Unusual peoples of the world. The strangest social customs and traditions in the world

The rites and rituals of the peoples of the world reflect history, traditions, and mentality. Representatives of different cultures have been practicing them for thousands of years. For them and their fellow tribesmen, making incisions on a dead body, adding the ashes of the deceased to soup, or sending a girl of marriageable age into the jungle overnight to be raped by a male gorilla is considered the norm.

Civilized Europeans are shocked by everyday and sexual mores that have survived to this day. We have collected the strangest traditions and rituals of antiquity of different peoples, which, it would seem, have no place in modern society. And they live and are revered.

Flight of a newborn

Rituals associated with the birth of children are different for every nation in the world. The strangest ritual has been practiced in the Indian state of Karnataka for more than 500 years.

Muslim couples who become parents come to the Sri Santswara temple for blessings, after which they climb the temple tower with their newborn. From there, the baby is dropped from a 15-meter height onto a sheet held by the men below.

A bizarre ritual is needed for a child to grow healthy, strong, resilient and lucky. Every year more than 200 children under two years of age pass through it. Their “flight” is accompanied by songs and dances of an enthusiastic crowd.

Corpse with cutting

Strange customs associated with death are found in cultures of different nations. Most Tibetans profess Buddhism, and in Buddhism the human body is just a vessel. Religion allows it to be destroyed.

Until recently, the bodies of the dead were not buried, like ours, but taken to the mountains and left at the top at the mercy of predatory animals. But before giving the body of the deceased to be torn to pieces by wild animals, cuts were made on it.

Today, funeral rites are prohibited, but relatives of the deceased may insist on organizing a funeral according to the tradition described above.

Penalty for death

Representatives of the Masai tribe living in the provinces of Kenya are famous for their unusual traditions. Unlike most peoples of the world, they do not recognize death as a natural process and are always looking for someone to blame.

The deceased is placed under a tree, community members sit around and wait for the body to fall. The one in whose direction it fell is considered guilty. The deceased “indicated” that the criminal must pay a fine to his family. You can wait for a “sign” for an hour or two or several days, but the truth is more expensive.

The Masai are one of the strangest tribes in the world. Teenagers will not be considered men until they pull the lion's tail. And not just anywhere, but at its very base. The leader gives the boys the right to choose: if they don’t want to mess with the predator, let them kick the rhinoceros in the nose three times.

Initiation by ants

The TOP of the strangest traditions of different countries includes initiation into men. It is passed by the boys of the Satere-Mawe people living in Brazil.

With the onset of puberty, the shaman gathers them and takes them into the jungle. There, the boys will need to collect aggressive bullet ants, which sting painfully and feel like gunshot wounds. The insects are fumigated with special herbs and the sleepy ones are collected in special gloves.

After waking up, the ants become even more aggressive, but this fact does not bother anyone. The shaman orders the boys to put gloves on their hands and dance for 10 minutes so as not to think from the pain. Initiation will take place if the teenager survives the torture 20 times.

Ashes and bones soup

Torture by ants is not the only strange tradition of the peoples of Brazil. The Yanomami tribe ensures "eternal rest" for their dead in their own unique way.

The bodies of the deceased are burned, after which plantain soup is cooked. The bones and ashes of the deceased must be added to the broth. Relatives are required to eat this dish - it is believed that loved ones will live forever in the bodies of their loved ones after ingesting their remains.

The Yanomami have been living separately for 11 thousand years and have virtually no contact with the external environment. Perhaps this is why the creepy traditions of their people have existed for so long.

Fertility phallus

No less curious are sexual customs, rituals, and zest can be found in the traditions of any nation in the world. Even conservative Japan has interesting rituals.

There has been a cult of the phallus here since ancient times - the annual Kanamara Matsuri festival is held in its honor. On this day, a wooden penis 2.5 meters long and weighing 25 kg is carried through the streets of the city, which is considered a symbol of the fertility of people and the earth.

The Japanese and tourists who come to the holiday carry miniature phalluses made of papier-mâché in their hands. The streets are filled with piquant souvenirs. Sex on holidays is encouraged, especially passionate and fantasy sex.

Wedding night - by seniority

The Polynesian islands surprise with unusual sex customs. It is customary to spend the first wedding night here with friends. Male friends, no matter how many there are, are obliged to have sexual intercourse with the newly-made spouse. The eldest has the first right. The husband brings up the rear.

The bridesmaids also take part in the wedding night, entertaining the crowd with songs and dances. The strange sexual ritual is associated with a local belief about virgin blood infected with demons. It is believed that strangers cleanse a young wife from filth, and the woman gets to her legal spouse, already pure, but still innocent. A group wedding night is not cheating.

