Photo story about a small homeland for 1. Project for primary classes "my small homeland"

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Basic secondary school in the village of Limanny

Rivne municipal district

Saratov region"

Creative project

around the world


Teacher: Budanova N.B.

Prepared by 1st grade students:

Ageeva Olesya

Akhmadiev Timur



1. Introduction

2. Main part

3. Conclusion

4. Used literature and Internet sources

5. Application


Great land

Beloved land

where we were born and live,

We are the bright homeland,

We are our homeland,

We call you our dear Motherland.


If they say the word “Motherland”,

An old oak immediately comes to mind,

currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

A modest birch tree by the river

And a chamomile hillock,

And others will probably remember

Your own Limannovsky yard.


MY - because here is my family, my friends, my home, my street, my school...

SMALL – because this is a small part of my vast country.

HOMELAND – because people dear to my heart live here.

Where does the Motherland begin?... First of all, from the place where we

born and raised.

Goals and objectives.

2. Assess your classmates’ knowledge about your home village.

3. Draw the children’s attention to the history of their native land.

Research methods:

1. Collection of information.

2. Conversations with old-timers of the village.

Sources of information:

Internet, articles from the regional newspaper “Victory Banner”.


    If I don’t know, if he doesn’t know anything about our village, then no one will know anything about the village;

    attitude to the past of the Small Motherland;

    knowledge about your native village and its people will be enriched.

Main part

How did the history of our region develop?

The history of our village Limanny goes back to the distant past. This German village was located at a distance from the current one. Documents about the existence of this village have not been preserved. According to old-timers, the village used to be called the Zagotskot office.

It is located on the left bank of the Volga River, fifteen kilometers from the regional center.

There is some data in the district archive. It is known that in one thousand nine hundred forty-two - one thousand nine hundred forty-three the land fund was three thousand seventy-five hectares, of which arable land occupied eight hundred forty-two hectares, meadows - one thousand one hundred hectares, pastures - one thousand three hundred twenty-two hectares.

The equipment included five tractors, twelve work horses, eighteen oxen, one combine harvester, two tractor plows, and six horse-drawn plows.

In one thousand nine hundred and fifty-two, eighty-three people lived on the farm’s territory, of which forty-nine were workers. They lived mainly in dugouts and only eleven families lived in old log houses coated with clay. The population was engaged in animal husbandry and crop production. The farm raised cattle, and also raised pigs, sheep, and rabbits.

Mostly rye, oats, wheat, millet, and barley were planted in the fields.

Much attention was paid to housing construction. One hundred and fourteen apartments were built in just five years. They built brick apartments with a garden plot. A water supply system was installed and the village was completely gasified in one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one.

According to the guard A.G. The gut office “Zagotskot” in one thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven was renamed into the “Limanny” state farm of the fattening type. The document on the renaming has not survived. Many years have passed since then. In one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two, a large irrigation canal was laid, which fed the arid fields of the state farm with Trans-Volga water. The former state farm "Limanny" was a large fattening farm with a powerful soil-cultivation system.

The total area was four thousand four hundred and sixteen hectares: arable land - two thousand seven hundred and forty-one hectares, hayfields - six hundred sixty-eight hectares, pastures - nine hundred and thirteen hectares.

The average number of people on the state farm was two hundred and sixty-three people.

Currently, Limanny village occupies an area of ​​121.44 hectares. The population is more than 400 people. On the territory of the village there is a club, a first-aid post, a kindergarten, a school, as well as a chain of shops. The glorious traditions of the village are alive and, of course, it has a future.

Every year our village of Limanny was improved, a village club, a kindergarten, a first-aid post, a village library and a state farm office building were built. In one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four, a bright, large new school was built in our village.

Our village is multinational and friendly. Russians, Kazakhs, Chuvashs, Lezgins, Mordvins, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Tabasarans, Dungans, Tatars, Don Cossacks, Chechens live here.

