Far Eastern Federal University: passing grade. Far Eastern Federal University: faculties and specialties

The rules for admitting students to bachelor's, specialist and master's programs at the Far Eastern Federal University for the 2016/17 academic year have been published. Future applicants and their parents have access to complete information about the upcoming enrollment at FEFU in full-time and part-time forms of study, the number of budget places, entrance examinations, deadlines for submitting documents, and stages of enrollment.

According to Andrei Shushin, Deputy Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Far Eastern Federal University, the rules for admission to the Far Eastern Federal University for the 2016/17 academic year are not fundamentally different from those in force previously. Applicants retain the right to enroll in five universities in the country in three directions in each of them. The main criterion for admission remains the number of points scored in the Unified State Exam (USE). In 2016, applicants can also receive additional points for individual achievements - up to 10 points in total. At FEFU, such achievements are: receiving a gold GTO sign (2 points), a gold or silver medal (5 points), a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors (5 points), a diploma of a winner or prize-winner of school Olympiads, the list of which is established by the FEFU university (5 points).

The rules for admission to the Far Eastern Federal University define key dates for applicants in 2016. Acceptance of documents from applicants in all areas and forms of study starts on June 20. Enrollment in full-time bachelor's and specialty programs for places financed from the federal budget will take place in two stages: until August 1 and until August 6; for master's degree - until August 17. Admission to contract places ends 10 days before the start of classes.

Important changes to the admission rules in 2016 concern the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren. In accordance with them, the results of the Olympiads are now valid for four years following the year of the competition. This expands the opportunities for gifted applicants, because previously their successes were taken into account for admission only for one year.

The rules for admitting students to the Far Eastern Federal University for the 2016/17 academic year were developed in accordance with the Constitution, federal laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation. According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science, from now on the admission procedure will not fundamentally change annually, which will allow you to know in advance about all the details of admission. In addition, a single date for informing about admission has been established for all educational programs and forms of study - starting from the 2016/17 academic year, information must be published on the websites of universities before October 1.

FEFU Press Service,

In the Russian labor market, very different employers express their needs. Some people need workers with secondary vocational education, while others need specialists with higher education. At the same time, one feature unites employers. They all need well-trained people who have the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Such personnel are graduated from the Far Eastern Federal University. What faculties and specialties are offered at FEFU? Before answering this question, let's take a closer look at this educational institution.

FEFU: what kind of university is it?

Far Eastern Federal University operates in Vladivostok. But not only in this city they know about the named university. FEFU is known in many regions of Russia, because it is the most prestigious university in the Far East. Its history began in the 19th century. In the summer of 1899, Emperor Nicholas II signed a decree on the opening of the Oriental Institute. This educational institution was to become the first classical university in the Far East and throughout Eastern Siberia.

The emperor's decree was carried out in the autumn of the same year. The opening of the Oriental Institute took place on October 21. Over the years, the university has grown and developed. Its first consolidation took place in 1920. The Oriental Institute was merged with several private educational institutions. The result of this procedure was the emergence of the Far Eastern State University. Another significant merger with other universities occurred already in 2010-2011. The Far Eastern State University formed a new university together with the Far Eastern Technical University, the Pacific Economic University and the Ussuri Pedagogical Institute. This is how the FEFU, known today, appeared with specialties and faculties (schools) in a wide variety.

Famous facts about the university

FEFU is a large educational institution. The Far Eastern Federal University campus is a complex of buildings and structures and is an entire campus. It has all the conditions for fruitful study, an intense or relaxing holiday. Each student plans his own life. Some devote themselves to their studies and, in their free time, relax in the dormitory, while others decide to fully immerse themselves in student life, play sports, or join some creative university group.

The university plans its further development, which means that in the future it will be even larger. That is why it has already created internal transport for students, teachers and other employees - a shuttle. It makes moving around campus much easier. Travel there is completely free.