Public defloration

A similar sexual custom exists in Egypt and several other states of the Islamic world. There, the bride is deflowered in the presence of parents, close relatives and guests gathered for the celebration.

The groom wrapped a white cloth around his index finger and inserted it into the vagina. The blood on the fabric is proof of the girl’s purity. After that, they put a burqa on her - from now on the wife could only show her face to her husband.

Don't wash to avoid getting divorced

The Tidun community living in Indonesia also boasts a unique sexual custom. The bride and groom are separated by a thick curtain, so the man will not see the face of his chosen one until a certain moment.

A certain moment will come when the groom sings some love songs to the bride. After the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds will go to their place and will be alone, but they will not be able to take a bath or use the shower for 3 days after the wedding.

Members of the Tidun community firmly believe that following this rule will strengthen the marriage, make it happy and lasting. If a couple breaks it and bathes earlier, then a breakup, death of children, and other troubles await them.


Polyandry is practiced in the sexual traditions of Tibet and Nepal. Anthropologists associate its origin with the shortage of fertile lands in the Himalayas. The siblings had one wife for all of them.

After marriage, each brother had to be allocated a plot of land so that he could feed the family. To prevent the loss of precious land, Nepalese families with multiple sons began organizing "fraternal hostels."

So today in Nepal and its neighboring areas polyandry will not surprise anyone.

Chastity Castle

The chastity belt and chastity lock have become household names, and in some African tribes they are still used for their intended purpose. In order for a girl to maintain her virginity, her vagina is sewn up while still a child. The threads are removed only on the eve of the wedding.

The customs of two African tribes can be radically different. While some guard the chastity of girls, others have come up with a strict initiation ritual for them.

In equatorial Africa, a girl cannot get married until she spends the night in the jungle. There she must have sexual contact with a gorilla.

Some holiday customs of the peoples of the world can plunge into a state of shock any person uninitiated in the intricacies of their national culture. Just look at the crowd of people in devil costumes jumping over babies during the Spanish festival "El Colacho", or old sofas flying from the windows of houses in the South African city of Johannesburg on New Year's Eve! Native customs will seem like childish pranks compared to what residents of other countries do. Today we will remember the strangest traditions from all over the world and find out how they appeared.

Ukrainian Christmas and the web

In most countries, just the sight of a spider or web will be a good reason to panic and run out of the house screaming in horror. But this does not apply to Ukraine, where the many-legged “monster” will only be welcome. Especially at Christmas! After all, spiders, according to Ukrainians, bring happiness and good luck. According to an ancient legend, it was these creatures who helped save Christmas for a certain poor widow and children. They decorated the pine cone that served as her Christmas tree with their silvery web and brought the holiday atmosphere back into the house.

The legend definitely brought a couple of notes of Halloween horror to the Ukrainian version of the Christmas tale. Indeed, in memory of the miracle performed by spiders, the inhabitants of this country began to decorate the holiday tree with artificial cobwebs.

New Year's chaos in South Africa

There are hundreds of ways to celebrate the New Year in an original way. You can, for example, watch the crystal ball descend in Times Square or set off giant fireworks. Have you heard that not so long ago, on the eve of this holiday, South Africans threw old furniture out of the windows of their own houses?

This tradition became widespread in one of the criminal areas of Johannesburg in the 90s of the 20th century after the end of the apartheid era. However, it was not allowed to exist for a long time for objective reasons. Several years ago, a refrigerator flying from the upper floors seriously injured an innocent pedestrian.

Police officers have joined the fight against this dangerous tradition. To maintain law and order, they cruised the streets of the problem area in armored vehicles. The police efforts met with some success. In 2013, not a single piece of furniture flew out of the windows of local houses, although on New Year's Eve there were an incredible number of fights, fireworks were launched everywhere, and a peaceful pedestrian could be hit by a barrage of glass bottles.

Fast food for Christmas in Japan

There are strange traditions in Japan too. And they concern the Christmas menu of its residents. The Japanese do not want to see traditional dishes like turkey or goose on their holiday table. They prefer trivial fried chicken from the KFC fast food restaurant chain to all the culinary delights of the world. How did it happen that banal fast food originally from America became a local national tradition?

Despite the efforts of historians and ethnographers, the history of these peoples still keeps its mysteries.

1. Russians

Yes, Russians are one of the most mysterious peoples. Scientists still cannot come to a consensus either about when Russians became “Russians” or about where this word actually came from. The question of the origin of the people remains controversial. The ancestors of the Russians included the Normans, the Scythians, the Sarmatians, the Wends, and even the South Siberian Usun people.