Old residents of our village

In one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, on the fourth of October in the Republic of Dagestan, Shelkovsky district of the Kaigalinsky village council, a boy named Leva was born into the Mizinenko family. “When the war began,” recalls Lev Pavlovich, “I was then seven years old. At that time we lived in Taganrog. For the first time during the war, my father and my grandparents sent me to the Kursk region. When the battles near Kursk began, we lived under occupation for a year and a half. Everything that was there was taken by the Germans. Life was difficult. There was nothing to eat. At the end of 1945, my father returned from the front, and we left for Taganrog. We moved from Taganrog to the Volgograd region to Nikolaevsk. In one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven, my father left for Sakhalin and we all went with him. In one thousand nine hundred and fifty we returned from Sakhalin to Nikolaevsk. He began working at the age of sixteen, first digging wells on a collective farm, and then throughout the Volgograd region until one thousand nine hundred and fifty-three. In one thousand nine hundred and fifty-three, I was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army. He returned in one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six already to the village of Rovnoye. He married a beautiful girl, Valentina. He began working at the Zagotskot state farm as a blacksmith. Worked for fifty years."

Marzhan Budanova was born on March twentieth, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight

In April two thousand and sixteen, a monument to the “Fallen for the Motherland” was solemnly opened on the territory of the school in our village, and in May a cadet course was opened.


In our research work, we set a goal: to restore little-known pages of our village. The goal of the work has been achieved,The research hypothesis has been proven:if we don’t know, if he doesn’t know anything about our village, then no one will know anything about the village.

At the end of our research, we realized how working together brings loved ones even closer together. By exploring the history of your village through the prism of the history of our country, the events of distant years become closer and clearer. It seems to us that history is made up of small grains, the destinies of ordinary people, sometimes forgotten.

The objectives of the project have been completed. The hypothesis is confirmed. The theme of the project is relevant, you must love your small homeland.


We were lucky to be born and live in this wonderful region.

And today we dream of one thing - to finish school, go to college and definitely return here to work and live on this native land, so that with our labor we can contribute our piece to the prosperity of our small Motherland.

The village of Limanny is our small homeland, because this place is not native

only for us, but also for our loved ones and friends.

Used literature and Internet sources

    Archive of the Ageev and Akhmadiev family

    Articles from the newspaper file “Banner of Victory” in the rural library of the village of Limanny

    Survey of village old residents


Office building of the former state farm "Limanny"

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War who worked at the Limanny state farm

The streets of our village


The streets of our village.



Methodological development of extracurricular

events: meeting of the club “If you know, speak, if you don’t know, listen.”

Subject: Project “My Small Motherland”

Developed by teacher

primary classes

M AOU gymnasium No. 1

Bobyleva Irina Viktorovna


Class: 1 "A" class

Type : Project “My Small Homeland”.

Note :

Organizational stage:

Discussion of the goals and objectives of the project.

Drawing up a work plan under the guidance of a teacher , project deadlines are set .

Preparatory stage:

The students carried out research work together with their parents, visiting the library to familiarize themselves with the literature on this topic, searching for information on the Internet, visiting the city museum with the whole class, making sketches of the material they were interested in, and selecting photographs to arrange this material.

Implementation stage:

Interim discussion on the collected material. Data processing.

Exchange ideas (orally and in writing in class). Preview and discussion of work projects, their design, distribution of roles.

Final stage:

Preparation and presentation of results in the form of a booklet or wall newspaper.

Defending a project in class


This lesson provides a report on the work done.

Project topic: My small homeland is the city of Sovetsk.

(The project is carried out as part of extracurricular activities in the following subjects: Russian language, fine arts, technology, literary reading)

Relevance of the project:

Currently, there is an acute need for the revival and restoration of spirituality, the formation of the moral personality of a citizen and patriot of his country. The Small Motherland, the Fatherland, and the native land play a significant role in the life of every person, but it is not enough to talk about love for the native land, you need to know its past and present. Work on the project will contribute to the development of students' interest in history, research, scientific and educational activities, and the development of self-government.

Project goals:


- Introduce a new type of work - a project; expand knowledge about your hometown;

Contribute development coherent speech, working memory, voluntary attention, verbal, visual and figurative thinking.

To promote a sense of pride in one’s small homeland.

Form UUD:

- Personal: ability for self-assessment based on the criterion of success in educational activities.

- Regulatory UUD : determine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of the teacher; plan your action in accordance with the task; make necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

- Communicative UUD : listen and understand the speech of others; express your thoughts orally; negotiate with classmates together with the teacher about the rules of behavior and communication and follow them.

