On the concept of creating a network of national research universities. On the concept of creating a network of national research universities Main parameters of the University’s development

5. PERSPECTIVE VISION OF HSE UNTIL 2020 AS A RESULT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HSE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 2020, HSE should become a national research university of international level in the field of socio-economic sciences, providing personnel, research, design and consulting developments to solve the problems of innovative development and ensuring Russia's global competitiveness. The state of the HSE National Research University in 2020 proposed by the Program is presented in more detail below.

5.1. New quality of education and research

The university will become an interactive environment in which the educational process, scientific research and development, expert and analytical activities, platforms for professional and public discussion, and even the direct implementation of socio-economic and technical innovation projects are integrated.

  • The central place will be occupied by master's and postgraduate studies (the share of master's students in the total number of students by 2020 will be at least 40%). The selection and content of master's programs will be formed by interfaculty (and interdisciplinary) teams on a project basis. The constant modernization of existing programs and the creation of new programs will occur both on the basis of monitoring the Russian and global labor markets, and through the import of the best world-class educational programs with their subsequent adaptation, as well as through international examination and accreditation of educational programs.

  • A fundamental feature of the University will be providing each student (listener) with the opportunity to form an individual competency profile by choosing courses and rates of study, including from a set of additional professional education courses. This will contribute to the formation of unique qualifications at the intersection of areas of training. To achieve this, the boundaries between programs will be made as transparent as possible, a credit system will be built, and a system will be built to support student choice and self-determination. For this purpose, a technology will also be developed to support students in building individual educational trajectories, including support for finding places of practice and work.

  • The most important forms of training in senior undergraduate and graduate courses (up to 25% of the teaching load in senior years) will be scientific seminars, research and applied projects (including in real workplaces), projects and master classes by prominent scientists and practitioners. For this purpose, a network of research and education (RTE) and design and education (DLE) laboratories will be completed with the participation of external organizations, in which groups of researchers and developers work - from junior students to professors. The network of laboratories will be connected with large companies, government agencies, scientific organizations, think tanks, including through business incubators and innovation parks.

  • Research and design institutes of the National Research University Higher School of Economics will be actively involved in the educational process. A significant part of the scientific and analytical products will be produced by master's and postgraduate students.

  • Graduates of the University's bachelor's degree will have modern analytical competencies, including the ability to comprehensively analyze dynamic socio-economic processes, skills in organizing and conducting project activities, and the competencies of effective search, processing and analysis of information. They will speak foreign languages ​​at a level sufficient to continue studying in this language.

  • The type of postgraduate education will change. It will become the most important stage in the development of highly qualified specialists (primarily those who have made an academic choice). Graduate students will have the opportunity to concentrate on research without being distracted by work outside their specialty. Postgraduate programs will be close to doctoral (PhD) programs at leading universities.

  • The system of additional professional education will be built on a modular basis, providing, together with basic education programs, the opportunity to form complex educational trajectories for working specialists (including those leading to obtaining a diploma).

  • The scientific identity of the University will be largely determined by interdisciplinary research and development at the intersections of various scientific fields with the involvement of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as scientists from other leading universities. To participate in solving global interdisciplinary problems, large international centers “for complex problems” will be created in partnership with international institutes for advanced research. In areas where the University will be among the international leaders, international centers for advanced research will be created to attract outstanding world-class specialists.

  • The Higher School of Economics will implement a large-scale program to consistently renew its teaching staff and ensure its global competitiveness. Its main components will be a reduction in internal teaching by expanding employment in research and expert-analytical work, deformalization of competitive procedures, as well as transferring up to 30% of the teaching load to assistants and graduate students and doctoral students. As a result, the majority of university teachers will be active participants in international professional communities; teachers engaged exclusively in teaching will remain only in auxiliary departments.

  • An innovation belt of the university will be formed at the Higher School of Economics, the resources of which, including small innovative enterprises, technology park zones, business incubators, will be united by a corporate information system - a distributed virtual technology park. This will create a system for the generation and effective commercialization of innovative student projects.

  • Innovation in the educational process and high scientific and project productivity will be ensured by the transition of teachers and researchers to an effective contract. Such a contract implies, on the part of the university, the creation of opportunities for an employee to receive a total income at the university at the level of external competitive labor markets and the creation of conditions for the employee to obtain additional competencies, and on the part of the employee - active research work or work in practical projects with a group of students and graduate students as assistants and students, participation in competitions to support their own scientific and applied projects. As a result, the University will become attractive to the best specialists and will recruit at least 20% of teachers from the international labor market.
5.2. HSE National Research University as a federal scientific and methodological center for the higher education system in the block of socio-economic disciplines

  • The university will become a center of attraction for universities in economics, management (managerial) and the humanities. To achieve this, a system of Internet portals will be developed for the main areas of activity of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, through which everyone will be able to get free access to key professional and educational resources, and a system of regular replenishment and review of these resources will be established, including translation of the most significant materials into Russian. Examination materials and training standards developed at the Higher School of Economics will be widely used in Russian universities.

  • Network interaction between the National Research University Higher School of Economics and Russian universities will be organized in the implementation of advanced training programs, conditions will be created for internships for teachers and targeted postgraduate studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

  • Strategic partnerships with universities will include joint educational programs, joint research projects and organizational development programs. In each federal district, HSE will have at least five partner universities

  • The University will create a system of publicly accessible (with electronic versions) peer-reviewed journals in all areas of its activities, including English-language versions. The HSE publishing program will provide the opportunity to publish monographs and textbooks, publish articles and preprints of reports for every scientist from various universities in Russia who has presented material at the level of international standards.
5.3. The University as a center and participant in Russian and international networks for the exchange of personnel, knowledge and technologies

A distinctive feature of the University will be its openness, partnership interaction with the state, employers, regional administrations, professional communities, civil society structures, graduates, schools and universities, and international organizations. The university will become a leader in networks for sharing resources, knowledge and technology with these partners.

