White birch vasiliev sergey. Extra-curricular event on literary reading "Russian birch - a symbol of my Motherland"

Educational tasks: cultivate love for the Fatherland; develop the creative abilities of students; to form a sense of pride in their belonging to Russia.

Equipment: computer, CD-R with presentation (Appendix 1), screen, overhead projector, costumes: military uniform for boys, Russian sundresses for girls.

Event progress

The recording contains the song “Where the Motherland Begins” (words by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Basner).

<Слайд 1>

Where does the Motherland begin?
Probably from white birches,
From their kingdom through, milky
And from plump childish dreams.

<Слайд 2, 3>

Birch is a favorite tree of all Russian people. Slender, curly, white-trunked, she was always compared in Rus' with a tender and beautiful girl, a bride. Our poets and artists dedicated their best works to her.

<Слайд 4>

Pupil 1. How many songs, poems are composed about white-barreled Russian beauties! The poem “Birch” by S. Yesenin is well known to everyone since childhood:

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Like silver,
On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And stands, birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire
And the dawn is lazy
Walking around,
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

<Слайд 5>

Leading. The Russian birch was captured in their paintings by the artists A.A. Plastov and I.I. Levitan, A.I. Kuindzhi and A.K. Savrasov. Writer V.M. Garshin, looking at the picture of A.K. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”, said: “I would call this picture “Feeling of the Motherland”. And indeed, when you look at this canvas, you experience a painfully penetrating feeling of unity with your Fatherland. And spring ringing drops, and haze, and thin birches - all this is so familiar and so dear. And this amazing picture gives rise to love for Russia, the Motherland.

<Слайд 6>

You are so beautiful, birch
And at noon hot, and during the hours of dew,
That Russia is inconceivable without you.
And I can not imagine without your beauty.

<Слайд 7, 8>

Student 2.

Russia, cheerful side,
Dear runs country lane.
swaying like a thin birch
Bathes in light rains.

Russia, my sadness!
There are tears on the windows,
Cranes cry sadly
Saying goodbye to Russia.

My Russia, my mother,
With you I am proud and stubborn.
I live by your strength
My fatherland, Russia!

<Слайд 9>

Leading. In front of the painting “Birch Grove” by A.I. Kuindzhi feels special joy. This is what happens when you enter a birch grove on a summer day and feel the beauty of your homeland. Around are green-haired, quiet and silent birch trees, drunk with its juices.

Student 3.

My Rus', I love your birches!
From the first years I grew up with them and lived,
That's why tears come
Eyes weary of tears.

<Слайд 10>

Pupil 2. Before us is a picture of I.I. Levitan "Birch Grove". White-trunked birches covered with young, bright green foliage, a thick carpet of emerald grass, the sun's rays cannot leave anyone indifferent. The picture captivates with the freshness and play of colors, the thrill of life itself.

<Слайд 11>

So I want to read the lines:
In the meadow, on the hill,
Under the window among the fields
White birches - a symbol
My motherland.

You are so sweet to me
To any dew
In your spaces
Silence slumbers
Berezovaya, Russian Russia,
Chamomile, kind country.

The girls perform a round dance to the Russian folk song “There was a birch in the field”.

<Слайд 12>

Pupil 4. What Russian person does not love a beautiful birch?

To the weary, she promises a welcome rest, to the thirsty for coolness, she gives shade. You involuntarily recall the lines of A.A. Feta: “And eternally rainbow dreams carry you under the shade of a birch, to the streams of your native land.”

Pupil 3. There are many tragic pages in the history of our Motherland: Rus' defended itself from the invasions of the Polovtsians and Pechenegs, repulsed the hordes of the Mongol-Tatars and numerous conquerors from Europe. The invincible Napoleonic troops did not break Russia. Our country withstood under the fire of the conflagrations of revolutions and the Civil War at the beginning of the 20th century; won victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

<Слайд 13>

Pupil 5. And here the white-trunked birch gave strength to our fighters, she stood, reminding us of our beloved wives, brides, sisters... Warriors died in battle for them, for their mothers, for their Motherland and... Russian birch.