Organizational structure of the university

What faculties and specialties are there at FEFU? This is one of the traditional questions of applicants. The educational institution does not have faculties. In its structure, the main divisions are schools. They implement higher education programs. There are 9 schools in total:

  • engineering;
  • legal;
  • humanities;
  • natural sciences;
  • regional and international studies (oriental institute);
  • biomedicine;
  • arts, culture and sports;
  • pedagogy;
  • economics and management.

Among the structural divisions of the university there are also lyceums, gymnasiums, and colleges. Their main goals are to implement general educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general and secondary vocational education. The university also has branches. The cities in which they are located are Arsenyev, Artem, Bolshoi Kamen, Dalnegorsk, Dalnerechensk, Nakhodka, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Ussuriysk. A very important achievement of FEFU is the presence of one branch outside our country. It operates in Japan in the city of Hakodate. It is the economic, political and cultural center of the south of Hokkaido.

Variety of higher education specialties

Far Eastern Federal University is one of those universities that amazes with the huge number of schools, faculties and specialties. FEFU offers high-quality education at bachelor's, specialist's, master's and postgraduate levels. Among the variety of specialties we can highlight:

  • humanitarian areas (“philosophy”, “journalism”, “religious studies”, “psychology”);
  • pedagogical specialties (“teacher education” in one or two subjects);
  • natural science programs (“physics”, “chemistry”, “biology”);
  • economic and legal specialties (“economics”, “management”, “jurisprudence”);
  • engineering areas (“innovation”, “ground transport and technological complexes”, “instrument making”).

FEFU Vladivostok differs from many universities in that, in addition to the above specialties, it implements programs in the field of biomedicine. Future doctors study at the educational institution, because the list of areas includes “medicine”. For those who want to connect their future life with the production and sale of medicines, there is a specialty in pharmacy.

A young and relevant specialty at FEFU

One of the modern programs of the Far Eastern Federal University is “conflict studies”. The first students to become specialists in this field were graduates of 2013. Different people enroll to study “conflict studies.” Some people decide to take this step immediately after school, while others apply to obtain a second higher education. Among the applicants there are specialists related to philosophy, psychology, journalism and other sciences.

Conflictology is in high demand among applicants. One of the reasons for the demand is that the specialty provides students with the opportunity to study a second foreign language - Chinese. Interest in the educational program is also caused by the demand for conflict management in modern society. Many organizations already have such specialists who are faced with the task of maintaining a favorable atmosphere in the work team.

Creative and sports specialties of the university

Schools, faculties and all specialties of FEFU Vladivostok are available to applicants not only with a mathematical, humanitarian and natural science mindset. Creative individuals who choose “design”, “design of the architectural environment” and “architecture” also come to the university to apply. To enter these specialties, you must be able to draw. The presence of this skill is necessarily tested during the entrance creative test, in which applicants are required to draw an antique head. All applicants are divided into groups. Each group is given a specific head - Antinous, Diana, etc. The task of the applicants is to make the drawing as similar as possible to the original.

At FEFU, at the faculty, or more precisely at the school of art, culture and sports, there are a couple of sports specialties - these are “adaptive physical education” and “physical education”. They provide a special entrance test, which allows university staff to evaluate the general physical preparation of applicants. The exam includes:

  • running at various distances;
  • long jump;
  • pulling, bending and straightening the arms while lying down;
  • leaning forward from a sitting position.

Vocational University College

Continuing education is a model implemented by the schools-faculties of the Far Eastern Federal University of Vladivostok. In it, the first step is obtaining secondary vocational education. The corresponding programs are offered by the Far Eastern Federal University through one of its structural divisions - the vocational college. Its doors are open to graduates of grades 9 and 11.

The college offers few programs - only 5. Here is a list of them:

  • “teaching in primary school” - training teachers to teach children in primary school;
  • “construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities”, “organization of transportation and transport management”, “installation and operation of equipment and gas supply systems” - training of technicians;
  • “Banking” - training of banking specialists.