  • Strategic partnerships with employers (leading companies) will make it possible to jointly modernize educational programs, build targeted training for students, implement professional master's programs with a corporate focus, create basic departments (departments with the participation of external organizations) and educational and production sites and laboratories. Strategic partners will participate in the management of the University through the Board of Trustees and supervisory committees for specific problem areas.

  • HSE National Research University will become the center of interaction networks for innovative businesses (including small and medium-sized ones in the regions of Russia) through the organization of communication platforms for business representatives, specialists and students of the Higher School of Economics National Research University, through a system of consulting support and staff development. HSE National Research University will create infrastructure and provide support for knowledge exchange networks and virtual communities of specialists in the field of socio-economic and human sciences, mathematics, computer science and their applications.

  • HSE will form new working partnerships with leading world universities (London School of Economics and Political Science, Harvard University, Stanford University, George Mason University, Pantheon-Sorbonne, Humboldt University, Cologne University, Lancaster University, Manchester University, etc.), international organizations, research consortia and scientific publications, foreign companies and transnational corporations, within the framework of which academic exchange programs, joint research and joint educational programs (including distance learning), and joint online journals will be implemented. At the same time, the Higher School of Economics will be able to become a center for training the socio-economic elite and a participant in scientific and analytical projects in the CIS countries. For leading universities in CIS countries such as Armenia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, the University will act as a partner involved in improving the quality of academic programs and research in the socio-economic field.

  • The network nature of the University’s activities will be ensured by an extensive program to support academic mobility. At least 30% of teachers and researchers from the National Research University Higher School of Economics will teach and undergo internships at partner universities every year. In turn, HSE will annually accept a comparable number of foreign and domestic specialists for internships and teaching lasting at least two weeks. Every fifth HSE student will spend at least one semester at another university during their studies. In turn, HSE will accept at least 500 students per year for exchange programs. At least 50% of master's and postgraduate programs will be graduates of other Russian and foreign universities.

5.4. Content areas of activity of the National Research University Higher School of Economics

  • To ensure true fundamentality and multidisciplinarity, HSE will develop research, development and training in all areas of socio-economic sciences, humanities, mathematics and computer science. At the same time, the gaps that exist today in fundamental areas such as anthropology, history, geography, literature, and art history will be eliminated.

  • The University will create a knowledge management system that will combine its own and international databases in the field of social and economic processes. It will be actively used in the educational process and operate on the basis of a single standard for describing data, which will allow for the effective integration and use of the results of disparate research. To this end, monitoring of the economics of education, public administration and civil society will be expanded and transferred to a panel basis; the Higher School of Economics will ensure Russia’s participation in comparative studies of the competitiveness of enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses, innovative activity in the economy, economic behavior of households and the quality of vocational education. Monitoring studies of the economics of health care and economics of culture, legal culture and legal system, corporate culture, innovation and innovative behavior will be organized. Complex prognostic studies will receive significant development.

  • In a number of sectors of socio-economic sciences in which Russia today significantly and dangerously lags behind the world level (behavioral economics, econometrics and sociometrics, contract theory, open economy theory, public sector management, law and economics, cliometrics, cognitive sciences, etc.) , HSE will create research groups and educational programs operating at world standards, and will ensure an expanded production of young specialists in these areas.

  • Focusing on the needs of economic and social development in Russia,
    HSE will develop master's training, research and development in new interdisciplinary areas. These areas include cognitive sciences, design, regional studies, urban studies, ecology, media management, management in education, medicine, culture, science, innovation, etc. A new group of educational areas will be developed that provide training for the knowledge economy and economic analysis law, electronic state and business, competency management, etc.

  • Based on the full cycle of scientific research and practical application of their results implemented within the University, HSE will form internationally recognized scientific schools in such areas as applied mathematics, applied microeconomics, institutional analysis, economic sociology, studies of labor markets and demographic processes, social economic statistics, foresight (predictive) research, optimization of public administration, service informatics, geopolitics, ethnosociology and ethnopsychology, sociocultural studies, etc.

5.5. Main parameters of the University's development

5.5.1. Student population

Table 3

Structure of the student population, people



2011 estimate

2011 fact

2012 estimate

2012 Fact

2015 estimate

2020 estimate

Budget contingent


11 480

12 734

12 470

14 841

12 680

14 250






10 439








4 402








9 197








5 937








3 260








3 863








3 028






























Extrabudgetary contingent





8 636








6 218








2 418








5 448








4 084








1 364

























11 300

12 370


12 870

14 645

14 000

14 000






10 021








4 624



MASTERS – total





4 567








3 687































14 050

16 690


17 840

20 094

20 360

23 100



11 260


12 050

14 569

13 770

16 170






5 525



Students in MBA, EMBA, DBA, PPP (over 1000 hours), PP (over 500 hours) and evening master's programs





2 268








1 731











Students in additional education programs: PC (from 72 to 500 hours)

20 437

22 664


24 534

31 067

28 435

38 700


12 500

13 500


15 000

11 672

17 500

20 000






19 395

10 935

18 700

The number of students in MBA, EMBA, DBA, PPP (over 1000 hours), PP (over 500 hours) and evening master's programs, reduced to one full-time student
























The number of students in additional education programs reduced to one full-time student: PC (from 72 to 500 hours)
























DPO STUDENTS (number per full-time student) - total





6 415


10 940






3 238








3 177




18 640

21 980


23 650

26 509

27 550

34 040


12 480

14 460


15 610

17 807

18 090

21 270






8 702


12 770




The creation of world-class universities is due to large-scale projects for the development of the high-tech sector of the Russian economy. The idea of ​​creating national research universities is the real embodiment of a new approach to the qualitative modernization of the science and education sector and a logical continuation of the process that began with the competition of university innovative educational programs.

In accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 4, 2009 N Pr-26, in 2009, within the framework of the priority national project “Education”, a new event will be implemented, the basis of which is the formation of a network of national research universities.

The Department of Strategy and Prospective Projects in Education and Science (hereinafter referred to as the Department) developed a concept for the selection and state support of national research universities (hereinafter referred to as NRUs).

A research university is a higher education institution that equally effectively carries out educational and scientific activities based on the principles of integration of science and education. The most important distinctive features of research institutions are the ability to both generate knowledge and ensure effective transfer of technologies to the economy; conducting a wide range of fundamental and applied research; the presence of a highly effective system for training masters and highly qualified personnel, a developed system of postgraduate retraining and advanced training programs.

The strategic mission of the National Research University is to promote the dynamic development of the country's scientific and technological complex and provide it with the necessary human resources, balanced in number, areas of training, qualifications and age structure, taking into account the necessary pace of their renewal and projected structural changes in science and economics.

The main task of state support for the National Research University Institute is to bring educational organizations to the world level that are capable of taking responsibility for the preservation and development of the human resources potential of science, high technology and professional education, the development and commercialization of high technologies in the Russian Federation.

State support for research institutes should be carried out on a competitive basis within the framework of specially developed and approved medium-term development programs for research institutes (hereinafter - development programs), including the conditions for implementation and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of scientific research and the educational process, forms and mechanisms, as well as specific measures for integration of educational and research activities, modernization and improvement of the material and technical base and socio-cultural infrastructure, retraining of personnel, integration into the international scientific and educational space.

Universities applying for state support must ensure the creation of an innovation belt of small scientific companies in order to commercialize a wide range of products and technologies on critical technologies of the Russian Federation, developed by scientific and educational centers formed on the basis of the National Research University.

As part of the implementation of development programs, a modern system of university management, scientific and educational management must be built, and new organizational solutions must be proposed.

It is advisable to conduct a competition for development programs in order to assign a university the status of a research university in two stages. At the first stage, the current state and dynamics of development of the university over the past few years are assessed according to groups of criteria, in particular, such as:

1) human resources potential;

2) infrastructure of the educational process and scientific research;

3) efficiency of scientific and innovative activities;

4) effectiveness of educational activities;

5) effectiveness of the personnel training system;

6) international and national recognition.

At the second stage, the development programs of universities that have passed the preliminary selection within the first stage will be subject to examination. The main principle at the second stage of selection is “money and status in exchange for obligations.” It seems appropriate to determine a minimum set of target indicators for the effectiveness of the implementation of development programs, the established values ​​of which must be achieved by universities by the end of the implementation of development programs and (or) their stages, among which may be:

1) target indicators for the success of educational activities;

2) target indicators of the effectiveness of scientific and innovative activities;

3) target indicators for the development of human resources;

4) target indicators for the growth of international and national recognition;

5) target indicators of financial stability.

To eliminate the effect of the size of a university on the absolute values ​​of indicators, it seems justified in a number of cases to present in development programs both absolute and specific characteristics - the values ​​of indicators related to the number of scientific and pedagogical employees of the university.

The given criteria and targets were the subject of open discussion with the scientific community. Thus, the draft concept was discussed at different levels, including on December 12, 2008 at a round table meeting “National Research Universities: Issues of Forming the Development of a Network.”

The rector of the university bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the development program and achievement of the established annual target values.

It is expected that no less than 20 - 25% co-financing of development program activities from extra-budgetary funds will be provided. Under this condition, the volume of annual state support is estimated at 400 million rubles (in 2009 - 200 million rubles) to one university and will be provided for five years.

The development program submitted for the competition may cover a five-year period coinciding with the period of state support for the research university. At the same time, the development program can take a much longer period, not exceeding ten years, but state support for research institutions is provided only in the first five years of its implementation.

In 2009, for the purpose of creating a network of national research universities (up to 15 universities, including a pilot project), it is planned to allocate allocations in the amount of 3 billion rubles, provided for by the federal budget to Rosbrazovanie for the implementation of innovative educational programs.

Due to the fact that additional funding for solving these problems is not provided from the federal budget allocations for the period 2010 and subsequent years, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, as a subject of budget planning, proposes to redistribute the costs of federal agencies subordinate to the ministry.

In particular, to finance the network of national research universities in 2010, there may be a reduction in costs for the implementation of federal target programs, the state customer-coordinator of which is the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

Thus, the source of funds in 2010 could be the federal target programs "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007 - 2012" (approximately in the amount of 1.9 billion rubles), Federal Center for Promotion of Promotion (approximately in the amount of 2. 8 billion rubles) and “Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia” for 2009 - 2013 (approximately 1.3 billion rubles). These federal target programs are subject to adjustment in the prescribed manner while preserving (mostly) the values ​​of target indicators. At the same time, it is proposed to transfer the released funds into appropriations for the maintenance of subordinate institutions with subsequent financing of the winners of the competitive selection of national research universities through the corresponding main managers of budget funds.

Starting from 2011, it is planned to provide for the entire amount of expenses for financing programs for the development of a network of national research universities (6 billion rubles per year) in the newly developed Federal Target Program for the Development of Education.

One of the most important conditions for the successful implementation of the development program is a well-founded mechanism for the sustainable functioning of the research university after the end of budget funding, since increased demands on the university will continue in the subsequent period. In this sense, the function of the state is to create infrastructural prerequisites for the further self-development of scientific research institutions.

