Pedagogical University (Voronezh): address, faculties, admissions committee. Pedagogical University (Voronezh): address, faculties, admissions committee Voronezh State Pedagogical University passing scores

Among the university, it deserves special attention. Today, this institution is a complex educational and scientific complex, consisting of several faculties and more than 30 departments.

Brief history of the educational institution

Voronezh State Pedagogical University (VGPU) began its existence in 1931. More than eighty years ago, the then Voronezh Pedagogical Institute was created on the basis of one of the faculties of Voronezh State University. The educational institution acquired its current name in 1993. For its success in training highly qualified personnel, the institute was renamed a university by order.

In the Black Earth Region, VSPU is considered one of the largest educational organizations. Today, about ten thousand full-time and part-time students are trained within its walls in professional programs. The university's teachers are doctors and candidates of science, professors and associate professors, corresponding members of international and domestic academies, honored workers of higher education and professional education.

Structure of the university, areas of training

The Pedagogical University in Voronezh has a sufficient material and technical base. In addition to the five buildings involved in the educational process, the work of the institution includes an agrobiological station, museums of archeology, zoology, and the history of the university, including during the Great Patriotic War. In addition, the advantages of VSPU are considered to be its fundamental library and equipped educational and sports complex.

Since the Pedagogical University is a specialized educational institution, scientific and educational work is carried out in dozens of different areas, covering a wide range of humanities, natural and psychological sciences. The peculiarity of this educational institution is that, in addition to pedagogical specialties, students here have the opportunity to receive education in the field of design, folk art, tourism, socio-cultural services and applied computer science. The Voronezh university offers postgraduate and doctoral studies in pedagogy.

Faculty of Humanities (history and pedagogy)

The faculties of Voronezh State Pedagogical University, as independent structural units within an educational organization, have their own history and characteristics of educational and scientific activities. Thus, the Faculty of Humanities has the richest history. Despite the fact that the date of its official formation is considered to be September 1, 2011, the actual formation of the historical and philological buildings occurred from the moment the university was formed.

The origins of the faculty were leading Soviet historians, teachers, military and public figures. In connection with the events of the 30s and 40s, the leadership of the unit changed frequently, and only by the middle of the century the two structural units merged. Since 2004, V.V. Kileynikov was appointed dean of the united division.

Faculty profile

Currently it trains young specialists in the following educational programs:

  • in the direction of “Pedagogical Education” (history, social studies, law, Russian language and literature);
  • in the direction of “Psychological and pedagogical education” (psychology and social pedagogy);
  • in the direction of “Vocational Training” (management, economics).

Admission to the master's program at a pedagogical university is possible for the following specialties:

  • "Literary Education";
  • “Aesthetic and language education”;
  • “Pedagogical communication in practice and theory”;
  • "Historical Education";
  • "Psychology and Pedagogy".

There are 6 departments at the Faculty of Humanities. VSPU contributes to the constant development of this department of the university. About 10 years ago, an information resource center, an archaeological expedition and a desk laboratory joined the work of the faculty.

Natural sciences and geography at Voronezh State Pedagogical University

The dean's office of the Faculty of Natural Geography, which bears its current name since 1951, one of the oldest educational institutions in Voronezh, ensures the uninterrupted work of teachers and student discipline. Since the formation of the university, this department has been engaged in professional training of teachers in chemistry, biology, geography, geology, and zoology. At the beginning of its educational activities, the faculty leadership successfully solved the problem of logistics, including the necessary equipment, textbooks, literature, and manuals. There is a geology museum at the Department of Physical Geography.

Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at Voronezh Pedagogical University

Along with the popular and popular among the student population, the Faculty of Humanities of VSPU is the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Over almost 80 years of its existence, this unit has had to go through a long and difficult path. Initially, the corps was part of the Voronezh Teachers' Institute of Foreign Languages, training translators and philologists in English, French and German. During difficult war times, when the faculty was evacuated outside the Voronezh region, the first graduation of English students took place in 1943.

The rapid development of the language department was facilitated by the administration's increased attention to replenishment of technical facilities. To work with students, tape recorders were purchased, language booths and phonetic laboratories were equipped. The level of foreign language communication among students increased rapidly thanks to the competent use of audiovisual means in the educational process. The search for effective educational technologies at the faculty continues to this day. In addition, in the early 2000s, it made a huge step forward and stood out among domestic educational institutions by providing students with the opportunity to study at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​by correspondence.

Art and art education

The most creative department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State Pedagogical University is the Faculty of Arts and Art Education. Here musicians, artists, designers and choreographers can realize their talents and find a profession they like. The faculty has five departments:

  • theory, history of music and musical instruments;
  • choral conducting and vocals;
  • fine arts;
  • design;
  • folk art.

