As one to revive the village. How to revive the greatness of the Russian countryside? "AiF": - Rather, he will put them in his pocket

Three years ago, a 40-year-old entrepreneur from Chelyabinsk moved with his wife and three children to the outskirts of the Katav-Ivanovsky district in the village of Serpievka. Here he built two houses. One for himself and the other for guests. Now he offers agrotourists shelter and natural food, and in return asks to work for the good of his economy and the whole village. Alexander Mashkovsky told how to revive the Russian outback, and what advantages he sees in rural life.

Alexander, why did you leave the metropolis?

We have been thinking about living away from the city for 11 years, but still we could not find a place that would be to our liking. True, at first they just wanted to buy a dacha so that the children could spend the whole summer outdoors. When the wife was pregnant with the third, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Thank God, the doctors managed to operate and save her, a daughter was born. It was then that we finally decided - we need to move. We were looking for a village within a radius of 150 km from the city. And then we came to Serpievka, which is 300 km away, and it hooked us.

What attracted you to this village?

There is incredible powerful energy here. Beautiful nature, taiga, near the river is clean, springs beat. And what air! You get up in the morning: it smells like winter, because the air is fresh. We really like the place. I recall with horror now life in a gray nine-story building.

How did your family and friends feel about your move?

Until recently, no one believed in this venture, they said that we were doing nonsense. And when we discharged the older children from the city school and transferred to the rural one, we already understood that everything was serious. Already resigned. When I first brought my wife here with my little daughter, I was a little scared. It was winter, not a single street lamp. I think, “What am I doing? Where have you brought them? " But then the fear overcame and everything worked out.

Has life in the village been good for your wife and children?

Of course, they like it very much. Besides the fact that they got sick less often, I noticed that the children became completely different. They are calm, constantly communicate with animals. They play on the street all day, we don't even worry about them - there are no cars here. They can go to sit quietly in the gazebo, to make something. I take them with me on a fishing trip. There's a whole world out there that they are exploring. In winter we go to the taiga on snowmobiles.

What were you ready for and what were you not ready for when you arrived at a new place?

We were ready for the fact that we would not be welcome. Because the local population does not know what to expect from us. That there will be problems with electricity, which is periodically disconnected, the voltage is low. That there will be stove heating, there is no gas, that no one will clean the roads in winter. In principle, we were ready for anything and special problems and did not wait, to be honest.

And how did the local population receive you?

It's cold at first. We didn’t know many local laws. For example, that fires cannot be burned, we were even scolded for this. They explained to me that there are forests and strong winds all around, everything can burn out. Then when he put up the fence, he went half a meter further. A serious conversation on this matter was with the chairman. Some townspeople come and start fighting. I realized that I needed to be friends with everyone, and now there are no special complaints about me. And when he began to invite tourists, offering to do good for the village in return, the locals really liked it.

Why did you decide to open a guest house?

We bought a house for ourselves under the "maternity capital". They began to repair it, and we still do it. By the way, I concluded that it is better to build from scratch than to take an old house, because then you pay 2.5 times more. When my wife and I got to know these places better, we learned that there are caves, peaks that people actively visit. And they realized that tourists have nowhere to stay. We took a chance. Before that, they were engaged in different types of business. The last time they went bankrupt so that the bailiffs described all the property for the debts.

I restored an abandoned collective farm building and turned it into a hotel. Investments were at a minimum. Furniture - from ordinary boards, craftsmen from Ust-Katav made it conscientiously, beautifully and inexpensively. My wife and I came up with the decor themselves. They began to invite guests, launched a website, people responded from all over Russia, people came from Kazakhstan. More than 100 people have already visited us. Now we even want to build small houses for families. In the first year we reached self-sufficiency in terms of products. So everything gradually grew into a promising business project.

What do you offer your guests?

Guests rest on fishing, go to the forest, to hike, to the river, to the bathhouse. In our area there are more than a hundred underground grottoes and about 15 caves. The most famous of them is Ignatievskaya, where Elder Ignat once lived. On the wall there is the miraculous face of the Virgin and ancient drawings of people. A local ethnographer conducts interesting excursions here. We also have a scout's house in the village. According to old residents, once people came here on black "funnels" and brought a man. A house was built for him by the river. Then a car came to pick him up from time to time and took him away, apparently on business. He died soon after, but the house is still standing. We want to make a tourist attraction out of it.

Here you can both have a good rest and work hard. I arrange the action "Live for free - work in return." People do socially useful work. They clean the streets, cut the grass in the playgrounds, help prepare firewood. Here we have a brigade formed from city volunteers, which will go to haymaking. We didn’t even think that there would be so many people willing. Well, they help me with the housework and with the construction site.

Is the farm big?

Not yet. We have chickens, three Nubian and Alpine goats. They are unusual and interesting for tourists. Husky dog \u200b\u200bbreed. We now want to develop a pedigree economy for thoroughbred African goats. Collect valuable milk and make cheeses. Next year I will build a small processing workshop and a 450 kg smokehouse.

Before we faced cancer, we didn't care what we eat. Then my wife and I began to think about what we were doing to ourselves. Previously, I did not think that in the village you can not only live without money, but also earn money.

So, from the sale of milk from just one goat, I get 10 thousand rubles. People buy it willingly, it is healthy and tasty. I thought, if one goat gives so much, then 10 goats will be able to give 100 thousand rubles a month, and 100 goats - a million. I have already started building a goat's house for 50 goats. Gradually I attract local people to business. I used to take my milk and cheese to the city for sale, but now I also grab the products of my fellow villagers. I am already thinking of putting a refrigerator in my "pickup" in order to bring as much as possible.

Now many people leave the villages to earn money ...

Yes, in Soviet times 2.5 thousand people lived in Serpiyevka. Now there are 250 left. This is the situation in many villages of the country, they are slowly dying out. The problem is that there are not enough people with an entrepreneurial streak who could raise these villages. The local population does not want to work. An elementary example, I say, pick berries and sell. And they told me: "Why is it necessary, it's hot, the gnats are eating."

