What to do if you are afraid to fly a plane? How to cope with the fear of flying. Calm, only calm

This is a serious problem. Fear of flights often prevents us from discovering new cities and countries and just relaxing. What to do with this - we deal with a professional pilot and an aviation psychologist, the head of the “Fly Without Fear” center, Alexei Gervash.

Say right away, there is nothing shameful or abnormal in fear of flying. About 30% of people are afraid to fly, more than 5% because of this completely refuse to fly. Boxing legend Mohammed Ali nearly ruined his career by refusing to fly to the Olympics. For two hours, the coaches persuaded Ali to take a plane ticket. And the boxer agreed, but only on condition that he would fly, putting on a parachute. This is how our brain works. Neurophysiologists say that we can be afraid from birth. Amygdala is responsible for fear - areas of the brain that, in simple terms, determine which situations are not ordinary for us and how to respond to them. Flying at an altitude of 10 thousand meters, of course, is not the most common situation for our entire body, hence the corresponding reaction. What to do about it?

“Aircraft is the safest mode of transport.” We hear this phrase so often that it has already ceased to have any meaning at all. Especially for aerophobia. But behind it are numbers that may surprise you. And maybe even reduce your fears. On average, around 140 thousand passenger flights are made per day around the world. This is about 48 million flights a year. The annual passenger flow is about five billion people. To see how many planes are in the sky at the moment, just open one of the special services on the Internet (there are several, for example) and find out not only the number of flights (there are really a lot of them), but also the directions, the speed of the planes, the height at which they are flying.

Unfortunately, plane crashes happen. And the statistics on those killed in such disasters is an average of 500 people a year. A lot, of course. But given the annual flow of five billion, one person comes out for 15 million. For comparison, only in Russia in 2015, 23 thousand people died as a result of car accidents. In the United States alone, an average of 450 people die each year when they fall out of bed.

Learn more about aviation

According to statistics, it turns out that the chance of dying on the way to the airport is much higher than in an airplane. But even knowing this, we are still afraid. We are afraid, if only because we don’t understand how “this huge thing” can stay in the air. Instead of viewing the incident summary once again before a flight, it’s better to read how “everything works out”. And then you will find out that turbulence never caused a plane crashthat the plane can "chat" not only in cloudy weather and that wings shaking during turbulence and landing - this is normal and even good, because it is the flexibility of the wing that provides the machine with maximum strength and the ability to withstand heavy loads.

Alexey Gervash

To learn as much as possible about the object of your fear is a good recommendation. But I can say that very often in such situations, common sense, unfortunately, stops working. And you are afraid, even though you seem to understand that everything is in order. Fear of flying is irrational, and the logic for fear of flying is slightly greater than for fear of darkness or clowns. The fact is that the main causes of aerophobia are not related to aviation at all. The main reasons are a global lack of confidence in life, increased anxiety, and perfectionism. Therefore, it is necessary to work with aerophobia seriously, with the help of specialists. Aerophobia has long been studied and responds well to therapy. But people with anxiety and lack of confidence do not always agree to this therapy. Many believe that they will be calming. Someone does not believe that therapy can help. Some people generally argue like this: “I'm afraid to fly, because flying is dangerous. I’ll turn to a specialist, he will help me think that it’s safe to fly. I will believe him, fly and something will happen to me. Because flying is dangerous. ” Typical aerophobic logic. Some believe that this is not a phobia, but common sense. And sometimes only with time does a person begin to realize that the problem is in himself.

Stop thinking that you control everything

“Nothing depends on me on the plane. Not like on earth. If an unforeseen situation arises when I drive in a car, I can always stop ”(get out, dodge, slow down - underline as necessary). This is what aerophobes most often say, contrasting the situation in the air with situations below. It seems to us that here we are in control, and therefore nothing bad will happen to us. We are used to thinking that if we behave correctly (do not talk with strangers, cross the street into a green light, and do not return home late), we will be completely safe. Unfortunately, this is an illusion, and a person, no matter how he behaves correctly, is not immune from anything. We are not talking about this in order to scare you and make you not leave your home, but in order for you to understand that there is no complete control not only in flight, but also on the ground. You need to think it over, accept it and learn how to live with it.