- Cognitive UUD : navigate your knowledge system; analyze objects; find answers to questions in the text and illustrations; transform information from one form to another: compose answers to questions.

Planned results:


Knowledge: expand knowledge about their small homeland.

Skills: learn how to write a project on a topic.

Skills: compose an oral story.


Regulatory: use speech to regulate one's actions.

Cognitive: use sign-symbolic means; summarize the concept on the basis of object recognition, highlighting essential features.

Communicative: formulate your own opinion and position; agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities


Civil identity in the form of awareness of “I” as a citizen of Russia, a sense of belonging and pride in one’s Motherland, people and history, awareness of one’s ethnicity, humanistic and democratic values ​​of a multinational Russian society

(upon entering the class, everyone receives 3 balls: red, green, yellow)

Work progress:

    Motivation for learning activities


Update the requirements for the student in terms of educational activities;

Creating conditions for students to develop an internal need for inclusion in educational activities;

The bell rang loudly.

The lesson begins.

Our ears are on top of our heads,

The eyes are wide open.

We listen, we remember,

We don't waste a minute.

Motto: “Maybe” and “somehow” won’t lead to any good.

2. Formulation of the project theme, goal setting


Organize the formulation of the lesson topic by students;

Organize the setting of lesson goals by students.

(The song “Where the Motherland Begins” plays)

What was the main word in the song? (Motherland)

What is the name of our Motherland?

Our Motherland is Russia, the country in which we were born, live and study.

Show us all Russia on a physical map!

(children show RUSSIA on a physical map)

Listen to the following poem and try to formulate the topic of our meeting.

My small homeland,
I'm in love with your rainbows
To your forest, fields and rivers
I'm in love forever.
Your people are dear to me
Your sounds and rustles,
The paths that I have walked -
This is my homeland.

So, what is the topic of our meeting? (small homeland)
- Every person has a homeland - the land where he was born and where everything seems special, beautiful and dear. Everything in it is painfully familiar, there is no time to stop, look back...

But today we had the opportunity to look at our dear, painfully familiar places. And a photo excursion, stories, drawings prepared by you and your parents will help us with this.

3. Consolidating new things


Organize work on the project.

But first, Wise Owl wants to check how you remember the material about the most important city in the country. She has questions for you.

Try to answer them!

(The teacher posts the answers on the board.)

The most important, highest body of state power. (Government.)

Moscow is the capital. And what else is there in Moscow with the same name: Moscow-... (river).

The tallest television tower. (Ostankinskaya.)

Which inhabitant of the Moscow Zoo is called a “gargler”? (Raccoon.)

The main attraction of Moscow. (Kremlin.)

What kind of Moscow city transport is the riddle talking about?

Amazing carriage!

Judge for yourself:

The rails are in the air, and he

He holds them with his hands. (Tram, trolleybus.)

Now read the word using the first letters of the answers. (Project.)

Let's get acquainted with a new type of work - a project.

What is a project? How do you understand this word? (Children's answers.)

In the Explanatory Dictionary of SI. Ozhegov gives the following definition: project:

1) a developed plan for a structure, some mechanism or device;

2) preliminary text of any document;

3) idea, plan.

What is our topic today? (Project “My Small Motherland”)

4. Learning new things


Organize a discussion of the main attractions of your city;

(Photo: view of the city from above.)

Yes, guys, we call Russia the Motherland - this is our big Motherland. In addition to the big Motherland, every person also has a small Motherland.

What do you think a small Motherland is?

(statements from the guys)

Small Motherland is the place where your home is, where your parents are, where you grow up, study, and play with friends.

And today in class we will talk about our small Motherland.

Listen to the poem and say: what is it about?

“There is a corner in my heart

For you, beloved native land,

It’s not for nothing that you are called a small homeland,

You are always in my soul, always with me!”

Can you guess what we're talking about? (about our small homeland, about our city)

What is the name of the area we live in?

(coat of arms of the Kaliningrad region).

What is the name of the city in which we live?

Make up the name of our small homeland from the letters. (S O V E T S K)

(coat of arms of our city.)

Find and mark it on the map, color it with a red circle.

