Buckingham Palace. Букингемский дворец

Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the British monarch in London, England. The Palace is a setting for state occasions and royal entertaining, a base for many officially visiting Heads of State, and a major tourist attraction. It has been a rallying point for the British people at times of national rejoicing, crisis or grief. "Buckingham Palace", "Buck House" or simply "The Palace" commonly refers to the source of press statements issued by the offices of the Royal Household.

Originally known as Buckingham House, the building forming the core of today"s palace was a large townhouse built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 and acquired by King George III in 1762 as a private residence. It was enlarged over the next 75 years, principally by architects John Nash and Edward Blore, forming three wings around a central courtyard. Buckingham Palace finally became the official royal palace of the British monarch on the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837. The last major structural additions were made in the late 19th and early 20th century, when the large east wing facing The Mall was added, and the former State entrance, Marble Arch, was removed to its present position near Speakers" Corner in Hyde Park. The east front was refaced in Portland stone in 1913 as a backdrop to the Victoria Memorial, creating the present-day public face of Buckingham Palace, including the famous balcony.

The Palace contains 77,000 squared meters of floorspace (828,818 squared feet). The principal rooms of the Palace are contained on the piano nobile behind the west-facing garden facade at the rear of the Palace. The centre of this ornate suite of State Rooms is the Music Room, its large bow the dominant feature of the facade. Flanking the Music Room are the Blue and the White Drawing rooms. At the centre of the suite, serving as a corridor to link the state rooms, is the Picture Gallery, which is top lit and 55 yards (50 m) long. The Gallery is hung with works by Rembrandt, van Dyck, Rubens, and Vermeer, among many others. Other rooms leading from the Picture Gallery are the famous Throne Room and the Green Drawing Room. The Green Drawing room serves as a huge anteroom to the Throne Room, and is part of the ceremonial route to the Throne from the Guard Room at the top of the Grand Staircase. The Guard Room contains a white marble statue of Prince Albert, in Roman costume set in a tribune lined with tapestries. These very formal rooms are used only for ceremonial and official entertaining. Directly underneath the State Apartments is a suite of slightly less grand rooms known as the semi-state apartments. Opening from the marble hall, these rooms are used for less-formal entertaining, such as luncheon parties and private audiences. Some of the rooms are named and decorated for particular visitors, such as the "1844 Room", which was decorated in that year for the State visit of Emperor Nicholas I of Russia. At the centre of this suite is the Bow Room, through which thousands of guests pass annually to the Queen"s Garden Parties in the Gardens beyond. The Queen uses privately a smaller suite of rooms in the North wing.

At the back of the Palace, large and park-like, is the Garden. Here the Queen hosts her annual garden parties each summer, but since June 2002, she has invited the public into the Garden on numerous occasions. For example, for Queen"s Golden Jubilee (2002) and her 80th birthday (2006). More than 50,000 people visit the palace each year as guests to banquets, lunches, dinners, receptions and the royal garden parties.

The State Ballroom is the largest room at Buckingham Palace. It was added by Queen Victoria and is used for ceremonies such as state banquets. During the current reign court ceremony has undergone a radical change, and entry to the palace is no longer the prerogative of just the upper class. There has been a progressive relaxation of the dress code governing formal court uniform and dress. In previous reigns, men not wearing military uniform wore knee breeches of an 18th-century design. Women"s evening dress included obligatory trains and tiaras and/or feathers in their hair. After World War I, when Queen Mary wished to follow fashion by raising her skirts a few inches from the ground, she requested a Lady-in-Waiting to shorten her own skirt first to gauge the King"s reaction. King George V was horrified and Queen Mary"s hemline remained unfashionably low. And King George VI and Queen Elizabeth allowed daytime skirts to rise. Today there is no official dress code. Most men invited to Buckingham Palace in the daytime choose to wear service uniform or morning coats, and in the evening, depending on the formality of the occasion, black tie or white tie. If the occasion is "white tie" then women, if they possess one, wear a tiara. Security Guards march out of Buckingham Palace at the end of the daily.