Analysis of the admission campaign

In 2017, the admissions committee of the Far Eastern Federal University processed a huge number of applications, amounting to several thousand. Of the applicants, about 7 thousand people became students who chose schools, faculties and specialties of the Far Eastern Federal University of Vladivostok. Not only residents of this city were enrolled in the university. The number of students also included residents of other localities in our country. The results of the 2017 admissions campaign allow us to conclude that young people from 66 regions of Russia aspired to the Far Eastern Federal University.

FEFU employees advise school graduates to start their life journey with secondary vocational education programs. At a university college you can not only get a profession, but also prepare for studying at a university and adapt to student life. However, many school graduates still focus on higher education programs. In 2017, just over 500 people chose college and over 4 thousand people chose bachelor's and specialty degrees.

The most popular specialties and passing scores

Without exception, all applicants dream of a good career. Some plan to work abroad or in Russia, but at the same time want to be associated with the international arena. For this reason, at the Far Eastern Federal University, the list of the most popular specialties among applicants annually includes such programs as “international relations”, “oriental and African studies”, “foreign regional studies”, “journalism”. Medical specialties are of great interest to applicants. They seem interesting and noble, as they require further assistance to people.

Competition in popular specialties is very high. 25-30 people apply for budget places. In 2017, the number of budget places and the passing score at FEFU in popular specialties was as follows:

  • 12 places and 267 points in “international relations”;
  • 18 places and 260 points in “Oriental and African studies”;
  • 13 places and 255 points in “foreign regional studies”;
  • 8 places and 353 points in “journalism” (the higher score is due to the presence of 4 entrance tests, not 3);
  • 15 places and 216 points in “medical biophysics”;
  • 18 places and 181 points in “medical practice”.

Preparation for admission to FEFU

At the Far Eastern Federal University, preparatory courses are open to everyone. They can refresh your existing knowledge and fill in gaps. Preparatory courses at the university are very effective, because classes for schoolchildren are taught by highly qualified teachers from the university departments. FEFU specialists have many years of experience not only in the field of university teaching, but also in the field of pre-university education.

When registering for classes, each applicant chooses the necessary courses for himself:

  • preparation for passing the Unified State Exam - summer, 4-, 6-, and 8-month courses;
  • preparation for passing the creative test - basic (during the academic year) and summer courses in drawing, drawing, composition.

Why is it important to score high?

It is recommended to prepare thoroughly for admission. The goal should be one - to score high scores in all subjects. At FEFU, faculties and specialties are chosen by very worthy people (graduates who graduated from school with a medal and a red certificate, winners of regional and All-Russian Olympiads), who get into budget places. Only with serious study in courses and independent preparation for exams can such individuals become worthy competition and compete for the chance to receive a free education.

You still need to strive for high scores for one reason. At FEFU, high-scoring students receive an increased scholarship during the first semester. Students from other regions of Russia are additionally paid compensation for all travel expenses.

Many people dream of studying at FEFU in Vladivostok and in those cities where branches are located. It is quite possible to become a student at a well-known, large and prestigious university in our country. You just need to devote time to studying, additional classes at school (electives), courses at the university itself, and strive to gain new knowledge. With excellent preparation, it will be possible to enter any department of FEFU - the Faculty of Law, the School of Biomedicine, etc.

The vice-rector of the federal university told RIA PrimaMedia about the 2016 admissions campaign, the responsibility of applicants and plans for the academic year

FEFU Admissions Committee. Photo: RIA PrimaMedia

A little more than a month remains before the start of final certification in schools, after which the admission campaign to higher educational institutions will immediately begin. At the Far Eastern Federal University, they are meticulously preparing for this stage, taking into account the annually growing interest of applicants in the country’s easternmost university with a “campus” infrastructure, rich in scientific, educational and international agenda. In 2015, school graduates from 76 regions of the Russian Federation appreciated all the benefits and flocked to Russky Island for knowledge. This year the flow promises to be higher.