We do not know the origins of the Maya people, nor where they disappeared to. Some scientists trace the roots of the Mayans to the legendary Atlanteans, others believe that their ancestors were the Egyptians. The Mayans created an effective farming system and had deep knowledge of astronomy. The calendar developed by the Mayans was also used by other peoples of Central America. They used a hieroglyphic writing system, partially deciphered. The Mayan civilization was very developed, but by the time the conquistadors arrived it was in deep decline, and the Mayans themselves seemed to have disappeared into history.

3. Laplanders

Laplanders are also called Sami and Lapps. The age of this ethnic group is at least 5000 years. Scientists are still arguing about who the Laplanders are and where they came from. Some consider this people to be Mongoloid, others argue that the Laplanders are Paleo-Europeans. The Sami language is classified as a Finno-Ugric language, but the Laplanders have 10 dialects of the Sami language, which are so different from each other that they can be called independent. This even makes it difficult for some Laplanders to communicate with others.

4. Prussians

The very origin of the Prussian name is shrouded in mystery. The first time it is found only in the 9th century in the form Brusi in a draft by an anonymous merchant, and later in Polish and German chronicles. Linguists find analogies for it in many Indo-European languages ​​and believe that it goes back to the Sanskrit purusa - “man”. There is also no sufficient information preserved about the language of the Prussians. Its last bearer died in 1677, and the plague of 1709-1711 exterminated the last Prussians in Prussia itself. Already in the 17th century, instead of Prussian history, the history of “Prussianism” and the kingdom of Prussia began, the local population of which had little in common with the Baltic name of the Prussians.

5. Cossacks

The question of where the Cossacks came from still remains unresolved. Their homeland is found in the North Caucasus, the Azov region, and Western Turkestan. The ancestry of the Cossacks is traced back to the Scythians, Alans, Circassians, Khazars, Goths, and Brodniks. Supporters of all versions have their own arguments. Today the Cossacks are a multi-ethnic community, but they themselves like to insist that the Cossacks are a separate people.

6. Parsis

Parsis are an ethno-religious group of followers of Zoroastrianism in South Asia, of Iranian origin. Its number now amounts to less than 130 thousand people. Parsis have their own temples and so-called “towers of silence”, where, in order not to desecrate the sacred elements (earth, fire, water), they bury the dead (the corpses are pecked by vultures). Parsis are often compared to Jews; they were also forced to leave their homeland and are meticulous in matters of religious observance. The Iran League in India at the beginning of the 20th century promoted the return of Parsis to their homeland, reminiscent of the Zionism of the Jews.

7. Hutsuls

There is still debate about the meaning of the word “hutsul”. Some scientists believe that the etymology of the word goes back to the Moldavian “gots” or “guts”, which means “robber”, others - to the word “kochul”, which means “shepherd”. The Hutsuls are also called “Ukrainian highlanders.” Among them, the traditions of witchcraft are still strong. Hutsul sorcerers are called molfars. They can be white or black. Molfars enjoy unquestioned authority.

8. Hittites

The Hittite power was one of the most influential forces on the geopolitical map of the Ancient World. The first constitution appeared here, the Hittites were the first to use war chariots and revered the double-headed eagle, but information about the Hittites is still fragmentary. In their “tables of the courageous deeds” of the kings there are many notes “for the next year,” but the year of the report is unknown. We know the chronology of the Hittite state from the sources of its neighbors. The question remains open: where did the Hittites disappear? Johann Lehmann in his book “Hittites. People of a Thousand Gods” gives a version that the Hittites went north, where they assimilated with the Germanic tribes. But this is just a version.

9. Sumerians

The Sumerians are the most interesting and still one of the most mysterious peoples of the Ancient World. We don't know where they came from or what language family their language belonged to. A large number of homonyms suggests that it was tonal (like, for example, modern Chinese), which means that the meaning of what was said often depended on intonation. The Sumerians were one of the most advanced peoples of their time, they were the first in the entire Middle East to use the wheel, create an irrigation system, invent a unique writing system, and the Sumerians’ knowledge of mathematics and astronomy is still amazing.

10. Etruscans

The ancient people of the Etruscans unexpectedly arose in human history, but also suddenly disappeared into it. According to archaeologists, the Etruscans inhabited the northwestern part of the Apennine Peninsula and created a fairly developed civilization there. It was the Etruscans who founded the first cities in Italy. Historians also believe that Roman numerals can also be called Etruscan. It is unknown where the Etruscans disappeared to. According to one version, they moved to the east and became the founders of the Slavic ethnic group. Some scientists argue that the Etruscan language is very close in structure to the Slavic ones.