Children dressed in military uniforms come out.

<Слайд 14, 15, 16>

Pupil 4 .

I remember the birch was hurt
A fragment of a bomb at dawn,
Icy juice ran like tears
On the mutilated bark.

Cannons roared beyond the forest,
Powder smoke swirled,
But we defended the capital,
Saved a birch near Moscow.

And early - early in the spring
White birch again
Dressed in new foliage
And began to decorate the earth.

And since then, all threats
We always say:
“Native Russian birch
We will not give offense anymore!

<Слайд 17, 18, 19>

Pupil 5. The birch trees stand quietly by the soldiers' graves. How much could they tell about the terrible tragedy of the Great Patriotic War. There are no better witnesses. The last kiss and greetings, the dying soldiers sent to her, as a symbol of the Motherland.

In Russia, there has long been a custom: to plant a birch over the grave of a dead soldier so that his life continues in a green flowering tree.

There are three birch trees near the eternal flame in any corner of Russia, because every fourth Russian died during the Great Patriotic War.

<Слайд 20>

The boys' choir sing the song "Birches" (words by M. Fradkin, music by V. Lazarev) (Appendix 2).

<Слайд 21, 22, 23>

Behind the village, away at the crossroads
Field, barely visible trails
I recognized the soldier's birches,
Who dug a trench for himself.

And involuntarily remembered how they moaned
Their branches from explosions and fire ...
Near those birches picked up
Slightly alive comrades me.

Since then, with love about birches
Soldiers often said to me:
You would not have overcome the evil death,
You would not have suffered serious wounds,
If we didn't get you drunk
Bright teardrops of birches ...

<Слайд 24, 25>

The song “Birch sap” is performed (words by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Basner) (Appendix 3).

<Слайд 26>

Leading. AT terrible years birch was a symbol of the invincible Motherland.

M. Bubennov spoke very well about this in his novel “White Birch”.

“... The whole field was completely pitted with shells and mines. In places the first snow was swept clean. Like an iron broom. In some places it is densely mixed with the earth and covered with gunpowder fumes. Black heaps of metal were all over the field...

And in the midst of this terrible field, where fire and iron raged with furious force all day long, where everything was trampled down by death, on a small bare hillock, as in the morning, a lonely white birch stood and quietly glowed in the twilight.

Costs! Andrey whispered in amazement. Nature herself placed her here to adorn the field, poor in decoration, and therefore nature herself granted her immortality. And Andrei felt even more strongly what came to him for the first time in his life. But now he knew: this is the happiness of victory.”

<Слайд 27>

War dreams subsided
Lead does not clatter hum
On the bitter wounds of the birch
How the memory of the past is preserved.

<Slide 28>

Leading. A birch grows in Volgograd, grows on the land that has survived 200 fiery days. She remembers the ruined city, the bomb explosions, the rivers of blood, the moans of the dying. Here our soldiers fought to the death, survived and won.

A group of children performs the song “Birch Grows in Volgograd” (words by M. Agashina, music by G. Ponomarenko) (Appendix 4).

For me, birch is a part of Russia.
She is, and will be, and was ...
Here the birch was irrigated with dew,
And she stands white - white.

<Slide 29>

There is a heartbeat in the recording.

Leading. Memory... It has its beginning, but it has no end. 2010 marks the 65th anniversary of the last salvos of World War II.

<Слайд 30>

Our soldiers liberated Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Hungary from the Nazis. Many of them died and are buried there. Curly birch trees grow on the graves of our warriors as a sign of gratitude for accomplished deeds and feats, as a symbol of invincibility and striving for life.

<Слайд 31>

Student 6.

In Treptow - a park of white birches,
Like Russian widows stand.
And shed tears, not dew
On the graves of fraternal soldiers.