At first, this unit, created on the basis of the Music Pedagogical University, was caused by the need to create a senior level in the city in a multi-stage system for training students of creative profiles and various qualifications. However, the first obstacle in that period was the shortage of teachers with higher musical education. The problem was solved thanks to federal and municipal support.

Psychological and pedagogical education at university

The Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University trains students in the areas of “Primary Education”, “Preschool Education”, “Special Education”, “Educational Psychology”. Additional vocational training programs in the specialties “teacher-speech therapist”, “kindergarten teacher”, etc. are also popular among applicants. Students are provided with ample opportunities to master their chosen specialty, carry out research work and practical activities. The faculty actively cooperates with secondary schools, vocational schools, colleges and lyceums.

Physics and Mathematics at VSPU: specialties

Since the establishment of the university, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics has existed and continues to train teachers. This division is the largest in the Voronezh university. Here they receive bachelor's and master's qualifications in physics, mathematics, computer science, technology, as well as applied computer science and applied mathematics.

Students of any profile at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics take courses in computer science and information technology, devoting a lot of time to practical work and mastering modern computerized devices and the basics of using ICT in teaching.

Faculty of Physical Education and Life Safety

The structure of the Pedagogical University in Voronezh also includes the Faculty of Physical Education and Life Safety. This unit has been operating for more than 70 years, preparing teachers in the field of sports. To enroll in the Faculty of Physical Education at a university, applicants have to overcome serious competitive tests. The department's dean is doing an incredible job of attracting athletes and talented youth to the faculty and actively interacting with the leadership of the Department of Physical Education and Sports in the region.

Admissions campaign: what do applicants need to know?

The VSPU admissions committee annually opens its doors to thousands of applicants who want to connect their lives with teaching. This university, like any other, puts forward a number of requirements for potential students.

Features of admission to VSPU are as follows:

  • Applicants who have a certificate of secondary education can apply to the university solely based on the results of the Unified State Exam, regardless of the year they graduated from school.
  • Due to the increased attention of the President and Government of the Russian Federation to the teaching industry in the country, the growing popularity of teaching specialties contributes to the difficult passage of competitive selection.
  • Absolutely all students of the Voronezh Pedagogical University have the right and opportunity to take additional education courses, and upon completion of them receive the appropriate document.
  • Students of VSPU, who are on both contract and budget education, can count on receiving financial assistance from the university trade union.
  • Students undergoing professional training at a university at the expense of individuals are allowed to draw up a flexible tuition payment schedule if necessary.

Passing scores for admission to Voronezh Pedagogical University

The VSPU admissions committee works all year round. You should contact for advice or clarification at the following address: Voronezh, st. Lenina, 86. With the beginning of the admissions campaign, you can get any information you need regarding admission to the university. The issue of passing grade is especially acute for applicants.

VSPU has established the following restrictions for applicants:

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics: “Applied Informatics” - 159, “Pedagogical Education” - 172.
  • Faculty of Physical Culture and Life Safety: “Pedagogical Education”, “Technosphere Safety”, “Recreation and Sports and Health Tourism” - 131.
  • Faculty of Arts and Art Education: “Design” - 217, “Folk artistic culture” - 165, “Pedagogical education” - 147.
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages: “Pedagogical Education” - 161.
  • Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical: “Psychological and Pedagogical Education” - 132, “Special Defectology Education” - 164.
  • Faculty of Natural Geography: “Tourism”, “Ecology and Nature Management” - 138, “Pedagogical Education” - 181.
  • Faculty of Humanities: “Professional training” (in accordance with the chosen field) - 142, “Pedagogical education” - 183.

A high passing score at VSPU is the key to successful recruitment of the best and most prepared students. Over the 86 years of its existence, the institution has graduated about 80 thousand teachers who found jobs both in Russia and abroad.

Its distinctive feature is the rather unremarkable position of Moscow pedagogical universities. There are only two of them included in the TOP-10, and the first of them, with an average Unified State Examination score of 63.6, occupies only seventh position. And the ranking is headed by Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University (66.4), followed by Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University and Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen.

A general shift in emphasis towards the regions and a slight weakening of the positions of capital and St. Petersburg universities, apparently, indicates a decrease in demand for teaching specialties in both capitals. At the same time, the general picture of admission and the fairly high density of Unified State Examination results indicate relative equality in the level of training of applicants, which naturally affects the search for alternative options.