In order to ensure public control and maximum “transparency” of the expenditure of federal budget funds, it seems appropriate to annually publish financial reports of the National Research University on the directions and volumes of expenditure of funds, regardless of their source, for the implementation of development programs, as well as brief reports on the results achieved. State support for the implementation of the NRU development program may be terminated in the event of improper fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the university.

The main expected results from the implementation of programs for the development of scientific and educational centers based on the National Research University are:

Increased level of international recognition of Russian science and education;

A larger share of the off-budget component in domestic research and development expenditures;

Additional prerequisites for the development of the economy of the region where the research university is located;

Elimination of negative trends in the main performance indicators of the public sector of science and education;

Higher degree of commercialization in research and development;

Achieving adequate staffing for the innovative economy of Russia.

Currently, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 7, 2008 N 1448 “On the implementation of a pilot project for the creation of national research universities” has come into force, in accordance with which the formation of the National Research Nuclear University and the National Research Technological University has begun on the basis of a state educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University)" and the federal state educational institution of higher professional education "State Technological University "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys" respectively.

The Department has prepared the necessary changes to be introduced into the current legislation. In accordance with the Federal Law of February 10, 2009 N 18-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Activities of Federal Universities”, it is provided for the establishment of a new category of universities - “national research university”, which will be assigned to universities on a competitive basis.

By decision of the competition commission on April 26, 2010. Based on the results of a secret ballot, NRU MGSU was among the 15 winners of the competitive selection of university development programs for which the category “national research university” was established in 2010.

The category “national research university” is established by the Government of the Russian Federation for 10 years based on the results of the competitive selection of university development programs aimed at staffing priority areas of development of science, technology, engineering, economic sectors, social sphere, development and implementation of high technologies in production for universities equally effectively implementing educational programs of higher professional and postgraduate professional education and carrying out fundamental and applied scientific research in a wide range of sciences.

Additional budget funding will be allocated for the implementation of the declared Program of NRU MGSU.

Co-financing of the implementation of the declared Program is provided from NRU MGSU’s own extra-budgetary funds.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2016 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 2010 No. 602 “On approval of the development program of the state educational institution of higher professional education of the Moscow State Civil Engineering University for 2010-2019”

Report on the results of the implementation of the Development Program for 2010–2019. to solve the problems of staffing, innovative scientific and high-tech modernization of the industry based on the integration of scientific, educational and information resources of the Russian construction complex (for 2010)

Progress report on the implementation of the Development Program in 2010

Report on the results of the implementation of the Development Program for 2010–2019. to solve the problems of staffing, innovative scientific and high-tech modernization of the industry based on the integration of scientific, educational and information resources of the Russian construction complex (for 2011)

Progress report on the implementation of the Development Program in 2011

Report on the results of the implementation of the Development Program for 2010–2019. to solve the problems of staffing, innovative scientific and high-tech modernization of the industry based on the integration of scientific, educational and information resources of the Russian construction complex (for 2012)

Progress report on the implementation of the Development Program in 2012

Report on the results of the implementation of the Development Program for 2010–2019. to solve the problems of staffing, innovative scientific and high-tech modernization of the industry based on the integration of scientific, educational and information resources of the Russian construction complex (for 2013)

Progress report on the implementation of the Development Program in 2013

Report on the results of the implementation of the Development Program for 2010–2019. to solve the problems of staffing, innovative scientific and high-tech modernization of the industry based on the integration of scientific, educational and information resources of the Russian construction complex (for 2014)

Progress report on the implementation of the Development Program in 2014

Report on the results of the implementation of the Development Program for 2010–2019. to solve the problems of staffing, innovative scientific and high-tech modernization of the industry based on the integration of scientific, educational and information resources of the Russian construction complex (for 2015)

Report on the results of the implementation of the Development Program for 2010–2019. to solve the problems of staffing, innovative scientific and high-tech modernization of the industry based on the integration of scientific, educational and information resources of the Russian construction complex (for 2016)

Report on the results of the implementation of the Development Program for 2010–2019. to solve the problems of staffing, innovative scientific and high-tech modernization of the industry based on the integration of scientific, educational and information resources of the Russian construction complex (for 2017)

Report on the results of the implementation of the Development Program for 2010–2019. to solve the problems of staffing, innovative scientific and high-tech modernization of the industry based on the integration of scientific, educational and information resources of the Russian construction complex (for 2018)

Each of the universities that received the status of a research university as a result of the first and second stages of the competition developed its own development program. Our university received the status of a research university in 2010 and developed its own development program for 2010-2019.

The program covers the following priority development areas (PDA):

1. Energy efficiency and energy saving in the development and use of hydrocarbon resources.
2. Increasing the resource base of the fuel and energy complex - exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits on the shelf, deposits with hard-to-recover reserves and unconventional sources of hydrocarbons.
3. Environmental and industrial safety of oil and gas production.

Main blocks of the program:

1. Development of infrastructure and management system to increase the scientific and pedagogical potential of the university.
2. Development of research activities on PNR, increasing the effectiveness of research and development work of the university.
3. Improving the quality of educational activities of the university
4. Strengthening and developing international relations of the university
5. Ensuring the replication of the university’s achievements in innovation activities in higher education, increasing its role in the oil and gas industry as a center for the accumulation and dissemination of new knowledge


Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"National Research University "MIET"

1. General provisions

The development program of the federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National Research University "MIET" for the period until 2019 was developed in accordance with the Regulations on the competitive selection of university development programs for which the category "national research university" is established, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2009 N 550, and the requirements for the structure, content and application form of university development programs for which the category “national research university” is established, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2009 N 278 “ On the deadline in 2009 for the competitive selection of university development programs for which the category “national research university” is established (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 2, 2009, registration number 14960), and updated in accordance with changes made by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2011 No. 2049 and dated September 13, 2011 No. 2290. The development program of the National Research University "MIET" was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 26, 2010 No. 801.