I also could not find a local manager to my hotel. I had to hire a person from a neighboring city who travels 60 km. I attract villagers for money to chop wood, bring hay, but so far no one is capable of more. There are no responsible, it is difficult to stir up. But there are many opportunities to earn. Locals walk around and do not notice the ivan-tea grass. And during the time of tsarist Russia, he occupied the fourth place among the raw materials for export. The British loved him very much, but he grows only in mid-latitudes. Please grow, sort, process, sell.

Where do you see the future of the village?

In the revival of traditions. Next year, with the support of the administration, I plan to hold the Serpievsky festival of folk drinks and food. This idea came about after I was in Germany at the Oktoberfest. There the Germans stand up for their traditions. The whole world is collecting, proving that their beer is the best. Are we worse? We also have something to boast about: delicious bread from the Russian oven, mead and kvass. And pickled cucumbers from an oak barrel? Where can you find such people abroad? We will attract people to the village with food and drinks, to prove that this was not lost. To revive the village, people are needed who are ready to invest money and soul here. I dream to do this, I did not come here for a lot of money. As a patriot of my homeland, I want everything to be good in it.

Assol Mukarova, Chelyabinsk

Meet Guzel Sanzhapova, a social entrepreneur from the Russian hinterland, about the implementation of her idea of \u200b\u200breviving the village.

SUCCESS STORY, or how to collect 4.5 million rubles for social business, honestly telling about the family apiary?

Guzel Sanzhapova, help:

Moscow city

Age: 28 years old

Education: Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of World Politics

In business: since 2012

Business: production of cream honey and caramel in the Ural village of Maly Turysh

Business details:

- Turnover per month: 1 million rubles

- Employees: 9 employees permanently + up to 100 attracted people per season


It all started in 2013, when I left SAP (a German corporation for the production of software for organizations). I began to think about what we could do so cool to make the business more enjoyable. At that time, my dad had an apiary, which he inherited. There was a big problem with the fact that

there was a lot of surplus honey. An ordinary beekeeper is not competitive in the market, because people usually go to buy honey where there are 15 kinds of honey. And an ordinary beekeeper has two or three. So I got the idea to think about my father's apiary.

But since I don’t eat honey, naturally I was not interested in developing ordinary honey as a product. I thought I could come up with some smarter product.

I began to think what I don’t like about honey: it’s too sweet, and it becomes sugar-coated. It turned out that the technology of whipping honey has been around for about a hundred years - it was invented in Canada - and it helps to get rid of the process of sugar candling in honey. Then I thought, what should be done so that the honey is not so sweet. So the idea was to add berries.

So we asked the first grandmothers to pick berries for us. This is how the first product line was born - cream honey with berries. We made the first batch and tried to sell it on the market (fair) to see the demand.

It turned out that there are many such "perverts": there are many people who do not eat honey. And in November 2012, we decided to go and shoot a video at the apiary and tell who produces honey, how. While we were driving, I accidentally Google the word crowdfunding.

When we arrived in the village (we traveled 20 hours by train, we had time to think), we had already shot a video specifically for the crowdfunding campaign, which we launched next.

How did such a successful campaign come about? What is unique and original we managed to show?

In fact, we have not shown anything original. We just showed what reality exists in the Russian countryside, and that if we start production and employ people, then, for sure, there will be hope in the village. And, in fact, the main focus of the crowdfunding campaign was not “look how poor we are”, but “look, we came up with a solution, let's check together how much it will help change reality”.

That's why people supported us. Because we said, in general, we live and do not grieve, but we want to make such a product. We need 150 thousand rubles for drying equipment for berries. We offer you honey in return.

And the society paid attention to this problem. The problem of the dying of villages is still common for all of Russia.

And somehow so surprisingly, 3-4 days before the end of the project, the newspaper "Bolshoi Gorod" was published, in which there was an article about us. People paid attention to us. And at some point during the campaign, we began to understand that the most important thing in crowdfunding is not money, but the ability to tell our story to the widest possible audience of people.

Then the question is brewing - how to tell your story correctly?

First of all, the story needs to be non-contrived and completely honest. Our story hurts people only because we didn't write it initially, we just started talking about how we live. This is what captivates people. But "how to tell the story correctly" - everyone has their own. And here no one, except the author of the project, will tell you how to do it right. In my case, it was just honesty without embellishment and the possibility of solving the problem that was posed.

How did we start working after receiving this money?

Over the past two decades, this issue has worried both the authorities and the public. This topic is being discussed at various levels, mechanisms are being sought to motivate rural residents not to leave their native lands.

Today, the issue of the development of rural areas is especially acute. Despite the efforts of the authorities and financial assistance "from above", rural settlements do not develop, others are doomed to disappear. The reasons are well known: young villagers see no prospects and are leaving their villages. And those who remain, for the most part, do not burn with a special desire to change something in their small homeland.

One of the important tasks is to awaken activity in people, and through it - social responsibility for the land on which you live. The tools are countless. There is also a unique project of its kind called "People's Budget", when rural residents all over the world solve the problems of improving their territory, and the state co-finances their projects. Here and
various social initiatives, similar to those practiced in the Tarnogsky region with the direct participation of Valentina Pogozheva, who organized the well-known project "The Village is the Soul of Russia".

Not so long ago, the Tarnoga charitable foundation, which she heads, announced the start of a competition for the best social projects called Small Business Practice. True, only three applications were received in a month. “Half of our efforts have been wasted,” laments the tarnier, who believes that such a mechanism for revealing the activity of the rural population did not give the expected effect.

Valentina Nikolaevna calls the passivity of the population one of the main factors that hinder, in her opinion, the development of territories. So, according to her data, only 7% of rural residents feel responsible in their village. “Unfortunately, lately the authorities have assumed the authority to solve local problems and were responsible for this. And gradually civil society went aside. It is not surprising that the overwhelming majority of the population believes that in the current conditions they cannot effectively influence changes in their territory, ”Valentina Pogozheva complains.

In addition, there is an increase in subsidized regions in the region, which indicates the weak economic development of the territories. It is not clear what we get as a result of the implementation of programs to support the agro-industrial complex? Increase in milk yield or investment? But whether these indicators will solve the problem of reviving the village as a whole is not an idle question. Considering that the filling of regional budgets from their own revenues does not exceed 30% on average, we will not be able to save them without additional mechanisms for the development of such territories.