He told RIA PrimaMedia how the admissions campaign will go, who can count on a budget place and how not to “fly” when choosing a study program.

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Educational Affairs of FEFU Andrey Shushin. Photo: RIA PrimaMedia

Andrey Nikolaevich, there is an opinion that there is a lot of competition among universities, and there is an active struggle for every student. Therefore, universities are ready to accept almost everyone - is this a working attitude?

I strongly disagree with this opinion. Among universities, of course, there is competition, very high, but this is not an indicator of thoughtless enrollment of everyone. The university is not a vacuum cleaner to collect everyone. FEFU, confirming its status as a federal university and occupying high places in rankings, consistently increases the requirements for applicants and enrolls only the best - we really strive for this.

The admission rules to the Far Eastern Federal University for the 2016-2017 academic year are not fundamentally different from those in force previously. Applicants retain the right to enroll in five universities in the country in three directions in each of them. The main criterion for admission remains the number of points scored on the Unified State Exam. In 2016, applicants can also receive additional points for individual achievements - up to 10 points in total. At FEFU, such achievements are: receiving a gold GTO sign (2 points), a gold or silver medal (5 points), a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors (5 points), a diploma of a winner or prize-winner of school Olympiads, the list of which is established by the FEFU university (5 points).

A high-quality education in all respects is possible within the walls of the university where talented and motivated students are admitted. FEFU, in fact, forms a team from among its students, because it pursues ambitious goals. Our task is not to train a young man and release him. There is a goal - to train, fill with knowledge and skills to the maximum, and provide employment - and it is important to provide employment within the Primorsky Territory.

FEFU campus. Photo: RIA PrimaMedia

An applicant today must understand that entering a university is the first serious test in his adult life. If you want to study within the walls of one of the best universities in Russia, then you need to try to be purposeful and disciplined. Parents and children should understand that obtaining higher education should be as successful and fruitful as possible, and become the foundation of a future career.

Far Eastern Federal University is consistently improving its position in the world's leading university rankings. FEFU - participantnational Project 5-100 , the key result of which should be the emergence in Russia by 2020 of modern leading universities with an effective management structure and an international academic reputation, capable of setting trends in the development of global higher education.

How are you preparing for the admissions campaign? Do you make forecasts about the number of applicants?

Far Eastern Federal University has completed a set of measures to prepare for the start of the 2016 admissions campaign. In January and March on the campus on the island. Russian held two Open Days with a large crowd of schoolchildren and parents. These traditional meetings with potential applicants made it clear how much interest graduates have in enrolling in FEFU today. This is an interest in the university as a whole, in its specific Schools, in new laboratories, buildings, and educational programs. Many questions related to living conditions - for non-residents this is extremely important. Today, a young person wants not just to receive a higher education, but to receive a high-quality education, and spend his young years - the best in life - in comfortable conditions. Far Eastern Federal University fully complies with these requests.

- How actively does the university attract applicants from other regions of Russia?

FEFU today is truly a federal university. Since 2011, we have been consistently working to attract talented guys from outside Primorye. The university was created not as a regional one, but at least as a Far Eastern one. The past four years have shown that FEFU has moved far beyond the boundaries of the region in terms of student geography.

Based on the results of the 2015 admissions campaign, applicants already represented 76 constituent entities of the Russian Federation - almost the entire country. We have reached the point where half of the applicants who participate in the competition come from outside Primorye. Competition among applicants has intensified, and at the same time the quality of admissions has increased significantly.

Student in the soil physics laboratory. Photo: courtesy of the FEFU press service

- What are the features of this year’s admissions campaign?

I repeat that there are no fundamental changes. And this is good, because any changes cause nervousness among applicants and parents.

Certain innovations concern the winners and prize-winners of All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren. In accordance with them, the results of the Olympiads are now valid for four years following the year of the competition. This expands the opportunities for gifted applicants, because previously their successes were taken into account for admission only for one year.