(the groups contain maps-schemes)

Until 1946 Tilsit, Tilsit), the second largest (after Kaliningrad) city in the Kaliningrad region. Under the former name "Tilsit" it is widely known due to the conclusion of the Peace of Tilsit there in 1807 by Emperors Alexander I and Napoleon I.)

What do you know about your hometown? (Children's answers.)

Do you think you've told everything about your hometown?

Every educated person should know his homeland and the history of his native land.

Do you want to know more about your city? (Children's answers.)

What goals and objectives do we set when implementing the “My Small Homeland” project? (Expand knowledge about your hometown).

I'm glad you're so inquisitive. But it’s impossible to know everything at once. Therefore, you and I divided into 3 groups. Each group united on common topics, chose its own project and thought about how it would implement it. It is necessary to distribute responsibilities in the group in such a way that everyone has something to do, so that no one is left out.

Now we will listen to the speeches of our classmates, their stories about how they distributed responsibilities among themselves, and we will express our opinions about their stories.

(The teacher names the topics of the projects.)

1st group: Sights of my city .

Group 2: Nature of my city

3 group: Historical monument of my city.

5. Control task


Test your ability to work with information;

Organize self-tests and self-assessments.

(Projects are presented in the form of newspapers, booklets)

6. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson


Record the new content of the meeting;

Organize reflection and self-evaluation by students of their own educational activities.

(Students take out one of the balls and explain their choice, guests also vote)

7. Summary:-Guys, our club meeting has come to an end, but work on the project “My Small Homeland” continues, since we haven’t talked about everything about our city yet. Look at the exhibitions! (in the exhibition class: - honorary citizens of Sovetsk

Books of poets of the city of Sovetsk

Books “From Tilsit to Sovetsk.”)

(briefly talk about the honorary citizens of Sovetsk, introduce the authors of books in our city, show the books “From Tilsit to Sovetsk”)

Maybe the next topics of your projects will be exactly these!

Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. 2 of the city of Rudnya” Creative project “My small Motherland” Completed by: students of grade 1b Leader: Rogova Natalya Nikolaevna 2

2015 Contents Introduction …………………………………………. 1. 2. Main part……………………………………. 2.1. What is “small Motherland”? ............................................... 2.2. Origin of the name of the city Rudnya…………………. 2.3. What does the coat of arms of our city mean? …………………… 2.4. Song about the city of Rudnya…………………………………… 2.5. Favorite places in my hometown …………………………. Conclusion………………………………………………………. 3. 4. Sources …………………………………………………….. 5. Appendix …………………………………………………… ….. 3

1. Introduction The native land is the eternal joy of the heart! Grigory Koval. Many moral qualities of a person are laid down in childhood and school years. Love for our native land, the desire to see our hometown more and more flourishing - all these feelings largely depend on how we perceive them during our school years. Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s small homeland, for one’s native nature - the place where a person was born. The nature closest to the senses is the nature of the places where we were born. The Small Motherland is the source, the beginning, from where a person takes a step into the big world. From our native corner of the earth begins the huge country of Russia, of which we are citizens. Perhaps the most powerful and exciting memories from childhood are memories of native places, favorite paths, nooks and crannies, of what makes love for one’s native land unchangeable and so unforgettable. We decided to implement the project “My Small Motherland”. It was developed within the framework of the educational discipline “The World Around us” of the Federal State Educational Standard, 1st grade. To determine student needs for the project, we brainstormed the following map: 4

I KNOW about my little I am INTERESTED, I would like to know I LEARNED, I LEARNED about my homeland Implementation period - September October 2015. It is used which involves taking into account the age, individual, psychological, system-activity approach, and physiological characteristics of students. Different types of activities and the growth of forms of communication provide positive motivation, creative potential for students, enrichment of forms of interaction with adults and peers. All events are organized in the process of educational (project lessons), extracurricular (classroom hours) activities. Goal: to create conditions for 1st grade children to accumulate knowledge about their city in the process of developing the child-adult project “My Small Motherland.” Project objectives: 1. Assimilation of cognitive information about an object, the value of which must be identified, since you cannot value what you do not know. 2. Enrich and systematize children’s knowledge about their hometown. 3. emotional value Develop an attitude towards the sights of our city. 4. Identification of students’ abilities for original, non-standard solutions to creative problems. 5. Development of creative abilities during the design of the photo exhibition “My Small Motherland”. 5

