What days do students not study? Student holidays - when and how long do they last?

It's no secret that the rest schedule throughout the year is no less important than the work schedule. Not only an office employee, but also any schoolchild or student will agree with this. Moreover, the latter look forward to vacations much more than any adult looks forward to vacations. Therefore, the rest time calendar begins to concern students and schoolchildren at the very beginning academic year and even earlier: vacation, internship abroad or work can and should be planned in advance.

Clear vacation schedules usually become known at the beginning of the school year. And they are determined independently by the administrations of educational institutions. Nevertheless, general patterns and the practice of making such decisions is known to everyone. Therefore, the holiday dates for both schoolchildren and students in the 2016-2017 academic year, although with some relativity, can still be predicted. But remember: the schedule may still change!

Educational institutions will formulate the final holiday schedule in September

School holidays in 2016-2017

Rest time for school students depends on what parts the school year is divided into in that particular institution. As you know, two options are possible: traditional quarters and less familiar, but firmly included in practice, trimesters. In schools that divide the school year into quarters, rest periods are:

  • a week at the end of October and beginning of November, for a total of two weeks;
  • the last days of December and the first 10 days of January, for a total of two weeks;
  • 1 week at the end of March;
  • 3 months in summer.

In addition, first-graders and children who study in correctional classes rest longer than others. In winter they get an extra week of vacation.

The conduct of school holidays depends on the way the school year is divided

In schools that divide the academic year into trimesters, the schedule is much simpler - after every five working weeks there is a week of rest. However, there is an exception to this rule. In 2016-2017 New Year's holidays will take place at the same time for all schoolchildren. The vacation schedule may still be adjusted, but the preliminary dates are as follows:

  • In the fall, schoolchildren go on vacation on October 29 and return to their desks on November 7;
  • Winter holidays begin on December 24, the first school day of the new quarter is January 10;
  • Additional winter rest for first-graders and students in special classes will begin on February 18, and they will return to school on February 27;
  • Spring break will begin on March 25, and you will need to sit down at your desks on April 3;
  • Children will go on their long-awaited summer vacation at the end of May (the date depends on the specific school, usually this happens on May 24-25 or 30), and they will begin the new school year, as usual, on September 1.

Vacations for students in 2016-2017

The school years, and with them the four usual vacation periods in the academic year, are left behind. Students are content with only two – winter and summer. And even those are often small, since the lion’s share of a student’s vacation can be “eaten up” by the session. It is impossible to name specific dates for student holidays - such decisions are made by the university itself, based on specific curricula for 2016-2017.

Student holidays are closely related to curriculum and session schedule

If we talk about the winter rest period, it usually begins at the end of January. The date depends on the exam schedule. Students return to classrooms around the second week of February. If a student passes the exam successfully and does not pull up his “tails,” he can rest almost the entire month of January! However, it is possible that the university decides to send students on vacation before the New Year and Christmas holidays. Then the session begins immediately after them, and there is no break between it and the new semester.

In the summer, history repeats itself. If successful or early delivery Sessions can be rested for three months, but in practice this happens very rarely. Classes, sessions and defense of coursework and theses extend into June. After this, practice is possible, although it may be scheduled for August. The university decides exactly when to release students at the beginning of each academic year. So those who are planning a trip for vacation, work, internship or study in the summer or winter can ask a question about the schedule of the administration of the educational institution in September.

As a rule, in winter, schoolchildren have the longest holidays, between the second and third quarters; traditionally they last fourteen days. For students, they are the only ones between the first and second semester, if you don’t count summer holiday, a month of which often has to be set aside for practice. Most often, in different schools, winter vacation begins at different times, with a slight difference of a couple of days, and every year the start day of the vacation shifts. For students, rest will begin only after passing the session, the beginning of which also often does not coincide in different institutes. When do winter holidays begin for schoolchildren and students in the 2015-2016 academic year?

Traditionally, at the end of the second academic quarter, schoolchildren will have a two-week vacation. This year, the last school day of 2015 will be Friday, December 26 or Saturday, December 27, depending on whether a five-day or six-day week is introduced at a particular school. Winter holidays for the 2015-2016 school year for schoolchildren will officially begin on Monday, December 29, and will last fourteen days - until January 12, also Monday. For first grade students, some schools often allocate an additional week of rest in early or mid-February. This is done so that young schoolchildren can rest in the middle of the third quarter - the longest, since this is their first academic year and they are not yet accustomed to the workload.

It is worth remembering that winter holidays at school can begin at different times - it all depends on the management of the educational institution, in addition, in private, non-state schools curriculum and the vacation schedule may differ radically from the schedule of municipal schools.

For students of higher educational institutions, winter holidays have great value– this is the only respite for them during the entire school year. The moment when students' winter holidays begin is determined individually by the leadership of a particular educational institution. In each university and institute, winter holidays begin at different times. As a rule, at the end of December, students begin their session, the duration of which also depends on the administration of the university. Most often, the session lasts two to three weeks - until approximately mid-January. If the student does not have to retake exams and pay off debts, then he has another one and a half to two weeks left for proper rest.