The only nuance that should be taken into account is that in 2016 the deadlines for accepting documents have been tightened. Acceptance of documents from applicants in all areas and forms of study starts on June 20. Enrollment in full-time bachelor's and specialty programs for places financed from the federal budget will take place in two stages: until August 1 and until August 6; for master's degree - until August 17. Admission to contract places ends 10 days before the start of classes.

Organized and purposeful applicants will be admitted to the budget. High scores play a decisive role, but you should not be careless about the deadlines for submitting documents.

- How many budget places will FEFU offer its applicants?

For full-time and part-time forms of study, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia approved 4,436 places for the university, financed from the federal budget. The recruitment plan remained at the level of the previous year, which means that the ministry sees us as a responsible executor of the state task. The number of budget places is good, so school graduates have a real chance to receive higher education at the expense of the state.

The overwhelming number of budget places are for full-time education, which is formed mainly by school graduates, but negative demographic processes still persist. Yes, there are no sharp transitions, but there are few graduates, and universities are stuck in a hole because of this. For FEFU, with its enormous potential, there is already a catastrophic shortage of applicants from Primorye, so we are trying to intensively recruit from other regions. This is the first direction, and the second is attracting students from abroad. This year and in subsequent years, we will significantly increase the number of first-year foreign students admitted, primarily from neighboring countries. Already today, more than 2,500 foreigners are studying at the Far Eastern Federal University, and by 2019 we will reach the figure of 30% of foreign students.

- It’s good that foreign students come to you, but are you able to attract teachers from abroad?

You correctly noted that international competitiveness is expressed not only in the interest in the university on the part of foreign students, but also among the teaching staff, including recognized scientists. We are also actively working in this direction.

Nobel laureate Riccardo Valentini at FEFU. Photo: RIA PrimaMedia

FEFU experts have developed a project for the development of the university’s scientific work, which is called 35 TopLabs. In the coming years, FEFU will create new scientific laboratories headed by outstanding scientists who will help improve the scientific reputation of the university and bring it to the forefront of modern science.

Lead the first of theminvited Nobel Prize laureate, Italian ecologist Riccardo Valentini , famous epigeneticist Alexander Kagansky from the UK, Japanese world-class combustion scientist Kaoru Maruta.

In addition, leading foreign scientists and representatives of major universities constantly give lectures at FEFU. Our teachers increasingly travel to scientific conferences and internships abroad.

Foreign students. Photo: courtesy of the FEFU press service

- Tell us about the Olympiads and other competitions at FEFU, which increase the chances of schoolchildren to become students?

This year, the number of participants in subject Olympiads held by FEFU independently or jointly with partners has almost doubled. This trend pleases us and demonstrates the demand for work in this direction. In the same Olympiad “Ocean of Knowledge”, more than 2,000 people from all over the country took part in the preliminary stage, and more than 500 in the finals. FEFU and VDC “Ocean” have been holding this Olympiad in 10 subjects for several years, first in correspondence format, and then in person in within the framework of the "Russian Intelligence" shift. According to its results, more than 140 high school students became winners and prize-winners this year, who upon admission to FEFU will receive an additional five points to those they scored when passing the Unified State Exam.

FEFU also traditionally acts as a regional platform for holding more than two dozen Olympiads with partner universities. Children from all over the Far East and other Russian regions participated in these Olympiads.

- What incentive programs have been developed at FEFU to attract talented applicants?

From year to year we encourage applicants with high Unified State Examination scores. This is an important indicator when an applicant with high scores, with which he will be accepted into any metropolitan university, decides to travel a long distance, sometimes ready to travel from the other end of the country in order to enter our university. The status of high-scoring students is given to applicants who score a total of 210 points or more based on the results of three entrance exams and for individual achievements. For applicants to courses with four entrance examinations, this score is set at 300. For all applicants who meet this criterion and are enrolled in the first year, FEFU guarantees an increased stipend from the first semester of study. According to statistics, 1200-1300 people become holders of such scholarships every year. In addition, high-scoring students who entered the university from outside Primorye will be able to reimburse travel expenses to their place of study at the expense of the university.