Problematic questions: 1. What is “small Motherland”? 2. Is the city of Rudnya a small Motherland? 3. Why is our city called Rudnya? 4. What does the coat of arms of our city mean? 5. What attractions are there in our city? Stages of the project: lessons from the surrounding world: “What is the Motherland?” 09.18, Project “My Small Motherland” 09.28 1. Preparatory (immersion in the project):    2. Organizational:    selection and organization of groups of project participants, determination of the direction of work: for children under the guidance of a teacher - search for information about the history of the city Rudnya, about its coat of arms, attractions, - for everyone, an excursion to the regional museum (Appendix 1.) - 14.10, - together with parents and the teacher - choosing places for photographs of favorite places of the city, its attractions. 3. Implementation of activities:  intermediate discussion on the collected photographic material,  examination of photographs with views of the small Motherland; data processing, exchange of ideas (orally).  4. Processing and presentation of the project results; presentation of the results on a stand in the hallway of the elementary school (photo exhibition):   in the form of a photo exhibition “My Little Motherland”, lesson project on the world around us “Let’s test ourselves and evaluate our achievements in the section “What and who?” Presentation of the project “My Small Motherland”,  evaluation. 5. Discussion of results (reflection): 6

 project participants discuss and analyze the information received, share opinions, ask questions,  participants discuss possible ways to apply the results of project activities in practice.  reflection – self-assessment of the work done. 6. Planned learning outcomes:  after completing the project, students will acquire the following skills:  conduct research on a chosen topic,  express their thoughts orally, make messages, share information with classmates,   establish cause-and-effect relationships, initial skills of joint productive activities, cooperation. 7

2. Main part 2.1. What is “small Motherland”? Work on the topic began with a brainstorming session “My Small Motherland”. The children expressed their opinions. As a result, we came to the conclusion that MINE is my family, mine is my street, my SMALL is a piece of a small country. because here are my friends, my home, my school... because this is my vast HOMELAND - because people dear to my heart live here. My small homeland is the place where a person was born, grew up, studied, where his relatives live, a place for which love settles in a person’s heart forever. 8

But awareness of one’s Motherland and feelings of love for it do not arise immediately. And this process happens differently for everyone. For a child in childhood, the most important thing is the mother and father. But, growing up, he begins to feel attached to friends, to his native street, to the river, to forests, fields, to his village or city. And it doesn’t matter what your homeland is: a large industrial city or a small village and what this city or village looks like. The main thing is that it’s all familiar to you from childhood. You don’t choose your homeland, just like your father and mother. You accept her, love her for who she is. And only as he grows up does a person constantly realize that he belongs to his motherland, his responsibility for it, and most importantly, his incommensurable love for her. This is how a citizen is born, this is how a patriot is formed. At all times, poets have composed poems and songs about the Motherland. Writers and artists dedicated their works to their native land. With the name of the Fatherland in their hearts and on their lips, its best sons and daughters went into battle with enemies and performed heroic deeds. After all, love for the Motherland can only be compared with love for your loved ones. Their loss means deep sorrow, and the loss of the Motherland means the loss of human happiness, the loss of faith in a future life, the loss of oneself. And if it was necessary to stand up for their beloved Motherland, for its honor and independence, then people gave the most precious thing a person has - life. For every person in his small homeland there is something he would like to talk about. So I want to describe my Motherland with its unique history and nature, with its memorable places and many other things that are important to me. Our small Motherland is the Rudnyansky district of the Smolensk region. 9

2.2. Origin of the name of the city Rudnya The city of Rudnya is located 74 kilometers northwest of Smolensk. The name “Rudnya” was given by our ancestors. More precisely, at first the place was called “Rodnya”. The settlement is mentioned under this name in written sources, the conquest of these lands by Prince Andrei Olgerdovich of Polotsk in 1363. The letter appeared in the name a little later, and this is connected with ore mining. But it was only iron ore that prompted people to settle these rather swampy areas. The fact is that the Malaya Berezina River, in the valley of which the city arose, is part of the Dnieper system. And Lake Bolshaya Rutovech is already a system of the Western Dvina. One of the roads of the great route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed here. In Rudna, a large portage of ships from the lake to the river was completed. The other end point of the portage was Mikulino. For many years Rudnya was part of the Polish state. Since 1772, Rudnya has been part of Russia. 10