Save and multiply

"Or maybe they came from the wrong end?" This question comes to mind after a conversation with an expert of the Council for the Development of Regional and Municipal Science under the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Gleb Tyurin. For several years he has been engaged in projects for the development of territories, promoting new solutions and technologies; today his opinion is listened to both at the federal level and in various regions of the country.

Gleb Tyurin

“Today in the Vologda region a lot is being done in this area,” the expert says. - But now the task is to significantly reduce budget expenditures, to reduce the regional budget deficit. How, under these conditions, not only develop, but at least preserve our village? Obviously, we need to replace the shortfall in income in any possible way. We need to increase the amount of our own funds locally ”.

But how to do it? Tyurin says: "We need to develop the local economy." He wrote a whole book about it. In it, he shows that in most countries of the world it is the local economy that is the mechanism for raising the outback. Moreover, it works both in rich countries and in developing countries. The success of India and China is very much based on this approach.

“And there was such an experience in Russia,” the expert continues. - If we recall, for example, this remarkable in its success story with Vologda oil, this is an "economic miracle" in the Vologda province of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Then a huge number of small peasant industries, artels, cooperatives arose. And Vologda oil became one of the most famous and beloved Russian brands, sold all over the country and almost all over Europe. In 1913, Russia became one of the main exporters of this product in the world. How did it happen then? After all, there were no investments as such. What happened? A layer of people (peasants, merchants, bourgeois) understood what they need to do in order to start producing and earning. They co-organized, formed by means, efforts and began to do. It was an organized group of local leaders, local elite - people who had the skills, funds and some kind of authority at the local level. For example, it was called a zemstvo. For example, it was called the unions of local merchants and manufacturers. There were other forms of such a local collective beginning, which expected nothing from anyone and thought itself how to raise its territory. There were intelligent and literate people. The well-known Nikolai Vasilyevich Vereshchagin went to Switzerland, learned how to make cheese and butter himself. Then he taught others. And he was not alone. "

To the question: “What's the use of stirring up the past? Now everything has changed "- Tyurin replies:" Quite right. We need, at our modern level, based on the realities of today, to solve the problems that our predecessors solved in the second half of the 19th century. How to unite people and help them earn money. " In other words, we are talking about the creation of models of the local economy based on the specific conditions of modern reality - Vologda, Babayev, Chagoda, Tarnog, etc. Many will immediately begin to object: what kind of shishi will we do all this? We do not have enough funds for the most elementary things, but you are talking about some unreal cosmic things.

“Each territory has resources that are not used at all now, but they can be included in the work,” Tyurin is convinced. - When we talk about the development of the territory, we immediately mean the assistance of the state, we immediately estimate how much we want to ask him. My friends, let's see together what resources you have under your feet so that you can use them. Yes, today it is very difficult. One of the main deficiencies is local associations of people who would understand what is on their territory and how to multiply it. The second major deficit is a general understanding of this economy. How everything is connected, where does it come from, where does it go. This should be explained to people. "

In the interpretation of Gleb Tyurin, the local economy is the formation of a territorial cluster in which there are many different industries. These small companies don't have to compete with the big ones. On the contrary, medium and large businesses can act as customers for small businesses.

Cluster Lomaster

Indeed, a cluster is a union of a group of entrepreneurs who do not compete with each other, but supplement each other with their products. True, the experience of their creation can not always be considered successful. About ten years ago, officials of the Vologda Oblast beat timpani on the successful creation of a linen cluster - a system “from field to counter”. The goal is the development of the flax industry. At that time, a lot of budget rubles were spent on the creation of the cluster and its advertising.

However, upon closer inspection, it turned out that this very cluster turned out to be a mirage. This was found out during a recent visit to the Vologda Textile enterprise. "How much do you use our Vologda flax in fabrics?" - I ask the management. It turned out to be less than 10%. "What's the matter?" - I was surprised. “Yes, our farmers have a different fiber, too big. Doesn't fit our machines, ”the specialist explained. I am interested in the Verkhovazhsky farmer Alexander Myzin, who at that time did not know where to sell his products.

“We waited for technical requirements from the flax mill, but no one explained to us what size the fiber should be,” the well-known flax grower complained. And then it turned out that the Vologda flax fiber was not needed by the mill, since it was too expensive, in contrast to its Belarusian counterpart. This is just one of many examples where wishful thinking is passed off as reality.

North South is no match

“We see that the implementation of the regional program as a whole for the last five years has shown negative results so far: the number of subsidized regions is increasing, the number of rural population is drastically decreasing. Simply put, the regional government failed to achieve the expected results, - says Viktor Leukhin. “Therefore, the program for supporting the agro-industrial complex needs rethinking.”

Victor Leukhin

The deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the region is sure that the Non-Black Earth Zone requires a special approach. “Even though it was too late in the Soviet Union, they realized this problem — one cannot approach with one yardstick in support of the southern and northern regions. That is why at that time a special program for the development of the Non-Black Earth Region was born. During the implementation of this program, land reclamation, gasification were carried out, social infrastructure began to develop at a rapid pace - housing, kindergartens, schools, houses of culture, etc. Everything was done to make the conditions in the village attractive and comfortable. And we see that in a short period of time, the problem with personnel and other issues have been resolved. Today we live in different economic conditions, but the tasks remain the same - to keep people in the countryside. And this requires the development of other effective mechanisms that should be reflected in the new federal program. One region cannot solve this problem, ”says Viktor Leukhin, explaining that the document should contain clear guidelines.

First, it is important to know what the state wants from the implementation of this program, indicating the priorities - what exactly to produce in a particular territory. Secondly, modern infrastructure should be created - with public funds or through public-private partnerships. Third, it is necessary to provide such economic conditions under which the population can be kept in the countryside. Here you can apply tools such as the creation of territories of advanced socio-economic development with the provision of tax preferences, the issuance of interest-free loans, grants, etc.

The deputy is sure that there is no other way to preserve rural areas in the Non-Black Earth Region. It is noteworthy that in the current state program for the development of the agro-industrial complex until 2020, the word “Non-Black Earth Region” is not mentioned even once.

Here you are not there

Well, this is also a good idea, taken from the not so distant Soviet past. For the first time, the topic of the rise of the Non-Black Earth Region arose back in the 1950s. Soon after the end of the war, the CPSU Central Committee began to debate what to choose: large-scale infusions into the Central and North-Western zones or start the development of virgin lands "from scratch".