Try to understand your body

Remember that flying for your body is an abnormal situation. Nature did not foresee that we would fly at an altitude of 10 thousand meters. Hence the numerous errors of the vestibular apparatus, which can scare you great. For example, sometimes it seems to us that the plane rolls very much to the side when turning. We begin to worry that something is wrong, and mentally prepare for the worst. In fact, it is our own vestibular apparatus that deceives us, and the roll is not as strong as it seems to us.

Or a strong heartbeat and trembling in the legs. It may seem to you that something is wrong with you, panic may come over you. Here, too, it is better to be aware that trembling in the knees and a heartbeat are the body's reaction to the release of adrenaline. The body responds to the threat (it doesn’t matter if it’s the real threat or the one you thought up) and believes that you need to fight or run away from it, so your breathing becomes faster. To alleviate this condition, or at least not worsen it, you need to close your eyes, lean back and do a simple breathing exercise. Inhale for four counts, hold your breath for four counts and exhale - also for four counts.  It will not help to cope with aerophobia. But it will help to remove a panic attack here and now.

Do not make these mistakes

Do not do those things that seem to help, but actually only increase your aerophobia.

  • do not try to escape from fear with alcohol or sleeping pills;
  • do not spend hours on the Internet looking for information about disasters;
  • do not invent signs for yourself.

Alexey Gervash

pilot, aviation psychologist, head of the center “Fly Without Fear”

In the first stages, a person, in principle, can cope with aerophobia on his own. Read books, find out how planes fly. Learn to breathe properly and not concentrate on negative thoughts. But very often people make all conceivable and inconceivable mistakes and only worsen the situation. What, for example, is bad alcohol. Drinking (or taking some sleeping pills), you seem to eliminate yourself from the environment in which you are. By the next time a certain picture is already forming in your brain: since you needed methods to get out of this place, then this place is bad. And aerophobia intensifies. Another mistake is to constantly look for information about disasters, investigations of these disasters and try on all this for yourself. Our brain is designed so that it will filter information, and you will focus only on the negative. And then aerophobes are gradually overgrown with signs - for example, they go to the airport only by a certain car (they say they used to drive it, and this brought good luck - they did not crash). All this ultimately only exacerbates the situation.

  • download special aerophobic apps.
  • If you are already on the plane and start to panic

    • do not let your body strain, close your eyes and consciously relax the muscles (as in meditation);
    • normalize breathing with simple breathing exercises;
    • concentrate on your inner feelings and try to stop trying to find out about the situation in the cabin by the faces of the stewardesses, and also allow yourself not to follow the sounds that the plane makes;
    • imagine the scale of your anxiety. It may look like a thermometer or numbers on a scoreboard with a gradation of one to ten. Imagine how your level of anxiety is reduced on a scale;
    • as soon as the first signs of panic have been eased, switch to something that will occupy your attention - a book, work, film, conversation with a neighbor or even just breakfast.

    The modern rhythm of life is impossible to imagine without constant air travel. Thanks to the plane you can travel around the world, visit the most unexplored corners of the planet, quickly and efficiently move from one point to another. Without airplanes, our life would not be so mobile and comfortable.

    However, there are people who for some reason are afraid to fly on airplanes. Often this fear reaches their maximum peak, after which they transfer to a more modest mode of transport in their opinion and spend much more time moving to the required place. Fear of air travel is called aerophobia and is one of the pronounced symptoms of some serious phobias or mental disorders. Aerophobia can occur both on its own and after a severe psychological trauma. A person can also for some period in life constantly fly on airplanes, and then at one fine moment experience a terrible fear of flying.

    Why is there a fear of flying

    Today, about 30% of the world's population suffers from aerophobia. Some people experience only a slight psychological stress, while others are afraid to even board a plane. Aerophobia contains a number of causative factors:

    The causes of aerophobia may also lie in the psychological stress of a person, received multiple stresses not related to air travel. Due to a mental disorder, a loop on an imaginary problem occurs, as a result of which the individual feels even worse and refuses to be able to fly an airplane.

    Symptoms of Phobia

    Aerophobia is manifested in various symptoms, among which one should highlight a rapid heartbeat, nausea, dizziness, panic attacks, hyperventilation, anxiety, and a mental picture of a plane crash. Symptoms can occur both during the flight itself and long before it. Often, when aerophobia reaches a critical peak, a person takes alcohol to calm down or various sedatives before flying. At the same time, a feeling of intoxication or complete reassurance does not come to him, since mentally he still continues to wind himself up on the negative outcome of the flight.