The Great Patriotic War left a noticeable mark on Rudnya's life. Many residents took up arms in defense of the freedom and independence of our Motherland. In this area, the famous Katyusha battery of Captain I. A. Flerov fought against the Nazis. And the Victory Banner over the defeated Reichstag in Berlin on April 30, 1945 was hoisted by a native of Rudnya, Mikhail Egorov, who was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for this feat. Children during the didactic game “What is my city?” gave a definition to our city: G - proud, heroic O - charming, excellent R - dear, joyful O - exemplary, huge D - kind, businesslike, friendly, sincere. Modern Rudnya is a beautiful and fast-growing city in the region. 11

2.3. What does the coat of arms of our city mean? The coat of arms is a historical symbol of the city, statehood and power. In the center of the red field (bright red color is the color of the ore that was once mined on the land of our ancestors) there is a rosette of six petals. The rosette is a “talking” sign of the god Rod, the thunder god, who has come down to this day from Slavic mythology. Our ancestors worshiped this god and believed in his power and strength. The sign of God - a rosette - was placed on the gates of the houses of those living at that time. The yellow or orange color of the rosette is a symbol of wealth and trade, which our city was famous for in ancient times. In the left corner of the coat of arms is the coat of arms of the city of Smolensk. The coat of arms is framed with golden ears of corn - a symbol of the region’s affiliation with agricultural production and farming. The ears of corn are braided with a ribbon of the Order of Lenin as a sign that the largest enterprise in the region, a dairy canning plant, has this government award. 12

The coat of arms is topped with a tower with three prongs, reflecting the status of the city of Rudny as a regional center. 2.4. A song about the city of Rudnya A song about our city was written by P. Shpakov (Appendix 2.). Pyotr Artemovich was born on June 9, 1930 in the village of Lukavoye. After graduating from a vocational school, he began working at the Rudnyansk printing house. Soon he received an invitation to work as an executive secretary at the editorial office of a local newspaper. Here he became a deputy editor. His whole life was connected with the newspaper, to which he spent 42 years. For a long time, P. A. Shpakov was the rector of the University of Culture, and for 35 years he led the literary club “Sovremennik”, which he created. For 20 years he has been deputy chairman of the regional branch of the Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, one of the founders of the regional museum, and a tireless local historian. Petr Artemovich was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, a bronze medal from VDNKh, and a number of Diplomas at the All-Union competitions of the Union 13

journalists of the USSR. P. Shpakov's poems were published in various collections, almanacs, central newspapers and magazines, read on the All-Union Radio, and set to music. 2.5. Favorite places of our hometown Favorite places of our hometown for our children could be divided into three groups: 1. Historically memorable places of the city - Rudnyansky Historical Museum, the monument to the Sorrowful Mother, the memorial sign “BM13 rocket launcher”, the house museum of Hero of the Soviet Union M.A. Egorova, Kruglovsky Heights, Memorial complex to victims of the Holocaust, Memorial complex to six heroic miners, Bust of captain I.A. Flerov, M.A. Egorov, Mass grave near schools No. 1 and 2 of Rudnya, Wall of Heroes with bas-reliefs of Heroes of the Soviet Union - ours fellow countrymen and others. 2. Social and cultural facilities, household facilities: shops, kindergartens, cultural center, recreation park, district hospital, clinic, newspaper editorial office, school No. 1 and 2, Promkonservy LLC and others. 14

3. Pictures of nature in your hometown. Students in the class:     collected material about their favorite places in the city, took photographs of them, selected the best for the exhibition, and placed it in the hallway of the elementary school. 3. Conclusion The project “My Small Motherland” took two months to create. As a result, we can say that all the tasks we set were achieved, all stages were completed according to plan and within the specified time frame. The result was a wonderful photo exhibition “My Small Motherland”. It presents the best photographs of our students. The project participants not only got to know each other, but also:   found out some information about their native land, understood that small things add up to big things - our region is part of a big country called Russia, learned to work in a team, take on different roles and   responsibilities , mutual understanding, visited libraries and museums together. learned to cooperate with parents, sought to understand the role of observations, books and other sources of information in understanding the world around us, 15