The famous armed sentries on guard on the Palace forecourt are commonly thought to be ceremonial, but they have always had a security role. The Palace also contains its own police station, and the Royal Family have their own protection officers at all times. The Foot Guards battalion at Wellington Barracks is only 300 yards (275 m) away. The units at Chelsea Barracks (Foot Guards) and Hyde Park Barracks (Household Cavalry) are both three-quarters of a mile away (1.2km).The sights around Crowds walk down the Mall towards the Palace and the Victoria Memorial. The flags interspersed with the Union Flag indicate a Norwegian State Visit in progress. Adjacent to the Palace is the Royal Mews, also designed by Nash, where the royal carriages, including the Gold State Coach, are housed. Also housed in the Mews are the carriage horses used in royal ceremonial processions. The Mall, a ceremonial approach route to the Palace, was designed by Sir Aston Webb and completed in 1911 as part of a grand memorial to Queen Victoria. It extends from Admiralty Arch, up around the Victoria Memorial to the Palace forecourt. The reddish colour of the Mall"s tarmac recalls the red carpet of former times. This route is used by the cavalcades and motorcades of all visiting heads of state, and by the Royal Family on state occasions such as the annual State Opening of Parliament as well as Trooping the Colour each year.

Buckingham Palace is the official home of the Queen. It was rebuilt by John Nash in the early 1800s, and was added to in Victorian times. It is a busy royal office, and state occasions are held there.

Palace Life

The Queen and Queen’s Family stay at the Palace on weekdays. They have rooms on the first floor of the north wing. When the Queen is staying the Royal Standard flag is flown above the central balcony. About 400 people work at the Palace, including domestic servants, chefs, footmen, cleaners, plumbers, gardeners, chauffeurs, electrIcians, and two people who look after the 300 clocks. About 80 employees live in the Palace rooms.

Part of the Queen’s apartment is a sitting room-cumoffice where she works. Every morning during breakfast bagpipes are played on the terrace outside her private dining room. Prince has his own office and library.

The Palace has its own post-office and its mail is sent free, because Britain’s postal service, the «Royal Mail», is run with the Queen’s permission. In the morning lorries eliver fruit and vegetables to the Palace from the royal farms. There are about 600 rooms at the Palace, on three main floors.

On the third floor there are wardrobe rooms full of the Queen’s clothes and jewels. Assistants make sure every outfit is in perfect condition. They are all carefully listed and indexed, and records are kept of the outfits the Queen has worn on every occasion.

The royal family stands on the central balcony at the front of the Palace to wave to the crowds on important occasions. Behind this famous Balcony is a room decorated with yellow silks and Chinese-style furniture and wallpaper.

The Queen’s Gallery is open to the public on most weekdays. It houses paintings, drawings and furniture from the royal collection, including portraits of members of the royal family who have lived at the Palace.

The 40-acre private garden has its own lake and a stock of pink flamingos. Every year garden parties are held there, with thousands of guests invited from all walks of life. Sometimes the Queen walks her dogs around the grounds. There is an indoor swimming pool and a cinema at the Palace, too.

Some of the grandest rooms in the Palace are the State Apartments, on the first floor of the west wing. They include the White, Green and Blue Drawing Rooms, each decorated to march their names. There is a Music Room, a State Dining Room with a table for 60 guests, and a huge ballroom where medals are presented at special ceremonies.

Five regiments of Foot Guards from the Household Brigade mount regular guard outside the Palace. The Guard is changed in the Palace forecourt when the Queen is in residence. The ceremony lasts for about half an hour.

The Royal Mews

On some weekday you can visit the Palace Royal Mews, and see the horses and coaches used by royalty, including the Gold State Coach and the glass coach used at royal weddings. On a visit to the Mews you may see a royal car driving in or out. There are about twenty, mostly Rolls Royces. Instead of licence plates the Queen’s official cars show the royal coat of arms.

Букингемский дворец

Букингемский дворец (англ. Buckingham Palace) - официальная лондонская резиденция британских монархов и самый большой действующий королевский дворец в мире. В настоящее время это резиденция королевы Елизаветы II.

Первоначально Букингемский дворец был известен как дом Букингэма, построенный для герцога Букингемского в 1703 году. Он был приобретён королём Георгом III в 1762 для его частной резиденции (Сент-Джеймский дворец перестал устраивать его и величиной, и отделкой). В течение последующих 75 лет архитекторы Джон Нэш и Эдвард Блор (автор Алупкинского дворца) построили три флигеля вокруг центрального двора.