Birches! You are the sadness of Russia ...
Widow's inescapable longing
Through bad weather, filled with grief,
Brought here from afar.

Brought, put forever
At the steps of mournful silence.
Since then, you, without closing your eyelids,
You bring dreams to the soldiers.

Oh birches! White birches!
Part of Russia, part of my soul!
The sun won't dry your tears
The wind in the foliage does not rustle ...

Heavy polished slabs
And harsh as retribution steel,
Son of Russia from red granite
Through you he looks into his native distance.

He sees Russia to Vilyuysk,
He hears his own language...
And you can hear how to crunch
He clutches a drawn sword.

<Слайд 32>

Leading. Memory is the first day of the world. On this day, the fighters fired into the air not for joy that they were alive - it was the first salute to the fallen, the first salute of Victory, the first salute of Memory, and it seemed to them that the world would not hear more shots.

<Слайд 33>

Under the canopy of ancient birches
My Russia rests.
Not the one that rose to the stars
And the one that grew in the flood
Bathed bare feet.

Student 10.

That walked through the forest clearing
With his sweeping scythe,
That indevela with her whole back,
Abundantly expressed salt.

Student 11.

Carried on her arms
Wearing corns and shackles -
Yes, famous throughout the ages
My homespun Russia.

student 12.

And life is alive
And near the sacred stumps
The birch tribe bloomed wildly.
From their inseparable glow
The whole earth becomes light.

student 13.

They stand, the roads of the fringe,
And weave, and weave a canopy over the stillness of the rivers.
Oh, my Rus'! Birch Grove,
Which will never be cut down...

<Слайд 34>

Leading. We can talk about the white-trunked birch for a long time: this topic is inexhaustible. Hundreds of years will pass, but the birch will not lose its significance: as in the old days, it will symbolize our immortal, glorious and mighty Motherland, whose name is Russia. And wherever the Russian birch grows, everywhere it is joy for people, everywhere it is light for people! She stands, the beauty of the Russian forest. And it will stand forever, because our people are eternal, the Russian land is eternal!

Student 14.

Again about them, curly and whitish ...
And what to do here, if in Rus'
There are birch trees along all roads,
At least a day, at least a year, at least eternity wheels.

"Russia" - birches whisper to me,
"Russia" - the reeds whisper,
"Russia" - the key murmurs in the hollow,
And I quietly echo them: "Rus".

Your loads are not difficult for me:
I grew up in the field, I am Russian forelock,
And I love you in Russian
My birch Rus'!

<Слайд 35>

The song “Birch” performed by Nikolai Rastorguev and the group “Lube” sounds in the recording.


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  2. Loginova L. B. I remembered everything of the past. // Reading, learning, playing - 2006. - No. 4. - With. 26–32.
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Sergei Aleksandrovich Vasiliev - a famous Soviet poet, was born on July 17 (301st Gregorian), 1911 in the city of Kurgan. These days marks the 100th anniversary of his birth.

In 1928 A.M. Gorky, living in Italy, received by mail a notebook with poems by a young man. They guessed the natural gift of the author. And Alexei Maksimovich wrote a review of the manuscript, said encouraging words. This inspired Sergei. His Kurgan teacher A.E. turned out to be right. Sharov, when he predicted: "You will be a poet!" And he worked on poetry without releasing a pencil, while earning a living, than he had to - as a loader, a worker at a cotton factory, a stoker, a nurse.

The first poems by Sergei Vasilyev appeared in Moscow newspapers and magazines in the early 1930s, and in 1933 the first book, Age, was published. Serious success was brought to him by the poems "The Dove of My Childhood" and "Anna Denisovna" published in 1935.

During the Great Patriotic War, Sergei Vasilyev fought as a war correspondent in the Moscow region, participated in the liberation of Ukraine and Crimea, and passed through Poland and Germany. The military, patriotic theme became a cross-cutting theme in his poetic work.