In any case, it is worth remembering that the schedule of sessions and winter holidays at universities and institutes may change slightly every academic year, and the timing will differ between educational institutions. In the first two weeks of January, in almost all higher education institutions educational institutions There are sessions - then a week for retakes, and only then - the long-awaited rest. You can find out exactly when students' winter holidays will begin in 2016 only in the dean's office of the educational institution.

Student holidays may seem too short to yesterday's students. In two thousand and nineteen some changes will be made.

Now, instead of two breaks between semesters, there will be four, but the winter period will remain the same: from the first day of the new year to the eighth of January - vacation.

The summer vacation period for students will last until August 8th.

Are there holidays in college and technical school?

The student training program differs from the school one, so student holidays will greatly reduce the usual rest time.

As a rule, the academic year is divided into two parts (semesters), so the holidays are:

  • autumn;
  • spring

Upon completion of any of these semesters, students undergo a mandatory procedure for monitoring and confirming the acquired knowledge - that is, exams. The period of passing all kinds of tests and tests in student institutions is called a session.

During the entire training period, teachers organize either a winter session or a summer session, which depends on seasonality. If the student test is passed successfully, vacation begins.

Two weeks for winter, and the rest of the time for summer holidays. The total duration of leave from classes is seven weeks.

When are students' holidays?

Student weekend is not a simple joy, but a privileged reward for good students.

Without the test taken during the session, the vacation cannot be called complete. Celebrating the New Year holiday without cramming is better than spending fun days behind the notebooks.

School rules are not like students. Students of a technical school or university do not go on spring vacation, nor do they go on fall vacation.

If the session is "closed", the student receives two weeks in the winter (on average) and two or two and a half months in the summer.

The student who has “closed” the session leaves the educational institution at the end of June and returns at the beginning of the new academic year (in September).

How long are winter holidays for students?

The start of the winter celebration for students begins with the onset of the New Year and lasts until the end of the celebrations on the twentieth of January.

The adjustment of these deadlines in some higher educational institutions is due to the fact that the session takes place until December thirtieth.

By combining the preparation period with the New Year holidays, university leaders extend the holiday to three weeks, after which students and teachers return to study.

"Tails" of students

As in the school period, there are a number of students who do not study very well or do not learn the lesson material well.

They are accumulating debt. In student slang it sounds like “tail.” Such debts can spoil the winter or summer holidays.

There are many reasons why students at an institute or university receive a grade less than “satisfactory” in their gradebook, but it is possible to remove the “tails.”

Having re-read the notes of the problematic subject again, you should prepare and come to retake it with a positive score. The management of the institute will set new deadlines for eliminating the debt.

Such deadlines must be strictly observed, otherwise the holidays will be ruined irrevocably.

Take note: The liquidation period often falls on the first school days of the year (in January) or the first two weeks of September.

University holidays in foreign universities

Let's move north to the United Kingdom of Britain, where the main holidays, other than summer, are Christmas or Easter.

The longest of them take place in summer period between academic semesters and take fourteen weeks, with five weeks for the remaining ones.

Of course, just like here, deadlines can be adjusted abroad.

Throughout the holiday, it is possible to visit university facilities, only during this period working hours are reduced, and on Christmas (New Year) and Easter some of them are closed.

An interesting feature in the United States is that students there have the right to calculate their own study schedule.


Student life is a wonderful time, in many ways better than school. Four to five years of study fly by quickly, and vacations only speed up this process. Perhaps within the walls of the institute there will be friends who will accompany you throughout your life.

September 2017

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November 2017

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December 2017

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January 2018

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May 2018

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  • Weekends and holidays are highlighted in red on the calendar.
  • Vacation days are highlighted in green.

In total, during the 2017-2018 academic year there will be 167 school days and 106 days off with a 5-day school week.

  • September 2017: total days - 30, school days 21, days off - 9.
  • October 2017: total days - 31, school days - 20, days off - 11.
  • November 2017: total days - 30, school days - 19, days off - 11.
  • December 2017
  • January 2018: total days - 31, school days - 18, days off - 13.
  • February 2018: total days - 28, school days - 19, days off - 9.
  • March 2018: total days - 31, school days - 16, weekends - 15.
  • April 2018: total days - 30, school days - 21, days off - 9.
  • May 2018: total days - 31, school days - 17, days off - 14.

Please note that the academic calendar for 2017-2018 is a recommendation. These dates may vary and are subject to change.

Vacations in the 2017-2018 academic year

  • Autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will begin on October 28, 2017 and end on November 5, 2017. The duration of the autumn holidays 2017 will be 9 days.
  • Winter New Year holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will begin on December 23, 2017 and will last until January 7, 2018. The duration of the winter holidays will be 16 days.
  • Spring break in the 2017-2018 academic year will begin on March 24, 2018 and will last until April 1, 2018. The duration of spring break will be 9 days.
  • Summer holidays in 2018 will begin on May 26, 2018 and will last until September 1, 2018.