Дворец был официально объявлен главной резиденцией британских монархов при вступлении на престол королевы Виктории в 1837 году. В её правление были сделаны последние большие дополнения, постройка ещё одного флигеля и перенесение бывшего парадного входа, Мраморной Арки (Marble Arch), на нынешнее место возле Ораторского уголка в Гайд-парке. Перед дворцовыми воротами стоит монумент в честь королевы Виктории.

Первоначальный георгианский интерьер включал искусственный мрамор и синий и розовый ляпис. Король Эдуард VII сильно переделал его в стиле французской Belle ?poque в кремовые и золотые тона. Многие маленькие приёмные покои были обставлены в китайском стиле мебелью из королевского дворца в Брайтоне и из дворца Карлтон-Хаус.

Сады Букингемского дворца - самые большие частные сады в Лондоне, первоначально созданы Lancelot «Capability» Brown и позднее переделены Вилльямом Эйлтоном и Джоном Нэшем. Большой искусственный пруд был закончен в 1828 году.
Здание Парламента

В Вестминстерском дворце, одном из самых знаменитых зданий мира, размещается парламент Великобритании: палата лордов и палата общин.
Первый дворец был построен для короля Эдуарда Исповедника, вступившего на престол в 1042 году. Сорок пять лет спустя Вильгельм Руфус, сын Вильгельма Завоевателя, велел построить Вестминстер-холл - самый изысканный зал в Европе, где в 1099 году был устроен пир.
В XIII веке Генрих III пристроил расписную палату, и во время его правления был созван первый парламент (от французского глагола "parler"- говорить). В 1265 году сюда были приглашены рыцари из графств и представители разных городов. Через 30 лет парламент стал более демократичным, так как его члены уже не назначались, а выбирались.
С 1550 года заседания палаты общин и палаты лордов по-отдельности проходили в богато украшенной часовне св. Стефана. В это время великолепие Вестминстер-Холла было дополнено удивительно красивым балочным перекрытием из резной древесины дуба. Когда в 1660 году на престол взошел Карл II, череп Оливера Кромвеля был повешен на пике, установленной на крыше, где и оставался в течение 25 лет.
В XIX веке основной проблемой стал рост населения. Планы перестройки города пришлось ускорить после того, как однажды ночью небо над Лондоном озарилось неистовым пламенем пожара. Вестминстерский дворец был охвачен огнем в 1834 году. Его восстановление поручили сэру Чарльзу Бэрри, что он и сделал в великолепном готическом стиле с помощью Августа Пугина, выполнившего живописное убранство. Часовня святого Стефана была переименована в Холл святого Стефана. Это широкий коридор с картинами, мраморными скульптурами и латунным указателем на том месте, где раньше стояло кресло спикера.
Склеп и Вестминстер-холл сохранились, однако смежная с ними палата общин была снова разрушена во время второй мировой войны. По традиции каждый гражданин Великобритании имеет право быть принятым членом парламента своего округа. Такие встречи проходят в центральном лобби. Во время заседаний парламента гражданам разрешается следить за дебатами с галереи для публики. Даже королева не может нарушить парламентских традиций. Во время государственного открытия сессий парламента она должна восседать на троне в палате лордов, в то время как премьер-министр и члены кабинета входят из палаты общин. Этот обычай восходит к эпохе Карла I, который ворвался в парламент, требуя ареста 5 его членов. Но эта попытка закончилась неудачей.