    Experts recommend that you do not use anything other than non-carbonated mineral water and green tea before and during the flight. Alcoholic beverages along with caffeinated black tea, coffee, and cola lead to dehydration during the flight, which can negatively affect overall well-being. An interesting experiment was somehow carried out by air pilots: before the start of the flight, they cut a lemon in half and put it on a table. By the end of the flight, the lemon completely lost all moisture and contracted. Thus, it is worth considering the additional replenishment of the body with moisture while traveling in an airplane.

    Treatment methods

    Treatment of fear of flying is carried out by a variety of methods and methods. Aerophobia is eliminated with the help of psychotherapeutic sessions, hypnosis and even NLP techniques (neuro-linguistic programming). If the fear of air travel is not very pronounced, the individual is able to recover from a phobia in just one session. Treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor who also prescribes the necessary medications.

    A conversation with a psychologist will reveal the root cause of fear and gradually overcome it. An aerophobic sufferer must learn to control his psychophysical state and relax mentally. Passing special training courses in relaxation and self-control skills will allow not only to combat the fear of flying on airliners, but also come in handy in stressful life situations.

    How to cope on your own?

    You can overcome the signs of aerophobia yourself, if you follow a few simple recommendations. Before you start your flight, try not to watch all kinds of news, especially if it is about a plane crash. You should not take alcohol or a strong sedative, as this will not only not help get rid of the phobia, but can even aggravate fear and make you unwell.

    During your flight diversify your leisure. Listening to quiet music, watching funny comedies, or reading a fascinating book is highly recommended. If you come across a pleasant interlocutor, you can pass the time of the flight with him, talking about the pleasant moments of the upcoming vacation. Most importantly, you should not during the conversation translate the topic into air crashes, fear of flight, etc. Your main task is to find your own unique way to cope with the fear of flying on an airplane, so returning to negative thoughts may suspend the healing process.

    If you make a flight on a liner-airbus, you can walk around the cabin, watch other people and children, thereby reassuring yourself that nothing portends a danger and get rid of winding up a negative outcome. Before your flight, put sedative tablets or other medicine to take a small dose to calm them in case of an unexpected panic attack. However, it is not necessary to conduct a completely independent treatment with drugs, as this can further harm the situation. If anxiety occurs, you can cause a mild pain syndrome, for example, bite your lip or pinch yourself. Artificially caused pain will allow you to switch attention from obsessive thoughts and conquer fear.

    During take-off, landing and flight, there may be pressure drops, which is why many passengers experience a “traveler’s syndrome”. They start to lay their ears. In order to get rid of this unpleasant sensation, it is recommended to yawn widely or simply open your mouth, suck on a candy, do acupressure of the palm of your hand. Peppermint candies will help to normalize the pressure and relieve stress from the flight.

    Aerophobia is one of the most common phobias, which can be eliminated by working on yourself and a professional psychologist who will help identify the true cause of fear, and also prescribe a full treatment to restore psycho-emotional functions. The fight against the fear of flying is necessary so that this phobia does not subsequently develop into a more serious psychological problem.

    Aircraft have long entered our lives as the fastest and most effective means of transportation. Thanks to this type of transport, a person can easily end up on the other side of the globe in a matter of hours. However, many people are afraid to fly and cannot overcome this fear. There are many ways to solve this problem. One of them is pills for fear of flying on an airplane.

    Aerophobia affects many people

    Aerophobia and its causes

    Fear of flying an airplane is called aerophobia. It manifests itself differently in everyone. Someone feels lightly dizzy and a little discomfort, someone experiences panic attacks at the thought that they will have to board a plane.

    It is often very difficult for a person suffering from this fear to cope with his negative emotions on his own. Many even refuse to use air transportation, replacing aircraft with other modes of transport. This gives them the opportunity to travel and not stress themselves, but does not eliminate the problem of phobia.

    Aerophobia is mainly due to the fact that a person has experienced extreme stress.  Very often it is accompanied by claustrophobia - a fear of confined space. In this case, a person is already tormented by double fear, because he not only has to ascend to the sky, but also needs to do this in a plane of limited size. Most often, such an ailment suffers from very impressionable and suspicious people who easily give in to panic and experience negative emotions and events for a very long time.