However, Nikita Khrushchev decided that virgin lands were the priority. The second time the idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment of the Non-Black Earth Region appeared in the early 1970s under Leonid Brezhnev. At first, the former "virgin lands" Brezhnev and the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR Mikhail Solomentsev tried not to oppose the Non-Black Earth Region and the virgin lands. And in the early 1980s, Brezhnev already stated directly that it was the turn of the national republics to provide assistance to Russia. Among other things, funds intended for the failed turn of the northern rivers were directed to the needs of the Non-Black Earth Region. In the party program for raising the Non-Black Earth Region, the task of consolidating the villages was spelled out.

In the 1970s, 160,000 families were transported from empty villages to large settlements. From 1965 to 1990, the Russian village lost 20 million inhabitants. Huge rural areas located on the very outskirts of many non-chernozem areas have become a particularly problematic area. Experts called them "vacuum belts" because the rural population here has declined by 50-70%.

Unifying Force

In general, due to the huge infusion of money at that time, it was possible to solve the problem: people in the countryside were entrenched, the issue of personnel was resolved. Now the agenda is a similar task, only at a new stage in the development of civilization. And those who say that we cannot save the village solely with the help of the agro-industrial complex are three times right — people are not needed there by and large; robots will work for them in the near future. Tractors are already starting to be controlled by computers via a navigation satellite system, and cows do not need a lot of milkmaids due to the automation of the milking process. And this is a challenge.

In rural areas, it is necessary to find work for a large number of people, because if we do not have a large number of people who can stay in the countryside, we cannot keep the infrastructure. I think it's time for us to understand that if we do not work ahead of the curve, there will be no people in the countryside. At the same time, in the conditions of stagnation of the economy, they have nothing to do in the city.

It turns out that the villagers need to do their own thing, and the state should help them at the legislative and other levels - with the right programs, which MP Leukhin spoke about, and funding, which should be used as investments, and not in the form of social donation.

“In our territories, as a rule, there is a lot of what is needed for prosperity. Several important things are missing: combining all this into a single whole and understanding how to work with it at a new level in a modern rapidly changing environment, - believes Gleb Tyurin. - There are resources in almost any territory. There are people, there are ideas and projects. Of course, there is something missing in the districts. But you need to understand how and where to attract it. Alone, for many, this is an unsolvable task. For a district, if it exists as a collective project, it can be solved. "

For example, in the Verkhovazhsky district, where the business community decides for itself how to develop the territory. It is not indifferent to who controls it, and therefore it actively promotes people to leadership positions in whom it has confidence. There is a strong consumer cooperation, the traditions of flax growing are cultivated. Dairy farming is well developed here, although it was not possible to preserve the dairy plant. Local businesses are very wary of various investors. The business community of Kich-Gorodok is strong in its social responsibility towards fellow countrymen. Local entrepreneurs, mainly engaged in forestry and dairy farming, are jointly repairing churches, bridges and other infrastructure. And the locals, which I witnessed, sang a hymn to their native city in chorus before the feast - so strong are patriotic feelings there.

In the Ustyuzhensky district, I was struck by the economic miracle of the millionaire potato growers from Nikola. Their experience in breeding, enviable harvests and attitude towards their land left a pleasant impression. All of them in one voice spoke to me, referring to the officials: "We are not asking anyone for anything, and let them not interfere with us."

The only thing they lack is arable land. Many successful farms in Tarnogsky region can be cited as an example, and the list goes on. And the task of socio-economic innovation is to find the right tools with which to successfully develop a territory with a claim to the next "economic miracle".

“I think the task today is to gather those thinking, active people who are in the regions now. Connect someone to them. And to find in several districts 20-30 millions. And invest them in new production. And then find a lot of money. And so to spin this flywheel of development so that it proceeds in an ascending direction. And the residents of Vologda are stubborn, sharp-witted. When they see the mechanism, they themselves will start to shy, as they say here. I believe that the northern hinterland will set an example of development for the country. "

Gleb Tyurin says that for this he comes to the Vologda region.

Edited on 1.04.2017

For local and regional authorities, the problems of sparsely populated areas (villages, settlements) remain relevant. Large financial costs for the repair (maintenance) of village roads, the supply of electricity (not to mention gasification), the provision of social services to residents (medical assistance, delivery of children to schools). Lack of decent work for able-bodied citizens (especially for more demanding youth).
In addition, budget revenues from taxes from small settlements are much less than the need to provide them with everything necessary.

Therefore, for the authorities, it becomes an obvious fact that the resettlement of citizens from small villages to larger settlements is much less costly for the budgets than continuing without their prospective subsidies.

On the other hand, there is a tendency for urban dwellers to move to rural areas (villages, townships). Those wishing to buy an inexpensive house in the village in order to engage in their own farming (courtyard on the site).

Therefore, a number of stimulating measures can be proposed to revive (develop, solve problems) sparsely populated areas (villages, settlements, districts) in Russia.

The first.

It is necessary for employers to transfer part of their personal income tax (3% of 13%) from the wages of working people, not to the regional budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, but to the local budget where their parents live.

Many young people move from villages to cities to find jobs. During their holidays, they come to their parents in the village to relax and provide them with help. Their parents, in turn, help grown-up children with grown food (reducing the cost of food in the city).

For employers (for the city), young people from rural areas are beneficial in that they are hardworking, not afraid of hard and dirty work (since they were managing cattle in childhood).

Therefore, it will be fair to send, as compensation, a part of the personal income tax to local budgets (villages, villages), where their parents live - retirees.

Then, the accommodation of pensioners (parents of children working in the city) will become profitable and will bring profit to the local budget. The attitude of local authorities towards pensioners will improve significantly.
Perhaps later, it will even become profitable to lure pensioners to small settlements for their residence.

Likewise, parents - retirees living in the village are an "incentive" for working citizens (their children) to spend their holidays in their village, and not to go on vacation abroad.


Reduce costs from the respective budgets (road funds) for the repair of municipal (local) public roads to sparsely populated areas (settlements, villages). Due to mutually beneficial cooperation with the owners of ecological tourism facilities and with agrarians (farmers, peasant farms, organizations).