11. Armenians

The origin of the Armenians remains a mystery. There are many versions. Some scientists correlate the Armenians with the people of the ancient state of Urartu, but the genetic component of the Urartians is present in the genetic code of the Armenians in the same way as the genetic component of the same Hurrians and Luwians, not to mention the proto-Armenians. There are Greek versions of the origin of the Armenians, as well as the so-called “Hayasian hypotheses”, in which Hayas, the territory east of the Hittite kingdom, becomes the original homeland of the Armenians. Scientists have never given a final answer to the question of the origin of the Armenians and most often adhere to the migration-mixed hypothesis of Armenian ethnogenesis.

12. Gypsies

According to linguistic and genetic studies, the ancestors of the Roma left Indian territory in numbers not exceeding 1,000 people. Today there are about 10 million Roma in the world. In the Middle Ages, Gypsies in Europe were considered Egyptians. The word Gitanes itself is a derivative of the Egyptian. Tarot cards, considered the last surviving remnant of the cult of the Egyptian god Thoth, were brought to Europe by the gypsies. It was not for nothing that they were called “Pharaoh’s tribe.” It was also amazing for Europeans that the gypsies embalmed their dead and buried them in crypts, where they placed everything necessary for life after death. These funeral traditions are still alive among the Roma today.

13. Jews

Jews are one of the most mysterious living peoples. For a long time it was believed that the very concept of “Jews” was cultural rather than ethnic. That is, that “Jews” were created by Judaism, and not vice versa. There are still fierce discussions in science about what the Jews originally were - a people, a social class or a religious denomination.

There are many mysteries in the history of the Jewish people. At the end of the 8th century BC, five-sixths of Jews disappeared completely - 10 out of 12 ethnic groups. Where they disappeared to is the big question. There is a version that from the Scythians and Cimmerians, as descendants of 10 tribes, come the Finns, Swiss, Swedes, Norwegians, Irish, Welsh, French, Belgians, Dutch, Danes, Irish and Welsh, that is, almost all European peoples. The question of the origin of the Ashkenazim and their closeness to Middle Eastern Jews also remains debatable.

14. Guanches

Guanches are the natives of Tenerife. The mystery of how they ended up in the Canary Islands has not yet been solved, since they did not have a fleet and did not have seafaring skills. Their anthropological type did not correspond to the latitudes where they lived. The rectangular pyramids on the island of Tenerife, similar to the Mayan and Aztec pyramids in Mexico, are also controversial. Neither the time of their construction nor the purpose for which they were erected is known.

15. Khazars

Neighboring peoples wrote a lot about the Khazars, but they themselves left virtually no information about themselves. Just as suddenly the Khazars appeared on the historical stage, just as suddenly they left it. Historians still do not have sufficient archaeological data about what Khazaria was like, nor an understanding of what language the Khazars spoke. It is also unknown where they eventually disappeared. There are many versions. There is no clarity.

16. Basque

The age, origin and language of the Basques is one of the main mysteries of modern history. The Basque language, Euskara, is considered the only relict pre-Indo-European language that does not belong to any currently existing language family. When it comes to genetics, according to a 2012 study by the National Geographic Society, all Basques contain a set of genes that significantly distinguishes them from other peoples around them.

17. Chaldeans

The Chaldeans are a Semitic-Aramaic people who lived at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 1st millennium BC. in the territory of Southern and Central Mesopotamia. In 626-538 BC. Babylon was ruled by the Chaldean dynasty, which founded the Neo-Babylonian kingdom. The Chaldeans were a people who are still associated with magic and astrology. In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, priests and fortune-tellers of Babylonian origin were called Chaldeans. The Chaldeans made predictions to Alexander the Great and his successors Antigonus and Seleucus.

18. Sarmatians

Sarmatians are one of the most mysterious peoples in world history. Herodotus called them “lizard-headed,” Lomonosov believed that the Slavs descended from the Sarmatians, and the Polish gentry called themselves their direct descendants. The Sarmatians left a lot of mysteries. They probably had a matriarchy. Some scientists trace the roots of the Russian kokoshnik to the Sarmatians. Among them, the custom of artificially deforming the skull was widespread, thanks to which a person’s head took on the shape of an elongated egg.

19. Kalash

The Kalash are a small people living in the north of Pakistan in the Hindu Kush mountains. They are probably the most famous "white" people in Asia. Disputes about the origins of the Kalash continue today. The Kalash themselves are sure that they are the descendants of Macedonian himself. The Kalash language is called phonologically atypical; it has retained the basic composition of Sanskrit. Despite attempts at Islamization, many Kalash retain polytheism.