 learned to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life, satisfy cognitive interests, look for additional information about their native land, country. We really liked the work. All the guys worked actively. We also want to learn as much as possible about our homeland. Our photographs have practical, aesthetic and historical value:    an exhibition of photographs adorns the wall in the school corridor, this is a reminder of the harsh history of our city, the images in the photographs are pleasing to the eye, forcing those passing by to stop, look at them and think, admire, and for our children they remind you of the days when they were made. 4. Sources  Bolotova S.A., Sibichenkova O.V. ABC of the Smolensk region: A textbook on local history for the graduating class of primary school. – part 2. – Smolensk: Rusich, 2008. – p. 177179.  Dzhumkova Z, Sterkhova L.P., Tikhonov D. Rudnya. – Moscow: Amipress, 2004. – p.4759, 89121.  Sterkhova L.P. Rudnya. Historical and social portrait of the area. – Smolensk: Worker’s Path, 1991. – p. 37, 3643, 5455, 6869. Internet resources:  History of Rudnya. From the depths of centuries.  rudnya/ History of the city of Rudnya  History and symbolism. 16

Appendix 2. P. Shpakov The song about those places was not heard, Where you and I, comrade, live. What will we tell, the singer began to sing, About our beloved city? In summer, poplar fluff flies here, and in winter, the blue of the snow sparkles. Rudnya, wonderful people inhabit you. Who love and praise you. Here our ancestor mined ore both on holidays and on weekdays. And the fire lit in the furnaces of Rudnya, in your blast furnaces, father, is the Urals. Both in labor and in military affairs - gods of the countrymen. 24

We remember and preserve: Lublin and Godov's alarm, Stepantsov's, Merkina's steps. Memory, take the mountains beyond the years To May, to Berlin, where the Victory banner soared. Standard bearer Mikhail Egorov - Rudny's son - entered immortality. The mother mourns for her daughter and son, standing on immortal guard in Rudnya. And the Katyusha, a formidable machine, has ascended to an eternal pedestal here. Masters live here to this day of good, flax fiber. And in many countries around the world they know small cans of milk. The universe will know about you And call you in all dialects, Here a new Gagarin is growing up, The one who will set a course for Venus. Become rich, blossom our cherished land, Happiness to you, fellow citizens of the mine. 25

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It always seems to us that we know everything or almost everything about our small homeland. But when we set off on a journey, we want to return home as quickly as possible, to the house where we were born, to the street where we grew up, to the place that we call “Small Motherland.” I don’t know for whom it’s different, but for me, my small homeland is my Troparevo-Nikulino district.

Research problem

Lack of sufficient information about the history of the area. on the one hand, the places where we live are familiar to everyone, and on the other hand, there are unknown points that have not been paid any attention to, so I want to expand my knowledge about my area.

Project goal: find information about the Troparevo-Nikulino area.

Project objectives:

  • Arouse interest in the historical and cultural heritage of the area.
  • Summarize and systematize students' knowledge about the area in which they live.
  • Develop a caring attitude towards the environment.
  • Develop skills in conducting cultural leisure.


Living in the Troparevo-Nikulino area of ​​Moscow in the territory of unique places, we not only do not visit them, but also know little about them. During the implementation of the project, you can acquire knowledge about the history of the area, symbols, attractions, and residents who glorified the area.

  1. Small Motherland - what is it?
  2. Municipal entity Troparevo-Nikulino. Coat of arms. Flag.
  3. History of Troparevo-Nikulino.
  4. Streets and names.
  5. Interesting facts.

Nothing on earth can be closer, sweeter than a small homeland. Every person has his own homeland. When we go somewhere, we want to quickly return home, to where we were born, to the street where we grew up, to the place we call “Small Motherland.” For me, my small homeland is my district - TROPAREVO-NIKULINO.

The TROPAREVO-NIKULINO district has its own coat of arms and flag. In the shield, located crosswise, is the flaming sword of the Archangel Michael (a symbol of the Christian faith) and a silver oriental sword, accompanied: on top - by a silver Orthodox cross, and below - by a silver headdress of the Horde khansha. The coat of arms reflects events that occurred in the 14th century.
The area got its name from two villages - Nikulino and Troparevo. The name “Nikulino” of the 14th century comes from the name of the boyar Mikula Velyaminov, who took an active part in the construction of the Kremlin.