I love you, my Russia, for the clear light of your eyes, for your mind, for your holy deeds, for your sonorous voice, like a stream.

Forever connected with you by one common fate, I am proud, as a mother, of you, blessing for the battle. In a moment of grief, in an hour of separation, I always mentally kiss your hard-working hands during the hours of continuous work. In the dead of night of a military storm and in the bright afternoon of celebration, I carry in myself, like a priceless gift, the fire of great kinship. In dugouts, in huts and in mansions, your outfit is equally beautiful. I love the snowstorm of your bird cherry trees and your red leaf fall.

I love your meadows and fields, the transparent heat of your plains, the willows leaning towards the water, the tops of the flaming mountain ash.

I love you with your taiga, with the reeds sung three times, with the great Volga river, with the mighty, fast Irtysh.

I love, I deeply understand the pensive sadness of the steppes. I love everything that I call in one broad word "Rus".

But now I sing and glorify not your chamomile peace, I glorify Rus' as a heroine, as a land of human pride.

I love you, my Russia, for your fighting character, for thunderous trials, for your majestic appearance. I love you because you were the first in the world, having destroyed the laws of slavery, you angrily threw off heavy weights from yourself. That on the ruins of tsarism, with your own hand, you, my Fatherland, erected a world of human justice. And at the hour when it was time to defend him in battle, you bravely stood up to your full height for your eternal truth.

I love you because again in the struggle you saved freedom, that you said the decisive word with a sword in your hands.

That, having won, shaking off fatigue, unshakable and firm, you again turned out to be an example at the construction site of peaceful labor. Your bayonets glisten in the sun, your fires burn in the night, your enemies tremble before you, your friends idolize you.

Your jubilant strength under the shadow of fire banners united and rallied the family of young republics.

Do not count now your riches, do not open the sacred bonds, do not divide the banners of brotherhood and do not terminate their union. By the direct path of glorious deeds, you honorably entered the open space, rightfully the first among your equal illustrious sisters.

White birch

I remember the birch was hurt

fragment of a bomb at dawn.

Icy juice ran like tears

along the mutilated bark.

Cannons roared beyond the forest,

gunpowder smoke billowed.

But we defended the capital,

saved a birch near Moscow.

And early in the spring

white birch again

dressed in new foliage

and began to decorate the earth.

And since then, all threats

we always say:

"Native Russian birch

no more offense!"

Glory to the new

Music by Anatoly Novikov

That is not a blizzard making noise,

And it's not the wind that sings

Flying into Red Square.

That is the Soviet banner

From the Kremlin Heights

Over the gray eyelids

Glory to the new Moscow!

Glory to our country!

Glory to the Russian capital!

Glory to a free people!

Glory to bold dreams!

Glory to strong hands!

Glory to Stalin, friend


That is not the horses standing by the king

Not the boyar nobility looked in,

That great Volga to the foot

Bow to Ilyich

wrapped up.

It's not the birds that sing high

in the blue

And the waves don't crash

This glory thunders about the great

About the capital of Soviet Russia!


Music by Isaac Dunayevsky

Snakes under the wheels

steel sheet,

No tired, no tired

I look out the window.

Forests, Russian plains,

hillocks and bushes,

wooden platforms,

iron bridges...

beloved, friend,

wide, green

Native land, Motherland,

happy living!

Eh, how much I have seen, eh,

how much I traveled

Oh, how much I have passed -

and all around mine!

That brick factory -

high pipe,

Now the whitewashed hut, now in the field


And everything is dear to the heart, and no

such a verst

Village or city to be

someone else's to you.

Already dew behind the glasses, already

see the moon

And I'm standing chained

to the car window...

It's time to shine

night lamp,

And I look at dusk and quietly

beloved, friend,

wide, green

Native land, Motherland,

happy living!

Eh, how much I have seen, eh,

how much I traveled

Oh, how much I have passed -

and everything is mine now!

Tyumen region. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Nizhnevartovsk region.