20. Philistines

The modern name "Palestine" comes from "Philistia". The Philistines are the most mysterious people mentioned in the Bible. In the Middle East, only they and the Hittites mastered the technology of steel smelting, marking the beginning of the Iron Age. The Bible says that these people originate from the island of Caphtor (Crete), although some historians correlate the Philistines with the Pelasgians. Both Egyptian manuscripts and archaeological finds testify to the Cretan origins of the Philistines. It is still not clear where the Philistines disappeared to. Most likely, they were assimilated by the peoples of the Eastern Mediterranean.

How are all the countries of the world different from each other? Of course, geographical location and national composition. But there is something more. Today we will talk about the most interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world.


A Turkish man cannot get a second wife until he gives the first one gold jewelry worth at least ten thousand dollars. It is generally accepted that this is how a man can confirm his financial solvency and prove his ability to support several wives.

It is not very civilized to talk at the table without asking permission from the owner of the house, and you should not choose pieces of food from the common dish too carefully. And if you decide to use a toothpick, then you should do it with your hand over your mouth, as if you were playing a harmonica.


Among the interesting traditions and customs of the peoples of the world, the rituals of India occupy a special place. It's worth starting with a greeting. Of course, you can just shake hands when you meet. But there are some subtleties here. For example, shaking hands with a person you have not previously met is bad manners. Women should not shake hands either - this is considered an insult in India. How to greet your interlocutor without offending him? Bring your hands together at chest level.

Without a doubt, many people know about the cult of the animal that exists in Wonderland, as India is also called. The main animal here is the cow. They are the ones who calmly walk along the streets of populated areas. Cows die naturally, usually from old age, because eating their meat is prohibited in India.

But not only artiodactyls have the status of sacred animals. Monkey temples are being built in this country. The most famous is the Palace of the Winds, which, by the way, is not recommended for tourists to enter. Why? Yes, because there are a huge number of monkeys that live there and can be aggressive. Another animal revered in India is the peacock. They literally live happily here - they sing their songs everywhere: in churches, in the courtyards of houses and just on the streets.

If you decide to visit a temple in India, be sure to take off your shoes when entering. And in general, for the duration of your trip, exclude genuine leather shoes from your wardrobe.


If we talk about funny and funny customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, you should pay attention to this African country. Here the young spouse is obliged to wear women's clothes for a whole month after the wedding and perform all women's duties.


Once upon a time in China, a method of revenge was practiced as revenge through suicide: an offended person came to the house (or yard) of his offender and killed himself. In this case, the Chinese said, the soul of the suicide does not ascend to heaven, but remains in the house of the offender and brings various misfortunes to him and his family.

Once upon a time in China there was a widespread tradition of foot binding. It appeared in the 10th century. Six-year-old girls had their feet tightly tied with bandages. This was done in order to prevent the leg from growing. The fact is that in China, small feet are the standard of beauty; girls with miniature feet are easier to marry. Because girls experienced terrible pain and had difficulty moving, foot binding was officially banned in 1912. But in some regions of the country this is still practiced.

Today in the Celestial Empire there are also interesting traditions. For example, when going on a visit, you should not take flowers with you. The owners of the house take this as a hint that the house is so uncomfortable and unattractive that the guest decided to decorate it himself.

Many customs and traditions of the peoples of the world are associated with food intake. China is no exception. Here, for example, slurping is not a sign of uncivil behavior, but quite the opposite. If you don't slurp at the table, it can offend both the owners of the house where you are invited for lunch or dinner, and the cook in the restaurant. Residents of the Middle Kingdom consider quiet eating to be eating without pleasure. There is no need to worry about stains accidentally placed on the tablecloth. You should even deliberately stain it, thereby making it clear that the food brought you incredible pleasure.


Speaking about the most unusual customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, it is worth noting the so-called monkey banquet, which is usually held in the province of Thailand called Lopburi. This happens as follows: literally thousands of kilograms of fresh vegetables and fruits are brought to the local temple and about two thousand monkeys are invited. These animals are loved here because once an entire army of monkeys helped God Rama defeat his enemies.

There are other traditions. For example, it is not recommended to point at something (let alone someone) with your foot. The lower part of the body is considered despicable in this country. By the way, it is for this reason that you should not sit with one leg crossed over the other and your feet pointing towards the Buddha statue. When traveling to Thailand, it is important to know that the Thais honor absolutely every image of a deity, and therefore you should not lean, step on or climb on the statues to take an unusual photo. Another local tradition is to be sure to take off your shoes before entering someone's house or temple.


The lifestyle of the Norwegians occupies a special place among the customs and traditions of the peoples of the world. For example, in this country it is not customary to give up seats on public transport to older people. The fact is that here it is perceived as a demonstration of physical advantage. What else should you not do in Norway? Ask about how you are feeling. It's considered too personal.