The name of the village of Troparyovo presumably comes from the nickname of the boyar Ivan Tropar, who lived at the end of the 16th century, who served the famous Metropolitan Alexei and carried out his special assignments. One of which is associated with the construction of the Troparevsky Church, dedicated to the miracle of Archangel Michael.

After the revolution of 1917, collectivization began in Troparyovo and Nikulin. A collective farm named after Voroshilov was organized in Troparevo. The peasants of the village of Nikulino united into the collective farm “Paris Commune”. In 1939, the Church of the Archangel Michael was closed. In 1960, Troparevo and Nikulino entered Moscow. In the 1970s, the village of Troparevo was demolished, and at the same time the last huts of Nikulino were demolished.

One of the city-forming stages in the history of Troparevo-Nikulino was the Moscow Olympics in 1980. To hold the Games, it was necessary to build an Olympic village where athletes would live during the Games. An area of ​​83 hectares was allocated for construction.

Currently, there are 8 higher educational institutions in Troparevo-Nikulino, of which 3 are academies, which gives us the right to call our area one of the intellectual centers of Moscow. The district's cultural institutions are represented by: "Theater in the South-West", the Vladimir Nazarov Theater in the Olympic Village, the "Constellation" children's creativity center, and the Moscow Defense Museum.

The main streets of our area are named after prominent people.

Vernadsky Avenue: named after Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, one of the founders of the complex of modern geosciences. A monument to him was erected at the Prospekt Vernadskogo metro station.

Pokryshkina Street: named after Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin - Soviet ace pilot, fighter pilot, First Three-Time Hero of the Soviet Union. Air Marshal.

Anokhin Street: named after Pyotr Kuzmi?ch Anokhin - Soviet doctor, scientist physiologist, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.

The Street of 26 Baku Commissars was named in September 1968 in honor of the leaders of the struggle of the working people of Azerbaijan for Soviet power in 1917–1918. - twenty-six Baku commissars...

Koshtoyants Street is named after the Armenian scientist physician and physiologist Khachatur Sedrakovich Koshtoyants.

Residents of our area remember the filming of the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath” in the early 1970s. The film shows a panorama of the area at a time when there was still a village next to the temple in Troparevo.

The famous film “You Never Even Dreamed It” was also filmed in our area. The department store the main characters are going to open is the Troparevo department store next to the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station. In this frame, in the foreground is the current gymnasium 1723, in the background is house 156 on Leninsky Prospekt.

The famous parodist Maxim Galkin graduated from gymnasium No. 1753 in 1993.

The film "Courier" is also related to our area. Fyodor Dunaevsky, who played the main role in the film, studied in the same class with Anastasia Nemolyaeva, at school No. 875 (the school next door to us). Anastasia Nemolyaeva is the niece of the popular film actress Svetlana Nemolyaeva.

Living in the Troparevo-Nikulino area of ​​Moscow in the territory of unique places, we not only do not visit them, but also know little about them. During the implementation of the project, I acquired knowledge about the history of the area, symbols, and attractions. It is very important to know as much as possible about the place in which you live.

Thank you for your attention!


Many moral qualities of a person are laid down in childhood and school years. Love for our native land, the desire to see our hometown, republic, country more and more growing and flourishing - all these feelings largely depend on how we perceive them during our school years. While working on the project, I learned that the coat of arms of my district reflects events that occurred in the 14th century. The area got its name from two villages - Nikulino and Troparevo. One of the city-forming stages in the history of Troparevo-Nikulino was the Moscow Olympics in 1980. To hold the Games, it was necessary to build an Olympic village where athletes would live during the Games. An area of ​​83 hectares was allocated for construction. Currently, there are 8 higher educational institutions in Troparevo-Nikulino, of which 3 are academies, which gives us the right to call our area one of the intellectual centers of Moscow. The district's streets are named after prominent people of the 20th century. Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s small homeland - the place where a person was born. The Small Motherland is the source, the beginning, from where a person takes a step into the big world. From our native corner of the earth begins the huge country of Russia, of which we are citizens. Therefore, it is important to know as much as possible about the place in which you live.

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