I will add that in the “Admission Campaign 2016” section of the FEFU website, future applicants and their parents also have access to complete information about the upcoming admission, admission rules, number of budget places, entrance tests, deadlines for submitting documents and enrollment stages.

7,777 applicants were registered at the Far Eastern Federal University following the results of four weeks of the 2016 admissions campaign. Applicants to the leading university in the Far East represent 73 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. On average, eight people apply for one budget place, and in some areas of training this figure reaches 33.

As reported by the FEFU admissions committee, in the fourth week another two thousand people joined the ranks of applicants. There is just over a week left before the deadline for accepting documents for budget-funded places, and the geography of applicants is already very close to the record year of 2015 - then residents of 76 regions wished to study at the university.

It is worth noting that the FEFU admissions campaign today represents all regions of the Far Eastern, Siberian, Ural and Northwestern districts, as well as the absolute majority of the constituent entities of the Southern (5 out of 6), Volga (12 out of 14) and Central (14 out of 18) districts. The share of applicants to FEFU from outside the Primorsky Territory is 43%.

On average, at the Far Eastern Federal University, eight people apply for one budget place, and the programs “State and Municipal Administration” and “International Relations” are among the leaders - 33 and 29 people per place, respectively. The competition for medical fields is growing: “General Medicine” - 15, “Pharmacy” - 13, “Medical Biochemistry” - 11 people per place. Among the engineering and natural science programs, the most popular are “Construction of unique buildings and structures” and “Infocommunication technologies and communication systems” - 14, “Oil and gas engineering” - 12, “Information systems and technologies”, “Fire safety” and “Software engineering” - 10 person in place.

Acceptance of documents for admission to FEFU for budget places ends on July 26. You can submit your application in person - on campus on Fr. Russian, online or by mail (690922, Primorsky Krai, Russky Island, Ajax village, 10, FEFU campus). The admissions office is located in the central building of the campus (building A, levels 4 and 5). Opening hours: from 9:00 to 19:00 (Monday-Friday) and from 9:00 to 17:00 (Saturday). You can get answers to your questions by calling the hotline: 8-800-555-0-888 (toll-free within Russia) and by email:


June 20, 2016 Acceptance of documents for secondary vocational education programs begins at the University Complex "Gymnasium - College".

For the 2016/2017 academic year, admission is subject to the following conditions:

44.02.01 “Pre-school education”- full-time education based on 9 classes - 25 budget places; correspondence courses based on 11 grades (or a diploma of primary, secondary, higher vocational education) - on a contractual basis.
02/43/11 “Hotel service”- full-time education based on 9 classes - 15 budget places.
54.02.01 “Design (by industry)”- full-time education based on 9 classes - 25 budget places.
02.38.01 “Economics and accounting (by industry)”- full-time education based on 9 classes - on a contractual basis.

ATTENTION! Graduates of 11th grade who have not scored the required number of points for admission to higher professional education programs can enroll in all specialties on a contractual basis with the corresponding standard period of study.

Graduates of training programs for mid-level specialists have a wide range of opportunities to build their life and educational trajectory even after receiving a diploma of secondary vocational education:

  • continue studying in higher professional education programs in any field, and not just in the profile of the specialty received;
  • study both full-time and part-time, combining study and work;
  • work in specialties that are in demand on the labor market.
In accordance with the Rules for admission to study at FEFU for the main educational programs of secondary vocational education for 2016-2017 (see Appendix), the following deadlines for accepting documents are established:

FULL-TIME STUDY(except for those entering specialty 54.02.01 “Design (by industry)”) - from June 20 to August 15.

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