It is not customary in Norway to hug when meeting. Usually people just shake hands or barely touch their fingertips. When parting, you can pat each other on the back. Another interesting tradition concerns visiting people: you should not go to someone without warning. In addition, you must provide the exact time of departure. It will not be possible to leave later than this time - the owners will show you the door at the appointed hour without a twinge of conscience.


If you are interested in unusual traditions and customs of the peoples of the world, we recommend paying attention to Denmark. A flag hung in the window means that there is someone in this house who is celebrating a birthday.

A very interesting tradition applies to young men and girls whose age has reached 25 years. They are usually sprinkled with cinnamon. This is done so that the pleasant smell helps representatives of the opposite sex understand that this person is lonely and would not mind getting to know each other.


Discussing the interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, one cannot help but mention Japanese rituals. It is not customary here to leave work until the manager leaves. It is also not customary to greet each other with a handshake; usually they just make a polite bow.

Local traditions also talk about the number of flowers that can be given. Unlike Russia, where they give only odd numbers of flowers, in Japan they give only even numbers. The Japanese say: a flower without a mate feels lonely and quickly fades. An odd number of flowers is suitable for mourning ceremonies.

Andaman Islands

When getting acquainted with the unusual customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, one cannot ignore the Andaman Islands. When meeting, one native sits on the lap of another native, puts his arm around his neck and begins to cry. No, no, he does not complain about his sad life and is not going to tell tragic episodes from his biography. This is how he simply expresses his joy at meeting a fellow tribesman.


Among the strangest customs and traditions of the peoples of the world is the Tibetan ritual of showing each other their tongue when meeting. This custom appeared in the 9th century. Then Tibet was ruled by King Landarm, who was particularly cruel. The main sign of the king was his black tongue. The Tibetans were afraid that the king (or his soul) might inhabit someone after death, and therefore, for safety reasons, they began to stick out their tongues at each other.

If you also decide to join this tradition, make sure that you have not eaten anything before that could turn your tongue a dark color.


In Vietnam, it is not customary to look your interlocutor in the eyes. There are two reasons for this: the first is the inherent shyness of the Vietnamese, the second is that the interlocutor may be a more respected person and may have a higher rank. Speaking about interesting traditions and customs of the peoples of the world concerning children, it is worth noting the Vietnamese ban on praising a newborn child. In this country, it is believed that an evil spirit nearby may hear about the value of the baby and steal it.

It is not customary in this country to argue loudly. The Vietnamese are distinguished by self-discipline and good upbringing, and therefore heated discussions of guests from Europe cause disapproval among local residents. If we talk about the rather mysterious national customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, we cannot help but mention the Vietnamese tradition of hanging mirrors on the entrance doors (from the outside). For what? It's very simple - a dragon who wants to get into a house will see its reflection and think that a dragon already lives in this house.


In Tanzania, as well as in other regions of Africa, it is customary to consider the left hand to be dirty and the right hand to be clean. That is why it is not customary here to eat or give gifts with the left hand. The method of receiving gifts is also interesting: first you need to touch the gift with your right hand, and then you need to hold the giver by his right hand.


In the United States of America, it is customary to celebrate almost any event. This list includes birthdays, weddings, the birth of children or pregnancy, and much more. For the hero of the occasion, for example, guests usually arrange a procedure called showering.

What gifts are they showering? It all depends on the occasion. These can be items useful in the household (towels, pancake pans or vases), but you can also receive very frivolous gifts.

Wedding customs

Well, and as a bonus - wedding traditions and customs of different peoples of the world. For example, every even slightly self-respecting resident of Andalusia is simply obliged to jump from a cliff headfirst before their wedding. It’s just that ancient traditions say: only a man with a strong skull can marry. But the most interesting thing is different: the height of the cliff depends on the number of relatives of the future wife - the more there are, the higher the height you will have to jump from.

A wedding tradition that is observed in some parts of India may seem funny. Some states prohibit third marriages. It is possible to lead a woman to the altar twice, four times too, but three times is strictly prohibited. Moreover, only marriage with a living person is prohibited. Therefore, men who decide not to stop at two marriages are forced to marry a tree for the third time. The wedding ceremony is usually not so magnificent, but there are guests and gifts. After the wedding celebrations are over, the invitees help the newly-made spouse become a widower - all together they cut down the bride. Problem solved, you can get married again.

When talking about wedding traditions and rituals of the peoples of the world, one cannot lose sight of the Greek traditions. Here, during the entire wedding celebration, the young wife strives to step on her husband’s foot. The best way to do this is through dance. Such a maneuver, according to local beliefs, suggests that a woman has every chance of becoming the head of the family.