    How to get rid of aerophobia

    There are many ways you can get rid of phobias: behavioral therapy, psychotherapy sessions, and pills.


    The most effective way to overcome aerophobia is taking medication. People who rarely fly planes and experience mild fear, not accompanied by psychological disorders and deviations, can take pills.

    1. Preparations created on the basis of plant substances (peony, valerian). These funds will help relieve nervousness and calm down, normalize the heartbeat. Take medication immediately before the flight.
    2. Tranquilizers (e.g. phenazepam). Such a medicine has an excellent sedative effect and is used as a sleeping pill. And although it helps to get rid of fear of aircraft, it is still not recommended to take it without consulting a doctor.
    3. Barbiturates Such drugs are excellent sleeping pills, so they should be taken only before long flights. They have many side effects, so you can take these funds only after consulting with your doctor.

    Aerophobia pills are effective when a person does not use airplanes very often. If you are forced to fly often by occupation, this problem needs to be addressed more globally.

    It is best to contact a psychologist who will certainly help you not only identify the cause of fear, but once and for all get rid of this phobia.

    Behavioral therapy

    Aerofob can work with his fear on his own. If you are dizzy or sick while you are aboard, take 10-15 deep breaths. If possible, turn on the air conditioner.

    Make sure the place is comfortable. With such a phobia, it is not recommended to sit in the tail of an airplane. Talk to a neighbor or read an interesting book. It is not necessary to take alcohol as a sedative; this can cause a severe headache.

    During the flight, you do not need to focus on the negative. You should carefully listen to the stewardess. During the flight, try to think about how wonderful it will be after landing: you will have rest, a meeting with relatives, etc.

    Psychotherapy sessions

    If a person has to fly often and cannot cope with his problem, you can contact a specialist. The psychologist or psychotherapist will conduct a conversation with the client, prescribe a course of treatment. Perhaps the use of flight simulators: the patient is placed in the midst of his fear. This is addictive and the realization that there is nothing fatal in flight.


    Fear of flying an airplane is a serious problem that prevents a person from living fully. This phobia must be fought. Find the strength to overcome fear or seek the help of a specialist. Aerophobia is found in 70% of the population and there are not only psychological methods to combat it, but also effective medicines.

    Once upon a time, people dreamed of flying through the sky like birds. Modern realities give us this opportunity - for a relatively small fee, you can be in the shortest possible time anywhere in the world. But another problem arose that interfered with freely dissecting the airspace - aerophobia.

    Fear of flying on airplanes is not a fabrication or a whim. This is a very specific disease, because of which people have to give up such a convenient and fast mode of transport. Every person experiences a slight excitement before the flight. But if it crosses all sides, it is a disease. A person with aerophobia feels anxiety and anxiety already on the way to the airport. His heart rate quickens, his sweating intensifies, his speech is incoherent, his arms and legs go numb. The face turns red and turns pale, the head goes round, the concentration of attention is lost, all sounds are heard like an echo. Women can get hysterical, start to cry and scream. If a person has to give up flight from fear, then this is a serious phobia, which must be fought not without the help of a qualified psychologist.

    Where does fear come from flying

    Fear is a natural reaction of an organism to a certain danger. The instinct of self-preservation warns us of possible risks to life and health. But why does one person calmly endure flights and the other shakes like an aspen leaf all the way? Who is susceptible to aerophobia?

    1. As scientists have established, aerophobia, like other fears, is inherited. That is, there is a certain percentage of probability according to which your brothers, sisters, parents and children will suffer from the fear of flying on airplanes if you yourself are afraid to fly. It was found that identical twins in 70% of cases suffer from the same phobias.
    2. Living conditions, upbringing and the foundation of world perception laid down in childhood are also an important factor in relation to various subjects. For example, if in childhood your parents once dropped the phrase that the plane is dangerous, you can fall and crash, etc., then the attitude to this iron bird begins to form.
    3. Existing unrest can be exacerbated by the influence of the media. Often in the news they talk about a tragic plane crash, we take everything to heart, empathize and unwittingly put ourselves in the place of these people. We do not think that a million other successful flights on other airliners were completed on the day, we only think about this tragic departure. And boarding the plane once again, we believe that the tragedy can happen with us. Such impressionable people should not watch news about air crashes.