Additional holidays for first-graders may be introduced from February 17 to February 25, 2018. In addition, students in Russian educational institutions will have days off on February 23, 2018, March 8, 2018, May 1, 2018, and May 9, 2018.

It is also necessary to recall that vacation dates are only recommended by the Ministry of Education, and the final decision on the dates and duration of vacations rests with the teaching council of educational institutions.

Additional holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year

Additional holidays or rescheduling of holidays in schools and other educational institutions are possible for the following reasons:

  • Low air temperature– minus 25 degrees Celsius for primary school; minus 28 degrees – for high school; minus 30 degrees for students in grades 10 and 11.
  • Low temperature in classrooms. When the air temperature in classrooms is below +18 degrees, it is prohibited to conduct classes.
  • Quarantine and exceeding the morbidity threshold. Quarantine can be declared in a separate school, a separate district, city or region if the epidemic incidence threshold of 25% of the total number of students is exceeded.

Weekends in the 2017-2018 academic year

In addition to traditional Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, the following dates for public holidays are established in the 2017-2018 academic year:

  • November 4, 2017- day off in honor of National Unity Day. Since the holiday falls on Saturday, schoolchildren Monday 6 November will be an additional day after the autumn holidays.
  • February 23, 2018- day off in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • March 8, 2018- International Women's Day holiday;
  • May 1, 2018- holiday of Spring and Labor;
  • May 9, 2018- Day off Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

Vacations for students in the 2017-2018 academic year

There will be fewer vacations at institutes, universities and other higher educational institutions during the 2017-2018 academic year, since students rest only in winter and summer. Each university sets the exact vacation schedule for students depending on the session dates. Winter holidays for students begin at the end of January and end in mid-February. During the summer period, the dates of student holidays also depend on the session and practice, which is often scheduled for June, which means you can go on vacation only in July. Also, the practice may be postponed to August, and the holidays will begin in mid-June. Everything depends on the specific university, therefore, in order to carefully plan your vacation, you need to clarify the data with the university administration. The only thing that can be said for sure is that the holidays should not be less than 6 weeks.

School holidays are a time of long-awaited rest for any student. Both first-graders and future graduates count the days until the start of the holidays literally from the first days of the school year.

After all, the 2017-2018 holidays are not just days free from school, but also a time filled with games, communication with peers, and vacation trips with family.

The exact dates of the holidays are also important for parents, because many of them try to keep their children as busy as possible during this time, send them on an interesting trip, or take time off from work.

There will be fewer vacations at institutes, universities and other higher educational institutions during the 2017-2018 academic year, since students rest only in winter and summer. Each university sets the exact vacation schedule for students depending on the session dates.

Winter holidays for students begin at the end of January and end in mid-February. During the summer period, the dates of student holidays also depend on the session and practice, which is often scheduled for June, which means you can go on vacation only in July.

Also, the practice may be postponed to August, and the holidays will begin in mid-June. Everything depends on the specific university, therefore, in order to carefully plan your vacation, you need to clarify the data with the university administration. The only thing that can be said for sure is that the holidays should not be less than 6 weeks.

Traditionally, both for schoolchildren and workers educational institutions, winter holidays start on December 24th. There may also be an additional holiday for first grade students, which begins on February 18th.

It is worth noting that during the holidays, teachers must be present at work for a certain number of hours, while the holiday schedule itself is quite flexible. The fact is that the Ministry of Education only issues recommendations regarding the dates of the beginning and end of school holidays, while the final word remains with pedagogical council schools.

The most deprived are teachers, since for them the winter holidays in Ukraine 2018 will last only a week, while for schoolchildren it will last as long as 16 days (from December 24 to January 8). As for university students and teachers, everything is purely individual: in some institutions the holidays are no different from school ones, but at the same time there are universities in which the duration of the winter holidays is almost two months.

Management is taking this step in order to save money during the heating season. Students tend to practice in advance on Saturdays during the school term so that they can then spend two whole months at home.

By the way, the idea has been voiced more than once about introducing such a practice at school when the 2017-2018 winter holidays begin for schoolchildren in Ukraine, which would help significantly save on heating costs. Opponents of this initiative believe that schoolchildren will be too overtired, and, for example, no one will want to walk in the summer because of the abnormal heat.

There are quite a few reasons why winter holidays in schools may be extended:

The temperature is too low (if the thermometer shows below 25 degrees below zero, then you don’t have to go to school);
Cold classrooms due to poor heating. Quite often there are situations when school administration violates sanitary standards and forces teachers to work at temperatures below 18 degrees, but this is strictly prohibited;

​In a situation where more than a quarter of schoolchildren do not attend school due to a viral disease (ARVI). In this case, a quarantine is announced and the school is closed indefinitely to prevent further spread of the disease.

In most cases, one week of quarantine will be enough, but, for example, during the swine flu epidemic in 2009, the quarantine lasted several months.

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