One of the main problems, why it is more profitable to relocate small villages to larger ones, is the high cost of repairing and maintaining roads to small settlements.

The fact that relocating small villages to large villages is by itself more profitable is an obvious fact.

But, what to do with the auto road to the settlement (which has been overpowered or are planning to relocate).

The road to sparsely populated areas benefits agricultural producers. Since it allows you to move agricultural machinery.
And on the territory of small (or abandoned) villages and around them, perhaps, there is a large area with good fertile land, reservoirs for fish farming, a forest area with construction timber, etc.
Citizens (hunters, fishermen, pickers of berries, mushrooms, etc.), "ecological" tourists come to this area for active recreation.

But so that the road does not remain abandoned, no one needs it. It is necessary to stimulate the development of agricultural production along it. And, in the area of \u200b\u200ba small village, the development of ecological tourism facilities.

Then the owners of tourist facilities and agricultural producers will be interested in an access road to their facilities and organizations. And they would have engaged in its repair and maintenance in good condition, even after the local authorities refused to maintain this road (in view of the relocation of a small village).

This will also reduce the costs from the respective budgets (road funds) for the repair of municipal (local) public roads to sparsely populated areas (settlements, villages). Due to mutually beneficial cooperation with the owners of ecological tourism facilities and with agrarians (farmers, peasant farms, organizations).

For this.

Regional, local authorities should provide farmers with preferential (up to zero) rates for paying land tax along village highways (local public roads). Plots of land, 50 to 80 m wide from the roadside on both sides, from the highway to small settlements. Subject to a number of conditions and requirements.

Along the road, on both sides, at a distance of 50 - 80 meters, protective forest belts should be planted to reduce snow drifts of the road in winter. Reducing the unpleasant sun exposure on drivers (in the morning and evening hours, when the sun is low and blinds the eyes of drivers), since forest belts will give shade.
The forest belt should be four-row, in order to increase the stability of the survival of the planted trees. The planted trees should be, preferably building species, suitable for growing in the given climatic regions. With a slightly spreading crown, to reduce the cost of cleaning forest belts.
A plot of land (for agricultural purposes) with a preferential tax rate must be used for planting grain (vegetable) crops. That gives the annual plowing of the land to increase fire safety.
And, fulfillment of the condition - auxiliary cleaning of roadsides from debris.

In case if it is not possible to agree with the farmers. It is necessary to use another option.
The tax on a plot of land along the roads should be paid not to the local budget, but to target accounts in the corresponding road funds of districts, rural settlements, from which the maintenance and repair of village roads are paid.

Due to the preferential rate for agricultural land plots, it is possible to ensure fire safety in sparsely populated areas. If you define these plots of land around settlements.
Planting forest belts will help the development of the Russian forestry complex. Therefore, it is possible for farmers to receive subsidies.

In order to further stimulate the development of ecological tourism in areas of small populated areas, as well as areas remote from settlements.
Allow part of the income tax on eco-tourism facilities to be used to reimburse the costs of repairing a local general road on which clients come (get) to the tourist facility.

Why add an article (or paragraph, subparagraph to one of the existing articles of the Tax Code) to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
Provide an opportunity to reduce the tax rate by 1/3 of the tax paid, for the current tax period, to a taxpayer - a legal entity that is the owner of an ecological tourism facility in the Russian Federation.
If the taxpayer, in the last tax year, made, at his own expense, the repair of a local road (public), along which clients come (get) to his tourist site. In the amount of at least 30% of the profit for the previous tax year.
Additionally, for remote tourist sites located more than 10 km along the local road from the district center (from the federal, regional road). Provide the opportunity to reduce the rate by 1/2 on the tax paid, if, accordingly, the taxpayer, in the last tax year, made, at his own expense, the repair of a local road (public), along which clients come (get) to his tourist facility. In the amount of at least 50% of the profit for the previous tax year.


Increased consumer demand for farm products.

Farmers are perhaps the main business in the village. They also belong to the family business.

The problem for farmers is that the cost of their products is higher than that of large agricultural holdings.

Due to small volumes, high cost, short shelf life, chain stores do not seek to take farm products for sale.

Therefore, farmers are forced to sell their products to processors for next to nothing.

At the same time, consumer demand for farm products increased in the country, which was taken advantage of by cunning industrialists (food manufacturers) and shops. And the farmers were left on the sidelines due to the imperfection of the current legislation.

According to media reports.
According to research by Nielsen, 60% of Muscovites nowadays choose environmentally friendly products. Having caught this trend, manufacturers stick to their products all kinds of labels like "Products from the farmer", "Made on the farm", and chain stores allocate entire racks for them. And the goods do not stay there: people are willing to buy them, despite the rather high prices, and then they are disappointed. “Voters often turn to me with the same question: why are we overpaying money?” Says Ilya Sviridov. “People believe the manufacturers and catchy names, but often they don’t read the labels where the ingredients used in the production of this or that product are mentioned. , do not go into details, but who, in fact, is this farmer who produced it? My colleagues and I conducted raids in stores, studied the so-called farm products and saw that in most cases they contain chemical ingredients, and the producers are not peasants, and large industrialists. " "The name" farm product "is a purely marketing ploy, - agrees the head of the Moscow City Duma legislation commission, Alexander Semennikov.

To support farmers and the interests of consumers (citizens) who want to buy environmentally friendly, quality products. To interest chain stores, take farm products for sale, as well as buy processors from farmers, their products at a higher price.

It is necessary to introduce (and, in fact, return) the marking (classification) of quality for food products (food products), which once operated in the USSR: "Top grade, first, second, third".

But taking into account modern Russian realities. To what extent, the quality of products (their taste properties, composition) meets the expectations of the consumer and the requirements of specialists (experts, tasters for products).

Top grade ... An analogue of BIO certification, the European Certification System for Organic Products (mandatory for all organic products sold in the European Union).

For example, here are some of the rules for European BIO certification:
Agricultural plantations for at least 3 years before growing organic products must be processed without the use of chemical fertilizers;
The use of genetic engineering in the production of products is prohibited;
When raising livestock, it is prohibited to use any growth hormones and antibiotics;
The use of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, nitrogen-containing and other types of chemical fertilizers is prohibited;
The use of fertilizers containing magnesium, trace elements, mineral potassium, manure and heavy metals is limited;
Soils must be maintained with a variety of crop rotations and biodegradable fertilizers of exclusively microbiological, plant or animal origin;
For pest control, physical barriers, light, ultrasound, ultraviolet radiation, and special temperature regimes are used.