Букингемский дворец Букингемский дворец (англ. Buckingham Palace) - официальная лондонская резиденция британских монархов и самый большой действующий королевский дворец в мире. В настоящее время это резиденция королевы Елизаветы II. Первоначально Букингемский дворец был известен как дом Букингэма, построенный для герцога Букингемского в 1703 году. Он был приобретён королём Георгом III в 1762 для его частной резиденции (Сент-Джеймский дворец перестал устраивать его и величиной, и отделкой). В течение последующих 75 лет архитекторы Джон Нэш и Эдвард Блор (автор Алупкинского дворца) построили три флигеля вокруг центрального двора. Дворец был официально объявлен главной резиденцией британских монархов при вступлении на престол королевы Виктории в 1837 году. В её правление были сделаны последние большие дополнения, постройка ещё одного флигеля и перенесение бывшего парадного входа, Мраморной Арки (Marble Arch), на нынешнее место возле Ораторского уголка в Гайд-парке. Перед дворцовыми воротами стоит монумент в честь королевы Виктории. Первоначальный георгианский интерьер включал искусственный мрамор и синий и розовый ляпис. Король Эдуард VII сильно переделал его в стиле французской Belle ?poque в кремовые и золотые тона. Многие маленькие приёмные покои были обставлены в китайском стиле мебелью из королевского дворца в Брайтоне и из дворца Карлтон-Хаус. Сады Букингемского дворца - самые большие частные сады в Лондоне, первоначально созданы Lancelot «Capability» Brown и позднее переделены Вилльямом Эйлтоном и Джоном Нэшем. Большой искусственный пруд был закончен в 1828 году. Здание Парламента В Вестминстерском дворце, одном из самых знаменитых зданий мира, размещается парламент Великобритании: палата лордов и палата общин. Первый дворец был построен для короля Эдуарда Исповедника, вступившего на престол в 1042 году. Сорок пять лет спустя Вильгельм Руфус, сын Вильгельма Завоевателя, велел построить Вестминстер-холл - самый изысканный зал в Европе, где в 1099 году был устроен пир. В XIII веке Генрих III пристроил расписную палату, и во время его правления был созван первый парламент (от французского глагола "parler"- говорить). В 1265 году сюда были приглашены рыцари из графств и представители разных городов. Через 30 лет парламент стал более демократичным, так как его члены уже не назначались, а выбирались. С 1550 года заседания палаты общин и палаты лордов по-отдельности проходили в богато украшенной часовне св. Стефана. В это время великолепие Вестминстер-Холла было дополнено удивительно красивым балочным перекрытием из резной древесины дуба. Когда в 1660 году на престол взошел Карл II, череп Оливера Кромвеля был повешен на пике, установленной на крыше, где и оставался в течение 25 лет. В XIX веке основной проблемой стал рост населения. Планы перестройки города пришлось ускорить после того, как однажды ночью небо над Лондоном озарилось неистовым пламенем пожара. Вестминстерский дворец был охвачен огнем в 1834 году. Его восстановление поручили сэру Чарльзу Бэрри, что он и сделал в великолепном готическом стиле с помощью Августа Пугина, выполнившего живописное убранство. Часовня святого Стефана была переименована в Холл святого Стефана. Это широкий коридор с картинами, мраморными скульптурами и латунным указателем на том месте, где раньше стояло кресло спикера. Склеп и Вестминстер-холл сохранились, однако смежная с ними палата общин была снова разрушена во время второй мировой войны. По традиции каждый гражданин Великобритании имеет право быть принятым членом парламента своего округа. Такие встречи проходят в центральном лобби. Во время заседаний парламента гражданам разрешается следить за дебатами с галереи для публики. Даже королева не может нарушить парламентских традиций. Во время государственного открытия сессий парламента она должна восседать на троне в палате лордов, в то время как премьер-министр и члены кабинета входят из палаты общин. Этот обычай восходит к эпохе Карла I, который ворвался в парламент, требуя ареста 5 его членов. Но эта попытка закончилась неудачей.

0 /5000

Определить язык Клингонский (pIqaD) азербайджанский албанский английский арабский армянский африкаанс баскский белорусский бенгальский болгарский боснийский валлийский венгерский вьетнамский галисийский греческий грузинский гуджарати датский зулу иврит игбо идиш индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский китайский китайский традиционный корейский креольский (Гаити) кхмерский лаосский латынь латышский литовский македонский малагасийский малайский малайялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непали нидерландский норвежский панджаби персидский польский португальский румынский русский себуанский сербский сесото словацкий словенский суахили суданский тагальский тайский тамильский телугу турецкий узбекский украинский урду финский французский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чева чешский шведский эсперанто эстонский яванский японский Клингонский (pIqaD) азербайджанский албанский английский арабский армянский африкаанс баскский белорусский бенгальский болгарский боснийский валлийский венгерский вьетнамский галисийский греческий грузинский гуджарати датский зулу иврит игбо идиш индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский китайский китайский традиционный корейский креольский (Гаити) кхмерский лаосский латынь латышский литовский македонский малагасийский малайский малайялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непали нидерландский норвежский панджаби персидский польский португальский румынский русский себуанский сербский сесото словацкий словенский суахили суданский тагальский тайский тамильский телугу турецкий узбекский украинский урду финский французский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чева чешский шведский эсперанто эстонский яванский японский Источник: Цель:

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace (Engl. Buckingham Palace) is the official London residence of British monarchs and the largest existing Royal Palace in the world. Currently, it is the residence of Queen Elizabeth II.