Synopsis of a literary reading lesson

on this topic:

S.Vasiliev "White birch"

Prepared by: Komalova Lyubov Aleksandrovna

2015 - 2016 academic year

Theme: S. Vasiliev "White Birch"

Goals and objectives:

cognitive : to acquaint with the biography of S. Vasiliev, her poem "White Birch".

- to introduce children to the tree - which has become a symbol of Russia, to talk about the benefits birch brings to people.

Work on improving reading skills: correctness, fluency, expressiveness, activate thoughtful reading;

to acquaint students with works on military topics;

Form at junior schoolchildren value orientation, the ability to form moral judgments;

Develop skills of expressive reading, analysis of poetic text, reading by heart;

Metasubject: determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson;

Learn to express your assumption based on working with text, with proverbs;

Develop imagination, fantasy, creativity;

Improve listening skills, make assumptions;

Expand lexicon children, contribute to the development of the reader's outlook;

Learn to give an emotional assessment of the activities of the class in the lesson.

Personal: define and express the rules of conduct in cooperation (ethical norms);

Show the importance of respect for the people who fought during the Second World War and the memory of the dead, the ability to create an atmosphere of trust;

To promote in children a sense of responsibility for their actions, the ability to stand up for themselves.

Cultivate good feelings and respect for loved ones;

Learn to evaluate your own behavior and the behavior of others.

During the classes :

1. Organizational moment.

We start the lesson.

The bell rang a long time ago.

We'll drop everything!

It's time for us to get busy!

2. Checking homework.

Expressive reading poems by E. Moshkovskaya “I offended my mother”

3. Actualization of basic knowledge.

Slide 2-3 + Appendix 1

A) Work with proverbs: the game "Collect a proverb".

There is no better friend he has one homeland.

One person has a mother, like a land of people.

The mother feeds the children like a mother.

Motherland stand up for her.

What are these proverbs about?

slide 4

In Ozhegov's dictionary: Motherland -

1. Fatherland, native country;

2. this is the place of birth, the origin of someone or something.

What is homeland for you? (home, mother, father, relatives, school, village or city, garden, flowers, etc.)

Slide 5 + Appendix 2

B) Work on the poem by Z. Alexandrova "Motherland" Underline the words that the author used to describe the homeland.

If they say the word "homeland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And chamomile...

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

In the puddles the first boats

Where there was a skating rink recently,

And a big neighboring factory

A loud joyful horn.

Let's read the poem in unison.

4. Physical Minute

5. Setting the topic and objectives of the lesson.

What section are we studying?

slide 6

I propose to go to the gallery of portraits.

What poet do we not know yet? (Vasiliev)

Slide 7

Open your textbook to page 122. Formulate the topic of the lesson.

What should we learn?

6. Learning new material.

A) Acquaintance with the poet S. Vasiliev

Sergei Alexandrovich was born on July 17 (30), 1911 in Kurgan. The father died of typhus, but the mother could not bear it and also died.

After graduating from the seven-year school, Sergei Vasiliev moved to Moscow in 1926, where he studied acting. At the same time, he worked as a watchman, a stoker in a hospital, and later as a worker in a factory. In 1931 he was accepted into the drama ensemble. He successfully performed on stage, but his passion for poetry turned out to be stronger, and a period of literary creativity began in his life.

In the early 1930s, the first poems by S. A. Vasiliev appeared in Moscow newspapers and magazines. The first book was published in 1933 young poet"Age". Later he studied at the Literary Institute.

During the Great Patriotic War, the poet fought as a war correspondent in the Moscow region, in Ukraine and in the Crimea, passed through Poland and Germany.

Many of the poet's works are connected with his small homeland, with the nature beyond the Urals, to which he dedicated the poems "Straight Streets of Kurgan", "Beyond the Ural Ridge", "On the Tobol River", "Hut over the Tobol" and many others.

December 29, 1973 was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the city of Kurgan."

Slide 8

Verification test"Yes or no".