In the Nicobar Islands, located in the Bay of Bengal, a man who expressed a desire to marry a girl had to become her slave for some time (usually from six months to a year). During this time, the girl had to think about everything and give an answer. If she agrees to marry, the village council declares the couple man and wife. If he refused, the man was forced to return home.

One of the most interesting wedding traditions and customs of the peoples of the world can be safely called the rituals of Central Nigeria. Here, girls of marriageable age are locked in separate huts and fattened. Only the mothers of these girls are allowed into these huts. For several months (or even years), mothers bring their daughters large amounts of starchy food to make them gain weight. The fact is that in these places curvaceous women are highly valued, which means that it is easier for fat women to get married successfully.

It is customary for Vietnamese newlyweds to give two gifts. Here it is believed that one gift symbolizes an imminent divorce. Therefore, it is better to give two inexpensive gifts rather than one expensive one.

Are you ready to come to visit a friend, slap him on the back of the head, slurp loudly at the table, fingering the food with your hands, and after an approving burp, indulge in carnal pleasures with the wife of the owner of the house? Not ready? And somewhere such non-trivial behavior is considered quite polite, moreover, traditional.

Quirks at the table

Many unusual traditions and customs of some countries may seem wild and incomprehensible to one people, but are quite acceptable on the other side of the world. For example, Papuans in New Guinea will not appreciate your friendly handshake, but will offer to shake a completely different organ as a greeting.

And if a loud burp at a dinner with the Russian Maria Ivanovna makes the ladies present curl up their noses, then the German hosts can only applaud you. Moreover, the Germans will not be embarrassed at all if a guest decides to pass gas or blow his nose loudly without leaving the table.

The Japanese and Chinese are also not known for their silence during lunch. The louder the guest slurps, the more happy the owner is. You can make a Korean hostess happy by shedding a stingy man's tear at the table.

But once you're in Portugal, think twice before asking for extra spices. This may offend the chefs, who will think that you want to compete with them in culinary skills.

Alcohol traditions of the peoples of the world

The Chinese are very caring people. At a corporate party with your boss, you can easily snatch a glass or glass from your boss and drink, arguing that the boss has important things to do and doesn’t need a headache. As a sign of respect to the authorities, when clinking glasses, it is customary to hold the glass lower.

Spain and wine became closely related back in the Middle Ages. Today, the Spaniards have no concept of drunkenness. There is only a drinking culture there. And the fact that a guest may accidentally turn out to be insane is only the fault of alcohol. But drinking wine is already boring; it’s much more interesting to generously pour it on each other. This is exactly what the people of Haro do during the annual wine festival.

Denmark is the country of hygge. And since the Danes preferred to seek happiness and pleasure in simple things, the Finns do this everywhere and in everything. Even in drinking traditions.

Finns prefer to drink alcohol at home, in their underwear. Well, everything is clear here, what could be more convenient than drinking your favorite drink, sitting comfortably on a soft sofa in wide shorts, nothing is too tight anywhere, and the underwear doesn’t embarrass anyone - true pleasure. And the result was a new Finnish trend - kalsarikännit.

This term is used by the Finns to designate a series of national emojis that depict little men in underwear holding a glass. Don’t rush to imagine a girl in erotic lingerie with a glass of fine wine. The true personification of kalsarikännit is more like a bearded Viking in family shorts or a lady in curlers and a nightgown with a glass. And this is by no means a wake-up call for alcoholism and hopelessness of the Finnish people. Down with socks, cocoa and romance, Finnish kalsarikännit is trending.

7 years of bad sex for the wrong toast

When drinking in Denmark and Germany, you should be careful and soulful, say sincere toasts, wish everyone health, or simply invite everyone to drink with a loud cry of “Prost!” But the most important thing, when clinking glasses, is to look into the eyes with a toasty, preferably expressive look. If you gape at this time, following a pretty girl with your eyes, you will be “jokingly” cursed with 7 years of bad sex! Be careful if you value your privacy. And in order not to guess later why your sex life has started to crack, it is better to look into the eyes of everyone who offers you a drink in Germany.

If everything is more or less clear with the use of alcohol and the drinking culture of different countries, then the sexual customs and traditions of the peoples of the world are distinguished by special, sometimes wild, rituals.

The most unusual sexual traditions in the world

Representatives of wild tribes are undoubtedly especially sophisticated in showing sympathy. They are inventive in their choice of sexual caresses and prefer very non-standard methods of satisfying sexual needs.

For example, representatives of the Trobriand Island tribe find it very exciting to chew on a partner's eyelashes. Surely, the islanders have very sharp teeth or very fragile eyelashes.