Buckingham Palace Originally was known as Buckingham House, built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703. It was purchased by King George III in 1762 for his private residence (St. James Palace ceased to hold it and the size, and trim). Over the next 75 years by architects John Nash and Edward Blore (author of the alupka Palace) built three wings around a central courtyard.

The Palace was officially announced as the main residence of British monarchs on the throne accession of Queen Victoria in 1837. In her reign was the last great additions, the construction of one more of the wing and moving the former main entrance, Marble Arch (Marble Arch), to its present location near the speakers " corner in Hyde Park. In front of the Palace gate, stands a monument in honour of Queen Victoria.

The original Georgian Interior included artificial marble and blue and pink Lapis. King Edward VII greatly redid it in the style of the French Belle? poque in cream and gold tones. Many smaller reception rooms are furnished in the Chinese style furniture from the Royal Palace at Brighton and from Carlton House Palace.

Gardens of Buckingham Palace is the largest private garden in London originally created by Lancelot "Capability" Brown and later peredeleny Vill′âmom Èjltonom and John Nash. A large artificial lake was completed in 1828.

The building of the Parliament in the Palace of Westminster, one of the most famous buildings in the world, is the Parliament of the United Kingdom: the House of Lords and House of Commons.
The first Palace was built for King Edward the Confessor, who assumed the throne in 1042. Forty-five years later, William Rufus, the son of William the Conqueror, ordered to build Westminster Hall-the most exquisite room in Europe, where in the year 1099 was a feast.
Henry III in the 13th century painted Chamber, propped the and during his reign the first Parliament was held (from the French verb parler "-speak). In 1265, the Knights were invited here from representatives of various cities and counties. After 30 years, the Parliament has become more democratic, because its members are not appointed and selected.
From 1550, the proceedings in the House of Commons and the House of Lords took place separately in the ornate Chapel of St. Stefan. At this time the splendor of Westminster-Hall was supplemented by a beautiful beamed ceiling of carved oak wood. In 1660, Charles II ascended to the throne, the skull of Oliver Cromwell was hanged at the peak, installed on the roof, where he remained for 25 years.
In the 19th century, the main problem was the growth of the population. The city had to speed up restructuring plans after how one night sky over London has lit up a furious flame of fire. The Palace of Westminster was engulfed in flames in 1834. It was Sir Charles Barry, which he did in a magnificent Gothic style by August, the spectacular decoration of Nadezhda Pugina. St. Stephen"s Chapel was renamed the Hall of St. Stephen. This is a wide corridor with paintings, marble statues and brass pointer at the spot where formerly stood a Chair speaker.
Crypt and Westminster Hall survived, However, adjacent to the House of Commons was again destroyed during the second world war. By tradition, each British citizen has the right to be accepted as a member of Parliament in their constituency. Such meetings are held in the lobby. During the meetings of the Parliament, citizens are allowed to follow the debate from the Gallery to the public. Even the Queen could not disrupt parliamentary traditions. During the State opening of Parliament sessions it should sit on the throne in the House of Lords, while the Prime Minister and members of the Cabinet are from the House of Commons. This custom dates back to the era of Charles I, who broke into the Parliament, demanding the arrest of 5 of its members. But this attempt failed.

Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace (born Buckingham Palace) - the official London residence of British monarchs and the largest active royal palace in the world. Currently, it is the residence of Queen Elizabeth II. Buckingham Palace was originally known as Buckingham House, built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703. It was purchased by King George III in 1762 for his private residence (St James"s Palace ceased to hold it and the value and trim). Over the next 75 years, architects John Nash and Edward Blore (author Alupka Palace) built three wings around a central courtyard. Palace was officially declared the main residence of British monarchs during the enthronement of Queen Victoria in 1837. In her reign were made ​​last great additions build another lodge, and transfer of the former main entrance, Marble Arch (Marble Arch), to its current location near the Oratory Corner in Hyde Park. Before the gates of the palace stands a monument in honor of Queen Victoria. Original Georgian interior included artificial marble and blue and pink lapis. King Edward VII greatly altered it in the style of the French Belle? Poque in cream and gold. Many smaller reception rooms are furnished in the Chinese style furniture from the royal palace in Brighton and from Carlton House Palace. Gardens Buckingham Palace - the largest private gardens in London, originally created Lancelot «Capability» Brown and later redivision Eyltonom by William and John Nash. Large artificial lake was completed in 1828. Houses of Parliament at Westminster, one of the most famous buildings in the world, placed the British Parliament: the House of Lords and House of Commons. first palace was built for King Edward the Confessor, came to the throne in 1042. Forty-five years later, William Rufus, son of William the Conqueror, ordered to build Westminster Hall - the most elegant room in Europe, where in 1099 he was made ​​a feast. In the XIII century, Henry III added a painted chamber, and during his reign first Parliament was held (from the French verb "parler" - to speak). In 1265 here were invited to the Knights of the counties and representatives of different cities. After 30 years, Parliament has become more democratic, since its members are not appointed and chosen. Since 1550 the House of Commons and House of Lords individually held in the ornate chapel of St.. Stephen. At this time, the splendor of Westminster Hall was completed amazingly beautiful beamed ceiling of carved oak. When in 1660, ascended to the throne Charles II, the skull of Oliver Cromwell was hanged at the peak, installed on the roof, where he remained for 25 years. In the XIX century the main problem was the growth of the population. Plans to rebuild the city had to speed after one night sky over London lit flames raging fire. Palace of Westminster was engulfed in flames in 1834. His recovery instructed Sir Charles Barry, which he did in a magnificent Gothic style through August Pugin who performed the picturesque decoration. Chapel of St. Stephen was renamed St. Stephen"s Hall. This is a wide corridor with paintings, marble sculptures and brass pointer to the place where once stood the chair of the speaker. Chapel and Westminster Hall survived, but adjacent to them, the House of Commons was again destroyed during the Second World War. By tradition, every British citizen has the right to be accepted by a member of parliament of his district. Such meetings are held in the main lobby. During parliamentary sessions citizens are allowed to follow the debate from the public gallery. Even the Queen can not break the parliamentary traditions. During the state opening of the sessions of the Parliament, it should sit on the throne in the House of Lords, while the prime minister and cabinet members come in from the House of Commons. This custom dates back to the era of Charles I, who broke into the parliament, demanding the arrest of five of its members. But this attempt failed.

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Buckingham Palace Buckingham palace

(engl. Buckingham Palace) is the official London residence British monarchs and the largest valid the royal palace in the world.Currently, it is the residence of Elizabeth II. Originally lord Buckingham palace was known as the house Букингэма, built for duke Buckingham in 1703 year.It was purchased by King George III in 1762 for his private residence (St James Park palace no longer belongs to it, and value, and finish).During the subsequent 75 years architects John Nash and Edward Bloor St. (the author Art print on canvas --- agniart.ru) built three still no heating around a central courtyard.

The palace was officially declared as the main residence with British monarchs when entry to the throne Queen Victoria in 1837. In the past the board had been made large additions,The building is still no heating and transferring the former hotel entrance, Marble Arch (starred restaurant), at the current location near village corner in Hyde Park. Before the premier catering " - gates is the monument to honor Queen Victoria.Lord the initial georgian Townhouse interior included artificial marble and blue and pink delightful. King Edward VII is the martingale style French Belle ?pоque in cream and gold colors.Many are small reception chambers have been furnished in chinese style furniture from the royal palace in Brighton and the palace of Carlton House. Lord Gardens Buckingham Palace - the largest private gardens in London,Originally established are cozy "capability" Brown and later переделены Вилльямом Эилтоном and John Nash. A large artificial pond was completed in 1828.
Parliament Building