First grade ... For animal husbandry, the requirements are mainly imposed on raising animals to a greater extent on grass (vegetables), to a lesser extent on compound feed. For crop production, there are requirements for growing vegetables in the open field, with a minimum of chemical fertilizers, a minimum (at the growth stage) of treating plants with poisons from pests.
Meat and vegetables, fruits (in fact, are farm products), have good taste, rich in useful microelements and vitamins.
Canned food, sausages, semi-finished products, dairy products, confectionery, juices and other food products, made according to GOST, from 1st grade ingredients.

Second grade ... Should occupy no more than 70-75% in the volume of products sold (not classified as extra and first grade).
Canned food, sausages, dairy products, juices and other food products made according to TU or GOST, from 2nd grade ingredients.
If the established% volume is exceeded, the requirements for products of the 2nd grade are toughened.

Third grade ... Other food products admitted for sale on the domestic market.

On the proposal from this article " to increase consumer demand for farm products"Public initiative No. 26F25492 was submitted, voting in support ended on 1.04.2017.

It is advisable to additionally amend the rates of Value Added Tax (VAT) on food products (Tax Code of the Russian Federation Article 164. Tax rates

For food products of the highest and 1st grade, set a lower rate of 9%. For food products of the 2nd grade, keep the current rate of 10%. For food products of 3 grades, set an increased rate of 11%.

The increase in rates for food products of the 3rd grade will create an additional obstacle for low-quality imported food products.

So according to information from the media
Up to 80 percent of the goods on the shelves of Russian retail chains are often supplied by unscrupulous foreign companies, which is confirmed by the latest inspections of the Rosselkhoznadzor. At the same time, domestic producers are discriminated against, said Vladimir Slepak, chairman of the Public Chamber's Commission on Social Support of Citizens and Quality of Life.


Conditions can be created to stimulate the construction and transfer of enterprises (factories) to sparsely populated areas (points).

At the same time, achieve, the implementation of the greatest number, additional positive results.

In this respect, the most appropriate is to amend the size of the fee and its limit values \u200b\u200bfor environmental pollution, waste disposal, and other types of harmful effects.

Regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 28.08.1992 N 632 "On Approval of the Procedure for Determining Fees and Its Limits for Environmental Pollution, Waste Disposal, and Other Types of Harmful Impacts".

What will additionally allow. Reduce the impact of hazardous emissions and waste from enterprises on citizens in densely populated areas (cities) by transferring hazardous production to sparsely populated areas. As a result, to reduce the number of diseases of citizens associated with environmental pollution by these enterprises.

An increase in pollution charges will stimulate businesses to modernize their enterprises (factories), install more modern equipment, with fewer emissions of pollution into the environment.

To do this, make the following additions to the above resolution.

Use as a base rate of payment, only the established rates for over-limit environmental pollution.

For stationary sources used in the technological process, for the production of goods, products, products located within the city of district significance, or outside the district city at a distance of no more than 5 km, use the fees, halved, established rates as a base standard for over-limit environmental pollution.

Establish a transition period of 15-20 years for currently operating enterprises with stationary sources falling under the above points. For a gradual (phased) increase for them payments for environmental pollution, during the transition period.

As a result, it will become more profitable for business (in order to reduce payments for environmental pollution) to build (relocate) their enterprises and factories to sparsely populated areas (points).

Also, I recommend articles affecting the improvement of cities, solving important urban problems. Expert opinion and analyst on the situation in Russian society.

Disadvantages of the garbage reform implemented by the authorities. And proposals for making the necessary socially just, economically sound changes to the garbage reform in the interests of society and the economy of Russia

How can you profitably eliminate the existing system of double taxation of commodity producers in Russia?

Give citizens the opportunity to participate in tax distribution

Introduction of a progressive scale of personal income tax taxation, in a competent way

I also recommend reading the current article, Disadvantages of the new pension system for calculating pensions and attempts to increase the retirement age. Ways of socially fair reform of the pension system

Eccentrics live in the village of Mashkino, Torzhok District.
They are reshaping the local landscape according to the method of some Austrian, cultivating ridges, riding horses and weaving clothes.

They left the megacities to cheer up the Russians and revive the village.
We expected to see anything in Mashkino - Old Believers, fanatics, Slavic Nazis.

But not what they saw.

The road to Mashkin is full of potholes and winds like a labyrinth in the Murzilka magazine.
At the most dangerous fork, a stocky old man in a sheepskin coat and earflaps grows out of the ground and tells the way:
- Directly - a big puddle, and to the right - Mashkino.

The village can only be driven by an SUV, but even its large wheels get stuck in the mud. Our goal is a white siding house at the end of the village. It is there that "Ataman Beloyar" lives.

This valuable information was gleaned from a local resident Yaroslav, recorded by VKontakte as "Uncle Vedun". He also explained how to get to Mashkin, and reported one of the main local rules:
- Be sure to remove your shoes in homes.

Mashkino is a hilly village. On its steep slopes, beds are broken, glass of greenhouses shines in the sun. Below, under the hill, a tractor hums. A long narrow ditch has been dug along the village. The white ataman house is surrounded by yellow houses that look like large hives.

Knocking on the door:
- Does Beloyar live here?
- Here. But you have to wait.
A curly-haired man with a bushy beard and bright blue eyes looks mockingly and goes into the yard to turn on the gas bottle.
“The boss should not only give instructions, but also work himself,” he says, unscrewing the valve.
There is a stroller in the courtyard of the house. There baby Maria, the fourth daughter of seven children of Beloyar, sleeps under a canopy. At first, the chieftain is laconic. He only reports that "in the world" his name is Sergei Vasilyevich Kaydash, and Beloyar is a name for his own people. He is a former banker, acting pro-rector of Chelyabinsk State University, Cossack foreman.
“I’ll tell you everything in order,” he tells us, burning with curiosity. - In the meantime, let's have some tea.

