffering on this day could make a wish by addressing a shooting star.

But the Perseids were officially discovered by the Belgian scientist Adolphe Quetelet in 1835. True, the activity of the stream during the observation period either decreased to 37 or increased to 102 meteors per hour. In 1863, observers linked a record 215 shooting stars to the passage of Comet Swift-Tuttle, identifying the origin of the famous meteor shower. The last time it passed near the Earth, astronomers, in August 1993, recorded 200-500 flares per hour over Europe. This spectacular star shower is considered a record holder not only for the number of burned dust particles, but also for larger and brighter fireball particles.

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