at Westminster Palace,One of the most famous buildings, houses the parliament Britain: the house of lords and the house of commons.
The First palace was built for the king Edward confessor, which came to the throne in 1042.Forty-five years later, Wilhelm by Rufus, son of Wilhelm conquerer, told to build a Westminster-hall - the most exquisite room in Europe, where, in 1099, had been given a feast.
IN THE XIII century Heinrich III canal Griboyedova side house masters are readily combining both techniques,And during his reign the first parliament was held (from the French verb "pаrler"- to talk). In 1265, the knights were invited from the counties and the representatives of the different cities.30 Years parliament has become more democratic, as its members have been appointed, and had been chosen.
IN 1550, a meeting of the house of commons and house of Lords in the separately took place in richly decorated chapel. Stefan.At this time the excitement Westminster Hall was completed surprisingly beautiful bar graph overlap of carving wood oak wood. When, in 1660, the Holy See tossed Karl II, skull Oliver busy Cromwell was hanged at the peak,Installed on the roof, where, and has remained in the 25 years.
IN THE NINETEENTH century the main problem was population growth. Plans for restructuring the city had to accelerate after theAs one night sky over London озарилось passionate flame fire. Westminster Palace was engulfed in flames in 1834. His recovery instructed Sir Charles Barry,That he and made a magnificent gothic style using the August Пугина logged beautiful interiors. The Chapel of St. Stephen was renamed the Hall of St. Stephen. This is a wide corridor with paintings,Marble sculptures and a brass pointer to the place, where previously called chair speaker.
Charnel House and Westminster-hall survived,However, related to the house of commons was again destroyed during the second world war. The tradition each British citizen has the right to be accepted as a member of parliament of the district.Such meetings are taking place in the main lobby. During the meetings of parliament citizens are allowed to monitor the debate with galleries to the public. Even the queen may not disrupt parliamentary tradition.At the time of the opening of the session of Parliament it should sit in the reign in the house of lords, while the prime minister and the members of the cabinet is composed of the house of commons. This custom dates back to the era Charles I,Who broke into the parliament, demanding arrest 5 of its members. But the attempt was unsuccessful.

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Продолжаем знакомить вас с достопримечательностями британской столицы. Резиденция Королевы Великобритании Елизаветы II — это одно из тех мест, которые обязательно нужно посетить. Это, как говорят англичане, «a must —see », особенно для тех, кто впервые посещает столицу страны.

Сам дворец находится в глубине парка, внешне он довольно скромный. По словам одного из зодчих, участвовавших в проектировании здании, «корона Англии не требует такого великолепия. Зарубежные страны могут заниматься украшениями, но Англия должна гордиться своей простотой».

Вообще, дворец - это маленькое автономное государство, в котором есть отделение полиции, почта, больница и многие другие учреждения, обеспечивающие жизнедеятельность дворца и королевской семьи.

Вот лишь несколько впечатляющих цифр:

во дворце 755 комнат, включая 52 королевские спальни, 188 спален для гостей и сотрудников, 92 офиса и 78 ванных комнат. Два сотрудника работаю полный день, чтобы следить за 300 часами резиденции.

Одной из важных архитектурных деталей здания является знаменитый балкон. Именно отсюда Ее Величество Королева Елизавета II и члены королевской семьи приветствуют своих подданных в дни торжеств.

Туристам, приезжающим в Лондон, повезло. Часть дворца открыта для посещений в августе и сентябре, когда Ее Величество покидает апартаменты. Что показывают туристам? Залы для приемов и церемоний (State Rooms ), картинную галерею Королевы (The Queen ’s Gallery ) и королевские конюшни (The Royal Mews ).

Картинная галерея — самое длинное помещение дворца (50 метров). Здесь представлены экспонаты многовековой истории Королевской семьи. Конечно, здесь выставлена только часть произведения из Королевского собрания, но экспозиция постоянно меняется. Возможно, вам повезет увидеть полотна Рубенса, Ван Дейка, Тициана.

Королевские Конюшни Букингемского дворца — это примерно то же, что кремлевский гараж в Москве. Только в отличии от гаража посетители и туристы могут посмотреть на интерьер и транспортные средства Королевской семьи и, конечно, увидеть великолепных скакунов.

Дворец охраняет Придворный Дивизион. Каждый день в 11.30 проходит знаменитая церемония смены караула (the Changing of the Guard ) – яркое и запоминающееся зрелище.