The program is formed taking into account the goals and objectives presented in the following regulatory legal and strategic documents:

state programs of the Russian Federation “Development of Education” for 2013-2020 and “Development of Science and Technology” for 2013-2020, approved by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2014 No. 295 and No. 301, respectively;

action plan (“road map”) “Changes in sectors of the social sphere aimed at increasing the efficiency of education and science”, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2014 No. 722-r.

Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Central Federal District for the period until 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2011 No. 1540-r;

Development program of the innovative territorial cluster "Zelenograd" for 2013-2016, developed on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 6, 2013 No. 188 “On approval of the Rules for the distribution and provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of activities provided for by development programs pilot innovative territorial clusters.”

The program is aimed at using the educational, methodological, scientific and material and technical potential accumulated over the previous 5 years to solve pressing problems facing the vocational education system as a whole and within the framework of the socio-economic development programs of Moscow and the Zelenograd cluster.

MIET, as a leading university, is faced with the task of providing specialized professional training of engineering personnel and highly qualified personnel for enterprises in the radio-electronic industry.

Located in the Moscow region of the Central Federal District, which has the highest concentration of scientific and engineering potential in the country and the most developed production infrastructure, MIET should participate in accelerating the introduction of the results of scientific and engineering activities into the economy, primarily in the field of advanced production technologies. The university, on the basis of the created modern infrastructure for the production of intellectual products, must provide the required number of qualified personnel for enterprises producing high-tech products. The development of the instrument engineering and radio-electronic industry segments is one of the priorities in Moscow and the Moscow region. In these conditions, it is important to integrate MIET as a base for research and development work with industrial and scientific organizations working in the field of information and communication technologies, radio electronics, nuclear energy, aircraft manufacturing, aerospace and defense industries.

On the territory of the Zelenograd administrative district of Moscow, where MIET is located, a special economic zone of technical innovation type “Zelenograd” has been created as a center for the development of advanced technologies in microsystem technology and electronic component base, electronic instrument making and information and telecommunication technologies, nanotechnologies, fiber optics technologies , integrated optics, laser technology, optoelectronics and microsystem technology.

As a participant in the Zelenograd Innovation Territorial Cluster, MIET participates in creating conditions for the sustainable growth of competencies, scientific, technical and technological level, competitiveness and sales volumes of cluster participants. The university has the following tasks:

Development of innovation infrastructure facilities and expansion of technological capabilities of the innovation infrastructure of the cluster;

Development of a staffing system for cluster participants, implementation of measures to improve the level of training of specialists;

Development of the research and development sector, scientific and production activities and infrastructure.

2. Mission, strategic goal and objectives of the university

University mission: providing an innovative environment for the generation and transfer of new knowledge in the development of technologies and electronic products for various purposes, information and communication technologies for the development of high-tech sectors of the economy and social sphere.

The areas of educational and research activities of MIET throughout the history of the university have been concentrated on solving the problems of training personnel and creating scientific products for scientific institutions and enterprises of developers, manufacturers and consumers of electronic products. The most significant results were obtained in the field of electronic components, systems-on-chip, micro- and nanosystem technology, electronic information control and telecommunication systems.

From the existing prerequisites, it is natural to retain the following directions (hereinafter - PNR) as priorities for the development of the university:

· micro- and nanoelectronics,

· radio-electronic devices and systems.

The directions are focused on personnel training and the creation of scientific and innovative products in the field of nanoelectronics, micro- and nanosystem technology, and electronic component base; modern communication systems, information and control systems, navigation and positioning systems, intelligent systems for energy saving and high-tech medical equipment.

These commissioning projects represent a technological platform for creating, on the basis of modern technologies, an electronic component base of competitive radio-electronic devices, systems and complexes for various purposes, including special ones.

The relevance of the problems solved within these areas is confirmed by objective preconditions for long-term demand for high-tech products that ensure the country's security and are aimed at creating products for high-tech sectors of the economy.

In general, the activities of MIET within the framework of the selected PPRs are aimed at staffing the high-tech sectors of the country's economy with specialists in the field of electronics, the development of scientific research and the commercialization of high-tech products in the field of micro- and nanoelectronics, computer technology, communications, control and automation systems, transport, space and aviation equipment, medical equipment, energy-saving technologies.

The goal of the Program is to develop human resources, scientific, technical and innovative potential in the field of electronics for high-tech sectors of the economy and social sphere.

Achieving this goal will be ensured by solving the following interrelated tasks:

· modernization of educational activities for personnel training;

· development and improvement of the efficiency of scientific and innovative activities in PPR;

· development of MIET's personnel potential, ensuring continuity of generations and advanced training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers of the university;

· improvement of the MIET management system, aimed at solving the problems of the Program and improving the quality of educational and research activities.

The implementation of the Program is expected to be carried out in 2010 - 2019 in one stage.

Indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the Program implementation are given in Appendix No. 3 to this Program.

3. Activities of the development program and stages of their implementation

The objectives of the Program will be achieved through the coordinated implementation of the following activities, interconnected in terms of timing, resources and sources of financial support, grouped in the following areas:

1. Improvement and/or modernization of educational activities

Activity 1.1. Formation of a high-quality student population at the university.

In accordance with the State Program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education”, one of the main goals of the development of vocational education and the National Research University MIET should be a significant increase in the contribution of vocational education to the socio-economic and cultural modernization of the Russian Federation and increasing its global competitiveness, ensuring the relevance of the economy and society for everyone student.