And we are in a hurry to the neighboring hut - to congratulate the local resident Natalia on her birthday. Along the way, we learn that 17 adults and 20 children live in Mashkin now. All children are family-schooled: they are assigned to a school in Bolshoy Vishenya, and here Irina, a teacher at Moscow State University, is studying with them.
- But Irina is not a teacher, - Beloyar clarifies. - She's a tutor. It just helps to learn. And our task is to create an educational environment for children.
A thin boy with an ax runs out to the threshold of the hut. He has curls and cornflower blue eyes, like Beloyar. This is his son Grisha, ten years old.
- By my arrival, you will chop wood, those that you can, - the chieftain tenderly orders.
Grisha nods willingly and disappears around the corner.

In his place, a guest worker with an earthy face suddenly appears and asks Beloyar where to dig.
“This is a Turkmen, we call him Andrey,” the chieftain later enlightens. - He has the nickname "little excavator": plows from A to Z. Have you seen the ditch in the village? He dug it with a shovel for laying the winter water supply. Andrey is about to have a fourth child.
- How did he get here?
- I have a comrade-in-arms Azir in Torzhok. I asked him to find a non-drinking family that could live and work in Mashkino. And he found Andrey.
- Is it obligatory not to drink?
- Yes, - cuts off Beloyar. - We have a tough dry law, and you can't smoke. Two have already left. One drank, the other smoked.
So we learn the second rule of Mashkin and, having temporarily swallowed all the questions, finally cross the threshold of the hut.

In the hut there is a long table lined with pies. It is noisy, cozy and a lot of people: men, women, children. Everyone has kind faces and woolen socks on their feet.

This place is actually a school. Here, opposite the stove, is a computer. A map of the Tver region hangs on the wall, jars of pencils are on the windowsills. A woman in a beige suede dress is a tutor Irina, a professor of biology at Moscow State University.

The bearded guy Yura with a balalaika is a professional singer of bard songs. Here's a barefoot, by the way, a man with a birch bark strip around his forehead. The blonde-haired birthday girl Natalya in a sundress up to her toes with patterns - she sewed herself. Children scurry about the room - all as one pretty, like angels. Many run up to Beloyar, hug and kiss him.

We are seated on a sofa, served with cake and tea with lemon balm and oregano. Only then Ataman Beloyar, aka Sergei Vasilyevich Kaydash, begins a story, amazing, like everyone else around:
- I am a hereditary Cossack, I grew up in Kazakhstan. I have three higher educations as an engineer, agricultural specialist, financier. Since 1989 he has been a businessman. Vice-Rector of ChelSU, now I represent the interests of this university in federal bodies. And a little doctor of economics.
- Are you kidding?
- Why? I just don't like to talk about it, but I defended my doctoral dissertation. The idea of \u200b\u200brural life arose long ago. Back in the Urals, we developed a project for the resettlement of the Cossacks in the village. But then the crisis prevented.
- Why Mashkino?
- We were looking for a place on all grounds: energy, aura, the local population ... We traveled all over the Ivanovo, Kaluga, Tula regions. And they found Mashkino. Firstly, there is a dead end: if someone has arrived, it means to us. Secondly, this is a unique place between St. Petersburg and Moscow, the foothills of Valdai, 345 meters above sea level. There is a beautiful landscape and enough land to plan globally. The spirit is good here.

Ataman Beloyar speaks energetically and assertively. Each of his words weighs a pood. It seems that he knows the answers to all everyday and philosophical questions. He explains with dignity whose land it is, whose houses it is and what fate awaits Mashkino.
- Recently we saved the local collective farm "Lenin's Way" from bankruptcy, and now officially I am its chairman. We took ownership of what was left of the collective farm property: the stable, for example. Now de jure, all this land is ours. But we don't want to be known as Varangians. We are not buying land, but continuity. Therefore, it was important for us to live in peace with the locals.
- And how were you received here?
- Two years ago, when we arrived in Mashkino, two families lived here ... Everything was plundered, destroyed. And here we are. We immediately said: either we have love to the grave, or war to death. While the middle. Summer residents come to Mashkino who like to drink and take a walk. And we… umm… correct their behavior.

Sergei Kaydash talks about hooligan summer residents, and I think: what, in fact, are bad about the Vikings? In the end, their arrival in Russia was quite natural. I respectfully look at Kaydash: he seems to me to be Rurik.

Ataman Beloyar does not like unnecessary questions. He immediately puts all the dots on the i: they did not just come to live and plant a vegetable garden. They have global tasks, such as the revival of the Russian village.

A village is not just a territory. It must be extremely developed. We want to prove that you can live and work in the countryside.
Ideas like this are popular lately. And the Tver region is a tasty morsel for downshifters. But so far no significant changes are visible, and the Tver villages are quietly fading away.

Sergei Kaydash does not look like a fanatic. His concept of an ideal rural life is thought out to the smallest detail:
- The main aspect of village life is education, - Sergei Vasilyevich mints smoothly, like at a reception at the minister's. - There is a school - there is a village, and vice versa. I have been working at the university for many years. Once my colleagues and I realized that a good applicant must be raised from elementary school. We have combined several advanced programs into one and formed 100 experimental primary classes to modernize education at least within the region. And the results were overwhelming. Now I am engaged in the implementation of such programs at the federal level. For me, education is not about teachers. This is the environment that surrounds the child.

Sergey Kaydash brought his children (and there are seven of them!) To Mashkino, because there is a good environment here. Now their lessons are taking place in nature: in the forest, fields and meadows. Learning about nature: bugs, spiders, wind, rain, - the guys study chemistry, physics, biology. Therefore, their knowledge is purely practical.

Adults here also actively listen to nature. They equip the land and reshape the local landscape according to the technology of the Austrian Sepp Holzer, the famous agrarian revolutionary, devotee of permaculture.

Holzer's philosophy is to understand nature, not fight against it, explains Kaydash. - All parts of the landscape design must be placed "according to the mind": the ridges - to catch the sun, next to the field - a ravine so that the water flows down. Everything should be in harmony.

Holzer calls it "permaculture", while we call it "forest garden" and "meadow town". We like these words better.