После экскурсии можно подкрепиться в снек-баре и купить сувениры в магазине подарков. А мы будем ждать ваших комментариев и рассказов. До встречи!

March,18 th Classwork

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Патша, хан







Мемлекеттік бөлмелер

Государственные комнаты

Тақ бөлмесі

Пошта бөлімшесі

Комната трона

почтовое отделение

domestic servants

Полиция бөлімшесі

Үй қырметкерлері

полицейское отделение

домашние служители






The palace was built in 1705 by the Duke of Buckingham. During the 19th century the house was enlarged and became the official royal residence. Queen Victoria was the first monarch to reside in the palace. At the moment British monarchy is led by Queen Elizabeth II. Each time the royal family is in the palace, a flag flies on the roof. Buckingham Palace has nearly 600 rooms, including 19 State rooms, 52 royal and guest bedrooms, 78 bathrooms, 92 offices, a cinema and a swimming pool, a throne room, a ballroom, a dining-room, picture gallery. It also has its own post office and police station. About 700 people work at the Palace, including domestic servants, chefs, footmen, cleaners, plumbers, gardeners, chauffers, electricians, and two people who look after the 300 clocks.

Some of its rooms can be visited in summertime, only when the Queen is not at home. One of the most interesting parts of the palace is the Queen’s Gallery, where works of art of the royal collection can be seen. Royal garden and stables are also curious sights. Every year more than 50 000 invited guests are entertained at garden parties, receptions and banquets. Many tourists come here to see the Queen Victoria Memorial which is set right in front of the Buckingham Palace. Every day at 11 am Changing of the Guard ceremony takes place. It is the time when colorfully dressed New Guard parades along the building and replace the existing Old Guard. The ceremony is accompanied by music and attracts a lot of viewers.

  • When was built Buckingham Palace?
  • Who was built this Palace?
  • Who was the first monarch to reside in the palace?
  • Who lives in Buckingham Palace at this moment?
  • How many rooms has Buckingham Palace?
  • What kind of rooms do you know in Buckingham Palace?
  • How many people work at the Palace?
  • When can be visited some of rooms in Palace?
  • When Changing of the Guard ceremony?

Read the sentences and fill in the gaps.

1.The queen Elizabeth II ______(to be) be 89 in next month

2. Buckingham Palace ____ (to be) built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham.

3. In 1762 the English King George III ____(buy) this palace.. He _______(restor) this building.

4. I ________(to be) travel to Britain in next summer.

5. Queen Victoria _______ (live) there for 64 years.

6. The present fa ç ade _______(to be) __________ (plann) by Sir Aston Webb in 1913.

8. In 1993 the palace ______(to be) __________(open) for the tourists for the first time

9. Buckingham Palace (to be) the official residence of the Queen.

10. In 1994 British people _______(go).to the Palace for the first time.

11. You _________ (to be) going to london to see Buckingham Palace.

12. London _________ (to be) the capital of Great Britain

13. Buckingham Palace ________(to be) the home for the Queen.

Первоначально Букингемский дворец построили в качестве дома. Здание, которое теперь составляет основу дворца, было построено для герцога Букингемского, известного в Англии поэта и государственного деятеля, а в 1703 году приобретено Георгом III в 1761-м

в качестве частного места жительства для королевы Шарлотты, ставший известным как "королевский дом".

  • Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live at Buckingham Palace. She came to the throne in 1837 at the age of eighteen .

Inside Buckingham Palace

The Palace has 600 rooms, including 19 State rooms, 52 royal and guest bedrooms, 78 bathrooms, 92 offices, a cinema and a swimming pool. It also has its own post office and police station.

About 700 people work at the Palace, including domestic servants, chefs, footmen, cleaners, plumbers, gardeners, chauffers, electricians, and two people who look after the 300 clocks.

Жемчужина Букингемского дворца – Парадные апартаменты, открытые для посетителей, предназначены для официальных церемоний, банкетов и приемов.

Парадные комнаты расположены анфиладами, центральной из которых является Зеленая гостиная.

  • There is a beautiful park-like garden around the palace. It is home to 30 different kinds of birds and more than 350 different wild flowers .

  • The most famous of the royal coaches is the Gold State Coach, which is used only on very special occasions, such as a coronation .

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