The development of engineering and technical education is the most important condition for the innovative development of the state. In connection with this, the university sets itself the task of training graduates who will become an intellectual and labor resource for modernizing the Russian economy and increasing Russia’s competitiveness in the strategically important areas of electronics, nanoelectronics, and high-tech developments and production of IT products and technologies.

The basis for achieving this goal is the formation of a high-quality student population at the university. The event includes:

· Development of innovative forms of pre-university education on the basis of a scientific and educational complex, which includes scientific schools, graduating and basic departments of the National Research University MIET, innovation and production complexes of MIET, MIET partner schools with which contracts and cooperation agreements have been signed, highly qualified university teachers in interaction with leading school teachers.

· Development and implementation of new areas of work with gifted children and students prone to creative and research activities.

Activity 1.2. Updating the content of educational programs.

In activities to ensure the current content of educational programs, NRU MIET implements the state-emphasized need for structural, substantive, technological changes at the level of the main educational programs (EEP) of the university, which largely set the main parameters of the quality of the educational process and determine the competitiveness of both the university itself and and the graduates it prepares.

The development and implementation of the educational program will be carried out on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, taking into account professional standards and the requirements of employers, which will make it possible to fully reflect in the educational program the logic of the close relationship between the competencies formed during educational activities and the competence model of the graduate with the future professional activity of the graduate. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, when designing and implementing educational programs at the National Research University "MIET", a strategy will be implemented to further update the task of assessing the quality of education.

In addition, in the coming years, the university plans to actively develop the training of various categories of students in additional educational programs, creating new ones and modernizing existing ones in accordance with the “Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 499 of July 1, 2013 G.

The positive experience acquired by the university will be implemented not only in the joint development of additional professional programs (APP) with leading employees of enterprises, but also the experience of their joint implementation. Such programs will be offered for training both for employees of the partner enterprise and for employees of other enterprises. The alliance of teachers from the National Research University MIET, who master the theory and practice of the subject, apply advanced educational technologies and teaching methods, and leading practitioners from the real sector of the economy, has already made it possible to create programs that are of great interest to enterprises producing microelectronic and radioelectronic products in the country. The modular nature of building programs allows you to quickly design new ones on their basis - to suit the requirements of a specific customer. For the convenience of customers of training in DPP and to increase the audience of students, distance modules will be included in already developed programs. To disseminate the experience accumulated by MIET scientists, it is planned to introduce advanced training for enterprise employees in the form of internships.

In matters of retraining, the system of providing industry enterprises with highly qualified specialists through customized training of masters will continue to develop.

The event is aimed at creating educational programs for advanced training and retraining, modernizing educational activities to meet the personnel needs of domestic electronics and includes:

· development of a system of practice-oriented training for targeted training, taking into account the qualification requirements of customers and developing international professional standards in areas in demand by modern production: development and implementation of educational programs for applied bachelor's and master's degrees;

· certification of PEP through external examination procedures from the social and professional community and business;

· creation of profile-oriented additional educational programs for developing the competencies of researchers and developers in order to link basic knowledge with the experience of modern engineering;

· improving the system of interaction with corporate customers in the field of personnel training for commissioning as part of the development of public-private partnerships;

· attracting personnel from the field of science and business to the development and modernization of educational programs and educational and methodological complexes.

Activity 1.3. Development and implementation of modern educational methods and technologies.

The event includes:

· Implementation of educational programs using e-learning and distance learning technologies: presentation of methodological support in the electronic educational environment; conducting online consultations and discussing project results in the format of video conferences, etc.;

· Introduction of mobile technologies into face-to-face teaching of students: conducting express surveys using specialized software, etc.;

· Transfer to e-learning in bachelor's degrees: "Applied Informatics" and "Software Engineering", and master's programs in "Applied Informatics".

Activity 1.4. Introduction of a network form of implementation of educational programs with various educational and scientific institutions and enterprises of the real sector of the economy.

The development and implementation of network educational programs is the most important area of ​​ensuring flexibility and openness of the university’s scientific and educational environment, lowering the barriers between monodisciplinary areas of research, which are formalized over time into scientific schools that differ in level and approaches from university to university. Pooling resources within a network makes it possible to increase the efficiency of their use and optimize the work of network participants.

Network learning allows you to more effectively use the resources of the National Research University MIET: expand the student population and improve its quality without additional costs for its selection, improve the quality of graduates, increase the efficiency of using scientific equipment; develop new interdisciplinary areas of research; expand the circle of employer companies and customers; deepen the practical orientation of the knowledge and skills acquired by students. Involving graduate students and young university employees in networking will make it possible to prepare teachers of a new breed for the educational institution - “European engineering university teachers.”

The event includes:

Designing network educational programs, signing protocols of intent with network participants, developing a set of local regulations for the implementation of network programs, preparing layouts for 2 educational programs (2015); creation of a register of personnel and resources for program implementation (2016); implementation of the network training program for masters, preparation of analytical reports on the implementation of programs (2017 -2018); finalization of programs (2019).

2. Improvement and/or modernization of research and innovation activities

The event is aimed at developing the material and technical base of scientific research, creating world-class laboratories and increasing the efficiency of scientific and innovative activities. The event includes:

· development and equipping of the university’s scientific laboratories, centers for collective use with modern, including unique, equipment, bringing the fleet of scientific equipment in line with international requirements in order to create conditions for generating world-class knowledge, expanding the range and improving the quality of scientific research on PNR;

· integration of scientific and educational activities within the framework of research in priority scientific areas;

· implementation of innovative projects, development of innovative infrastructure and creation of world-class research laboratories;

· expanding effective interaction with enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the economy.