Last year, the eminent farmer came to Mashkino to give lectures. Especially for him, a white house was built, in which Sergei Kaydash and his family now live. The Cossack agrees with one more position of Holzer: on the ground you need to work with your hands.
- The industrialization of agriculture is leading to its disappearance. If we now drive harvesters here, build large livestock complexes, Mashkino will die. Because there will be one button and two people. And what about the rest of the hundred? The village should give people work.
- And how to get people to work in the countryside? Moreover - pampered townspeople?
- To force them to come to the village and just plow is unrealistic, - reflects Kaydash. - Our main goal is to teach people to live on earth without fear. The one who runs away from himself will not stop here either. And the one who came to live will live.

People of different beliefs live in Mashkin: Orthodox, Old Believers, Muslims, atheists ...
However, at the general village gathering, the inhabitants decided to form a Cossack farm in Mashkino.

Not all Cossacks are here. But out of 11 farms that are formally ours now, we will build a village. My social task is the development of the Cossacks. Not as an ethnos, but as a spirit. As with the Russians: if we return spirituality to our homeland, it will rise.
Spirit is the main thing, but not the only thing that they cultivate. Ataman Beloyar does not hover in the clouds, but stands firmly on the ground. His favorite sentence: "We are without fanaticism."

The project provides for the economic development of the village and the Torzhok region so far mainly due to tourism:
- We are developing eco-, agro-, ethno-tourism, - lists the vice-rector Kaydash. Professor Irina sits on the arm of the sofa, smiles and nods in agreement. - Agro is our land. Eco is merging with nature. And ethno is folklore. All three components can exist together in a village. Folklore is especially important. TV, computer - they only take energy. And folk art - returns. Moreover, our task is not to export products from the village, but to attract consumers here.

In this matter, the "stanitsa" have achieved considerable success. For two years now, a “family vacation” has been organized in Mashkin in the summer for lovers of eco-agro-ethnic tourism: three shifts, two weeks each. Recently, vacationers have created an enthusiastic group "Mashkino forever" on VKontakte. And with money from tourists, Sergey Kaydash organized a free vacation in Mashkin for children whose fathers died in hot spots.
In summer, tourists live in "hive houses" for four beds. They work on the ground, ride horses, eat and dance.

Horse riding and folklore festivals are held in Mashkin. Craftsmen work all summer: potters, joiners, blacksmiths and other folk craftsmen. After a vacation in Mashkin, some decide to stay here forever. This happened, for example, with the birthday girl Natalia, who this year moved here for permanent residence with her daughter.

And now a round dance is spinning around her: the neighbors congratulate Natalia, jumping on the withered grass and singing at the top of their voice:
Let the soul, like a bird,
Spreads its wings
With your love
Covers the earth.

We go on a tour of the village. The first point is the stable, where ten horses live. They are as beautiful and joyful as people - except perhaps without downy socks. Many residents, including 13-year-old Daria, the chieftain's daughter, are professionally engaged in horse riding. There is already a real show jumping arena. The plans are to make a hippodrome and conduct horse races.

Behind the stable is a farm where two cows, goats and chickens live.
A view of the new Mashkino opens up from the hill, which has almost been re-cut according to Sepp Helzer's “smart” technology. The pond is three meters deep. The excavator digs another pond: they will cascade.
- There will be gardens. And here we made a drainage channel so that the fields would not be flooded in spring. And the ridges are broken where the sun's rays are caught, - the ataman clearly explains. - We have connected three streams underground - and now there is a spring here.

And he leads us beyond the field to show some outlandish hills, where currants and raspberries grow two meters in summer.

The landing force that landed on the Torzhok land and developed a vigorous activity here, of course, attracted the attention of the local authorities. In Mashkino, there was a stream of "inspectors" of all levels: a prosecutor, a veterinarian, four police majors, SES, Rospotrebnadzor, guardianship authorities ... UBEP charged them with illegal business.

But no one found anything to complain about:
- The prosecutor's office tried to initiate at least some criminal case, - recalls Sergei Kaydash. - But we cannot be caught, therefore we try to live according to conscience. The greatest security for us is complete transparency. The inspectors come, and we give them tea, we don't whisper in the ear, we don't give bribes ...

Beloyar again repeats the main commandment: they came in peace. And the second postulate: for the village to live, it is necessary to form the environment competently. Daria gallops by on a bare horse. Younger girls, seeing her, squeal with delight.
“This is the right environment: when the elders are an example for the younger ones,” Kaydash says.

We go through the village: summer tdining room, kitchen, pantry. The winter refectory is wrapped in a blue and red banner of "United Russia", the letters "Shevel ..." are read. Now the floor is broken there, because in the summer they "danced until the morning." This is the ideological cabin of the village: on the wall hangs the charter of the settlement and other commandments by which they live in Mashkin. The most important of them: "Without love, everything is nothing."

Suddenly a bearded head appears from the underground ... We shudder.
- Vanka, are you? - the chieftain calls.
The good fellow Ivan, with whom we had tea an hour ago, is now repairing the floor in the refectory, carrying bricks. Daily work here is the norm for adults and children. Moreover, this is joy, not torment. “The greatest crime was committed by the one who began to punish with labor,” comments Beloyar.

We slowly look around the workshops. In the carpentry workshop - wood shavings, in the pottery - a kiln, large and small potter's wheel and pots. A few days ago, a dressmaker is coming to Mashkino for permanent residence and will also work here. These workshops are the forerunner of production, when the village will make money on its own.

The last exhibit is a bathhouse where tourists wash their clothes in summer.
- Do you wash in cans too? - I'm mowing at Beloyar.
- What do you! - Kaydash mutters. - We have a washing machine. I say: no fanaticism.
- So who are you after all? - at the end of the conversation, the question that was asked first arises. - Are you a community?
“Community is a sacred word for me,” the chieftain cuts off. - It cannot be created artificially. To become a community, people need to eat a pound of salt. We are a hostel for people who want to live and work on earth. There is a saying: the fish rots from the head. But renaissance begins with leaders. Now a lot of people come to us. I talk as with you and suggest to them: live. And then how it goes. If a person comes in peace, we will accept him.

What is happening in this village has five names: a village, a hostel, an ecovillage, a project ...
But in my thoughts I call it simply Mashkino - as a phenomenon that has not yet been on the Tver land, and maybe in Russia.
And I want to believe that it is forever.

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