Slide 9

B) Reading a poem by a teacher

Slide 10

- Guess what this poem is about?

Listen to the poem. Will your assumptions be confirmed?

B) primary perception

slide 11

What time is the poem talking about?

Why do you think this poem is in this section - “I love Russian nature. Spring"?What holiday will soon be celebrated by all the people? (Victory Day)

Why do you think the poem is called "White Birch"? Why did the author dedicate this poem to the birch? (birch is a symbol of Russia)

AT) vocabulary work

slide 12 - 14

Iced juice - cold;

mutilated bark - damaged;

Powder smoke - smoke after a shot, from gunpowder;

D) Reading a poem by students.

On whose behalf is the poem written?

When does the soldier tell about what happened? (After the war, because he says ... I remember ...).

Describe the state of the soldier. (Experience for their homeland, capital, joy that the war is over)

7. Work on the text.

a ) Selective reading

1. When was the birch injured? What time of year? How was it determined? What time of day?

2. Where did the fight take place? (Near Moscow)

3. What did the warriors decide?

b) Literary means:

slide 15

What epithets are there in the work? (icy juice, powder smoke, native Russian birch)

G) Work on expressiveness:

What feelings does this poem evoke? (Feeling of patriotism, love for the motherland, for nature).

slide 16

Much has been written about this great tragedy in the life of the people. Many documentaries and feature films about heroism have been shot Soviet people. Alexey Novikov - the composer wrote the music to the words of this poem. Listen.

    Listening to the song "I remember that the birch was wounded"

We must always remember those people who have won world peace.

Slide 17

8. Reflection

What did you learn in the lesson?

What would you commend yourself for?

What did you do especially well?

Slide 18

9 . Summary of the lesson. Homework explanation .

Did you like the lesson?

How to express your love for the Motherland?

How to prove yourself so that everyone can see that you are a worthy citizen of your homeland?

Today in the lesson we have traced how it is possible to convey feelings, emotions, love with the help of poems, paintings.

I propose to complete the project in groups p.123 of the textbook

Appendix 2

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And chamomile...

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

In the puddles the first boats

Where there was a skating rink recently,

And a big neighboring factory

A loud joyful horn.

If they say the word "homeland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And chamomile...

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

In the puddles the first boats

Where there was a skating rink recently,

And a big neighboring factory

A loud joyful horn.

If they say the word "homeland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And chamomile...

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

In the puddles the first boats

Where there was a skating rink recently,

And a big neighboring factory

A loud joyful horn.

If they say the word "homeland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And chamomile...

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

In the puddles the first boats

Where there was a skating rink recently,

And a big neighboring factory

A loud joyful horn.

If they say the word "homeland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And chamomile...

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

In the puddles the first boats

Where there was a skating rink recently,

And a big neighboring factory

A loud joyful horn.

If they say the word "homeland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And chamomile...

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

In the puddles the first boats

Where there was a skating rink recently,

And a big neighboring factory

A loud joyful horn.

Match the parts of the proverb:

Match the parts of the proverb:

There is no better friend, he has only one homeland.

A person has one mother, like the land of people.

The mother feeds the children like a mother.

Motherland, know how to stand up for her.

Match the parts of the proverb:

There is no better friend, he has only one homeland.

A person has one mother, like the land of people.

The mother feeds the children like a mother.

Motherland, know how to stand up for her.

Match the parts of the proverb:

There is no better friend, he has only one homeland.

A person has one mother, like the land of people.

The mother feeds the children like a mother.

Motherland, know how to stand up for her.

Match the parts of the proverb:

There is no better friend, he has only one homeland.

A person has one mother, like the land of people.

The mother feeds the children like a mother.

Motherland, know how to stand up for her.

Match the parts of the proverb:

There is no better friend, he has only one homeland.

A person has one mother, like the land of people.

The mother feeds the children like a mother.

Motherland, know how to stand up for her.

Appendix 1
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