The development of the research and development sector, scientific and production activities and infrastructure will be carried out within the framework of projects of the Russian Science Foundation, the Foundation for Advanced Research, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Federal Target Program “Research and Development in Priority Areas of Development of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2014-2020” years”, development program of the Center for Collective Use “Microsystem technology and electronic component base”.

The main infrastructure development projects should be:

Infrastructure project “Creation of a Center for Expanded Access to the latest basic technologies for 3D integration of micro- and nanoelectronics products and electronic devices based on them”

Infrastructure project “Creation of a specialized diagnostic and metrological center of general access to provide services for research, diagnostics, measurements and testing of electronic components, including in the nanometer range”

The Center for Expanded Access to the latest basic technologies for 3D integration of micro- and nanoelectronics products and electronic devices based on them (the Center) was organized in 2013 and is implemented on the basis of the innovation complex of the National Research University MIET. For the development of the Center, a modern research and production infrastructure has been provided, implementing the full cycle of creating modern high-tech products in the field of microelectronics, microsystem technology, information and telecommunication systems and electronic equipment - from the design of an electronic component base to the production of pilot batches of final products.

The Center concentrates infrastructure capabilities, scientific and technical resources, resources and competencies of the National Research University MIET and other project participants. The project is being implemented within the framework of a consortium, which includes MIET, Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center, Zelenograd Innovation and Technology Center, Moscow enterprise Zelenograd Development Corporation, Ruselectronics OJSC, RUSNANO Foundation and Fraunhofer Institute IZM on the principles of partnership and economic feasibility.

The structure of the created specialized diagnostic and metrological center of general access to provide services for research, diagnostics, measurements and testing of electronic components of the National Research University "MIET" will include specialized centers and laboratories: Center for Collective Use "Diagnostics and Modification of Microstructures and Nano-Objects", Scientific- Research Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Scientific and Technological Center for Nano- and Microsystem Technology, including a laboratory for researching products of nano- and microsystem technology, Center for Technologies and Testing of Electronic Components.

The project is aimed at creating conditions for unhindered access to the latest technical means of research, diagnostics, measurements and testing of the electronic component base, including in the nanometer range, for participants of the Zelenograd cluster.

Key members of the cluster demonstrated their interest in the services of the Specialized Diagnostic and Metrology Center in writing. The center's services will in the future be extended to enterprises in Moscow.

The creation of a Specialized Diagnostic and Metrological Center will help expand the capabilities of research, diagnostics, measurements and testing of the electronic component base (ECB) for cluster participants by providing services in the mode of collective access to equipment and mutual services of cluster participants.

3. Development of the university’s human resources potential

Activity 3.1. Development of academic mobility of university students and research and teaching staff.

The event is aimed at realizing the possibilities of moving students and graduate students, teaching and research workers to other educational, scientific and other Russian and foreign organizations with resources for the implementation of academic mobility in order to carry out all types of academic exchange, within the framework of educational and scientific-educational activities, for a certain academic period. The event includes:

· participation in programs to support academic mobility, partnerships and international cooperation of scientific and pedagogical workers, students and graduate students;

· sending university students to partner universities for training under joint double degree programs or included training within the framework of inter-university cooperation (without issuing a second diploma), including within the framework of academic exchange programs;

· sending undergraduate and graduate students of the university to third-party organizations to undergo various types of internships, participate in summer schools in areas of training, in conferences and seminars;

· sending scientific and pedagogical workers to partner universities and organizations to give lectures, conduct classes and consultations, conduct scientific research on joint topics, participate in advanced training programs, undergo internships, participate in conferences and seminars.

Activity 3.2. Creation of flexible formats for attracting promising employees to work at the university.

The event includes:

· implementation by the university of a targeted personnel policy using the possibilities of competitive selection for positions of scientific and pedagogical workers in order to attract the most qualified specialists;

· expanding the practice of attracting promising teaching and scientific personnel with international qualifications, successful scientists, graduates of postgraduate schools of leading foreign universities, as well as leading domestic teachers and scientists, by establishing various forms of cooperation - inclusion in the university staff, giving a course of lectures, conducting a series of practical classes , master classes;

· expanding the practice of attracting qualified practitioners to conduct teaching and scientific activities from domestic and foreign companies, research and design institutes;

· training of highly qualified personnel - sending the best graduates of the master's program to postgraduate study at foreign universities, with their subsequent involvement in work in key positions at the university;

· development and implementation of programs to support postgraduate graduates of MIET and other domestic and foreign universities who have demonstrated success in research activities, with their subsequent retention for work at the university, including based on the results of successfully completed internships.

Activity 3.3. Creation of a competitive system of remuneration, motivation and development of personnel, formation and training of the university’s personnel reserve.

The event is aimed at increasing the motivation of employees to work effectively and to professional and personal development. Including through the introduction of an effective contract that establishes a direct dependence of the assignment of incentive payments on the employee’s performance, which helps to increase the employee’s responsibility both for the quality of his work and the efficiency of the university as a whole. The event includes:

· phased introduction and further improvement of effective contract mechanisms with scientific, pedagogical and other categories of workers;

· creation of a system for assessing and stimulating scientific and pedagogical workers who implement innovative teaching methods and successfully conduct scientific activities in priority areas of development for the university;

· establishing competitive wages for university research and teaching staff relative to wages on local labor markets;

· carrying out work to improve the structure, as well as the numerical and qualitative composition of the administrative, managerial and support staff of the university;

· development and implementation of a program for the formation of a personnel reserve of teaching, scientific and managerial personnel;

· formation of a unified corporate culture of the university and development of a system for integrating labor resources (support for programs and projects implemented jointly by employees of different structural divisions).

Activity 3.4. Advanced training and professional retraining of university employees.