No. University name Average Unified State Examination score Min Unified State Exam score % of the total number of applicants admitted to the budget for the Unified State Examination competition
1 Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University 66,4 64,3 5,1
2 Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University 66,2 59,6 68,6
3 Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, St. Petersburg 65 59,8 73,4
4 Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after. AND I. Yakovleva 64,3 53 85,3
5 Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg 64,3 60,2 92,7
6 Murmansk State Pedagogical University 63,6 55,5 81,5
7 Moscow Pedagogical State University 63,6 54 89,3
8 Penza State Pedagogical University named after. V.G. Belinsky 63,6 54,2 92,6
9 Tatar State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University, Kazan 63,4 54,6 81,4
10 Moscow City Pedagogical University 62,9 51,5 89,1
11 Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg 62,6 53,4 85
12 Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky 62,3 55,2 85,3
13 Tula State Pedagogical University named after. L.N. Tolstoy 61,7 54,7 88,2
14 Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute 61,6 54,1 78,6
15 Vologda State Pedagogical University 61,6 54,9 81,8
16 Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after. M. Akmully, Ufa 61,3 50,3 93,6
17 Nizhny Tagil State Social Pedagogical Academy 61,2 52,8 84
18 Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V.P. Astafieva 61,2 56,2 80,7
19 Lipetsk State Pedagogical University 61,1 45 93,3
20 Moscow State Regional University 60,8 51,8 78,7
21 Perm State Pedagogical University 60,6 50,2 85,7
22 Omsk State Pedagogical University 60,4 52,4 92,9
23 Kaluga State Pedagogical University named after. K.E.Tsiolkovsky 59,6 47,8 90,8
24 Orenburg State Pedagogical University 59,1 48,4 90,5
25 Birsk State Social and Pedagogical Academy 59 49,3 88,2
26 Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after. I.N.Ulyanova 58,8 47,5 83
27 Transbaikal State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University named after. N.G. Chernyshevsky 58,4 50,4 77,5
28 Glazov State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.G. Korolenko 58,2 48,9 90,7
29 Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after. M.E. Evsevieva 58,1 48,8 75,3
30 Volgograd State Pedagogical University 57,8 46 74,2
31 Pskov State Pedagogical University named after. CM. Kirov 57,5 45,9 90,4
32 Tomsk State Pedagogical University 57,4 51,8 84,3
33 Altai State Pedagogical Academy, Barnaul 57,2 52,3 80,8
34 Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University 57 45,2 92,7
35 Sterlitamak State Pedagogical Academy named after. Zainab Biisheva 57 45,5 87,7
36 Karelian State Pedagogical Academy, Petrozavodsk 57 43,1 85,1
37 Biysk Pedagogical State University named after. V.M. Shukshina 56,8 47,3 83,2
38 Elabuga State Pedagogical University 56,4 43,2 90,8
39 Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute 56,2 47,9 93,6
40 Voronezh State Pedagogical University 56,2 44 81,2
41 Komi State Pedagogical Institute, Syktyvkar 56,1 44,4 86,6
42 Dagestan State Pedagogical University 56,1 42,6 98,7
43 Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur 56 51,7 86,3
44 Shuya State Pedagogical University 56 48,5 89,3
45 Michurinsky State Pedagogical Institute 55,7 43,7 87,7
46 Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical Institute 55,5 43,5 90
47 Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute 55,5 45,6 92,9
48 Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute named after. A.P. Gaidar 55,5 44,8 80,8
49 Surgut State Pedagogical University 55,3 48,5 97,1
50 Kuzbass State Pedagogical Academy, Novokuznetsk 55 40,9 94,9
51 Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University 53,7 42,6 83,5
52 Slavic-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute 52,7 40,1 93,7
53 Armavir State Pedagogical University 52,3 42 93,7
54 Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute 51,8 43,3 87,8
55 Borisoglebsk State Pedagogical Institute 51,8 41,9 77,9
56 Volga State Engineering and Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod 49,7 40,7 95,9
57 Tobolsk State Social and Pedagogical Academy named after. D.I. Mendeleev 49,6 35,4 87,3
58 Solikamsk State Pedagogical Institute 49,3 38,8 85
59 Ussuri State Pedagogical Institute 49,2 39,4 91

2013 at 10.00 (assembly hall) there will be an OPEN DOOR DAY of the university.

In the program: meetings with the rector's office and leading teachers of the university, familiarization with the rules of admission to the university, consultations. Everyone is welcome.

Address:(main building), transport stop "Pedagogical Institute".


Target directions are issued by city and district education departments to persons entering full-time and part-time departments of a university for targeted contract training in one of the areas (profiles).

The list of areas and training profiles for which admission to VSPU has been announced in 2013 in targeted areas is indicated below in Appendix 1, the list of relevant entrance exams is in Appendix 2.

A targeted referral is issued based on a request from the director of the school where the referred applicant is studying.