The Brazilians were also very inventive in seduction. The Jerusalem artichoke Indians, wanting to make a special impression on their partner and prolong sexual intercourse, went naked into the jungle to seduce poisonous snakes with their dignity. Snake venom increased the sensitivity of the penis and the brave warrior could please his partner for hours, if, of course, he managed to reach her. After all, snake venom is no joke, and such perversions often ended in death, and the lady could only honor the memory of the brave snake tempter with a swollen genital organ.

Hindus have also been famous since ancient times for their love of extraordinary sexual experiments. After all, it was India that gave the world the imperishable sexual user's manual - the Kama Sutra, which is still among the top best-selling books in the world.

India is also famous for its pornographic bas-reliefs - the most explicit wall compositions in the world.

Indian men practiced unusual male piercings, decorating the genitals with items made of precious metals, iron or wood. Particularly sophisticated ladies' men could also use buffalo horn as decoration. How satisfied the women were with this and whether they remained alive in principle, history is silent. But it is known that among Indians, male satisfaction came first, and girls... and then girls.

Oddly enough, Russia, too, has not always been distinguished by conservative views, and is not one of the puritanical countries. The proverb alone, “A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare,” suggests that a woman in Rus' was not a very respected person. Before the advent of Christianity, our ancestors led, to put it mildly, a riotous lifestyle.

Some sources claim that virginity in Rus' was not so valued. And the most desirable brides were women who had already had several partners. Hot Russian women were greedy for a man and too loving.

Family life in Rus' was not easy. And especially for newlyweds. The wedding night of the newlyweds took place with numerous witnesses. Some sang obscene ditties under the windows of the bedchamber, others knocked on the door, saying: “Has the ice broken?” What kind of violent sexual fun is there?

In some remote villages of northern Kamchatka, an ancient ritual is still preserved, which involves a sexual relationship between a guest and the mistress of the house. This is considered an honor for the owner and the greatest gratitude.

Sex sometimes leads to marriage. And this is almost always a memorable event in life. But some holiday traditions of some peoples of the world can make this ritual not just memorable, but, in principle, discourage people from getting married.

Strange wedding customs and traditions

Residents of some Scottish villages strictly prepare the bride for her future marriage. The girl is literally poured with mud and slop. To do this, prepare a special foul-smelling mixture of rotten food and waste products. The bride is poured from head to toe with the prepared liquid and taken in this form around the city so that everyone can see that the ritual has been completed and the girl is ready for marriage. Such a ritual prepared the bride for the fact that in the future she would not be afraid of bullying from her husband, and also freed her from all earthly sins.

This dirty ritual continues to this day. But it is already carried out as entertainment. The bride voluntarily stains her snow-white wedding dress with mud.

The honeymoon is always sweet for newlyweds, but in the Nicobar Islands only the bride can fully enjoy this period. The newly-made husband becomes the slave of his wife for six months and does all the dirty housework. This is done so that the husband feels the full weight of the woman’s share and subsequently appreciates the wife’s work.

Balinese who marry must have their canines and incisors filed. This ritual is designed to curb the animal instincts of the newlyweds. It is necessary to file 6 teeth, symbolizing the main human vices, which are thus expelled:

  1. Gluttony;
  2. Lust;
  3. Anger;
  4. Greed;
  5. Envy;
  6. Stupidity.

Filing a girl's fangs before the wedding means that she comes under the guardianship of her husband. The groom remains entirely in the care of his father, who must financially provide for the wedding celebration.

On the island of Bali, it is customary to file teeth even after the death of a person. This is done so that the gods accept the deceased from their kingdom and do not confuse the deceased with an animal.

Most of the world's strange and creepy traditions are related to death.

Games with death

Many cultures view death as a transition from one state to another and do not consider it a sad ending. So in Indonesia, it is customary to periodically dig up deceased relatives in order to change their clothes.

Residents of Philippine villages do not want to go with deceased relatives, trying to cheat death. The deceased is dressed up and seated on the porch in a chair. So the deceased can sit for more than one day until the tropical climate forces relatives to complete the burial ceremony of the unfortunate person.

The same Philippines has strange customs associated with burial, but the peculiarity of these ritual traditions is that the deceased, even before their death, independently cut out a place in logs where they would later be buried. Then the so-called coffin with the deceased was carried high into the mountains and hidden in caves. This custom continues in some settlements to this day.

The world's folk traditions can be scary, strange and confusing. But they, like nothing else, reflect the character of the population and show the attitude towards life, death and love. You can condemn many traditions and rituals, but they cannot be denied. This is an integral part of the history of every nation.

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