    If the fear of flying on airplanes is strong enough, if it does not pass for a long time, tormenting your nerves, it needs to be treated. Usually, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) methods, medications (sedatives), and hypnotic suggestion are used in the treatment of aerophobia. But sessions with a psychotherapist and psychologist are considered especially effective, which will help to identify the true cause of fear and, through conversation, eliminate the phobia forever. To make sure of the successful outcome of the conversations, some psychological clinics have rooms that simulate the airplane cabin, take-off, landing, etc.

    1. During registration, ask to put you in a place where the porthole will not be visible, because if you look outside, it will increase your fears. A place in the center of the plane will help you move away from the problem. Some people calm down when they are sitting closer to the emergency exit - perhaps this will make it easier for you.
    2. Try to get distracted during the flight. Read a book, watch a movie, eat. Even a simple chocolate can increase the level of endorphins, which will improve your psycho-emotional state.
    3. When buying a ticket, pay attention to the choice of airline, find out about its reputation. If in its entire history this team “did not drop” a single plane, it is worth something. The thought of the reliability of air travel will reassure you.
    4. If during the flight you are constrained by fear, try to communicate with a person sitting nearby. If you are not flying alone, this is wonderful. Talking with a stranger is even more interesting. Perhaps you will be able to practice learning foreign languages?
    5. At the time of take-off, many are seized with fear due to the roar of the motor. To prevent the noise of a running engine from confusing you, use headphones. Turn on your favorite tune so you don’t hear a terrifying sound.
    6. Try to relax in your chair. Open the top button on the shirt and loosen the tie. Imagine being at home on your favorite couch after a long and hard day at work.
    7. Another great remedy for a relaxing flight is sleeping pills. Drink the right pill before the flight, and it will pass unnoticed for you. Just keep money and documents with you.
    8. Usually, the most disturbing moment in a flight is the time when you have already sat down in your seat, settled comfortably and wait for the plane to start and take off. To speed up the anxious wait, you can view photos, play games on your phone, tablet or laptop. If there are no gadgets at hand, you can just count. Count to one hundred, thousands, it perfectly calms the nerves.
    9. Bring chewing gums or sweets with you on the plane. They will distract you from what is happening.
    10. If you are afraid of shaking and turbulence, then you should pay attention to choosing a place on the plane. Sit closer to the nose - in the tail, as a rule, shakes harder.
    11. To get rid of tormenting feelings, before the flight you need to do something nice. Meet with friends, shop, devote your time to your favorite hobby, play with your pet. And then you will not have time for worries and worries - positive emotions are stronger than negative ones.
    12. If none of the suggested remedies work, try relaxing with alcohol. After all, a small dose of alcohol is really able to relieve stress, relieve anxiety and fear. Just do not overdo it - it can be fraught with unpleasant consequences.
    13. To completely get rid of aerophobia, you need to fly as much as possible. It is put off in your mind as a positive experience. You understand that nothing happened to you, that flying is safe and very convenient.

    And the last one. Think about what you can do if the flight goes wrong. Are you a pilot? Can you really change the situation? Well of course not. After you board a plane, you should understand that nothing further depends on you. Therefore, you need to calmly perceive the situation - your experiences are still in vain.

    Aircraft is a huge multi-ton machine that can fly into the sky and transport over a hundred people over long distances. Remember that the aircraft were built by prominent scientists and engineers. During the design, assembly, and construction of these colossals, calculations were made a thousand times with a huge supply of mass and overload. During operation, all options for the behavior of the machine are calculated. The operation of the aircraft allows you to land this car, even if it has failed the main and spare engines.

    But disasters happen, you say. Really happen. However, against the backdrop of multimillion-dollar successful flights, tragedies in the sky are extremely rare. Of the 45 million flights, only one is tragic. By the way, much more people die in car accidents, but you are not afraid to drive. Remember that all the fears in your head, you just need to overcome them.

    Very often people are afraid of the unusual roar of the engine, some kind of knocking and stopping. They think that the plane’s mechanism breaks down and feels bouts of impending panic. In fact, this is absolutely normal, because the plane does not always work in continuous mode. Sometimes the motor “howls”, rumbles and stops. Do not pay attention to this, because on board there are people who are responsible for the operation of the aircraft, for their and your lives. Be optimistic and calm - everything will be fine!