Bus: No. 9ka

Route taxi: № 000 to the stop "Working Girl"

From the bus station to the street. Dimitrova:

Route taxi: No. 18, 1-kv, 1-nv to the stop "Working Girl"

From the train station:

Route taxi: No. 120, 126, 10a

From the South-Western bus station:

Route taxi: No. 120, 126, 88a, 70, 66

Appendix 1



OKSO code

Training profile

Form of study


Teacher education

Mathematics, computer science

Physics, computer science



Chemistry, ecology


Geography, economics

History, law

History, social studies

Primary education

Preschool education

Russian language, literature

fine arts

French, English

English language


Psychology and social pedagogy

Educational Psychology

Economics and management

Leadership of an amateur choreographic group

Appendix 2


IN 2013

(for persons enrolling in targeted areas)

Note: Underlining specialized exams are highlighted.

Name of the area of ​​training

Entrance tests



correspondence form


Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

Teacher education

profile "Mathematics, computer science"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Mathematics

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Mathematics

Teacher education

profile "Physics, computer science"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Mathematics

Teacher education

profile "Informatics"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Mathematics

Teacher education

profile "Technology"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Mathematics

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Mathematics

Faculty of Natural Geography

Ecology and environmental management

1. Russian language

2. Geography

3. Mathematics

1. Russian language

2. Geography

3. Mathematics

Teacher education

profile "Chemistry, ecology"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

Teacher education

profile "Biology"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Biology

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Biology

Teacher education

profile "Geography, economics"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Geography

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Geography

Faculty of Humanities

Teacher education

profile "History, social studies"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. History

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. History

Teacher education

profile "History, Law"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. History

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. History

Teacher education

profile "Russian language, literature"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Literature

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Literature

Psychological and pedagogical education

profile "Psychology and social pedagogy"

1. Russian language

2. Biology

3. Mathematics

1. Russian language

2. Biology

3. Mathematics

Vocational training (by industry)

1. Russian language

2. Mathematics

3. Social studies

1. Russian language

2. Mathematics

3. Social studies

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Teacher education

"English, German"

"English, French"

"German language, English language"

"French, English"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Foreign language (English, German, French)

Teacher education

"English language"


1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Foreign language

(English, German, French)

Faculty of Psychology and Education

Psychological and pedagogical education

profile "Educational Psychology"

1. Russian language

2. Biology

3. Mathematics

1. Russian language

2. Biology

3. Mathematics

Teacher education

profile "Primary education"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Mathematics

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Mathematics

Teacher education

profile "Preschool education, foreign language"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Mathematics

Teacher education

profile "Preschool education"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Mathematics

Faculty of Physical Culture and Life Safety

Teacher education

profile "Physical culture, life safety"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Phys. culture

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Phys. culture

Faculty of Arts and Art Education

Teacher education

profile "Fine Arts"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Drawing

1. Russian language

2. Social science

3. Drawing

Teacher education

profile "Music"

1. Russian language

2. Social science

1. Russian language

2. Social science

Folk artistic culture

1. Russian language

2. Literature

3. The art of dance

Appendix 3





Faculty dean's phone number

Dean of the Faculty

Physics and mathematics

(main building)

Mikhail Georgievich

Natural geographic

(main building)


Svetlana Ivanovna


(main building)


Victor Viktorovich

Foreign languages

(4 building)


Lyubov Alekseevna

Psychological and pedagogical

(4 building)


Albina Yurievna

Physical culture

and life safety

(2nd building)

Vladimir Vasilievich

Arts and art education

(4 building)


Nikolai Petrovich



Along with the application for admission, the applicant provides:

- state document on education (a certificate of secondary (complete) general education, a diploma of secondary vocational education or higher vocational education, as well as a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of receipt of secondary (complete) general education); at the request of the applicant, a copy of it may be submitted;

- certificate of USE results , which will be counted as entrance tests in the relevant subjects, or a copy thereof. If the certificate of Unified State Examination results cannot be submitted within the deadline established for submitting documents, the applicant provides information about passing the Unified State Exam by filling out the appropriate fields in the application for admission, and also indicates the reason for the lack of a certificate;

- 6 photo cards size 3x4 (black and white or color) ;

- four stamped envelopes ;

- passport or equivalent document proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant, as well as its photocopy The applicant presents it in person when submitting an application for admission.

To the above documents, the applicant attaches a copy of the work book (if any), certified at the place of work, and a medical certificate in the form (for passing the entrance test for physical culture or the art of dance the applicant provides medical certificate from the Voronezh medical and physical education clinic, located at: 1).

Contact numbers (4,

E-mail: *****@

Internet address of the admissions committee: www. vspu. ***** (section “For applicants”)

Preparatory courses: (4daily, except Sunday and Monday)

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