The event is aimed at developing and improving the university’s human resources potential, creating conditions for the effective reproduction of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel and retaining young people in the field of science, education and high technology, preserving the continuity of generations, developing a system of lifelong learning and advanced training for employees, allowing them to acquire additional professional skills necessary to successfully perform corporate tasks. The event includes:

· development of leading scientific schools, including the organization of special seminars for young teachers with the involvement of leading scientists and specialists in the field of electronics, the organization of targeted internships and advanced training for members of scientific school teams in leading Russian and foreign scientific centers;

· advanced training and professional retraining of scientific and pedagogical workers, administrative and managerial staff of the university;

· advanced training and training of personnel to operate unique equipment in world-class laboratories;

· development of a personnel management system aimed at increasing the competence and improving the quality of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, developing a system for attracting talented youth to teaching and scientific activities and creating a system for their professional growth.

4. Improving the material and technical base and socio-cultural infrastructure

Activity 4.1. Development of socio-cultural and sports facilities of the university.

The event is aimed at developing the university’s regional center for science, sports and culture, integrating the socio-cultural infrastructure of the university and the surrounding region. The event includes:

· creation of a regional center for a healthy lifestyle and the introduction of a physical culture and sports complex “GTO” - modernization of outdoor sports facilities and the university’s sports complex to meet the requirements for the acceptance of “GTO” standards in all age groups;

· development and implementation of innovative methods for conducting social and cultural activities, physical culture, health and educational work, developing student government bodies, improving the corporate culture of the university;

· involving representatives of the public, business and industrial partners in joint participation in the process of integrating the socio-cultural and sports infrastructure of the university and the surrounding region;

· organizing educational and cultural events aimed at identifying and preventing negative social phenomena among young people, helping to solve problems of social and cultural development of the region.

Activity 4.2. Creating an accessible environment for learning for people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities.

The event includes:

· development of the infrastructure of academic buildings, dormitories, sports and cultural facilities of the university in order to create a barrier-free learning environment for people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities.

· development of innovative scientific, educational, physical education and rehabilitation technologies for training people with disabilities.

5. Improving the efficiency of university management

Activity 5.1. Formation of criteria for the effectiveness of academic activities.

The event is aimed at ensuring high target performance indicators of the university. The event includes:

· creation and implementation of an organizational and economic mechanism for university management, development and implementation of a budgeting system for university activities, taking into account the innovative component of development;

· creation of a comprehensive mechanism for managing information support for innovative training of specialists;

· reforming the management system of educational work with the priority of increasing the creative activity of students and creating a student innovative environment;

· improvement of the quality management system for educational and scientific activities.

Activity 5.2. Development of a system to support business processes of administrative, educational and research activities.

The event is aimed at increasing operational efficiency and reducing the time required for making management decisions. The event includes:

· development of a system for managing the main processes of educational and scientific activities using information and communication technologies and network infrastructure for interaction between the university and universities, partner organizations and all parties interested in the activities of the university;

· introduction into the activities of the university of advanced technologies for targeted delivery of diverse information to mobile devices;

· development of information resources and information and communication environment of the university based on the implementation of corporate information technology solutions and systems.

The timing of the implementation of the activities and their main results are presented in Appendix 1.

4. Financial support for the development program

Federal budget allocations for financial support of Program activities are not provided. Extra-budgetary financial support for the Program’s activities amounts to only 610.0 million rubles, including: 2015 – 110 million rubles; 2016 – 120.0 million rubles; 2017 – 120.0 million rubles; 2018 – 130.0 million rubles; 2019 – 130.0 million rubles;

The volumes of financial support for the Program are given in this Program.

Extrabudgetary funds for the implementation of the Program are attracted from the strategic partners of the university, as well as from JSC Special Economic Zones and JSC Zelenograd Innovation and Technology Center.

5. Expected results and risks of implementing the development program

The implementation of the Program will allow:

· create a modern integrated multi-level system of project-research and practice-oriented training for continuous targeted professional training and retraining of personnel in the field of electronics for high-tech sectors of the economy and social sphere through the formation of a systemic development space for each student, the implementation of new methodological approaches in the formation of developer competencies -researcher based on the integration of educational, scientific and innovative activities, ensuring the professional adaptation of graduates to the requirements of modern production and the future needs of the labor market;

· create, together with strategic partners, new innovative, competitive and import-substituting scientific and technical products to ensure the country's parity position in the field of electronic component base, systems-on-chip, micro- and nanosystems for modern domestic radio-electronic devices and electronic equipment systems, electronic intelligent systems management of transport, aviation, rocket and space and special equipment;

· help reduce the country’s dependence on foreign suppliers of electronic components and electronics products, which largely determine the tactical and technical characteristics of modern military equipment, the level of security of information and telecommunication systems of national importance, as well as the prospects for creating new consumer products;

· create an effective system for commercialization and technology transfer in the field of electronics;

· create a basis for staffing the development of the Zelenograd technology innovation zone as a regional electronics cluster based on advanced training of specialists in current areas of development;

· organize new jobs by significantly expanding the university's innovation belt through the creation of start-up high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the formation of joint ventures with foreign companies - leaders in the field of electronics.

The implementation of the Program will lead to a significant change in the appearance of MIET as a new type of scientific and educational institution due to deeper integration into the global scientific and educational space and the formation of strong ties with the high-tech sector of the economy. As a result of the implementation of the Program, MIET will become one of the world centers of science and education in the field of electronics, implementing international educational, scientific, innovative projects and programs with the involvement of foreign students and specialists. At the same time, the main emphasis in the activities of MIET will be placed, first of all, on the training of national Russian personnel with experience in participating in international projects, which will contribute to the implementation of state policy to transfer the economy to innovative development.

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