    Video: how to stop being afraid of flying on airplanes

    Sometimes the long-awaited days of vacation or a trip abroad can be overshadowed by such a nuisance as aerophobia - the fear of flying on an airplane and other aircraft. Due to the need for air travel between cities and countries, modern society attracts increased attention to this problem compared to other fears.

    Aerophobia - what is it?

    According to research results, from 25 to 40% of all people are afraid to fly - not considering that airplanes are recognized as one of the safest modes of transport. More than 15% of this number suffer from phobia, although they did not think about what aerophobia is and how to deal with it. It is important to understand that aerophobia is not a disease, but a symptom. Sometimes it indicates the presence of other fears and disorders:

    • fear of heights - acrophobia;
    • fear of enclosed spaces (therefore, people feel uncomfortable in the cabin);
    • fear of a terrorist act;
    • experienced stress.

    Aerophobia - causes

    You can convince an infinitely long person who is afraid to fly that the plane is safe, and the chance to get into a plane crash is 1: 45000000. In terms of logic, the resulting negative reactions to the flight are normal. After all, flying is not provided for by nature. And yet, why does aerophobia occur? Because of other fears, sensitivity, or nervous. People are individual, but there are several common reasons:

    • negative traumatic experience;
    • unpleasant associations, emotions and their accumulation;
    • past incidents (hard landing, turbulence, etc.);
    • fears of the reaction of one's own body to flight.

    Fear of flying an airplane - Psychology

    Psychology shares the fear of flying on an airplane into several types. They differ in prevalence and the main cause of occurrence:

    • fear of catastrophe and death;
    • fear of heights;
    • claustrophobia;
    • fear of losing control of oneself and the situation;
    • tendency to obsessive states and panic;
    • fear of crowds;
    • fear of turbulence.

    Aerophobia - Symptoms

    As a rule, a person suffering from a fear of flying is unaware of this and attributes the arising symptoms to nerves, fatigue, etc. But the disease is aggravated if measures are not taken, and the number of symptoms increases. Signs of aerophobia can be divided into two types: psychological and physical. The first include:

    • panic before the flight (one day - a week before the scheduled event);
    • negative images arising in the mind, “winding up” oneself;
    • attention to detail and the search for negativity;
    • memory impairment, focus on the upcoming flight;
    • desire to drop everything and run away.

    Physical signs of aerophobia can be seen with the naked eye. A person is nervous, and bodily manifestations signal this:

    • confused breathing;
    • sweating
    • muscle tension;
    • dizziness;
    • heartache;
    • pallor, etc.

    Aerophobia - how to get rid?

    Any phobia is subject to treatment, no exception and fear of flying. Exposure therapy is used to normalize the psychophysical state. With its help, the patient learns to associate positive images with flight and resist emerging fear. It may be necessary to go deep into the environment and fly under the supervision of a psychologist on a flight simulator. In especially difficult cases, hypnosis from aerophobia is used.

    The question is whether a person who is aware of his fear wants to contact specialists. Many do not consider this a big problem and try to figure it out on their own, drinking alcohol before the flight to relax or sedate. Unfortunately, such methods only worsen the condition. Asking the question: how to deal with aerophobia, it is better to be guided by proven methods and practice methods such as

    • psychotherapy;
    • psychocorrection;
    • relaxing exercises;
    • drug treatment.

    How to get rid of aerophobia on your own?

    It is advisable to begin treatment of aerophobia with the manifestation of the first symptoms, then it will not have time to turn into an obsessive state, which will be difficult to get rid of. How to defeat aerophobia without the help of doctors? It is necessary to follow some recommendations before and during the flight:

    • discuss fear with a loved one in a relaxed atmosphere, which will help to look at things from a different angle;
    • understand that actions and experiences will not affect the course of the flight;
    • do not focus on negative aspects, distract from sad thoughts (sports and any actions with an adrenaline rush help);
    • abstract from everything that reminds you of an upcoming flight;
    • give up alcohol and coffee before and during the flight;
    • carefully listen to the instructions of the stewardess;
    • in an airplane try to be distracted by reading or talking with an interesting interlocutor;
    • look positively into the future (after landing, rest is waiting, etc.).

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